"The Future" Franky Kazarian

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I touched on this a bit in my thread regarding ending the Suicide gimmick to allow Christopher Daniels to return, but I see no reason why the same foundation can't be used to free Franky Kazarian from that horrible gimmick as well.

It's obvious Suicide is not over, he was never really over, and he's never really going to get over – the crowd just has no idea who he is, or what he's supposed to represent. There's no debate in the value of the character here – only in how to move on from it as painlessly as possible.

That said, why not give Kaz another run with his "The Future" gimmick? Everything about his in-ring style, down to his actual entrance when he draws the "air" box with his index fingers while standing on the second rope all say future to me. All his finishers are named after Back to the Future, so why not just go full circle with it?

It couldn't possibly hurt him any more than he's been stunted as Suicide.

Lose the Metallica nonsense – get a decent set of tights with some futuristic graphic on the back, slick your hair straight back and do your thing, Kaz!
First of all do you even watch Impact ?? Suicide is WAY WAY OVER with fans ! people like you idiots are what hurts TNA not TNA Wrestlers or writers its all of you god damned WWE Marks AND UNEDUCATED WRESTLING FANS !! Kaz will come back at some point but TNA might be thinking of having him win the TNA Title as Suicide like in the game and then having him unmask revealing KAZ has if to say Look at what I did and no one in In The Mafia could stop me !! SO please don't down TNA if your not going to bother to watch the show so you can atleast know what the F**k your talking about . Do your F**kin' Homework ... Class dismissed !!!

That's My Opinion I Really Don't Give a F**k About Yours !!
Suicide is "way way over"? How do you define over? By the obviously pre-supplied t-shirts with his face that nearly every fan in the visible first, second and third rows of the iMPACT! Zone are wearing coincidentally during events he's scheduled to appear at?
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