The Great Batista Bash


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Was just fantasizing: If you could pick ONE superstar, past or present, to kick the living shit out of Batista, I mean absolutely annihilate him, lay waste to him and send him back to the midcard where he belongs, who would it be?

I would have to say Kurt Angle, just because their wrestling styles are in complete contrast and he could make Batista look like the big, slow fool that he is.
I'll go one of three people :

"Iron" Mike Sharpe
Barry Horowitz
Steve Lombardi, aka The Brooklyn Brawler

The three biggest jobbers in the history of wrestling. Thrust them on to the big stage and let them have their way with Batista.
since this is just fantasy id have to give my vote to the mighty Hornswoggle. How funny would it be to see the swoggle annihilate someone literally nearly 3 times the size of him...
probably Brian Kendrick errr uhhh.... THE Brian Kendrick, Maybe Chavo also. Two really talented guys held back because of their size and Vince Mcmahons love of huge wrestlers in the RAW main event scene.

Swagger too, just cause swagger has impressed me more this past year than batista has in the years i've been watching wrestling, Swagger should take up the mantle of "Future of the WWE" that everybody hung on Batista in Evolution.
I have a few people I would love to have seen take on Batista, and destroy him.
1. Flyin Brian Pillman
2. Yokozuna
3. Bret the hitman Hart, or Owen Hart!!!
4. Earthquake a.k.a. John Tenta
And finally the Bob Backlund of old, The one that was sane, from the late 70s to early 80's
Both Bob Backlund and Bret Hart would be purely from a technical point.
Yoko and Earthquake just to see their fat asses squash him.
And Flyin Brian was the original underdog that I loved to see win
I would say to truly apease me, I would transport Batista to circa 1998 and have him take on Taz, Sabu and The Sandman in the real ECW.
LMFAO........this is a funny thead...

i would love to see since this is fantasy...Stone Cold come in and stun the SHIT out of Boretista.....and just beat the holly hell out of him....hahah and pour beer all over the loser...

if not how about Goldust pull a Razor Ramon feud and get all gay on him...and then kick his ass....Goldust BTW needs to go back to that really bizzare gimmick bc WWE is wasting him...this is something i could see but wont happen...

I really hope Orton kicks the crap out of him on Sunday...Orton will retain but he will be the one getting his ass kicked....

What about Ultimate Warrior? that would be an amazing match...power for power...
I would choose Haku.... and I would get Haku to shoot on Batista just in case he ever thought he should be in the main event again.
John Cena. Because I LOVED their first match and I'd love to see them face each other again. I wouldnt want it to be a destruction of Batista, more like their first match with a lot of back and forth action between the two. But with John Cena winning in the end.

This is a rather interesting hate thread...but one of the more creative ones I've ever seen.

I'm saying Al a Kennel from Hell Match...with Kevin Kelly and Dusty Rhodes at the announcer's table. I can't think of anything more humiliating for a person that to be involved in that kind of match. The dogs would be going nuts, and Al would be selling it so well. Batista wouldn't be able to show his face ever again.

I don't really loathe Batista, but I'm just playing along.
Brock Lesnar. I'd love to see the look on Dave's face when he's up against someone bigger, stronger, faster and more aggressive. Not even Dave's ego would survive that battering.
If we're talking about complete and utter humiliation I'd like to see Rico at his gayest just kicking the shit out of Batista. Then the Boogeyman. Then David Arquette. Then Glacier. Then the zombie from WWECW. Then Mantaur. The Pretty Mean Sisters. Then Arachnaman. Then finally having the Shock Master come out and deliver the killer blow.

That oughta learn Batista some respect.
I think it would be kind of funny if Batista was in the ring and all the sudden Goldberg's music hits the fans go crazy and Gillberg comes out and whoops Batista.

It could also work with Doink

or just randomly humiliate him by using a random outcast of the spirit squad or mean street posse.
The Ultimate Warrior!

Just cause he is just as bad as him! Would be awesome but i don't think you could get a ring big enough for the ego nevermind the muscle. lol
:headscratch: Ohh the possibilities for this could be endless...I'd have to say my favorite choice would have to be Doink the Clown...however, now that I type this, I would probably have to say that another great and embarrassing choice to completely destroy Botchtista in every aspect of the wrestling world would be Santina.....but any of the following would do too...Gillberg, Gobbley Gooker, X-Pac, Hornswoggle, The War Lord, The Spirit Squad, or Luther Reigns
I have to go with Goldberg! He would totally come in and kick Batista's ass! I know people might say that he didn't know how to wrestle and that he was so overrated but I really think it's all about how you book the match and how you sell it. Goldberg knew how to sell it and was completely dominant. I hated how they made him loose his winning streak cuz it made him look like a punk. When he first showed up in the WWE I was going crazy cuz I knew this guy was gonna come in and kick some ass. Either him or Brock Lesnar. I know the thread only asked for one but these are my 2 picks.
God where do i start?

The Goon
Gerald Brisco
The mean street Posse
Max Moon
Techno Team 2000
Scotty Flamingo
Brad Armstrong
Issac Yankem DDS
The Boogeyman
Bastion Booger
King Mable
3 count
Duke the dumpster Drosee
The GobbledyGooker
Dan Severn
The Shock Master
Curry Man
Shark Boy
Jay Leno
The Blue Meanie

Just a fucking gautlet match where it continues even when he looses.
A sea of humiliation, the worst gimmicks ever come out and just lay him to waste. I'd pay wrestlemania prices to see that.
Lesnar hands down.

Batista is like how Lesnar was at one point. The way Lesnar has managed to changed in UFC, proves he can handle anything. I would love to see him destroy Batista.
God I love this post! I'll have to take Mae Young at her current age. What about Hervina? Chyna could be fun to watch demolish Boretista. But the one I would love to see beat Boretista down would be Andre the Giant. Mainly because watching the 8th Wonder of the World destroy The Animal would be gold.
I'd like to see everyone's favorite hardcore legend Mick Foley whoop Batista's ass "2000 royal rumble match with HHH" like. Agreeing with previous posters Chris Benoit squashing him non-hardcore style would be awesome, have him work over almost every body part and toy with him. On the comedy side of things as mentioned earlier Gillberg destroying the animal would have me laughing all night.
What about Hervina?

Yeah, what about Hervina?

Anyway, I'd go with a gauntlet like mentioned earlier but with all the great midgets of our days. Mini Vader, Mini Goldust, Hornswaggle, Dink, Pink, Wink, Cheesy, Queesy, Sleezy, Lord Little Beaver or whatever the fuck his name was, Cheatum... Our heroic Batista would eventually overtake the lil' fellas but then...RALPHUS comes out and kicks the shit out of him for the end of Batista. Long live Ralphus!
I'd like to see the real Animals: George 'The Animal' Steele, Road Warrior Animal and Rob Schneider from the film 'The Animal' team up and take Batista out for misappropriating their nickname.
I'd like to see New Jack in a "fans bring weapons" match. I think a few staples in the head would adjust Batista's attitude right away. Or a balcony dive on top through a few tables. Yeah, yeah, thats nice.

Actually, I'd love to see Dynamite Kid take him on. Batista is the type of guy Dynamite would definitely get pissed off at in the ring and just in general and stretch him out a bit.
i would want CHEEX to anhialate batista, if you haven't seen him, think of mark henry swallowing rikishi, with a side order of Big daddy V/ Viscera

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