The Green Lantern

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Just got back from seeing the Green Lantern. If anyone is on the fringe if whether to go I would say go. Overall great animations and a good storyline. The acting is pretty good and the action is intense. Also the humor is appropriate. It has an interesting twist to it that sets up a sequel which is always interesting. as well. Generally very well done movie.
I've heard this is absolutely awful, from several people/sources.

If the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises had been attached, I might have gone. Glad it wasn't, actually.
Yeah, I don't wanna see it either. Have heard nothing but "It's shit!" or "I didn't enjoy it" from friends. Might watch it online, if I can spare time.
When even the unwashed masses don't like it, you know you have shit on your hands. I'm going to see it with friends today despite my begging we go see Kung Fu Panda 2 instead. I suppose at least my morbid curiosity will be satisfied and I'll have a new film against which to measure people's taste.
Im pretty sure that vast majority of the people bashing it, were ready to bash it before ever seeing it, and critics rarely ever like comic book movie, & generally shit all over them whether they are good or not.

Personally I was entertained, does it have some flaws, oh fuck yes, could it have used a little more focus on the Corps, definitely, but it was entertaining enough, and set up Hal Jordons story, this is going to be one of those movies that you either like or you don't like, very little middle ground
From what I've read, non GL fans hated it GL fans loved it.
From what I've read, non GL fans hated it GL fans loved it.

I'm a casual GL fan at best, I've read maybe two full arcs, counting the current War of the GL that DC is just now finishing up, & I found myself happy with the movie, the biggest criticism I keep reading from people is that it was "Dull as fuck", which is absolute bullshit, the final 20 mins. alone are pretty much nonstop action
I've never cared what people say about a movie, because people are generally idiots. So, I'll go see it.
Brian Lynch tried to start a tweet war with me over the fact that I enjoyed the movie telling me that I was wrong for being entertained by it, which just left me there staring at the screen thinking, "did the dude who made a movie about a bunny who shits jelly beans just start a tweet war with me over likely GL?"... he wound about getting a trip straight to KA-Blocksville
As a true Green Lantern fan, I loved it from start to finish. As a Ryan Reynolds fan, I loved it even more. The cast was perfect, the action was gratuitous and beautiful, especially his training session with Kilowog. I thought it was a great movie and they also teased the appearance of the future Sinestro Corps and Star Sapphire, which means there's going to be at least one sequel, and hopefully they'll do Blackest Night eventually. I was the guy in the theater saying the oath along with Hal whenever he said it, just fyi.
Personally for someone who loves comics/superheroes in general. And knows the actual GL story it was good. I can understand that those who have no background knowledge would find it uninteresting. Although I personally marked out when the ring of fear was made.
Personally for someone who loves comics/superheroes in general. And knows the actual GL story it was good. I can understand that those who have no background knowledge would find it uninteresting. Although I personally marked out when the ring of fear was made.

That's the problem with a lot of the comic movies.. That some of ,not saying all,but some of the people who see them, have no knowledge of the comic. they base their opinion off of other action movies they have seen. You can NOT judge your opinion of GL, based off of watching something like Thor, or Batman.
Got any GL book recommendations, Justin? Always was much more of a Marvel guy.

As I said, I've only really read 2 GL arcs, however I found this on iFanboy, it should be more helpful is suggesting shit than I would

Green Lantern: Where Do I Start - UPDATED!
11 Posted on Jun 15, 2011 in articles by Josh Flanagan

This article originally appeared just over 2 years ago, right before the start of Blackest Night. Most of the suggestions still hold true, but I've added some notes in italics, and one more suggestion at the bottom. But if you're interested in the movie, or have just always wanted to get started with Green Lantern, this is the place.

This isn't everything that's been published, even since Geoff Johns has been writing the title. You wouldn't need an article for that, would you? You'd just go buy everything. These are the more essential stories, and frankly the best of them.

Green Lantern: Rebirth - Hal Jordan was dead, and they had to bring him back. Rebirth is that story, and it marks the start of Geoff Johns' legendary run with the ring wielder. Johns has a great knack for bringing you up to speed without feeling like you're just reading exposition. Teamed with artist Ethan Van Sciver, this is the start of the definitive modern Hal Jordan.

There is now also available an Absolute Edition of Rebirth. If you really want to dive in, this is the place.

Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 - Sinestro is Green Lantern's arch foe, when he forms his own corps of bad guys wearing yellow rings, the we see a huge universe spanning story involving all the Green Lantern Corps, and just what makes Hal Jordan so special. This is probably the finest modern Green Lantern story to date.

Green Lantern: Secret Origin -
Published right after Sinestro Corps War, Secret Origin takes us back for an in-depth retelling of Hal Jordan's origin, including his early relationship with Sinestro, as well as his rocky start in the Green Lantern Corps. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis take the classic Hal Jordan origin story, and throw on a very fresh coat of paint, while still respecting the past.

This is the book that a whole lot of the movie was based on. If you get a copy of it now, you'll see Ryan Reynolds' face on it.

Green Lantern #36-40 and Blackest Night #0 - These issues bring us into the present, with the Rage of the Red Lanterns story arc, and the current Agent Orange arc. To be honest, I'm not sure how integral these are to the later story, but if you can grab the issues, you'll be caught right up to the current goings on. Chances are, these stories will be mostly recapped with the start of Blackest Night, but I'm also incredibly intrigued by the events with Hal Jordan and the Blue Lanterns.

The good news is, since the original article was published, Blackest Night came and went. And unlike many promises in comics, it actually delivered most of the way through. If you want to read most of it, you can do so in 2 volumes. There's Blackest Night, collecting the issues from the mini-series, and Green Lantern: Blackest Night, collecting the issues from the main title during the event. You could go so far as to read Green Lantern Corps: Blackest Night as well, but it isn't necessary.

BONUS READS! Perhaps you don't just want to know what you can read to appreciate the current stuff, but you just want to know some great Hal Jordan stories. These are the best I've read.

Green Lantern / Green Arrow Collection Vol.1 and Vol. 2 - These books compile the classic run of writer Denny O'Neil and legendary artist Neal Adams. When Hal Jordan is confronted with the real world by Green Arrow, they hit the road to see what America is really like. Touching on politics, racism, drug use, and all sorts of issues which hadn't ever been touched on in comics, these issues changed not just Green Lantern, but comic book history, and they've never been the same since.

DC: The New Frontier - Master creator Darwyn Cooke tells his unique take of the time just prior to the start of the Justice League of America. The story focuses very heavily on a young pilot named Hal Jordan who has no fear at all. This stripped down version of a late 50's era hero is a wonderful and elegant re-imagining of Green Lantern, and his place in the DC Universe.

Showcase Presents: Green Lantern, Vol. 1 - If you really want to go back to the place where it all started, check out these black and white reprints of Hal Jordan's earliest adventures, written by John Broome, and illustrated by Gil Kane. This includes the first appearance of Hal Jordan from 1959's Showcase #22, as well as the Guardians, Sinestro, and his lifelong love, Carol Ferris. If you're a nut for the classic comics, this is the book for you. And remember folks, Stan Lee wouldn't hire Gil Kane to work at Marvel because he said he drew everyone, "too gay."

JLA: Year One - While not specifically a Green Lantern story, in 1998, Mark Waid and Barry Kitson re-told the origin of the Justice League in 12 issues. It really shines when it comes to depictions of these characters as the JLA is forming. We get to see some great moments in the relationship between Hal and Barry Allen, the Flash, and it's just a fun read. There are trades out there, but a new version will be available from DC in December later this year. If you see it in a shop, pick it up!
I know I'm one of the few, but I always enjoyed the character of John Stewart as the GL.
The second season more than the first anyway
I know I'm one of the few, but I always enjoyed the character of John Stewart as the GL.
The second season more than the first anyway

I used to be indifferent toward him until they did this to him...


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