The Future (Or Lack There Of) Of Cody Rhodes


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I am really interested to hear everyone's thoughts on the future of Codi Rhodes. Obviously "The Legacy" is not going to last forever and the tag team priceless will probably not continue for very much longer after that. What I find interesting is that when on these forums everyone builds up Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase Jr. What I find interesting is that not too many people give the same confidence to Codi Rhodes.

Am I wrong or is Rhodes the weak part of that group?

What are your thoughts on Rhodes and what do you think the future holds him for him?
I think Rhodes as a good future, but the mic skills are still not there. He is going to become big as he gets older, and the Legacy continues to grow.
I think what would go against Cody is his look. He looks like he should be being bullied in the school playground. Vince likes muscle bound meatheads. Unfortunantly in my opinion Cody looks like a weedy school kid
I disagree that he doesn't have the mic skills- I think he's far more advanced there compared to DiBiase.. I also believe he has the better understanding of selling his opponents moves than Ted, but the problem is he can't sell offense, intimidation, and just doesn't look right in the ring. He doesn't need to get jacked up on 'roids, but he needs at least 15-20lbs added to his frame before he can be taken seriously. He looks like a sidekick.
Rhodes has the Mic skills, just not the attitude, or character if you will. I watched Dusty's induction into the Hall of Fame again the other day, and even then, the kid was a good talker. I think DiBiase needs some more work on the Mic , but his attitude and character are starting to build. I think/ hope he will go places, I see Teddy with a very bright future , and obviously WWE does if he is already the star of an upcoming WWE films project.

Cody on the other hand , Im not sure. Hopefully given time he will be a big player. Orton wasnt exactly huge when he started out, and he is a huge star. Rhodes reminds me alot of Orton before he won the IC belt in evolution.
Cody Rhodes is a good worker, and you can tell he learned a lot in the ring. He has more of a "face" type look to him. The whole "heel" kick is nice, but has been overdone. Can't say that he won't have a future though. Rhodes will have a future as long as there is wrestling.
Well, I think he has a pretty good future. I mean, he is the son of Dusty Rhodes, and he's got some good moves, and hes got the look of the heel.

And, He has set a WWE Record... He's the only man to win and lose at the exact same time, in the exact same match. And he won and lost the same exact championship in the same exact match.
To me, Cody Rhodes is (in terms of success) superior to Ted. He made it to the televised events FIRST. He made it to GOLD first. Not to mention you'll notice in a Legacy promo the two who do the most talking are Orton (obviously) and Rhodes. I could see why someone who is a lisp hater might dislike his promos. That, however doesn't bother me and I just listen to what the man has to say. Don't get me wrong ALL THREE of the men in Legacy WILL go far. Orton is already on top, and they're grooming BOTH Ted and Cody to be the next top heels. They're even setting it up the same way they did with Orton and Batista. Triple H and Flair taught Orton everything he needed to know, and now Orton is passing the same knowledge. Mark my words. BOTH men will be main eventers within the next year or two. And if you're not down with that, I just got one word for ya.

I think Cody Rhodes future is as bright as DiBiase. I'm a big fan of Rhodes, and I actually like him more than I do DiBiase. He does need to put on some pounds. I think his mic skills are fine and he is good in the ring. I think we will see a nice midcard run by Cody soon. Maybe the IC or US title and then we will see him move on to bigger and better things.
I think that Cody is going to go nowhere soon, maybe in say...5 years or so, Cody is the one always getting beaten down when people attack legacy and I think once Legacy is gone and Priceless is over, Cody will have a decent push
Wow, shamelessly ripped off of my thread about Kofi Kingston, but whatever.

Cody Rhodes has the ability overall to make it big one day, and he's doing okay with Legacy as of now- he's filling his role, altho his role isnt that important (yet). As long as he continues to improve then he'll get more and more attention from WWE Creative. I mean, he has the name Rhodes, so that's a plus for him anyway. If he could just improve his mic skills he would really be set. I think he'll be big one day.
I personally just can't see it. As mentioned before he looks very flimsy. In my opinion he need around 15 pounds of muscle put onto his frame before he can be big. However, I would like to see a feud between Rhodes and DiBiase. That is a feud that really could work. Just like Edge and Christian and, I hope, Miz and Morrison.
You got it right, Cody is the weak link in the group. It is why the other two always get away and allow the opponent (mostly triple h) have their way with cody.
Ted Dibiase got taken out for months with a simple punt to the head, he then came back and aligned himself with Orton. Rhodes got hit with a sledgehammer and was on Raw the next week. He's not the weak link.
he s fine in my opinion... i like him better than dibiase.... he just needs 15 more pounds of muscle and a new finisher and a proper single storyline.....
The way I see it, when it comes to potential.. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes truly embody the idea that 'the sky's the limit.' Surely, Ted DiBiase will have an easier time becoming a huge star because he's just got that superstar look. Cody, in my opinion, will have to work much much harder to get a push the caliber that DiBiase will receive..

Now, I think Cody Rhodes is more well-rounded and a better all-around talent than Ted DiBiase, but once again.. He just doesn't look like the kind of guy you would build a company around. Cody is only, what? 22 years old, I believe... DiBiase is 26 or 27.. Not so much that age is regard to their pushes... But Cody has a longer time to prove himself.. I think if he were to just get a few good feuds in... Like a Brother vs Brother feud with Dustin 'Goldust' Rhodes, it could help him get waaaay over...

I see DiBiase going down the path similar to Randy Orton, who coincidentally, is his 'mentor.' I see him eventually getting out on his own and his father managing him... Probably get a few high profile feuds in, such as one with Undertaker, as they build him into a big deal...

See, down the line, I'd gladly pay to see DiBiase, I love the guy.. But Cody, I think he's alright... Great in-ring, but he himself.. Just, idk... He turns me off.. Not too interested..

Whatever, just my opinion.. He'll have a good future, it will just be a lot more challenging than it will for his partner.
Well, about DiBiase being out for like 3 months because of a punt, that was simply because he was filming The Marine II..
well i think having rhodes have the most mic time as well as ring time is building up mor of a pontential future and a possible face turn in a couple of years, having rhodes get beat is giving him the ing time that is neededto give him the orton treatment while dibiasse is getting the treatment of batista since he has been giving a boring gimic
I am at a loss for words regarding Rhodes and DiBiase. Much of the IWC has gone on and on about their potential and how they are "the future" of the business.

Why? They haven't "done" anything. They have not demonstrated that they have what it takes to be mid card players, let alone main eventers. The HHH/Orton feud is the first high profile angle either of them has been involved in, and their job in it is to take a beating, or be part of a group beat down. Legacy might as well be renamed "Randy Orton and Friends" for all of the impact these guys have had in it.

This mini rant is not to bad mouth these guys at all though. My point is that we simply have not seen anywhere near enough of either one to determine whether or not they have "it". They may in fact be main event players in the future, I have no idea. I just think that it's way too early to tell.
Cody Rhodes simply doesn't have the look or personality to become a big player. Then again, his last name is Rhodes. Surely he'll become a PTP'er eventually. Just like his older brother Dustin did. Wait. Whoops.

Ted Dibiase is much better on the mic and has that 'look'. Cody doesn't. He's to scrawny and his finisher's awful. Getting the rub from Orton is what he needs to keep his career on life support, but once Legacy's done, I doubt we'll see Cody around very much. Carlito, Benjamin, Punk, and others are far superior to Rhodes, yet aren't on TV as much as he is. Imagine when Cody goes on his own. He's not long for this company once Legacy is done.
I must say that I'm a big fan of Cody. I think that he has all the tools to be successful. I don't think that just because he isn't the biggest guy in the world that he will be held back becuase of it. WWE clearly has high hopes for him, otherwise he would not have been selected to be a part of Legacy. While I like the group, I'm still excited to see how Rhodes will progress when it does disband. Only then will we be able to see his full potential of which I think there are bucketloads. Now that 'Mania is over, hopefully Cody will now be permitted to do something useful besides being Orton's lacky...i would like to see him involved in a feud, something that he can really sink his teeth into. As for his mic skills, I think they are good and will be better with time. I remember when he was teaming with Holly, Cody took the mic and cut a promo on Santino Marella and I thought he was pretty entertaining. So yeh, I think the future is very bright for Cody Rhodes. 100%.
I like Cody, more so than Ted. It might be because I have seen more of Cody and he broke out when Ted wasn't there. I think that Ted will become a big time player first though, even though I think Cody can follow. I mean how long are all the big guys going to last? Also, yesterday at Mania could have made Priceless(Cody and Ted) mega stars, or at least bigger than they are by a lot. But the WWE blew it, nice job.
I think it is going to be tough for Cody with his Lisp. Not making fun just pointing out the obvious. Usually champs have quite a bit of mic time and a person that has a lisp I doubt will be taken to seriously.
I think it is going to be tough for Cody with his Lisp. Not making fun just pointing out the obvious. Usually champs have quite a bit of mic time and a person that has a lisp I doubt will be taken to seriously.

Not that I don't agree with you that he might find it hard to be on the mic at some points. I don't believe that it is a must to be champ. Let's look at Batista. He freely admits he is a man of little words and doesn't spend too much time talking, he just let's him actions speak and he has been a multiple champion.
Not that I don't agree with you that he might find it hard to be on the mic at some points. I don't believe that it is a must to be champ. Let's look at Batista. He freely admits he is a man of little words and doesn't spend too much time talking, he just let's him actions speak and he has been a multiple champion.

I can agree with that to. However I think Batista gets over with his size/tattoos/aggression/etc. Cody doesn't have any of that yet.

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