The Generation Game...Seventh Gen (AKA this one)


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Xbox 360






Sony PlayStation 3


Sales figures worldwide (from release until 31st December 2008)
Wii = 41.96 Million
360 = 28.5 Million
PS3 = 21.3 Million

Hands up who expects me to say Wii. Well you're wrong..Paper Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zack and Wiki, Okami, de Blob, Dragon Quest and Super Mario Galaxy aside this is a really lackluster console. Whilst I view myself as a mid range gamer (ie not casual, not hardcore) you'd expect a lot more effort than has been. Aside from those games, the best thing Wii has going is the Virtual console and WiiWare. Wii Fit burns my soul.

So does Lee choose the 360 or the PS3? It depends what mood I am in...360 has the better online modes, but that really doesn't interest me. PS3 has a blu ray play, but that doesn't interest me. Whilst the PS3 is the superior machine, it seems like developers aren't really pushing it to what it is capable of. This is a toss up, but by no means do I feel the Wii is the better console (despite it being the only 7th gen console I have).
im gonna choose Xbox 360 only because of a superior online set up. the problem now is that all games are getting released on all consoles. Graphically the PS3 owns, gameplay doesnt really matter as i say due to the all brand games. i think the Wii is the most unique console. But the 360s online play is brilliant and easy to use.
Xbox 360.

While the Wii is the cheapest, and arguably the greatest interactive console, ever. It only has a very select few games that aren't available in better graphics for the 360, or PS3.

Speaking of which, the PS3 is only arguably more popular than the 360 because (to my knowledge) it doesn't charge you to play people online. And it has a blu-ray player. Outside of those facts..

The 360 is the best machine on the market. I think it has more original titles, and exclusives than the PS3 or Wii, it's online world is vastly bigger and more populated than the PScommunity. And it's graphics are tied with PS3's for the greatest there are.

Dead Rising was what attracted me to the 360 in the very beginning. I'm not a Halo fan, or a first-person shooter fan in general. But the zombie greatness that is Dead Rising was just flat-out amazing. Combine that with the huge world of online gaming with Madden, as well as every other title out there, and you have limitless hours of greatness at your fingertips.
PS3 is the winner, the games for the wii just are`nt good enough , the xbox is riddled with reliability problems although it has better selection of games it hasnt got the power.
When developers start to push the ps3 further and futher microsoft will have to release another console or revolutionalise it current one
i also forgot to add that Gears Of War is exclusive to xbox which is another great reason why its better. GOW is one of the best games ive ever played
Gears of War sucks, and pales in comparison to Resistance.

PS3 is the hands down winner. The Xbox360 will never be better than it is right now, and even that is not as good as the PS3. The PS3, already, is superior in quality, processor, and even HD. Let's not forget free online, and the Blu-Ray player. And once developers start getting more comfortable with the Blu-Ray technology (as they most certainly will since Blu-Ray is the only hi-def format now), more and more developers will shy away from Xbox, and towards PS3.

Xbox is in a world of hurt right now. It doesn't have the ability to play Blu-Ray discs, and Sony owns the Blu-Ray technology. Xbox will always be limited by the DVD disc space, and once games get bigger and more detailed (as they always do), Xbox will become less and less desired.

The only chance Xbox has is to either A) buy Blu-Ray technology from Sony for an exorbitant price or B) develop a brand new high quality video format, and bring out the next version of Xbox.

PS3 basically has a strangehold on the high definition market. And the longer it goes, the more dominance the PS3 will show.
Much to my dismay, i choose the 360.

I started out with a PS3, and was very faithful to it for over a year, but the fact that RPG's kept coming out for the 360 and not the PS3 drove me insane. Now i own a 360, and its the only console i play at all. My poor PS3 just sits there collecting dust. The PS3 is the better machine, but the 360 has the better game library. They both are comparable in the FPS area. Seeing as how both PS3 and 360 have great FPS's, but the 360 shines in my opinion in having a versatile library of games.
It's the PS3 hands down. Better system overall, in my opinion has better exclusives, blu-ray player if i ever get a High Def TV. Everyone dogs the online play of the ps3, but really whats so wrong with it? Seriously, isn't online play all about connecting with people and playing them online? Isn't that what the Playstation Network allows? Plus, its freakin FREE. Instead of paying 20 bucks for 3 months or 50 bucks for a year and a month, ill use the extra 50 bucks that i save and use it towards another game or controller or anything of that sort.

The Wii or 360 don't even come close to having the power the ps3 has. Like said earlier, once people realize the true potential of the ps3, which is soon as it is happening right now, it won't even be a contest. Let's throw Metal Gear Solid 4 on the 360 and have the game be shipped with 2 discs. How would you feel if right in the middle of the game, when things are getting interesting, you get a message that says SWITCH TO DISC 2 TO CONTINUE PLAYING METAL GEAR SOLID 4!!!! Yea, buzzkill right there.
The only reason.... THE ONLY REASON the Wii has outsold other consoles, its because of it's demographic. It was released as a "Family Console" from the get-go. The Playstation 3 was built with the hardcore gamer/movie enthusiest/home theater guys. Hey! You can watch a Blu-Ray movie, play some games, and do all in HD with loud ass speakers! The Xbox360, which is my choice, was built for the bully in all of us. How many people here have ended up in a game, where all you heard was sewer spewage coming from prepubescent boys' mouths? Ok, put your hands down... Now, Who here has done some sewage spewing of their own? Ok, put your hands down again... Who here got their 360's for games like "Gears of War, Final Fantasy XI, and/or Saint's Row"? All bs aside, the 360 is the better console for the simple fact that now, you have tons of downloadable content, craptons of arcade games, Netflix, and other crap that you can do that really has nothing to do with playing a game... The 360 was built for the hardcore gamer...plain and simple... But, this only being Microsoft's second outing in the console world, I'd say that speaks for itself. They went from 0-Kick ass in 2 shots. What's Sony's excuse? And Nintendo? For shame... I tell you what... The minute Xbox releases a game where I can stand up and shake my ass to a thinner me, I'm onboard. After that, the Wii will be nothing more than a white ornament used to occasionally beat the crap out of your friends or amaze them with your "through the wall" bowling skills... (If anybody mentions DDR, I'm burning your houses down...)
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;893766]All bs aside, the 360 is the better console for the simple fact that now, you have tons of downloadable content, craptons of arcade games, Netflix, and other crap that you can do that really has nothing to do with playing a game... The 360 was built for the hardcore gamer...plain and simple... But, this only being Microsoft's second outing in the console world, I'd say that speaks for itself. They went from 0-Kick ass in 2 shots. What's Sony's excuse? And Nintendo? For shame... I tell you what... The minute Xbox releases a game where I can stand up and shake my ass to a thinner me, I'm onboard. After that, the Wii will be nothing more than a white ornament used to occasionally beat the crap out of your friends or amaze them with your "through the wall" bowling skills... (If anybody mentions DDR, I'm burning your houses down...)[/QUOTE]
They don't need an excuse. They have the superior system, as well as the superior add-ons.
They don't need an excuse. They have the superior system, as well as the superior add-ons.

Superior system, my ass... I don't care about specs. I care about what grips you... What keeps you coming back to that power button everyday. I had a PS3 that I never even took out of the box... And I don't regret it for one second. I've played the PS3 at friends' houses, and I don't see what the big deal is... I owned a PS1, PS2, and currently own a PSP. The PSP is great for visits to the toilet or plane rides...other than that, useless. I fail to see the appeal in a PS3. I really do... It's expensive, it breaks, the games for the most part suck or appear on the 360. Where's the selling point that appeals to gamers like me?
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;893796]Superior system, my ass... I don't care about specs. I care about what grips you... What keeps you coming back to that power button everyday. I had a PS3 that I never even took out of the box... And I don't regret it for one second. I've played the PS3 at friends' houses, and I don't see what the big deal is... I owned a PS1, PS2, and currently own a PSP. The PSP is great for visits to the toilet or plane rides...other than that, useless. I fail to see the appeal in a PS3. I really do... It's expensive, it breaks, the games for the most part suck or appear on the 360. Where's the selling point that appeals to gamers like me?[/QUOTE]
That doesn't begin to make sense. How can you know what grips you, if you never took it out of the box? That's silly.

It's no more expensive than an Xbox with the same hard drive space, it has a Blu-Ray video player in it, and every good game that's on Xbox is also on PS3, with the exception of Halo, and that game doesn't begin to compare to Call of Duty. Not to mention PS3 has Killzone and Resistance, so it's a wash with Halo and even the ridiculously overrated Gears of War.

What's the selling point? How about the superior machine? How about the incredible potential? How about the 25 GB Blu-Ray gaming disc, opposed to the 8 GB DVD disc for Xbox?

Finally, you said something about how the PS3 breaks. Are you fucking kidding me? The Xbox360 is arguably the WORST gaming system in history in terms of failing. If I remember correctly, approximately 1 out of 3 of the original shipping systems experienced failure within a year. And while the number is lower now, it still is significantly higher than the PS3 failure rate.

You basically have it all wrong. outed me. I was just trying to make a compelling arguement... But you have convinced me to come clean...
I'm on my 6th Xbox 360 console. The previous 5 have all died from either the RRoD, disc tray failure, or other issues. Gears of War 2 is the biggest piece of shit since Atari's "ET", and the fact that my HD space is damn near non-existent after only 9gb of content, I fail to see any reason, really, to purchase an Xbox 360. The PS3 I had, I didn't open, because like an idiot, I traded it back for Xbox 360 stuff. (This was before my problems with my machines) I actually plan on getting another PS3 at some point, and burning my Xbox in a effigy of glory. And the Achievements....they're like crack. I swear to god they are... And I need to break the habit.
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;893766]Who here got their 360's for games like "Gears of War, Final Fantasy XI, and/or Saint's Row"?[/QUOTE]

Gears of War is pretty overrated, Killzone dominates it in every fashion
Final Fantasy is coming out AFTER the PS3 version comes out ive heard, real big delay.
Saint's Row is also on the 360.

All bs aside, the 360 is the better console for the simple fact that now, you have tons of downloadable content, craptons of arcade games, Netflix, and other crap that you can do that really has nothing to do with playing a game...

PS3 has downloadable content as well, a crap load of it. The demo's are free on the PS3, i know most are not on the 360 last time i checked, could've changed though. I really don't understand whats so special about Netflix other than the name. You can download movies off the Playstation store as well. Once Playstation Home gets out of the Beta stage, then imagine all the possibilities with that. VERY community oriented.

The 360 was built for the hardcore gamer...plain and simple... But, this only being Microsoft's second outing in the console world, I'd say that speaks for itself. They went from 0-Kick ass in 2 shots. What's Sony's excuse? And Nintendo?

Sony doesn't need an excuse, its the better system. Thats why Metal Gear Solid was scrapped from coming out on the 360, the 360 couldn't handle all the technical needs that it needed. If MGF woulda came out on the 360, it would've been a dumb down version. Believe me you wouldn't want a dumb down version of that game.

For shame... I tell you what... The minute Xbox releases a game where I can stand up and shake my ass to a thinner me, I'm onboard. After that, the Wii will be nothing more than a white ornament used to occasionally beat the crap out of your friends or amaze them with your "through the wall" bowling skills... (If anybody mentions DDR, I'm burning your houses down...)

This, i agree with, not a big fan of the Wii at all.
Gears of War is pretty overrated, Killzone dominates it in every fashion
Final Fantasy is coming out AFTER the PS3 version comes out ive heard, real big delay.
Saint's Row is also on the 360.

I don't think you read that part very well... Gears of War 1 was not overrated.
Final Fantasy XI Only came out on the 360 (PS2 and PC) But not the PS3.
Saint's Row was only on the 360.

PS3 has downloadable content as well, a crap load of it. The demo's are free on the PS3, i know most are not on the 360 last time i checked, could've changed though. I really don't understand whats so special about Netflix other than the name. You can download movies off the Playstation store as well. Once Playstation Home gets out of the Beta stage, then imagine all the possibilities with that. VERY community oriented.

Xbox 360 demos have ALWAYS been free. It's not something that just "Happened".
If you don't know what's so special about Netflix, then maybe you don't even know what Netflix is. Downloading movies off of the PSN costs you per movie. With Netflix, if you have an account, you can set up an "Instant Queue" and stream movies straight from Netflix to your 360. I've got over 300 movies and TV shows that I can watch from Netflix. PLUS I still get 2 DVD's in the mail whenever I want them.

Sony doesn't need an excuse, its the better system. Thats why Metal Gear Solid was scrapped from coming out on the 360, the 360 couldn't handle all the technical needs that it needed. If MGF woulda came out on the 360, it would've been a dumb down version. Believe me you wouldn't want a dumb down version of that game.

This is totally irrelevant to me, because I never liked the MG series in the first place, so I'm not missing anything... But about the PS "Home", I've used it. It's about as lame as you can get right now. Hopefully it will improve, but right now, it's friggin ******ed. Create a character, walk around an empty apartment, go outside, walk around some cheesed out world where random people gather and dance, or just stalk you for no reason at all... I can go outside for that shit! The "Home" feature at this point, is a gimmick... But not like an "Undertaker" gimmick... It's more like the "Gobbledygooker" at this point...
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;894633]I don't think you read that part very well... Gears of War 1 was not overrated.
Final Fantasy XI Only came out on the 360 (PS2 and PC) But not the PS3.
Saint's Row was only on the 360. [/Quote]

I don't even remember the first Gears of War, nor do i remember that Final Fantasy, i thought you were talking about the upcoming Final Fantasy game thats been in deveolpment forever. Reason i probably didnt even remember the Final Fantasy games is because i can't stand them.

Xbox 360 demos have ALWAYS been free. It's not something that just "Happened".
If you don't know what's so special about Netflix, then maybe you don't even know what Netflix is. Downloading movies off of the PSN costs you per movie. With Netflix, if you have an account, you can set up an "Instant Queue" and stream movies straight from Netflix to your 360. I've got over 300 movies and TV shows that I can watch from Netflix. PLUS I still get 2 DVD's in the mail whenever I want them.

I do know what Netflix is, i really don't know whats so special about it still. You can stream movies to your xbox, just go rent the movie. I mean how do they not charge you per movie?

This is totally irrelevant to me, because I never liked the MG series in the first place, so I'm not missing anything... But about the PS "Home", I've used it. It's about as lame as you can get right now. Hopefully it will improve, but right now, it's friggin ******ed. Create a character, walk around an empty apartment, go outside, walk around some cheesed out world where random people gather and dance, or just stalk you for no reason at all... I can go outside for that shit! The "Home" feature at this point, is a gimmick... But not like an "Undertaker" gimmick... It's more like the "Gobbledygooker" at this point...

Metal Gear Solid 4 is either it's old stealth gameplay, or can be played exactly like Gears of War, balls to the wall shooter. Except with more depth, better story, etc. PS Home is pretty shizzy right now, thats why im saying after the Beta stage. Don't know if you have seen the EA Sports home thats coming out and all the details, looks great

BTW, by any chance do you know how to use that multi-quote button, gets tiring doing it manually.
Haven't really fiddled much with the multi quote button. Netflix streaming is unlimited. You can watch as many movies as you often as you, whenever you want. No limit.THATS what trumps the "renting" thing.
With having owned all three console's at one point or another I can talk unbaisly about them.

Nothing more than a spot monkey without the aid of online, You would be pushed to make a Wii top ten gaming list as they dont havbe ten good game's, Without the virtual console, Which is the best thing on it.

Xbox 360

I had ALOT of games for this when it came out, And most of the game's that weren't multi-platform were overrated, The only one's I can honestly say wasn't, Are Dead Rising, And Gear's of war1 (People need to stop with the GOW, Because that could mean God of war.), The only thing the 360 has over the PS3 online, Is the conplaint, And reputation system. Anything else you could say, Is either on par, Or better than the 360, But to counter act this xbox fanboy's go around saying the PS3 is very laggy, Which is the total opposite with me, The 360 was laggier online.


What Sly said, Just a better console, By the way, Sly, The blu-ray disc can be double layered, So it can have 50Gb of storage. :D
Gears of War is pretty overrated, Killzone dominates it in every fashion
Final Fantasy is coming out AFTER the PS3 version comes out ive heard, real big delay.
Saint's Row is also on the 360.

You can't compare A third, And first person shooter against each other, Different genre's, But I agree, The Resistance series, And Killzone 2 are better.

Not only does the xbox get FF13 after us, We also get FF12v, Which is another game, To run with FF13, Which I'm told star's Cloud, From FF7

Sony doesn't need an excuse, its the better system. Thats why Metal Gear Solid was scrapped from coming out on the 360, the 360 couldn't handle all the technical needs that it needed. If MGF woulda came out on the 360, it would've been a dumb down version. Believe me you wouldn't want a dumb down version of that game.

The creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, Has said he would never make it for the xbox, Therefore it couldn't be scrapped from development.

[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;894633]I don't think you read that part very well... Gears of War 1 was not overrated. [/QUOTE]
2 is though, Massively.
I totally agree... Gears of War 2 was so overrated, you couldn't pay me to play that piece of shit. I think we should all gather with shovels, find the hole they buried Atari's "ET" games, and make room for Gears 2... It would only make the land value drop.
Aww, Come on it wasn't that bad, But it couldn't live upto the hype everyone gave it, They must've thought every other console in the world was going to combust by it's self, And no other would be made lol.
Not only does the xbox get FF13 after us, We also get FF12v, Which is another game, To run with FF13, Which I'm told star's Cloud, From FF7

Wtf? First of all FF13 for the 360 and PS3 will released at the same time here in US. Only in Japan will FF13 get an ahead release date cause they wont be releasing a 360 version for Japan. I have no clue where your from, but unless your from Japan. You will be seeing the 360 version and PS3 version released at the same time.

Secondly FF12v? Wtf is that? No such thing in development. You must mean FF13 Versus. Which does not feature cloud, and has nothing to do with FF7 at all. Versus main character is named Noctis.
For me it's wii. Once more games come out on there It will be the biggest thing since sliced bread. It already has the mario games. Super Mario Galaxy is very cool and thats why it was voted game of the year in 2008 by IGN. Mario and Sonic at the olympic games is very fun with 3 or 4 players. Super Smash Brawl is jsut so fun and is probably one of my favourite games. Then you have games like Zelda which is very fun, 007 Quantum of Solace which is also fun, only online tho and those random sports games which is also very fun.

I hate PS3 altogether. No games intrest me on there.

X-box 360 intrests me tho. Only because of a few games. Like the Halo games, I have always wanted to play those games. Banjo Kazooie is also very fun. Should of been on Wii tho. Then you have other games like Fable and Fear Cry I think it's called. I really want an X-Box but I feel i am going to get sick of it.

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