The girls are NOT the problem with NXT

CM Pulsar

Dark Match Winner
I hear a lot of disparaging comments about this season, most of them revolving around the girls and their supposed lack of in-ring ability. While I agree that most of the girls need some work, you could have said the same thing about most of the guys in both of the first two seasons.

The girls are NOT the problem with NXT. Most of them are appealing for different reasons and I think most of them have potentially bright futures in the organization.

The problem is the show itself. It is completely slapdash and thrown together and it shows. There is NO REASON why there should be an episode of this show with no matches. The girls should be wrestling EVERY WEEK.

The challenges have gone from being silly but entertaining to just being dumb.

At this point with the show only being online I doubt WWE will fix the problem and will just ride it out. But in the end I just hope people don't blame this on the girls because they deserve better.
honestly it wouldnt make a difference if they had them wrestle more. Watching the divas wrestle is just as bad (if not sometimes worse) then watching them wheel hornswoggle around. It wouldn't improve ratings or anything, no one has just ever really cared about women's wrestling excluding trish and lita's feuds, at least thats the only 2 women i loved to watch. For more then one reason lol. But ya unless they are doing a striptease or a bikini match on next week (which they wont), I wont be watching even if they will be wrestling.
You're right, but you're not completely right. While the divas on this season of NXT certainly do have some in-ring talent, it's not being showcased because of these stupid challenges. In fact, just a few weeks ago on NXT, we had a segment that some people were calling "The most poorly executed segment in WWE history." It was warranted because it was such a horrible segment. But like you said, the segments are overpowering a show that is supposed to showcase wrestling. Can someone honestly tell me when pushing a Hornswoggle in a wheelbarrow is going to be an important factor for becoming a WWE Diva? I dont think so.

However, who would actually sit down and watch an entire show of divas? Whenever theres a divas match on RAW or Smackdown, the crowd goes on a piss break. The reason being that the divas are so boring to watch, and the WWE is at fault for that.

So, while youre right about the segments, you also have to factor in the question of "Is anybody even interested in an all divas program?"
I'm not sure on this one. The girls, just like about 90% of the females in WWE, are a dime a dozen. They're attractive women that can do a few moves safely. Almost anyone in shape could be taught that in a few months. These girls could be replaced by any other set of girls and the results would be the same. That can come off as both good and bad as it means it's not just them being horrible but it's also not them coming off as good.

The show is more or less a circus where the whole thing is supposed to be more of a reality show where the girls hate each other and want to stab each other in the back at any given chance. The problem is that the execution of this aspect of the show does nothing at all. There's a total lack of depth to these girls and it's showing badly. With the previous NXT seasons you had wrestling to fall back on. It may not have been top shelf stuff, but there was something there and it made up for lack of personality.

In this case you have neither personality nor in ring ability so the stupid challenges show up far more noticeably. I think I agree with the original idea to a degree as any girl thrown out there is going to look the same given the women's division in WWE today, but you can slightly blame the girls for not being able to cover up their faults. I think the blame on them is excusable though as if they can't get in the ring, anyone could do their jobs and they can't be blamed.
The show is more or less a circus where the whole thing is supposed to be more of a reality show where the girls hate each other and want to stab each other in the back at any given chance. The problem is that the execution of this aspect of the show does nothing at all. There's a total lack of depth to these girls and it's showing badly. With the previous NXT seasons you had wrestling to fall back on. It may not have been top shelf stuff, but there was something there and it made up for lack of personality.

This pretty much the describes the situation. The problem with why it begins lacking all of the things that is needed to make this kind of thing a reality show is the fact that it's all kayfabe. A kayfabe hatred is hard to display properly, compared to something like two girls living in the same breathing space for 2-3 months 24/7 like Paradise Hotel and Big Brother, where the real hatred spews.

Other than that, the concept in itself is really a large thing that, at least currently makes the show lack big time. It becomes lacking because of the fact that it's nowhere near the thing we're used to. Besides of the fact that we already despise female wrestling on a general basic, this gives us 1 hour of female television every week, on top of the additional "shit" we get to watch on the other weekly episodic shows.

And while I must admit I haven't exactly been bored of the show, it's obvious that it has become all about the looks, and a few promos. The in-ring aspect of divas aren't the interesting ones anymore, as much as it is to expose the divas to the common WWE viewer, so that they can move on with it, and try to make them additions to their diva division. Much like the male seasons, where as we all know that we actually bother watching a male wrestling match, compared to our piss-break diva matches.
The problem with the show is that WWE is not invested in the Women's division at all, so why would they truly invest in making us care about a show centered around them? The problem with the show isn't with the women at all, it's with the lack of focus that's put
on them in general.

Ive watched some youtube videos of these girls in FCW. Most of them, with the exception of Aksana and Jamie, are very talented wrestlers. AJ reminds me in a lot of ways of a female version of Rey Mysterio. She even does the same inverted bulldog he does to perfection. Naomi is very talented as well. But WWE doesnt even let them have matches longer then 3 minutes, so its tough to tell(and therefore care about) who stands apart from who.

While I personally found it to be funny, CM Punks commentary on the show exposed WWE's true feelings towards it, and the womens division in general. He purposely mispronounced their names, mocked them, and made himself the focus of the show rather then the content in the ring. and then Michael Cole returned, and Punk told him "this show sucks with or without you" Cole promptly proceeded to tell us 152 times just how BAD this show is the rest of the episode, and continued to do so the following one.

When youre being told by a company THEIR OWN SHOW SUCKS, its hard to take anything done on it seriously. The women on it may have all the talent, charisma, and in ring ability in the world, but we'll never know, because their own company isn't invested in them. When that happens, its hard for the viewer to be invested in it either.
The girls are most definitely part of the problem, but they're not the whole issue. The big thing is that NXT has gotten less and less entertaining with every week. The challenges are dumb, and none of the competitors are ready to be on the main roster yet. The only reason I've tuned in over the past few weeks is to see the commentator turmoil and how that will turn out. I think that the end of the line for the NXT concept is near. At first it was entertaining, then Season 2 was a bit less entertaining, and now Season 3 has been absolutely terrible. I wouldn't mind seeing it go.
I think the concept of NXT is what's leading to the dumbing down of the Divas division now. We do have a few standouts (Natalya, Tamina, Gail, Beth, Melina). You are witnessing girls who do have some skill, albeit, not wrestling as their main forte, notice the majority of them are fitness models, a skill that requires them to stand still and be quiet. Which is quite apparent by the fact when you give them something that requires them to talk AND do something that requires work. I will say, I do admire their dedication to this craft, but yet WWE should be accountable for keeping up this charade of a sham. We all know everyone will get their spot on the roster no matter how crappy they may turn out to be, and there could be some REAL TALENT out there that may be breaking their back waiting to be discovered and WWE creative is wasting their time with this stupid dog and pony show that we all know is pretty much a condescending joke. And like someone said CM Punk...the purveyor of TRUTH...screw R-Truth...CM Punk knows what's up. He is speaking the gospel of what everyone is basically feeling. Just because people are doing good in a smaller territory doesn't necessarily mean they are/should be in the BIG RING. I think that the time between the Diva Searches and those Tough Enough shows and this NXT would've told you something, especially when you could hear the crickets chirping during that Diss The Diva contest between the two 'winners?' I still respect what skills these girls use, but can we be honest and say that as much as these girls want to say "I don't want to be objectified and categorized...and blah...blah..blah..." Aksana...trish stratus type... AJ..the nerdy comic book type spunky...maria. Naomi...the sporty athletic type...Jazz., Ivory. Maxine...sulty...curvy...vixenish.. Melina. I mean... I could go on forever, these girls do have skill, but lets face it, this show is not needed, and I think there are WAY better outlets for these girls than this crap-tastic show if they DON'T want to be "objectified." Sorry for the rant.
I hear a lot of disparaging comments about this season, most of them revolving around the girls and their supposed lack of in-ring ability. While I agree that most of the girls need some work, you could have said the same thing about most of the guys in both of the first two seasons.

The girls are NOT the problem with NXT. Most of them are appealing for different reasons and I think most of them have potentially bright futures in the organization.

The problem is the show itself. It is completely slapdash and thrown together and it shows. There is NO REASON why there should be an episode of this show with no matches. The girls should be wrestling EVERY WEEK.

The challenges have gone from being silly but entertaining to just being dumb.

At this point with the show only being online I doubt WWE will fix the problem and will just ride it out. But in the end I just hope people don't blame this on the girls because they deserve better.

I think there's a whole lot of truth to this....if this show were booked differently, it might be worth watching. This isn't a surprise considering the WWE refuses to have a legitimate women's division. Part of the blame stems from their complete failure to embrace the idea that women are diverse and intellegent human beings beings that can be represented as something other than an empty headed sex object. Don't even get me started on their narrow, patriarchal definition of "sexy"....I don't give a fuck if some skank in hot pants plays video games, which by the way, is a geek not a nerd. Show me a woman with the dignity and self respect to put some clothes that can wow the crowd with her charisma and in-ring talent. Those women do exist!!
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, broski. I think the girls are 100% the problem. If you've noticed, the WWE seems to have their eye on the most attractive female wrestlers, as opposed to ones with the most in-ring talent. You can tell by these "challenges" that have absolutely nothing to do with wrestling, as somebody's already pointed out. But let's just be honest for a second here - is the wrestling any better? I mean think about this for a second. Look at the divas we already have. They're bad enough. Now we have a bunch of divas that are inexperienced on TOP of being about as untalented as our "pro" divas are.

So yeah, I'm going to go with the divas being 100% the problem with NXT3.
I think there's a whole lot of truth to this....if this show were booked differently, it might be worth watching. This isn't a surprise considering the WWE refuses to have a legitimate women's division. Part of the blame stems from their complete failure to embrace the idea that women are diverse and intellegent human beings beings that can be represented as something other than an empty headed sex object. Don't even get me started on their narrow, patriarchal definition of "sexy"....I don't give a fuck if some skank in hot pants plays video games, which by the way, is a geek not a nerd. Show me a woman with the dignity and self respect to put some clothes that can wow the crowd with her charisma and in-ring talent. Those women do exist!!

Ah, the truth.

The could have had an awesome show with the girls but they prefer to give the same old Diva's shit. The Diva's can be good, history has proven that. They don't even have to be all that great wrestlers for them to have more value than they do right now.Just give us believable characters! The problem is that they only care about marketing these girls as models and, not surprising, they only use models. I'll take A.J. for example. I read something she wrote on her myspace page recently that showed me a serious and passionate side of her. Not "I have more passion vote for me!!!". But of course this would go over most people's heads now so that can't be marketed.....

To the actual point, I have no idea whether it's the divas' fault that the show has been doing poorly (it's booked some poorly anyways ,they really don't stand a chance to begin with). But SyFy wasn't interested in NXT before it was With Divas anyways, so I guess technically it's not thier fault in the end.
I hear a lot of disparaging comments about this season, most of them revolving around the girls and their supposed lack of in-ring ability. While I agree that most of the girls need some work, you could have said the same thing about most of the guys in both of the first two seasons.

The girls are NOT the problem with NXT. Most of them are appealing for different reasons and I think most of them have potentially bright futures in the organization.

The problem is the show itself. It is completely slapdash and thrown together and it shows. There is NO REASON why there should be an episode of this show with no matches. The girls should be wrestling EVERY WEEK.

The challenges have gone from being silly but entertaining to just being dumb.

At this point with the show only being online I doubt WWE will fix the problem and will just ride it out. But in the end I just hope people don't blame this on the girls because they deserve better.

Yea, no, the problem really actually is the girls. No one gives a fuck about them. This is America, not Japan, and no one gives a shit about womens wrestling, the Divas, or anything of the sort. Every diva segment that doesnt involve LayCool is usually the worse segment of any WWE program, wether it be wrestling, non wrestling, or baking brownies naked. I still wouldnt watch any of them.

The fact that people seem to want to deny this plain and simple, obvious logic is astounding.
ont thing I thought was weird about NXT 3 is why are all the girls heels, I mean I havent watch online and dont know if this has changed but it seems all the chicks hated and dissed the crowd I dont get it, and true the girls arent the issue NXT was BOUND FOR FAILURE at its inception, I mean remember tough enough? Its not the fact that the show sucked its the fact that the winner "RAVEN" (wasnt it a blk dude named raven? or somthing with a "R") was barley wrestling and now with NXT it, WAS cool to see Wade B. wrestling but its not consistent.
I think this will be the last season of NXT personally. the show has been getting worse and worse ratings as of late. add to that the need for SYFY to showcase their science fiction shows, Caprica, and Stargate: Universe. which were bumped from their friday slot by Smackdown.

the problem with this season of NXT in my opinion is they ran out of out ideas. the 1st season gave us Nexus, the 2nd season didnt give us much of anything, Riley, Harris, McGillicutty, and Kaval. and now we have season 3, all Divas. and as everyone knows, the WWE Divs division is shitty at best. great time to go to the bathroom or get a beer.
The girls are NOT the problem with NXT.


I enjoyed both of the first two seasons of NXT. Then they announced that season 3 would be all divas. My immediate reaction was "You know what? FORGET about NXT!". I don't care about the divas already on the roster, why should I care who the next breakout diva would be? It's boring. There was nothing wrong with NXT as a show. The competitions were a little weird and it was hard to get into matches unless a rookie was facing a pro that I liked.... but a show that's nothing but divas? Goodbye. I wanted nothing to do with this season and I know for a fact that I am not alone. If you take a show already following a format that stars guys and is only somewhat boring, then replace the guys with girls using the same show format but it gets incredibly boring? Yeah, the show didn't change. It IS the girls who made it boring. Although you're right that it isn't their fault. The fact that people don't care about the female division anymore is where the blame lies. NXT's divas season is not going to change that. One of them would have to be the next Trish and make a huge impact on Raw or Smackdown immediately. So.... sorry, but the girls ARE the problem with NXT season 3. People aren't watching it because it's all divas.
The way I see it, if it isn't to showcase women that can wrestle, what's the point of NXT Season 3? I was very indifferent about it. If it was women that can wrestle (Good Looking or Not), I wouldn't mind. The problem with Women's Wrestling in the mainstream is 2 things.

1. WWE is more of a culprit on this, they don't hire woman wrestlers. They usually hire models and try to train them to wrestle. Most of these women have no interest in getting in the business in the first place, so that's why these women don't improve at all despite their many years there. I.E. Layla. There are good looking women out there that WWE can pick up. All they have to do is look through Shimmer's roster and find a ton of good looking women. Or they can find women that actually WANT to be apart of the business. TNA's issue is even more baffling. At one point, EVERY single woman had some kind of identity. The Beautiful People stood out because they were Diva's in a woman's wrestling division. So they had a uniqueness to them. But since TNA has butchered their Knockout division, it's no longer watchable. TNA should go back to how they did it in 2007-2008 with one exception - Center it around more then just 2 or 3 women unlike in 07-08 with Gail Kim and Awesome Kong (And the occasional ODB).

2. Mainstream women's wrestling isn't portrayed very seriously nowadays. They rarely give the women any time, and when they do, it's to those that can't really have a good match. WWE for whatever reason are so high on Laycool. To be quite honest, I believe they are the worst at their craft. Neither can wrestle, neither can talk on a mic, and do an awful job at getting heel heat. Instead of utilizing women that have an identity I.E. Gail Kim, you utilize Michelle Mccool. Now as of recent, it looks like WWE is planning to use Natayla and Beth Phoenix in the title role. If that's the case, then maybe it can be a breath of fresh air with terrible Diva matches.

If WWE would just treat their women a bit more seriously, I don't think the hate for NXT Season 3 would've been as strong. That's just my 2 cents.

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