The greatest day of your life?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
So I suddenly began thinking which day was the best ever for me. Many people would say that is the day they got married, or the day their children were born (by the way congratulations to LSN), or even something out of the box.

For me it was the day I discovered the Angry Video Game Nerd and The Nostalgia Critic. I was going to originally choose the day either of my little brother were born but I couldn't decide which of those to opt over the other so I picked this. I sat all say long at the computer being bewildered and at the same time enjoying watching these 2 men review games,movies, and to top 10 list that were amazing. From reviews of the Castlevania series to a top 10 list of Jackie Chan stunts, these guys had it all. Hell they even battled each other on occasion. This marked a rejuvenation of my interest in the internet as well as Youtube. I began to avidly follow these guys (not stalking:suspic:), and ever since then I have enjoyed their videos immensely. Will this forever stay the greatest day of my life? I doubt it, maybe the day I graduate High School or College, or maybe the day I reach a certain amount of cash that I have obtained over the course of many years could overtake it.

Explain in detail what has been the greatest day in your life so far, why is superior to all others
The greatest day of my life was The day after my 9th birthday.

Sounds quite absurd - the day after my birthday. Lol. Well, what makes it so special is that on my 9th birthday, my father went out to get me a present. My mother celebrated my day with her baby bump - I was going to become an older sister anytime soon. Despite the party going good and all, I was too sleepy to stay up until my father came with the present so I went to sleep. The next day, early in the morning, I was awakened by the bright light in the room and the sound of everyone bustling about, in and out of my room. (My grandparents had come for a visit.) So I just walked out of my room, sleepy eyed, to be greeted by a mother who's dressed to go to the hospital. I was so excited at the thought of seeing my sister so soon. As my mother and father left to the hospital, I opened my present and saw a beautiful doll dressed as though she's from the Victorian times. For a nine year old, I was somewhat the smartypants and said proudly - Ah. My mother's giving me the greatest gift. Ever. Later on in the day, my father came to pick my sister and myself up and took us to see the little angel. Ah. Greatest day of my life up to now. :)
Until today, getting married was the best day of my life, with ease. I thought the joy of marrying the love of my life couldn't be topped in any way. Everyone kept telling me that when my wife had our child, that would top the day I was married. I couldn't fathom that being true, but guess what? I was wrong.

My daughter Analise Sophia was born this morning, and today is easily the greatest day of my life. There's something to be said for getting married as the best day of your life, and without meeting my wife, my little girl wouldn't have come into this world. But there's something about bringing another human being, especially one you call "your own", into this world that brings such an incredible joy and excitement that I can't imagine being topped. Holding my girl in my arms gave me both the warmest feeling and the greatest feeling of love I could ever imagine having. This sweet, peaceful child will be mine to raise for the next 18 years. Yes, it's a great responsibility and one that will come with trials a plenty, I'm sure. But just the blessing and the chance to be able to undertake the responsibility only intensifies the joy I already have in my life. Now, not only do I get to take care of one lovely young lady(my wife), but I get to do so with two! It doesn't get much better then that!
The best day of my life, would have to be there watching my son being born. I had to cry with joy from the very moment i held him for the first time. Opening his eyes at me and then, the famous CRY they do after lol.
The greatest day of my life is certainly nothing compared to those who have already posted. But it seems as if I will have to wait another few years before hopefully witnessing the happy and healthy birth of my child.

The greatest day of my life was the 8th of May 2010, I even remember the date. My beloved Leeds United had suffered two relegations in recent years, we also lost two play off finals, and a play off semi final during the same time. At one point Leeds were one of the biggest and most succesful teams in English football. In 2003 we reached the semi final of the Champions League, but by 2007 we were playing Yeovil Town in the third tier of English football. Leeds always had been underachievers. We would reach final after final, but nearly always finish runners up. Similar to the Buffalo Bills team of the early 90s.

The 8th of May 2010 was the last game of our 2009/2010 season. We had to win against Bristol Rovers to gain promotion to the Championship. We made it very difficult for ourselves by having our best player Max Gradel sent off, and going behind 1-0 in the second half. We needed a miracle to win and it's exactly what we got in Johnny Howson (that guy in my sig.) The then 21 year old equalised after coming off of the bench. Jermaine Brckford secured the winner in his final game for Leeds, there could not have been a more fitting exit for the striker who managed to score over 70 goals for the side. Leeds didn't lose it as they usually would, when it seemed more likley then ever that they would. I still find it hard to believe today.

The rest of the night was a blur, as a got very very drunk. :)
I've got a couple to be honest, both whilst in my final year.

The day of my final project at University comes to mind. The project was a theatre show that I had written (an original Sherlock Holmes play, no less). Due to personal issues during that year that I'll mention later, no-one involved in the project wanted to do it; we'd lost motivation and we were running out of time to get the show ready, and we were dreading how the day was going to pan out. Your typical show-day would be get in at 8am, set up lighting, finish set and bring it in, focus the lighting, then break for 12, then programme lighting and sound cue's, do a tech run, then if you have time do as many runs as possible, then break before the show at 7:30, followed by undoing everything you did in the day in 2 hours afterwards. So there is a lot to go wrong.

Then, the day of the show...calm. Everything went like clockwork. It was still incredibly stressed out (Theatre is stressful at the best of times), but we didn't have anything go wrong, and had enough time to run through our project three times (one technical rehearsal for lighting and sound cue's, and two extra runs) despite the fact that most shows only ever get a dress/tech all in one. Then it came to the show itself...I've never enjoyed being in a show as much as I did on that particular one. Looking back, I hate it and everything about it, but the feeling on the day was phenomenal, and the feedback from the audience was very, very positive. After the show, myself and the two other people being marked (my two best friends) jumped up and down, screaming, full of adrenaline, because not only were we so happy it was finally over, but it went well, against all of the odds.

That being said, one day at the moment tops it...graduation. I didn't think I'd be that bothered by it, but putting the gown and cap on, seeing everyone again, getting that sheet of paper that said "Bachelour of Arts (Hons) in Theatre and Professional Practice" was a true honour, and to be able to share that day with my family and my closest friends was truly special. Just the walk up to recieve it felt awesome, and hearing your name and your friends names called out is something I just can't describe. I then got to spend some time with my dad (he lives in another country so it doesn't happen often). And I then spent the evening with my friends having fun, socialising in a large group for what will probably be the last time. As days go, it was pretty awesome, close to perfect.

Not only were they very special days in their own right, but they had so much more meaning due to the emotion behind both of them. Two months before my final project, one of my coursemates (and closest friends) passed away. To keep it simple, it pretty much destroyed me, and I wanted to drop out there and then. I didn't feel like I was in a good enough mindset to complete the project, but my friends (who were just as badly affected as me, if not worse-so) helped me carry on, as I hope I did with them, and we pulled through, if for nothing else, for her (my friend). And that emotion made my final project so much more meaningful, and though graduating without her was surreal, we knew she was watching down on us, and it just gave the day a greater meaning.

So yeah, for very mixed reasons, thay are my two greatest days of my life thus far.
I risk sounding cliche'd here, but it has to be my wedding day. August 19th, 2010.

We both dislike the traditional wedding style so we went to Las Vegas, inviting only our families and a couple of mutual friends. I had just woken up after my bachelor party the night before with my wife's brother, her uncle, and a mutual friend of ours. We wandered around the Vegas strip looking at all sorts of things and goofing off, being guys. It was basically like The Hangover but with far less mayhem.

So waking up after that evening, I was pretty tired and did not want to get up. I had to be at The Excalibur casino's wedding chapel in an hour so I showered and quickly got dressed. Then I noticed my shoes were missing. They mysteriously vanished, we never did find out what happened to them. A housekeeper probably stole them. So my best man let me borrow his shoes while he showed up in crappy casual shoes that everyone made fun of. Even though we were in Vegas we still dressed up in typical garb, I had a tux with a red shirt and she has a white dress with some red in it. When my wife walked down the aisle I got teary eyed at how beautiful she looked. She looked like a princess, and this was a moment we had both been dreaming about for so long.

We spent most of that afternoon enjoying the sights with our friends and went on a gondola ride. The lady asked me if it was just going to be me, and with a wide smile I looked over at my wife, who was still inside a giftshop, saying "No, actually my.... wife.... is coming too". It was the first time I referred to her as such, and it made me happy in a way I cannot describe. After that we went to a shopping center where a Journey cover band was playing some of our favorite songs and we listened to them for a while as we enjoyed some Hurricane drinks. Then it was time to head back to our room at the Luxor for our first night as a married couple. She had me sit on the bed waiting for her a few minutes. What followed was her coming back into the room in the single hottest entrance I have ever seen, putting every WWE diva to shame. We tore each other's clothes off and proceeded to do what all newlyweds do. ;)

It was a very special day that officially began our lives together, I wouldn't have had it any other way. My only regret was not having enough money to spend more time in Vegas. We'll have to save up and go back on one of our anniversaries. That was the best day of my life due to the fun we had with our friends and how special everything was. It was perfect.

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