The importance of commentary


Championship Contender
I've been rewatching a lot of old WWF PPV's on the Network recently, and also watching some for the first time that I had never seen.

I noticed this while watching WM 10, where Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler did the commentary.....and it was not good. Very jarring experience, as I'd been used to the brilliance of Jesse Ventura, Gorilla Monsoon, and later Bobby Heenan as I've been somewhat going in chronological order.

Vince was just never that good. And while Lawler would become good, he really hadn't found his stride yet at WM 10. And they had little chemistry.

When talking about the two most popular eras in WWF/E history: the Hulkamania years and the Attitude Era, we usually focus on the wrestlers. IMO, it's worth noting that Ventura/Monsoon and later Heenan/Monsooon(both in the Hulkamania era), and then Jim Ross and Lawler in the Attitude Era(but mainly Ross), are generally considered the best commentators, and those eras were their respective peaks as commentators. Like.... Heenan wasn't the same in WCW. Ross wasn't as good in his early WWF years, and in his later WWF years(still great, and great in WCW). Lawler is GOD AWFUL now, and wasn't very good in the early-mid 90's either. These commentators all had their respective peaks, and their brilliance at their peaks played a huge role in their respective eras of wrestling.
I stopped watching about 12 or 13 years ago. I just became interested again earlier this year and you're right.

Going from ross to cole is like going from steak to hot dogs.
My ideal team on commentary would be Regal and Riley. To hell with three-man teams. One play-by-play, one colour. And FOCUS ON THE FREAKING WRESTLING!!! Throw in a little background about wrestlers, what some moves are called, why they hurt, etc. Know what kind of story is trying to be told, and shut up when you need to and let the action speak for itself. That being said, I agree with you about King. He needs to retire from the booth. If the Miz retires, or, God forbid, Punk comes back, they would be great as commentators as well.
I think great commentary does add a lot to an event and could make a bad match sound exciting or equally could ruin a good match if the commentary is off, My favourites Monsoon and Heenan, I never grew bored of watching WWF with those two on commentary even during the most horrible of matches.
Just imagine Michael Cole commentating the End of an Era Hell in a Cell match between the Undertaker and Triple H......

..... yep, I thought.
Jim Ross sold the Epic moments of that perfectly, and that was a match he came back specially to do.

I think the quality of the commentary helps elevate matches and as the above guy said; it makes a bad match bearable and could ruin a good match(like if Cole did the aforementioned End of an Era match)...
Commentary is very important in wrestling. If the commentary is bad, then it will kill the presence of a good match going on.
If the commentary is bad, then people wouldn't care or get invested in the match. Or the wrestlers.
Commentators job is to sell the match and wrestlers. Not shit on them or being boring or uninteresting.

Commentary now has been terrible and bland. There is no passion or anything from the commentators.

JR, Moonson, heenan, styles,punk, ventura had passion for commentary.
Il admit i did used to laugh at vince on commentary, every move would be followed by " OH WHAT A maneuver" shouts, for me Jim Ross was the best but i only started watching in 1996 so missed some of the greats like Monsoon.
Todays commentary isnt terrible, i think King is past his sell by date, but Cole and JBL are more than good enough, good banter between them, cole acting pro while JBL is outlandish and loud, they work well together
I really like JBL he reminds me a bit of Ventura, Cole however doesn't bother calling matches or delivering on big moments. JR just had a way with words that Cole doesn't have. Cole is like the period of pop music a few years ago where artists relied on a bunch of "ohs" to carry a tune. JR was a true songwriter on commentary. I wish they had someone different to pair with JBL but that's unlikely so I hope Cole can step his game up but after 16 years - that's unlikely too.
Lawler needs to go that's definite, he's been there far too long. He was okay, not great with JR because JR carried him, but yea he's a drag.

Michael Cole I enjoy listening to him and his little fights with JBL. JBL I like as well. His heelish remarks are sometimes so over the top, he makes you laugh they are so ridiculous. Especially when his hats involved.

Other than those too, Regal is busy with development, I don't know who the WWE has that they could put in there.
Il admit i did used to laugh at vince on commentary, every move would be followed by " OH WHAT A maneuver" shouts, for me Jim Ross was the best but i only started watching in 1996 so missed some of the greats like Monsoon.
Todays commentary isnt terrible, i think King is past his sell by date, but Cole and JBL are more than good enough, good banter between them, cole acting pro while JBL is outlandish and loud, they work well together

As a kid I thought Vince McMahon was an incredibly stupid man because EVERY match he would call out that someone got pinned when they didn't. "One, Two, he got him! He got him! Oh, no he didn't! It was only two!"

EVERY match. Never failed. I remember thinking he must be an absolute idiot. LOL.
As a kid I thought Vince McMahon was an incredibly stupid man because EVERY match he would call out that someone got pinned when they didn't. "One, Two, he got him! He got him! Oh, no he didn't! It was only two!"

EVERY match. Never failed. I remember thinking he must be an absolute idiot. LOL.

Oh my God I forgot all about that. He used to yell it out, half standing, face all read and his hair would almost be standing on end. I'd be halfway out of my chair as well, only to realize that it wasn't a three count, then I was bummed. Well until the next almost 3 count.

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