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The Greatest Story Never Told


Dark Match Jobber
Ok so over the years we the faithful "WWE Universe" have witnessed some sensational story lines as well as a fair ammount of garbage to boot. My question is this...

What is your favourite storyline or angle that never happened?

By this I mean the story line could have just been dropped for no reason or the wrestler involved suspended or injured or something along those lines... there have been quite a few over the years. Here are a few examples to start things off...

1) Kennedy as the McMahon's secret son - We all knew that this was in the pipeline and had the potential to push young Ken through the glass ceiling... until Kennedy went and got his ass suspended resulting in the hornswaggle dilemma that dragged for months and months and months
ALSO: The McMahon limo explosion/ stage accident which ended Million Dollar mania - either could have developed into big angles

2) Regal as Raw GM - I thought that during this period Regal was really starting to shine in his role, turning the lights out during a raw main event was genuis. Unforetunatly he too got a rap for drugs and was hot shotted into being sacked as raw GM

3) Jericho with Lance Cade - Immediatly after Jericho's latest heel turn he made Lance Cade his number 2 guy. This resulted in a huge push for the guy ( he even got a pinfall over shawn michaels) but an incident on a plane brought an abrupt end to this story

4) DX vs Rated RKO - Yeah ok so this feud had been running a while but if triple H had not torn his quad again at NYR who knows where this could have ended up...

5) Paul Burchill Incest - ok so not a great story by any stretch and it would never happen now cos of the pg thing but it would have been interesting to see how far they would have pushed this

There's a few to get us started anyone else got any suggestions for the greatest story never told...?
You also can't forget the infamous "McMahon limo explosion" angle from 2007. You talk about the most cheesiest, the most fake, and the most contrived storyline ever in wrestling, this is it. From the second the limo blew up, I knew right away that it was fake and that it was all set up. This also exposed McMahon for being desperate and a tasteless prick as well if you ask me.

But if it went on, I think this storyline could've put someone over as a heel. Someone who was sadistic enough to rig a limo and blow it up with Vince McMahon in it. I mean I normally would care less about storylines that have McMahon trying to put someone over but this one could've made a new gimmick and it could've gone somewhere IMO.
This sounds like a good thread, and there are two that jump to my mind instantly.

nWo (HBK edition)- would hhh have eventually joined them, would they have dominated, all the potential fueds, and the smaller but still possible chance of nWo vs DX

Edge vs Evolution- I remember this one pretty well edge said he was going to take evolution down one by one starting with Randy Orton, Edges carrier would have been so diffrent if this one had went threw, I view it of evolution making edge big in a similar way nwo made ddp big.

Sadly both of these very good storylines got scrapped due to injury, Nash getting injured, and wwf going wwe, vince giving his little nwo and era is gone speach. Edge getting injured, with his fued against evoution being dropped completly.
Cm Punk vs Chris Benoit for the ECW Title at Night of Champions could have turned into an awesome fued...

We all know why Benoit missed the match and it is a damn shame but I honestly think that this storyline would have rejuvenated the land of extreme.
Eddie vs Batista being played out. Eddie had just won a spot on the Survivor Series team. And at No Mercy, lost to Batista. As soon as they shook hands and Batista turned away, Eddie had that smile on his face. That's where I knew this was going to be a great story. Eddie was fresh off his great feud with Mysterio and was carrying that on him. Of course, he died right before he was (allegedly) going to win the WHC in a triple threat with Batista and Orton.
i have to agree with Winternorn ... Sean O'Haire and Roddy Piper were on the verge of something great... what a shame that an HBO interview killed a great angle. I think O'Haire still could have been a great talent.. he had the look and was decent in the ring... such a waste... also i think we can put most of the possible WCW/WWF feuds in this as well, by that i mean all the superstars who didn't come with the sale. At the time i thought we could have seen some amazing combinations for feuds, instead we were left with a watered down invasion angle.
good thread man.

Im going to go with one story line that ticked me off.

Punk vs Legacy. Or maybe I should say Punk vs Randy.

Unless I am having a brian fat, I don't remember the end to this story line. Randy punted Punk in the head before the chamber mach. Punk could not defend his WHC and lost it. Punk then was out for a couple of weeks. I don't remember Punk getting any revenge on Randy.

Punk vs Benoit

Not sure if this was going to become some kind of story/ feud. I think had it happen it could have been five star. Most people say Benoit was going to go over Punk. I think this was going to be the one mach to solidify Punk as main event.

Sting vs Undertaker

Part of we wishes Sting would have crossed over to the WWE after WCW went under. Sting vs Undertaker, Good vs Evil, Heaven vs Hell.. lol Man this would have been epic and a great story line. And Im going to say the greatest story that was never told
I'll also go with Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk. That was a match I wanted to see for sure. I think both these guys were face coming into the bout.

Kane. He should've had a long, dominant run on top of the WWF/E instead of just 24 hours. He's a good worker for sure, but to think that if he'd been utilized correctly all these years, he'd be on par with The Undertaker in terms of reverance. Also, that whole deal when he was carrying around that bag with his mask. I'm not even sure if it was the mask that was inside? This dragged on way too long and I think it ended with the Fake Kane coming in. But that could be a different angle altogether. Just another example of the E missing the boat with this guy, I guess.
I always wondered what would have happened if RVD had not gotten busted for drugs. At the time he had the WWE and the ECW titles and ended up loosing both and leaving the company not long after. If he stayed could ECW have made a bigger impact?
One storyline that came to an abrupt end due to tragedy was when Brian Pillman won Terri "Marlena" Runnels as his personal assistant for 30 days. lf l'm not mistaken, l believe the day Pillman died was the 30th day, in a sad twist of irony (it was also Terri's birthday). l remember he was to face Dude Love at Badd Blood, and if he lost, l believe Goldust got 5 minutes with him in the ring.

Aside from Pillman being so far ahead of his time as far as talent and character, l really wonder what would have happened had he still been with us. lt's heavily rumored that Terri was supposedly going to choose Pillman over Goldust after the 30 days. Either way, it was a hot feud and an intriguing storyline that never got a proper ending. Also it robbed us of the opportunity to see Pillman flourish during the Attitude Era's heyday. He was tailor made for it.

Also along those same lines, at the time Owen Hart died, he'd just started portraying the Blue Blazer as a superhero combating the things that made fans love WWF Attitude. Knowing Owen, it could have opened up to a lot of classic, interesting and hilarious moments.
I always wondered what could've happened if Rock faced Shawn Michaels, remember on the First SmackDown, The Rock was facing HHH, HBK was trying to make it all fair and square as a special guest refree, not letting Shane McMahon and Chyna interfer on HHH's behalf, then all of a sudden superkicks The Rock, while The Rock was going for the people's elbow, at that time, I thought that was it, HBK has returned and he'll face The Rock, even some sites reported it, to this day why HBK superkicked Rocky wasn't explained and seeing by the way both careers are over it will never be explained, but I still feel bad about it, as Rock and Shawn were always my two favourites and a feud between them could have been a classic with 5 star classic matches involved.

Also on RAW of the date of 4th of Jan 1999, I remember HBK being taken out so that no one would help Mankind during the title match against The Rock, of course that was never explained and we never knew who did it.

There are also countless feuds that were teased on WCW and never happened, however knowing how WCW operated, it became apparent that sometimes egos clash and wrestlers refuse to work with each other, or simply WCW just only teased the feud to gain more ratings, one feud that I remember and never happened was between Goldberg and Hogan, they may have wrestled in the Georgia Dome, but instead of captilizing and continuing the feud between the Hulkster and the Man, WCW dropped the ball and if memory serves me correctly this is the only singles match between Hogan and Goldberg.
I always wondered what could've happened if Rock faced Shawn Michaels, remember on the First SmackDown, The Rock was facing HHH, HBK was trying to make it all fair and square as a special guest refree, not letting Shane McMahon and Chyna interfer on HHH's behalf, then all of a sudden superkicks The Rock, while The Rock was going for the people's elbow, at that time, I thought that was it, HBK has returned and he'll face The Rock, even some sites reported it, to this day why HBK superkicked Rocky wasn't explained and seeing by the way both careers are over it will never be explained, but I still feel bad about it, as Rock and Shawn were always my two favourites and a feud between them could have been a classic with 5 star classic matches involved.

I can't explain why that angle never went anywhere, but the reason they never had a match was HBK refused to wrestle Rocky before his injury, claiming he wasn't on his level. When HBK returned in 2002 and The Rock was a global superstar, he wanted his marquee match with the Great One, where upon Rocky declined, returning the favour.
I can think of a few.

Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan at WM 18. This was meant to happen instead of Hogan vs Rock, but Hogan decided he didn't want this to happen.

Steve Austin vs Brock Lesnar. We all know the story here, Austin was told to job to Lesnar, decided he didn't like the idea so he walked out of WWE.

Hulk Hogan vs Shawn Michales. I know they had a brief fued that resulted in one match, but this was apparantly meant to be a 3 match series, with Hogan winning 2-1. Hogan (again) decided he didn't like this, so the angle was ended. If you have not seen the match it deffinalty worth watching. HBK didn't want to end the fued so he oversold EVERYTHING during the match. So funny, I might go and watch it again now :lol:
Chris Benoit as ECW Champion. I remember looking forward to seeing Benoit take over ECW and hopefully have amazing matches with CM Punk, but for obvious reasons it never got to happen.

Overall, this probably wasn't as "great" as it seems to me, but being a mark for both men at the time, I'll go with it. I just noticed Undying777 listed it too, so it can't be too bad.
Excellent thread! Could go on for days talking about this sorry......

The Rock vs John Cena. This feud would be up there with The Rock v Stone Cold in terms of you know full well you would tune in just to see who gets the one up on the other that week. The put downs would be immense, no need for any heel turns jus pure good v good with comedy and action thrown in at its best. Granted the action part of any match may not be a Ric Flair/Steamboat affair but it wouldnt matter one bit. Who would win? as a one off match I would have to say having Cena win is the only way to benefit the company, i do believe The Rock would do the job as if he were to come back it would be for the fans, to please the fans ala the Goldberg feud, Goldberg the best damn technical wrestler of all-time goin over a legend in practically his first match in like 3 years......thats The Rock for you!

Special mention to Sting vs Undertaker! in 2001 i had limited internet access and had no idea the stalker was going to be D.D.P. I was hoping for it to be Sting back then and hope that one day he (sting) will come to his senses and have a least one year in wwe and feud with Taker. Think of the mind games in that feud. lights go out=Taker appears in the ring/Sting appears in the rafters
Apart from the ones already mentioned, there is one storyline that I always wanted to know about, one that didn't have a definitive conclusion, and that is who was behind GTV?

I know that it started out as GDTV, and it was going to be revealed that Goldust was the mastermind of it all, but after he got released it still aired sporadically. There was a rumour going around the time of Chris Jericho's imminent WWF debut that he would be revealed as the cuplrit, as Chris Gericho (how weird does that look?!) but nothing ever came of it. Then the whole storyline was quietly dropped without ever being fully explained.
I'm not posititive if this was ever going to happen, but back in early 2008 'round No Way Out, Jeff Hardy got suspended for 90 days. Hardy lost his title, and his qualification for the money in the bank. I read he was supposed to go on and win..rather then Punk.

This could have been a lot different, Hardy could have won a world title, and still be in the wwe. I think Hardy would also kept the case longer, maybe he coulda cashed it on on his brother for the ECW title, knowing Hardy's level, it woulda been perfect.
I always had a wish for Bret Hart to return at Wrestlemania 20 when Benoit won the title. Now I know it would never have happened because Bret wouldn't have wanted to work with Vince at that time but here's how I would have liked it:

Benoit was facing Shawn Michaels and Triple H in triple threat for the world title... During the match Benoit is knocked out, Shawn has hit Trips with sweet chin music and is covering him for the pin. Earl Hebner (not sure if he was still in WWE at the time but throw him in there anyway) is about to make the count. As he begins counting a man dressed in black, with a baseball cap and shades runs down, pulls out Earl Hebner and knocks him to the side. He then gets in the ring and lays out Michaels with a chair,Triple H gets up and he gets clobbered with a chair. The man in black then takes off his coat and reveals himself to be the Hitman and he has earned some retribution for Montreal. He then puts Benoit on top of Michaels, wakes up Hebner and throws him in the ring to make the count and Benoit wins the title.

I know this would never have happened and Benoit wouldn't have wanted the title that way but would have been cool to see and a great way to see Bret back in WWE and get revenge on Michales and Triple whilst helping his friend Benoit at the same time.
Santino's quest to being the greatest Intercontinental Champion... of all the times!

I mean he was doing so good during this angle. He defeated Goldust, Honky Tonky Man, and Roddy Piper in this angle. He was being groomed as a legit IC champion while staying a comedic act. And then out of no where BOOM! another heel beats him for the title. Seriously, that was a great storyline in my eyes.

And the next one I have to ask to see, is Jamie Noble & William Regal fighting over Layla. I mean, here's another rivalry that started off excellent. Jamie was being used on Raw in a legit storyline and it was a battle between him and Regal over the IC belt and the hand of Layla. And then once again, WWE throws in a swerve and gives CM Punk a rivalry and the former ROH World Champion is an after thought once more before being taken out by Sheamus.

And the last one, is Jamie Noble vs. Chuck Palumbo for Michelle McCool's heart. The draft totally fucked this up that year as this was a very compelling storyline. Here you had the bad guy in Chuck that McCool just saw the good in and then you had the sweet good guy in Noble who looked after Noble. And when they had Palumbo hit McCool, it got even better. The rivalry was just getting so good and then Palumbo was off to raw, and before you knew it, he was fired from WWE.

Maybe it's just me, but I really like Jamie Noble and the midcard rivalries. I just get tired of when WWE doesn't see them through because they're taking too much time away from the main eventers. To be perfectly honest with you, the main eventers of both shows have been annoying for a long while and way too predictable. So it irks me when the mid card rivalries and storylines are canned.... especially the great ones.
i read (maybe in Eric Bischoff's book, but i can't be sure) that Steve Austin had an idea while he was back in WCW as Stunning Steve Austin.
at that time, Steve had a very similar hair style and color to Hulk Hogan.

if i remember correctly, Steve had the idea of doing an angle where he was related to Hogan because he looked so much like him.

this could have been a really awesome angle with the two as a team that eventually led to a feud and match. everyone wanted to see Hogan/Austin at WM18, the original idea before it became Hogan/Rock, but could you imagine what Hogan and Austin could have given us years before when both were in their prime?

what could have been? totally epic!!
The 'I know what you did' storyline that never happened of which I'm still curious what it was all about. It happened somewhere in 2002 where BookerT joined the NWO. On one of the RAW episodes, BookerT received a mysterious letter with the text 'I know what you did' (which was from Goldust). For some reason this storyline never happened.
I'd have to agree with William Regal as General Manager and King of the Ring before he was suspended.

Even though many hated the entire angle, I found it to be a rather unique concept, an engaging storyline and the best use of William Regal as a character and performer.

I was never a fan of Regal until then but now he is one of my favourites, ever since that point.

Ditto on Brian Pillman as well. Even though he had been crippled by drug issues and a severe accident that led to even more drug issues, the guy was a pioneer in regards to character and one could only wonder what he had done if he didn't suddenly die on us.
I have to say Mcmahon's limo explosion, i wanted to know what was the story behind it, the only thing i can remember is vince hadn't been looking so good in the past couple of weeks and then this took place, i wanted to see how far they were going to go, unfortunately it came to an end following the death of Chris Benoit...then all i remember they brought in shane & steph, who were asking their father...why did you do it?
Randy Orton as Kelly Kelly's mysteri lover. Kane loved Kelly but she never responded to him because she had a secret relationship. The man was Randy Orton but what was the point? What could have been?
Goldust vs. Cody. It could have started with a backstage skit where Goldust does his usual comedy thing while Cody goes all wtf Dustitn? Cody says Goldust embarrases the Rhodes name, and this fued leads to Dusty's return, to ref the match which Goldust loses, takes off the paint, and Cody and Dustin Rhodes tear the tag division up.

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