The Future (Or Lack There Of) Of Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes is solid enough in the ring, so that's fine. He's part of Legacy, so his stable is sorted. I feel, he just needs to get more wins under his belt to help him stand out more. Right now, Orton & DiBiase are leading Legacy. Rhodes is just sort of there, and they need to show him to be legit before the fans give up completly on him. He has a future, there's no doubt. He's just going to need a nice push and the right storylines.
I've always liked Rhodes. I think he's going to become big some time in the future. The WWE obviously trust him more than DiBiase right now and it's for good reason. If anyone checks out supertars and watches his match with Shane they'll see that he's good and getting better. He basically carried that match, and I believe he was calling it to. I don't think the WWE would let someone have a match with Shane unless they trusted him. He just needs to be on TV more, have some more matches and work a little on his wrestling, as well as his promo work. As he's smaller than Ted, I'd love him to be a bit more high flying, but he's muscular enough to pull off the role he has now. I think he has the potential to be a real great.
I've always liked Rhodes. I think he's going to become big some time in the future. The WWE obviously trust him more than DiBiase right now and it's for good reason. If anyone checks out supertars and watches his match with Shane they'll see that he's good and getting better. He basically carried that match, and I believe he was calling it to. I don't think the WWE would let someone have a match with Shane unless they trusted him. He just needs to be on TV more, have some more matches and work a little on his wrestling, as well as his promo work. As he's smaller than Ted, I'd love him to be a bit more high flying, but he's muscular enough to pull off the role he has now. I think he has the potential to be a real great.

I would agree. Rhodes' match with Shane was good and I thought Cody came off well here despite the coast to coast. His selling is really great imo and he knows some neat submissions going from this match. He's not the biggest but that won't halt him, like you say he could maybe pull out some aerial moves from time to time...he does a moonsault occasionally which is pretty cool. But overall, yeh, I think he will go far and the match with Shane proved that imo...if the WWE allow him to have more singles matches where he can really show his skill then the sky's the limit!!
I have different views of Cody's future. In one breath, I see him as a fine heel. He's certainly cocky, he definately has a swagger to him (How he comes to the stage with that spinning and arm stretching is evidence of that). I feel he really has the heel mannerisms down. But on the other hand, I see a good face in him from convincing matches with Randy Orton at the begining of his WWE run. So it's really hard for me to say where I see him in five years.

DiBiase, on the other hand, is just a straight up heel. In his one match with Batista last week, his heel work was solid enough for me to see why most people talk him up over Cody. Loved it. The playing to the audience, the focused beatdown... I want more of Ted as a singles heel rather than Cody.

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