PauLwaLL said:
Raw - Being for mostly entertainment and bigger stars.
SD! - Mostly for wrestling, with younger stars to shine.
yeah every body knows that smackdown is called the land of opportunity and youngsters << which there are many of them which makes the show boring it takes time for the youngsters to shine my friend and during that period people get kinda bored
PauLwaLL said:
Are you serious? So your saying Benoit, Regal, Undertaker, Batista (sad to say), King Boookaaa, Kane arent Main Eventers? And the list of potentiol Main Eventers - Kennedy, Finlay, Lashley and all the new talent? They have a lot of great wrestlers who could be Main Eventers.
i didnt say they dont have MAIN EVENTERS AT ALL what i said is Benoit just came back and kane just joined smackdown which they are 2 main eventers
the other main eventers NOW are Batista, Booker, Taker (which rarley appears)
Lashly & kennedy ( Future Main Eventers ) not Current
yeah they are good but still they are not good as Batista and Booker and Taker
and Regal and Finlay
u call these 2 main eventers ? Regal ( losing streak + kinda got old ) finlay so old that i can barley see his face how will he be Future main eventer ?? he may be DEAD in the future but not a main eventer !!!
comparing to Raw, Raw has much more main eventers & ECW have better matches than Smackdown
PauLwaLL said:
Undertaker has a contract which basically states, when he wrestles, who he wrestles, and how much he wrestles. As for Khali.. Firstly he's injured. And other then can you really blame them? This guy was the worste wrestler I think I have ever seen.. He couldnt sell a beating, he couldnt even sell one of his moves.. The guy needs a lot of help if he wants to keep his job in the WWE.
Yeah i know about takers contract ( which by the way is bad ) i mean come on the guy has been taking soo many time offs so i guess he is more than 100% now so why taking more time offs while smackdown has lack of superstars? and khali may not be that good in selling but being a giant and dominating superstars thats what its all about and down the road he will improve
PauLwaLL said:
We have only seen him wrestle once in the WWE.. How can you judge a guy after fighting a Jobber? Your judging him because of his in ring attire? Thats really a good way to judge someone.. I have seen a match of his in an Indy Promotion and the dude is a great wrestler.. Just give him a worthy opponent, and he'll prove himself.
oh yeah then what was with the segment where Kane beat his @$$ in a match and he ran away ( so tough eeh ) and by the way im not judging him because of his attire !! Kurt Angle used to wear a wig which was kinda stupid but that doesnt make him a bad wrestler !! all im saying is that when i saw him i thought he will be used like those wrestlers ( miz, Umaga, Cm Punk ) like Undefeated streak but all they did is gave him a jobber and made him run away ( yeah its early to judge but all im saying he wasnt used properly in his Debut ( i mean for god sake the miz was used better

) )
PauLwaLL said:
The reason for that being, they needed someone to actually compete in the Cruiserweight Division.. London and Kendrick are occupyed in the Tag Div.. So basically they have Wang, Helms, Scotty, Funaki, Noble, Rey and Chavo (who I doubt will compete in the CW Div).. As you can see its pretty lack luster..
well the last time the title was online was long time ago and before that it was even more time, the belt looks like part of gregory helms's attire it is rarley being defended Wang, Helms, Scotty, Funaki, Noble, Rey, Kash, Chavo, London & Kendrick 10 Cruiser Weights !!! isnt that TOO MUCH i mean all they need is 6 thats the maximum number of superstars in one match not 10 its like more than Quarter of the roster are Cruiser Weights ( by the way Cruiser Weights may not be soo many fans favorite matches )
PauLwaLL said:
For one, Im glad to see a title not change hands like 3 times in 3 months.. But the fued was a great fued.. And since when does a Champion always have to be in a Title fued? I would have much rather watched Hardy vs Helms rather then Helms vs Funaki or something along the lines of that.
man i dont know how u r reading this article *_* did i say the champion should always be in a title fued ??? i meant Gregory helms defends his title once every month or 2 so it is boring to see him wear it and not defend it and have rivalries without defending the title, i didnt say the title SHOULD be online when ever a champ has a rivalry ( well if u think for a while all champions have title feuds, Booker with batista and lashly and finlay, london kendrik with K.C and Idol James, Benoit just got back & won the title and may be in a feud sooner or later, Cena was with Edge right now he has a champion of champions going on, Jeff Hardy IC Champ has Feud with Nitro, Spirit Squad Tag Champs and highlanders and maybe cryme time now, Womens championship Lita and Mickie, ECW Big Show & RVD )
see my friend all of that titles are in a feud EXCEPT Cruiser Weight
and no body wants to see funaki in action too but it will be nice if the feud of matt and gregory was for the title ( years ago matt was the Cruiser Weight champ ) why not this time or it will be nice to see Gregory Feuding with chavo for title after finishing with rey.
and yeah its nice to see a title stay with an individual for 3 months but not 6 -10 months !!!
After saying all of this, it doesnt mean that i hate Smackdown NO!! i like Smackdown i like all brands thats why I care and all i want is that Smackdown gets better !!