The Greatest Game Of All Time #3


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Number three already? Wow, good effort on those who've participated so far, it seems like there's a few hidden gems out there, but I have noted a lack of Mario, and only two mentions of Zelda...are they being kept for the top three? Likely :p

I'd just like to say that with the one game per franchise, this list would is rather different to my normal list I give. So I shall do some honourable mentions of other games in the series, but alas that is not this week, for at number three we have;

The Greatest Game of All Time #3 Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King


Format; PS2

Genre; Action RPG

Release date; April 13, 2006 UK

To take it down to its basics; A jester turns a king into a toad, his princess into a horse. You must release the curse and destroy the Jester, meeting lots of very colourful characters on the way.

Why number 3?

A story that is so so detailed you love it? Check.

A brilliant array of characters, including the very hot Jessic? Check

Gameplay that is so easy yet still feels classic? Check

A Game that looks beautiful? Check

Fantastic humour, with lots of boobie based jokes? Check!

A soundtrack for the ages? Check

I love this game, I can't believe this was the first released in the UK, I want to go back and play the others.



I'm jumping back 11 years, to the glory days of the N64 and say Goldeneye. Now this game has it all. The levels just are great all around. From complicated missions to shoot em ups, there's really nothing missing. There's nothing at all more fun than shooting a guy with all of the great weapons on this game. The replayability is off the charts here as everyone I know loves breaking this game out and playing it for weeks. The max difficulty levels are almost impossible but not to the point taht you get sick of it and give up. That is a great game. One of my all time favorites.
My list so far...

10. Diddy Kong Racing
9. Final Fantasy X
8. Banjo Kazoiee
7. Tetris
6. Super Smash Bros Series
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
4. The Rock Band/Guitar Hero Games


Theres the Ocarina mention. When I first made this list, I actually had all 4 3D Zelda games on my list, but being forced to pick one of the four, this was obvious. But enough has been said about this game, the graphics were amazing for it's time, the story is still one of the best of all time. Everyone has played this game, enough has been said about it.

Like Lee, I also plan on doing honerable mentions on not only games that didn't make the top 10, but games that have since been brough to my attention by these lists, and etc. But for now, I leave you with the clue for my #2 fave game, it's one of the very first GOOD first person shooters, and also one of few Movie to Video Game releases that worked.
#3 Metal Gear Solid


A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own
-Solid Snake

The original MGS will always hold a special palce in my heart, when I first played it it was nothing like I had ever seen before. The fight with Psycho Mantis is one of the most rediculous fights ever simply because it screws with you head. Controller in port two, video cutting out. It was intense. But not only that we have an incredible plot with more twists and turns than than a strand of DNA. Everything about this game was perfecly executed and Hideo Kojima is god. Simply put this game is AWESOME, and Egoraptor thinks so too.
#3 .hack


I still remember when i had to make the heart breaking decision of ether buying .hack or Xenosaga at my local gamestop. I chose .hack and never regretted it. The game is like your basic action rpg making it not stand out too much in the gameplay department. But what makes this particular RPG different then others is the story. You actually play a character playing a game. It may not sound too great but for some reason it makes for a very interesting story. Overall decent gameplay and amazing story that always makes you want to know more about the game your character plays.
I'm jumping back 11 years, to the glory days of the N64 and say Goldeneye. Now this game has it all. The levels just are great all around. From complicated missions to shoot em ups, there's really nothing missing. There's nothing at all more fun than shooting a guy with all of the great weapons on this game. The replayability is off the charts here as everyone I know loves breaking this game out and playing it for weeks. The max difficulty levels are almost impossible but not to the point taht you get sick of it and give up. That is a great game. One of my all time favorites.

i couldn't agree more. i actaully said to richard last night i am going to play golden eye. and i did. i am tryign to get all cheats on it but it's so hard. but this is bad hard it's good hard. were you just want to keep going until you beat it. the weapons are great and the levels are even better. this also has one of the best multiplayers ever. to only flaw you can give this game is teh A.I. e.g . if your standing behind a railing to bad dude wont see you but he can obviously esee you just he doesn't do anything. but that just makes me laugh because the i can get easy ammo. anyways golden eye is the best game in the world i believe. zelda orcania of tiem isn't bad as well.

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