The Impact of the BFG Series For 2013...


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
Last year the winner of the BFG series was Bobby Roode. Although this year's series is 100% better structured the shock waves of last year are still rippling as although Roode didn't win the title at TNA's biggest event of the year, he went on to dominate the entire 2012 thus far.

Built much like a 3 month Royal Rumble, where the winner goes on to main event against the World Champion at TNA's biggest ppv, it also could very well signify the birth of something much more. So in saying that:

Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?
Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?

Yeah surely it is. Roode is already a good example of an established superstar to come out of BFG series. TNA will be stupid if they don't let Storm win here, he is over and popular with the fans and pretty much involved in main event storylines at the moment (involving Aces and 8's). That is another reason Storm will be winning this year's BFG. Storm vs Roode for World Title at BFG makes a lot sense at the moment as the feud has some history behind it. If Storm wins the BFG series and the World Title at BFG he is going to be easily the next break-out star and the wrestler surely has the talent to be the leading face of the company.

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?

Mostly yeah, depends if he wins the World Title and how long he holds it.

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?

Yeah Storm should win the BFG series, he is being built into a main-eventer throughout 2012 and even so currently, not only this but he is also leading the points table.

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?

Yeah Storm should take the title from Roode or Aries this year at BFG. TNA should not waste this opportunity and make stupid booking like Angle winning over Roode last year.

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?

Depends if Aries walks in as the World champion at BFG. If Styles, Joe or Angle are winning then it will be likely one of them challenging Aries for World Title at BFG. Although more then that I see Storm winning the BFG series. But if Angle or Styles let Aries go over them at BFG main event, then it will surely help Aries big time.

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?

James Storm wins the BFG series and walks out as the World Champion. Shouldn't be hard for TNA.
Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?

I wouldn't say its a building block for new talent. Its more of a way to revamp talent. Think of Bully Ray, he got his whole bully persona going into the BFG Series and making it into the final four last year. And both Roode and Storm were already established talents, but after the BFG Series, they became the focus of the main event.

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?

Not necessarily. Roode won last year and became the "Face" of TNA developing into one of, if not the, best heels in today's wrestling world. The winner this year could do the same thing, or it could be a flop.

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?

At first I though that it has to be James Storm. But, as the series progresses, I am beginning to think that may be a little too predictable. I fully expect Roode to walk into BFG as Champion, and him vs. Storm would be the logical match to main event the PPV. But, there is just something about this idea being seems to good to be true.

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?

I don't think it matters. Last year they showed us that the series isn't going to be a definite championship win like MITB in the E is. Looking back, it may have been the best idea to have Roode loose, because it shows us winning the Series is just the first step.

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?

I don't see Aries going into BFG as the champion. He will get an uppercard match, but not the Main Event in my eyes.

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?

Like I said before, logic says Storm. But, we could get a surprise like Hardy, Styles, or Angle. as of now, I have no idea.
Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?

I wouldn't say its a building block for new talent. Its more of a way to revamp talent. Think of Bully Ray, he got his whole bully persona going into the BFG Series and making it into the final four last year. And both Roode and Storm were already established talents, but after the BFG Series, they became the focus of the main event.

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?

Not necessarily. Roode won last year and became the "Face" of TNA developing into one of, if not the, best heels in today's wrestling world. The winner this year could do the same thing, or it could be a flop.

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?

At first I though that it has to be James Storm. But, as the series progresses, I am beginning to think that may be a little too predictable. I fully expect Roode to walk into BFG as Champion, and him vs. Storm would be the logical match to main event the PPV. But, there is just something about this idea being seems to good to be true.

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?

I don't think it matters. Last year they showed us that the series isn't going to be a definite championship win like MITB in the E is. Looking back, it may have been the best idea to have Roode loose, because it shows us winning the Series is just the first step.

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?

I don't see Aries going into BFG as the champion. He will get an uppercard match, but not the Main Event in my eyes.

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?

Like I said before, logic says Storm. But, we could get a surprise like Hardy, Styles, or Angle. as of now, I have no idea.

I definitely agree with you about the BFG series being used to revamp talent. That's why I'm thinking someone like Samoa Joe should win, he spent the last few years being buried and he's finally regaining some of his mystique back. Joe winning the series will finally put him back into that top spot where he belongs.

On the other hand James Storm has gotten so over that I don't think he needs to win this at all. Storm and Roode could co-main event BFG in an "I Quit" match or something similar and I don't see the storyline missing a beat at all.

Joe vs. Aries 2 would be one of if not THE best main event TNA has ever had. Also with TNA's recent ability to swerve and keep their angles unpredictable...more and more I'm starting to think maybe Aries will be behind Aces&8's instead of Jarrett like everyone thinks.
I believe that it allows more wrestlers to be on air in meaningful matches. It also allows the true main event talent like Kurt Angle to work with a guy like The Pope or Robbie E. I believe it also allows for competition and an easier way to book television as the fans are sucked into the standings and the prestige of winning Bound For Glory.

The BFG Series the way that it's built now allows the top 4 guys to reach a tournament and kill each other over the fact that they will not only be trying to reach the BFG finals and win the BFG series... but also become TNA Champion.

Also with the format being the way it is, it allows someone like a Robbie E. to beat Jeff Hardy while Jeff is fighting Robbie T. and in the very next week for Hardy to get his heat back by winning the 20 points at TNA Hardcore Justice.

You get a number of good matches on television and aren't wasting them in programs, but rather just one-offs and nobody expects more because this is part of the competition feel. You get 3 main event caliber matches at Hardcore Justice and a World Heavyweight Championship Match. You get 3 main event caliber matches at No Surrender with the Semi-Finals and The TNA Championship. And... you get 2 for Bound For Glory.

So I think it's a win/win/win for the wrestlers, the fans and the promotion because it doesn't require much thought in the booking process. They can let these guys fight in their little tournament while we concentrate on a bigger angle like Aces and 8's. The only thing that really fell off was the tag team titles in the past few weeks but it's hardly noticeable because they jam-pack the show with main event talent.

How is TNA going to be when the BFG ends? Now that's going to be a whole other ball game until the next BFG Series.
Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?

Too early to say. It's entirely possible, but looking at the current leaderboard, the top 8 wrestlers are all former world champions. The top competitor who is not a former word champion is Daniels, and he's already wrestled his last BFG series match. AJ Styles is the closest thing the current BFG series has to a rising star, since he's been out of the main event for a while and is still fairly young.

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?

I'd say there's a good chance that the winner of this tournament will have a very strong 2013, but I doubt they will repeat the dominance that Bobby Roode had.

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?

To be honest, no.

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?

I'm guessing the winner of the series does win the title this year.

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?

No. Aries might be the current champion, but for the BFG series to mean something its winner needs to win the title at some point down the road.

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?

Samoa Joe. Some have predicted a triple threat between Storm, Roode and Aries, but I think Storm and Roode will have their one on one match not for the title. Who does that leave. The top six are as follows: James Storm (will be facing Roode), Samoa Joe, RVD (probably won't ever win the TNA title again), AJ Styles (something tells me he'll have one final blow-off match with Daniels and/or Kazarian at either No Surrender or Bound For Glory), Kurt Angle (I don't think they'll give this match to a veteran) and Bully Ray (see Angle). I do see Joe winning the TNA World Heavyweight Title at BFG or soon afterwards.
Is the series a building block for a new talent to break out?
Well, it was last year. I don't think there's nearly enough history behind the series to say for sure whether it will become as such though. This year's tournament was really filled with TNA's solid upper-midcard. Jeff Hardy, RVD, Mr. Anderson, James Storm, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, etc etc. Not really guys you'd label as "new talents". So I would say no, it's more of a building block to create buzz for Bound for Glory, and to get a lot of guys over at once.

Does that mean the winner of this year's event will go on to dominate 2013?
I'm hoping Bobby Roode dominates in 2013 personally. But, he could probably remain on top of Impact until 2015 and I'd have no problem with it. I don't think it's likely any of the guys left in the tournament are going to "dominate" TNA next year; some of them may continue to be big stars however. Look at that list again. Almost everybody there has held the World Title before. Who hasn't? Bully Ray... He's the only guy I could see take TNA by storm in 2013, but that's IF he gets a new contract. I'm honestly too scared that Aces & Eights is going to kill a lot of good momentum to say that anybody is going to break through next year.

Do these questions change or solidify who you think will win the series?
I think by numbers it's going to come down to Bully Ray vs. RVD vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe at No Surrender. At least, that's what they were headed towards at last glance. Kurt Angle is up there, and I think Jeff Hardy has a small chance. I honestly have no clue who's going to win and that's part of the fun. Much like I have no clue who's going to be behind Aces & Eights...

As Roode lost at BFG last year, will booking mix it up and have the winner go on and win the title this year?
I don't know, I'm not really happy with the Austin Aries reign so far. On the other hand I'm not sure I'd be any more happy with an RVD or Samoa Joe reign either. Bully Ray would be the best bet, and if it comes down to that than I'd say yes. But it's pretty impossible to even make a guess until we know for sure who the contender is.

As Aries is the current Champion will the winner be simply there for an amazing main event match and to solidify Aries' reign?
Essentially the last question, backwards. Ish. I can't answer that until we know who the opponent is. Samoa Joe could probably work the best match with Austin Aries. RVD is solid, but I always feel like we've seen it all with him (don't tell Coco). AJ Styles won't win, which is why I said Joe has the best chance of putting on a great match... Which is a shame because the old Styles vs. the new Styles would have been a fantastic match. Definitely Bound for Glory quality.

Who do you think will win the BFG series? And will they walk out the Heavyweight Champion of the World?
You know, in a round-about way you've kind of asked the same question like three times? I don't know. Bully Ray would be my best guess. AJ is the dark horse, but only because he'll probably end up with Daniels and Kazariat at Bound for Glory.

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