The Future for The Shield

James Greiga

Pre-Show Stalwart
Everyone is talking about the Shield's break up that WWE has been teasing but it doesn't look to be happening soon and here's why. This is the Road to Wrestlemania. The time when Brock Lesnar, HHH, and Undertaker come out of their shells and take their spots on the card. Not to mention Batista's return. WWE doesn't want certain wrestlers to be overshadowed by them during this time because to be honest thats exactly whats been happening with The Shield lately but I digress.

What do you think will happen with each member?

Seth Rolins - Originally everyone thought he would be the one odd man out. That he would be outshined by Ambrose and Reigns and become an obscurity. Not so much anymore. Rollins has a bright future and probably will make it to the world title picture after Roman Reigns but before Bray Wyatt.

Roman Reigns - He's got star written all over him but he's still not ready for a main event push. He'll probably stay high in the midcard until about late 2015. I don't see him getting the title before then. He'll get the title before Rollins but after Cesaro

Dean Ambrose - He's the real odd man out. I think Dean Ambrose is another reason WWE doesn't want to break up the Shield. If they do then where will dean Ambrose go? Without Reigns and Rollins, theres no one to carry him in the ring. I didn't realize it until the Shield vs. Wyatts match but Ambrose is a terrible wrestler. He looked ridiculous flopping around the ring throwing girl punches at Bray Wyatt. He's a great talker but that will only get you so far. I think Dean Ambrose will probably be released a year after the Shield's break up. I just don't see him going anywhere. Even if he does stay in the company he'll just be the new Miz only this time he won't get the belt. I think WWE is a bit embarrassed about ever putting the belt on Miz so I doubt they'll make a similar mistake
Roman Reigns - On his way to the top, no doubt. I don't see it taking until late 2015 to happen, either. The guy exploded at Survivor Series and has just been getting more and more entertaining ever since. I do have my worries, one being that we haven't really seen a lot of him in the ring, alone. He's got his cool spots - the apron dropkick, the Superman Punch and the Spear - and when he hits them they're great, but I couldn't tell you how well he looks in an actual, one on one match. The only instances that he's been in there alone which really spring to mind were either with extremely talented opponents, such as CM Punk, or matches that were done and dusted fairly quick. Either way, he's got that intangible x-factor, and I can't see WWE leaving him hanging around in the midcard for long when the group has split.

Seth Rollins - I like Seth, a lot. He's easily the most talented of the three, in terms of in-ring work. I still have my doubts over whether he'll make it to the main event scene; he's got a niche look, an in-ring style which doesn't typically lend itself to WWE's main event (the only obvious ones that I can really think of are Jeff Hardy and, to a lesser extent, Rey Mysterio) and he's not great on the mic. He's been given more prominence in The Shield's recent promos, but he still sounds uncomfortable and awkward when he speaks. I've got a suspicion that he'll struggle to break out into a bonafide main eventer. Then again, I'd have said most of the same things about Daniel Bryan three years ago and look at him now.

Dean Ambrose - I have to say, I'm not sold on Dean yet and I'm not too sure why. He hasn't stuck out as amazing in the ring like Seth has, he doesn't have the intangible x-factor like Roman has, and I've yet to hear anything on the mic that has blown me away yet. I'm not much of a fan of the over-the-top facial expressions, either. It might be because I hadn't followed his pre-WWE career, I'm just not sold. It seemed like the early plan was for him to be the focal point of the group, and that the group would be the platform for him to climb into the main event, but it just hasn't happened. Released is an extremely strong sentiment - especially given the fact that WWE doesn't seem to throw talent away like they were doing on an annual basis a few years ago, and Dean is obviously talented - I have no idea what happens for Dean post-Shield though. Maybe a new gimmick with more input and creativity from Dean himself would win me over.

With two 'main event' championships I'd have been certain that the waters would be tested with all three getting a shot at it, in due course, but with just one top title Roman Reigns is the only one I see as a guaranteed WWE Champion.
Your post was going so well until you commented on Dean Ambrose.

Great talker, yes, and sells his psychotic heel character brilliantly. But I don't get the criticism of his wrestling. Is it because he's not pulling off crazy spots like Rollins has been lately? Is it because he's not built like Roman Reigns?

Ambrose is playing a role. This is not me saying the WWE have told him to start looking weaker to get Reigns over, but they've implemented that sense of jealousy to help bring their breakup story to the fore. The debate over wrestling skills can apply to many wrestlers in the company, but Ambrose is a lot more 'old school' in his abilities, in my opinion. Which sure as hell doesn't make him bad. He's an individual, he's eccentric even in his movements in the ring. There is nobody else like him. Technically, I think he's right up there. Old school, gritty style. I think he's fantastic!

Much of the criticism he gets is because he's barely defended his US title. I think he's an excellent singles competitor when he actually has to be. He can't exactly show off his whole repertoire when he gets about 2 mins in the ring and has to tag out again. He'll be more than fine on his own when the breakup does go down. Ludicrous to even suggest he won't make it.
That goes back to what I said about them waiting another year to give Reigns a main event push. The singles match factor. Look back how well have Reigns' singles matches been? The only ones I can think of are his match with Bray that was boring, his match with Henry that was ok, and his match with Punk that was ok but seemed like Punk was doing a lot of the work. Plus they wouldn't give Reigns a main event push so soon after being fresh off a stable.

I may have been a bit hasty on the released sentiment on Ambrose but I see him either getting the Miz treatment or a Zack Ryder treament
That goes back to what I said about them waiting another year to give Reigns a main event push. The singles match factor. Look back how well have Reigns' singles matches been? The only ones I can think of are his match with Bray that was boring, his match with Henry that was ok, and his match with Punk that was ok but seemed like Punk was doing a lot of the work. Plus they wouldn't give Reigns a main event push so soon after being fresh off a stable.

I don't think it matters so much. When somebody is ready to draw they're ready to draw, and I don't think Roman is far off.
I don't think it matters so much. When somebody is ready to draw they're ready to draw, and I don't think Roman is far off.

As far as I can recall the only person to ever be a successful main eventer instantly off a stable was The Rock and there's a big difference between the Rock and Roman Reigns. Batista may fall into that category but Batista's stable run was a bit different than Reigns' run considering Batista was surrounded by veterans who he could feed off of not two fellow green guys.
They have been so incredibly impressive that it is difficult to imagine them not achieving success. Of course, there is always the idea that one doesn't make it. A lot of people though Ted Dibiase would outshine Cody Rhodes in Legac and he was booked accordingly. Only one of these guys are still employed but this surely can't happen to The Shield.

Reigns has been given a lot of attention. His performances at Survivor Series, the Rumble and against Punk suggest they want him to be a major player. I think he will indeed live up to this hype. He has a great look and is pretty entertaining in the ring. If he gets more chance to show of his mic skills then maybe we can see a real star emerge. Reigns will probably win a few World Titles, at least.

Ambrose was given the singles title and has held on to it for a long time. He is terrific on the mic and has a great character. He can wrestle as well meaning he will probably win a few World titles as well.

Rollins is a difficult one to predict. Only now are we getting to see of him as an individual which is smart given how the other two have had a lot of focus. Rollins is perhaps the best in the ring and is strong on the mic. Right now it is difficult to predict what will happen with Rollins but him winning a World Title could very well happen.

I reckon they will all achieve success. They are all talented guys and have been given a very strong push as a stable. When they split there will probably be an initial few months were one or two of them don't get a massive push. If I were to put a timeline on it, I'd say Reigns by WM31 and Ambrose by the end of 2015.
I don't want to stray too far from the subject, but I get troubled by threads like this. I'm troubled because whenever we are predicting the future success of stars, the collective benchmark always seems to be gauged as either World Champion or Future Endeavored. This is, of course, part of the bigger problem of career mid carders being seen as failures(ie; Kofi). Ultimately, when we see a new superstar on our TV, it's go big or go home.

With that being said, these are my predictions, and if I refer to someone as a mid carder, please don't be offended due to our conflicting subjective opinions.

WWE's eggs are in Roman Reign's basket, that's for sure. Survivor Series and Royal Rumble records aside, watch some of the smaller aspects of television production. In the Shield's entrance; Rollins rolls over the rail, Ambrose hops over, Reigns steps over, pauses, zoom in on Reigns face. This is who the E sees as one of their next men, and he will be packaged as such. I agree with the OP's estimate of World Champion in late 2015, maybe mid 2015 at Summerslam. The WWE isn't going to live and die by Roman Reigns' push to the main event.

There's no term in regards to wrestling that I hate more than Vanilla Midget. Many of the wrestlers that I pay to see are Vanilla Midgets, but I understand that I, like many of us, am part of a niche audience. Daniel Bryan is a lightning in a bottle that I'm not sure will strike twice with someone like Seth Rollins. He's fantastic, and I enjoy his work, but I see him working IC title matches for a significant fraction of his career.

Dean Ambrose is my personal favorite of the three. I see him in a Chris Jericho-level role. He'll be able to carry a feud with anyone on his mic work alone, regardless if there's a championship stake in the feud. I think he'll likely win a championship or two, but I'm not sure he'll ever be the #1 heel.

Now, on that note on Ambrose, I think we all agree that he's a natural heel. To stray the thread once again, I have to say in the matches with the Wyatt's (particularly at Elimination Chamber), Dean Ambrose played a tremendous sympathetic babyface! Bray Wyatt got in his head the easiest, and his temper got the best of him. I actually felt sorry for this psychotic bad ass. Then, he gets a huge pop when he saves Rollins from being put through a table, while fighting off Bray through the crowd. Above all predictions, I want Dean Ambrose to surprise us all and succeed as a psychotic-wildcard-baby face.

Finally, this may sound silly, but two small details that I think will keep them all successful and relevant (and individulal levels, I mean to say) after The Shield splits up; Keep them coming out from the crowd, and keep them in their current gear or variants thereof. I know they'll whip off Reign's vest as soon as they can for the women viewers, but keep him in the pants and boots. Rollins or Ambrose won't receive praise for their physique, so change up the cut or the color scheme with them. Let their gear be a continued reminder of their success, and let's enjoy the buzz in the arena whenever they cross paths in the ring!
I think most everyone likes Roman Reigns and Thrown above me said it perfectly with him. He's one of the next guys because its not only about us who appreciate the wrestling and what not. He's someone that people can understand immediately. He just has "it". It's the reason why the powers that be trust Batista. It's the reason Orton got away with just being "there" for a couple of years. We all know Reigns has a big future. I personally think Reigns is the one to win the Andre Battle Royal.

I have always heard the comparisons from Seth Rollins to Jeff Hardy, but I see a younger Rob Van Dam personally. It's the explosiveness, risk taking and kick heavy offense that make them such dynamic performers. I was a huge Tyler Black fan, so naturally I'm going to be a huge Seth Rollins guy. I still think this guy is going to be hot once he gets a solid feud. I think he takes the IC Title belt within the year.

Dean Ambrose is special, but its a unique thing to understand why he is as good as he is. He isn't huge like Reigns, he doesn't have the matches that Rollins can have and he doesn't have a huge move set. He needs to be treated in a similar manner of the way Bray Wyatt has been. I don't mean in terms of character, I mean that the powers that be were very very careful about how to show Wyatt and to take the time to get him over properly because his character was so unpredictable and unique. When it comes time to get Ambrose over on his own, this same kind of care needs to be taken with him. He's got the "Wildcard" thing all over him and it should be handled right because if you go back and watch his best matches with a guy like Rollins, they are solid because he can work with anyone and make himself look good. A guy like that has a real shot at making the US Title important.
Wow, do people really watch WWE? I'm stunned.

The Shield is garbage. I'm supposed to take seriously A bunch of grown men running around with black tactical gear and face paint? Lol. I take 14 year kids who play Call of Duty more seriously. Lol.

Also, I'd much prefer to watch real tag teams like The Wolves, Bad Influence and The Bromans battle it out in TNA.

TNA's new product is 10000000000000000000000000000000 times anything the WWE has to offer.
I have always heard the comparisons from Seth Rollins to Jeff Hardy, but I see a younger Rob Van Dam personally.

I understand the comparisons but RVD was a bit slower in the ring, and he was a bit more predictable, would do a lot of the same stuff. Rollins and Hardy were unpredictable but Jeff Hardy always had that quality like he was always waiting for someone to tell him what to do next. Not as far as in the ring but overall as a character. Seth Rollins seems to be one of those guys who takes his own character in his own direction. You can tell the guys that are puppets and just do what they're told as far as their gimmick and promos. Randy Orton is a perfect example, same for Shaemus, and same for Hulk Hogan to be honest. Seth Rollins doesn't seem like that kind of guy so I wouldn't compare him to either Hardy or RVD
I don't want to stray too far from the subject, but I get troubled by threads like this. I'm troubled because whenever we are predicting the future success of stars, the collective benchmark always seems to be gauged as either World Champion or Future Endeavored. This is, of course, part of the bigger problem of career mid carders being seen as failures(ie; Kofi). Ultimately, when we see a new superstar on our TV, it's go big or go home.

I'm with you on this; not just because anything less than World Champion is seen as a failure on the superstars part, but more so because it's treated as a travesty on the part of WWE's booking. Nowadays if a fan favourite is trapped in a midcard spot for more than a couple of years they're branded mistreated - as if appearing on Monday Night Raw on a weekly basis is a bad spot to be.
Is it me, or have none of you all seen them in FCW? Even in ROH. I suggest you all youtube some matches . Heres one great triple threat match between the 3 of them. Enjoy! . Now after youve watched this match, come back and then you all can talk about whos going where. Dam amateurs! Or kids.
Rollins - He could be a legit US/IC champion, fringe WHC if he gets better on the mic. He got the talent to do it.

Reigns - World champion, future Hall of Famer. I just need to see him have some legit one on one matches with the likes of Sheamus, Wyatt, Cena, etc. I can see the crowd will buy into him.

Ambrose - He could be the #1 heel in the company if creative decides to push him that far. He got the size, charisma and he's unique. I look forward to him having great matches. Hopefully, the company sees the main event potential in him. He's had quite the buzz the past few years
What I don't understand is why people say Rollins will fail because of his "poor" mic skills and say Reigns will succeed when the same argument can be made there. Plus, Rollins isn't even that bad on the mic. When you look at the current roster, he could be in the Top 5, so I don't see how he has bad mic skills.

Ambrose - Potential to be a top heel, and can sell a feud solely on his mic skills. He's not really that good in the ring though, just throwing punches and locking in a submission hold.

Rollins - A top face in 5 years with Reigns. His in-ring ability cannot be matched by anyone except Daniel Bryan, and neither can his athleticism.

Reigns - Probably THE top guy. Has the look and heritage WWE likes, buy isn't all that good on the mic and his matches consist of high impact moves (Spear, Superman Punch, Apron Dropkick, etc)

I think that as long as WWE doesn't screw anything up, their future will look very bright with these guys leading the next generation into a new era!
...his match with Bray that was boring...
I have to say, you are the first person I've heard calling it boring. I was really enjoying the match, and the crowd seemed to be thoroughly intrigued too. It was a match where the leaders of the two teams were going one-on-one; no family and no hounds. Both were distinct and charismatic stars, and it was anybody's game. Even the family interference and subsequent suicide dive by Rollins was awesome. The only anticlimax was Ambrose causing the DQ, but that wouldn't be a fair reason to call the whole match boring.

As for The Shield, the strength of its members lies in unity. Split them up, and they will fall. A half-crazy great talker, a 6ft+ high flyer, and a fit and agile powerhouse. They are a complete team in every aspect, and much better than Wyatt Family.

Also, I can't help but laugh at comments that say that Roman Reigns isn't ready for the main event yet, like one guy saying he should be put in the mid card until 2015. Roman Reigns is among the hottest properties right now. He is fitter, more athletic, has a better look, is more over with the crowds, is more entertaining to watch, and has a better moveset than 95% of the roster, including and especially when compared to internet darlings like Christian and Ziggler whom people here want to see in the main event, but say that Reigns isn't "ready" yet.
They all have potential. Smart move would be. Have the triple threat
At mania. Reigns winning. Mason Ryan takes him out after
The match. Rollins confused on why ambrose went behind his back.
Even the odds. Brawl breaks out. Security breaking it up.
Next ppv have Ambrose/Ryan vs Rollins/reigns. Rollins and reigns win.
Next night at raw have a rematch. Then have Corey graves
And lets say Mojo rawley or Tyler breeze coming out attacking
Rollins and reigns as a tag team. Keeping a new shield of
Ambrose,Ryan and tag team of graves and ?.
Have reigns Fued with Ryan for USA title while Ambrose
And rollins Fued. Will be very entertaining. Eventually
Reigns will come out Victor that ends Sommerslam.
Moving reigns on to Fued with ryback, big e, Titus, sheamus etc.
Rollins will be feuding with rvd,ziggler, Bryan. Ambrose and new shield
Will be interfering with matches picking fueds with cena,
The wyatts. Wwe needs to slow down and build them not
Give them a world title run, then job them.
They are all fan favorites. Just don't rush them. I see
Reigns vs Batista for USA title at next mania. Ambrose and Wyatt
In hell in cell at next mania. Rollins vs ziggler last two standing
For Andre memorial 2 at next mania.

But we all know wwe will put Ambrose vs Langston for
Both midcards. Which none of them don't need the big win
At this year's mania and put RollIns and reigns vs Harper and Rowan
Or both in the battle royal with one of them coming close to
I hope that the Shield's teasing segment with Kane on RAW is a sign that they will show some dissent towards the Authority before they part ways, it is only fitting since the Shield have not exactly been booked as chumps at all.

Earlier when the Shield demanded a match vs the Wyatt family, there was some tension teased between Reigns and HHH and also a rumour to the effect of the possibility of a match between the 2 men.

Anyways, what happens to the Shield members Post-Break-Up?

Roman Reigns -
I am a huge fan of this guy and I haven't hidden it in any way.
I think due to his push and the fact that he has been given chances to have totally dominant showings and also his strong booking means that WWE see him as a Future Main Eventer.
The key question is "how soon?", with regards to that, as a fan of the guy, I hope it is not rushed and with the amount of guys available for the Main Event at this time, coupled with the Main Title Unification, I hope he has to at least wait until 2015, to get anywhere near the Main Title, of course, he will continue to be featured with Main Eventers as he has often done with the Shield.
He still has to improve some aspects of his in-ring ability, and his mic work will also need to be improved and worked on.
That said; there is no doubt, out of the 3 guys, he seems to have that "IT" factor about him.
However, I hope Roman Reigns retains a BadAss type persona, where he is someone you just don't mess with whether Face or Heel.
Keep him somewhat Tweener as a character, like say an Avenging Angel type gimmick where he is essentially more face in actions but retains some aspects of his Heel persona.

Seth Rollins -
Was the odd man out for quite a while until recently. Everyone knows he is great in the ring, best of the group overall, whilst his mic work is also good as well, as a face, his mic work would be perfect,lMO, based on what I have seen of him, not only in the ring, but in external interviews as well.
Can he ever be a Main Eventer?
I can't say, I think the best role for him will be an Upper Midcarder who might get his shot at a Main Event title at some point and be over with the fans once he is a Face, however, there is no guarantee he will get the title, rather he might get put in the Main Event scene at some points,lMO.

Dean Ambrose -
This guy has Career Heel written all over him.
I am not his biggest fan, in terms of saying he is the Best of the Shield or such, but I believe that it would be a great travesty if for some reason he isn't elevated to be a Top Heel alongwith Bray Wyatt but instead he gets sacrificed because the plans of the top brass is that Bray Wyatt has to become Top Heel. I think both Dean and Bray can be the Main Heel characters for years to come as they both are excellent mic workers.
There is another thread in the forum asking "Who should be the Next Paul Heyman guy", well I have to say that based on CM Punk's stellar work as a heel Paul Heyman guy, that with Punk seemingly gone, and Brock being part-time, when Dean Ambrose moves onto Singles, have Paul Heyman align with him.
Indeed, Dean Ambrose is great on the mic, but so is CM Punk and still the partnership between the two was brilliant and lauded in spite of many thinking it wouldn't work.
Ambrose can still be a psychotic Heel character, but when he splits from the Shield, he can be given different attire and have him align himself as the New Paul Heyman guy. I am sure that such an arrangement would be great for all involved,lMO.
Seth Rolins - Originally everyone thought he would be the one odd man out. That he would be outshined by Ambrose and Reigns and become an obscurity. Not so much anymore. Rollins has a bright future and probably will make it to the world title picture after Roman Reigns but before Bray Wyatt.

See, here's what you need to change about your writing style. Instead of saying "Originally everyone thought", try saying "From my observances" in place of "Originally". Blanket statements are irresponsible and stupid.

I was excited when I heard that Tyler Black was moving to the WWE, even more-so when I saw him debut with a talent like Dean Ambrose. I'd be pretty fucking stupid to think "Oh, he's going to be outshined by Roman Reigns. Fo' real." The setup was obvious, two veterans help a member of the Anoa'i family look good.

As Seth Rollins, he's hasn't lost a step. He's still the phenomenal performer I've always known him to be and I also expect great things of him in the future. He's a high energy performer and he can cut a mean promo as well.

Roman Reigns - He's got star written all over him but he's still not ready for a main event push. He'll probably stay high in the midcard until about late 2015. I don't see him getting the title before then. He'll get the title before Rollins but after Cesaro

Oh good grief. You're not an expert on what it takes to reach the big time, that's obvious enough in the few posts you've shared on this forum. Stop making statements as though you're being interviewed as a successful talent scout. We don't apply any merit to your statements, so if you make any definitive claims then back them up with an example.

He'll get the title before Rollins but after Cesaro? For fucks sake, go write horoscopes for a fucking tabloid. Nobody on here takes you seriously enough to regard your assumption as anything except the baseless claim of an indolent geek.

Roman Reigns is obviously the guy who the WWE wants in their title picture someday, having them on your side is a great advantage. He's proven that even though the Shield is technically a stable of individuals as opposed to having a leader with two henchmen, he stands out as the most intimidating member of the group. He'll either need to come up with a good catchphrase or get a mouthy manager, he'd be breaking character if he said more than two sentences.

Dean Ambrose - He's the real odd man out. I think Dean Ambrose is another reason WWE doesn't want to break up the Shield. If they do then where will dean Ambrose go? Without Reigns and Rollins, theres no one to carry him in the ring. I didn't realize it until the Shield vs. Wyatts match but Ambrose is a terrible wrestler. He looked ridiculous flopping around the ring throwing girl punches at Bray Wyatt. He's a great talker but that will only get you so far. I think Dean Ambrose will probably be released a year after the Shield's break up. I just don't see him going anywhere. Even if he does stay in the company he'll just be the new Miz only this time he won't get the belt. I think WWE is a bit embarrassed about ever putting the belt on Miz so I doubt they'll make a similar mistake.

You really do have the attention span of a fucking gnat. Let me break it down for you. Dean Ambrose doesn't need to be carried, he carries other people. Now it's unfortunate that the bookers have been lazy with him, I'll admit that he hasn't had many opportunities to prove his abilities to fucking morons like you. Fucking stupid people like you need to be told what to like, and the bookers haven't been investing anything really significant into Dean Ambrose' character.

He looked ridiculous when he fought Bray Wyatt? Oh God, the light is on and nobody's home. Hey kid, Dean Ambrose performs as a man who can't control his rage. He lashes out and throws a hundred wild punches, that's his thing.

If you had half a fucking brain, then you would have researched a bit farther than a match Dean had two weeks ago to get a conscientious perspective on his potential to be a future world champion.

Dean Ambrose has something that every wrestler would benefit from having, a cult following. His time in CZW and Dragon Gate gave them plenty of highlights to validate their fascination, and now they're getting to see his attitude mix with WWE regulars.

I would like to see him be allowed to prove his abilities and at least make it to a main event. The WWE has a pretty full deck right now so I can't realistically say that it's going to happen just because it most definitely should happen.

I'm not at all surprised that his superior ring psychology has gone over your head. If you're going to ask for opinions, don't saturate your post with asinine claims.
Well, I think this whole thing is premature. I am going to call it now that the Shield will stay together and either at WrestleMania or just after it, will turn face. I mean how cool would it be if at the main event Daniel Bryan is about to win the title and, guess what, here comes Kane and HHH and the Shield looking to stop DB from winning the whole thing. But, wait, the Shield holds Kane and HHH and maybe even Batista off, DB with a Knee Plus on Randy Orton. 1...2...3 we have a new champion. That may not be what happens but count on it: The Shield will stay together, for now, as faces.
Is it me, or have none of you all seen them in FCW? Even in ROH. I suggest you all youtube some matches . Heres one great triple threat match between the 3 of them. Enjoy! . Now after youve watched this match, come back and then you all can talk about whos going where. Dam amateurs! Or kids.

Hey, thanks buddy. When your through patting yourself on the back, perhaps you can offer your opinion on their future in regards to how they've been presented on today's television programming.

In reference to that triple threat match, all you've really 'shown us' (loose use of the term, because I'm sure many of us have seen that one, myself included) is how well they've since adapted to the WWE style of match. Most notably, Leakee (look at me be smug with a throwback reference, too) has grown as a performer. I'm betting that's why he's WWE's pick of the litter. He's improved, and improving, and still room to improve!

I enjoy the FCW/NXT/independent work by the individuals of The Shield, but you may as well be looking at 3 different wrestlers. It's hard enough to predict their success with complete accuracy today, and predictions based on older work alone would be even less accurate.

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