The Importance Of A Blood Feud

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Most of us know the deets so I'll keep this short; well done WWE creative, you have made the people care about Reigns a lot more than they were when he was headlining Mania. You gave him a good personal feud that started splendidly involving his daughter. Her physical inclusion would have cheapened it so kudos there too.

The introduction of the Black Sheep was well woven into all of this and I instantly cared about him way more than I would for Rowan. The Wyatt Family is complete.

Their matches have been great, the storytelling has been stellar and it just goes to show that every superstar needs a feud like this in his upper mid card career. The real litmus test to see how the people react and if they connect to the protagonist.

I am genuinely excited about their Hell In A Cell match now.
I especially loved the way that Roman Reigns spent last night's match hell bent on trying to destroy Bray Wyatt even though it was a 6-man tag and Bray's family were also in the match. It gives off that feeling that these 2 absolutely hate each other and it definitely bodes well not only for the upcoming Cell match but for their long term future in the company.

We know that SHIELD hated the Wyatts. We know that Ambrose hates Wyatt. We know that Reigns hates Wyatt. Wonder when we will get a Rollins vs Wyatt feud eventually.

When you sit and examine how WWE have handled the 4 guys mentioned by Vince to be "grabbing for the Brass Ring", it does seem that they are being built rather well for the long term, and it is possible that Mania 32 will be a last hurrah of sorts for most of the AE legends, thus, all the talk of "breaking the Attendance Records".
All else aside, I'm just happy that Roman isn't involved in the WWEWHC picture right now. The WWE is/was smart to distance Roman from the title picture, and putting him in this feud with The Wyatts.

Since Roman couldn't fight The Wyatts by himself, of course they put Dean by his side. Once Strowman showed up, they needed a third. Jericho was a nice surprise, but ultimately it's been Orton as their "third". Unfortunately for both Orton & Dean, they've pretty much just been their as "Roman's partners" (instead of really being involved in the feud).

I know that Ambrose has been there with Roman every step of the way, but Dean hasn't seemed important once during this feud. I know the attention is supposed to be on Reigns, but it really doesn't do anything for Ambrose (except give him a reason to be on TV). Now I know there are plenty of other guys on the WWE roster that would kill to be in Ambrose's current position - but there are so many better things Ambrose could be doing. Orton has been in the same boat as Dean, but Orton is a bit more bulletproof at this stage of his career.

So what happens to Ambrose once Reigns is done feuding with Bray? Does he continue being Reigns' sidekick? Dean has lost so much value over the past few months, and he almost seems insignificant. I hope there's something for Ambrose to do once this is over, but I doubt WWE Creative and/or Vince has thought about anyone's future but Roman's. Like I said before, Orton should be fine - he's pretty much bulletproof...but I worry about where The Wyatts & Ambrose will go after this feud ends.
I must be the only person here who doesn't give two shits about this feud. Just seems to me like it's Shield/Wyatt 2.0, but without Rollins and Rowan. It just doesn't feel right somehow.

Another part of the reason is sick and tired of Wyatt in general. And the other is the way Ambrose is being used. Instead of giving him a decent feud of his own, he's a sidekick to Reigns. Yes I know he's on TV each week and part of this feud but what happens when it's over? Reigns will move on to bigger and better things, Wyatt will interrupt another match and another feud will start, and Ambrose will be just hanging around with nothing to do.

I'm just afraid all this is being done to move Reigns ahead and they really don't give a damm about anyone else. The above poster was right, Ambrose has become insignificant in this whole thing. Shit fans talk more about Strowman than they do about Ambrose now.
I especially loved the way that Roman Reigns spent last night's match hell bent on trying to destroy Bray Wyatt even though it was a 6-man tag and Bray's family were also in the match.

Agreed. During matches, when Roman has to deal with Strowman or Harper in the ring, he does......but whenever he's not doing that, he's staring directly at Wyatt, as if indicating that Bray is his sole focus and whatever he has to do to get to him, that's what he'll do.

To address another issue in this thread, I believe that after this feud is over, Reigns and Dean Ambrose will stop teaming, as Roman will be directed toward the singles push he seems to have gotten away from.....while Dean goes to whatever lesser function Creative might have planned for him.
I must be the only person here who doesn't give two shits about this feud. Just seems to me like it's Shield/Wyatt 2.0, but without Rollins and Rowan. It just doesn't feel right somehow.

Another part of the reason is sick and tired of Wyatt in general. And the other is the way Ambrose is being used. Instead of giving him a decent feud of his own, he's a sidekick to Reigns. Yes I know he's on TV each week and part of this feud but what happens when it's over? Reigns will move on to bigger and better things, Wyatt will interrupt another match and another feud will start, and Ambrose will be just hanging around with nothing to do.

I'm just afraid all this is being done to move Reigns ahead and they really don't give a damm about anyone else. The above poster was right, Ambrose has become insignificant in this whole thing. Shit fans talk more about Strowman than they do about Ambrose now.

The best thing you can do at this point is turn Ambrose heel against Reigns. Ever since Reigns started feuding with Brock we got to see a more personal side of Reigns. An Ambrose heel turn may be what's needed for both of their careers.

It's not like we'll see Ambrose vs. Rollins again anytime soon. He already competed for the IC title and he's the longest reigning WWE US champion but we haven't seen what he can do as a heel outside of the heel, a great opportunity to show even more character growth since leaving The Shield.

Reigns vs. Rollins is bound to happen in the near future but how about Ambrose vs. Reigns. Ambrose is such a great heel and he could bring the best out of Reigns, maybe expose of a side of Reigns we hadn't seen before. He's Reigns' only friend so the fans could grow sympathetic for Reigns and hate Ambrose even more. Maybe he could be the guy to take Cena's title, raise hell in the WWE midcard.
The best thing you can do at this point is turn Ambrose heel against Reigns.

It might work out for Dean because coz he would then have an even slower burn which would be great for him given how things have stalled for him for a few months now; but it would be the end for Reigns. At least for some time.

Dean has a connection and its burning under the surface, he would be cheered no matter what; Reigns would again be hated because people just like the other guy more and smell backstage favoring. It would start with the smart city fans and as with the Yes!, it would spread because people love monkeying in arenas. Again.

Bad for Reigns
It might work out for Dean because coz he would then have an even slower burn which would be great for him given how things have stalled for him for a few months now; but it would be the end for Reigns. At least for some time.

Dean has a connection and its burning under the surface, he would be cheered no matter what; Reigns would again be hated because people just like the other guy more and smell backstage favoring. It would start with the smart city fans and as with the Yes!, it would spread because people love monkeying in arenas. Again.

Bad for Reigns

Pretty much this with regards to turning Ambrose Heel and keeping Reigns face.

Ambrose's biggest obstacle right now, is that he is in limbo, yet, I still get the idea that he is over with the majority of the fanbase(on a higher scale than Cesaro,lMO), and whenever WWE decides to seperate him and Reigns, and possibly push Ambrose in a seperate direction, he will get back on track rather easily.
Ambrose's overness with the 'smarks' especially is something I feel WWE covets, because it allows them to screw around with him and keep him in limbo whilst dealing with a guy like Reigns who doesn't quite offer that luxury due to his initial ME push(which he is still suffering from even now).

In actual fact, a Heel turn for Reigns which would see him opposing a yet again betrayed Babyface Ambrose would make much more sense at this point. And as I read in another thread, I'd go all the way and have Reigns win the Rumble yet again, this time as a heel. The amount of heat he would get in the lead-up to Mania 32 would be immense if his Heel booking is done properly.
First off Roman and Bray go at it in a bloody battle in the cage back and forth an awesome battle until Rowan appears and interferes nobody wins. After this battle the cage goes up Bray is bloody Roman and Rowan go at it Dean comes out to help, out comes Randy and Luke out comes Strowmann. Than this is where Roman snaps and he clears out everyone even Dean, next starts a Roman/Dean feud.

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