The first woman inducted into the Wrestlezone Hall of Fame will be....

I'll make a post on it in a little while, but Moolah is far greater than Lita and Trish.

Don't get me wrong, Trish and Lita are both great and HoF worthy, but Moolah blows them away in terms of accomplishments and impact.
I'm voting Trish. Moolah politicked to the max, and that's excluding her pimping.
Moolah, because she wrestled in the late 18th century and that makes her the best.
If you want to vote Moolah, that's fine. She's an absolute pioneer who's partly responsible for the success Lita and Trish would later have. Still, that's nothing to be held against either modern day woman.

I voted for Lita, and I feel strongly about it. She generated massive heat as a heel in 2005-2006, and was extremely over as a face before that. She was successful in everything she did as a woman in the wrestling business, including wrestling men. Her involvement in the TLC matches of the early 2000's doing hurricanrana's on the men were some of the highlights of the matches.

Lita main-evented two Raw's, being the first and only woman ever to do so, beating Stephanie and Trish both for woman's titles to absolute eruptions from the crowd.

The crowd erupted as Rock counted three. For those thinking it was just due to Rock's involvement that people cared about a woman.....:

It was in front of her home crowd, but so what? In this day and time where women's wrestling means little, I've seen the hometown girl get little to no reaction at all. WWE rolled the ball and had two women main event Raw, and it paid off in a major way.

Lita was a great face due to her crowd-pleasing, high-flying skill, and an even better heel due to her mic skills and alignment with Edge. All three women are deserving, but none moreso then Lita.
This isn't a serious question is it?
Since she would qualify as over 60, humor us simpletons, please, and make an argument as to why we should vote for A Pimp Named Moolah. Instead, you waste space with your typical sarcastic comment. I find it ironic, however, that she possesses some of the same flaws(poor character) that you railed against Buddy Rogers for having, and thus argued such flaws should prohibit his induction into our Hall of Fame. Most notably, that his strengths didn't overcome his lack of character. So please, dance around the fact that Moolah was a terrible worker. Tell us how, despite holding women's wrestling back decades with the way she booked her own stranglehold on the belt, and booked the other women to open their legs to the men, she should be the easy answer.

So please, tell us all why a Pimp Named Moolah belongs, despite possessing those very traits you argued should disqualify Buddy Rogers from contention. Further, you tried, just to be a major jackass(and wildly succeeded), to embarrass a well-meaning but misinformed Macios regarding Rogers and Gagne. Instead, of course, in educating him like a "Gentleman of the Old School" would.

But please, since I am not one of your sycophants, craft a paragraph or two as to why this should easily be A Pimp Named Moolah. And if you're actually capable, be the gentleman you claim to be about it. Because I don't buy into the"Because Gelgarin says it, it must be true" way some apply logic around here.

So instead of treating this with your typical condescension, make an argument, consistent with your past ones, that character does count. Because if you're using this logic, you must disqualify A Pimp Named Moolah from consideration. Especially since, on top of this, she was an awful wrestler.

We're already inducting women?

I wanted some diversity, I suppose. Ill have an announcer's poll and one for three part-timers up in the next few days as well. I just wanted to give the women a few days to breathe on their own, since this is the first time we're inducting women.

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