The first song you ever remember hearing?

Simple thread topic, looking back, what are the first songs you can remember hearing in your life. Not necessarily the first bands or songs you fell in love with, simply the earliest music you remember.

As every Australian does, I grew up with The Wiggles, and in all honesty I still think they are pretty great. But I assume every single Aussie around my age will have the same childhood memories of 'Big Red Car' 'Hot Potato' 'Wake Up Jeff' etc.

However there are two songs I can remember distinctly from a very young age (2 or 3). One of them is 'At The End Of The Day' from Les Miserables. My mum used to always play it on our stereo, and everytime I hear the astounding chorus, the perfect harmonies, my thoughts instantly go back to being a little child. Maybe this is part of the reason why Les Miserables is my favourite musical.

The other song I remember from such a young age is 'Creep' by Radiohead. For some reason I was obsessed with the song as a toddley, I would demand it be played on my cassette player next to my bed and would have the song repeat over and over until I was asleep. If I woke up in the middle of the night, I would wake my parents up so they could start it again.

No idea why it was that song, but because of me all of my older family other then myself has a passionate hate for the song, I would play it 30-50 times a day while watching Popeye apparently. Interesting choice of song for a 3 year old and I am curious to see what you all remember.
If I go back that far all I can remember is "Tiger in the Rain" by Michael Franks. I was a handful back in the day and according to various reports this was the only way I could be put to sleep.

The first song I can remember hearing was the Zorba Dance by Digital Supergroup. It was probably the first time I actually watched MTV aswell, so I guess that counts as something aswell. If you haven't heard it before, it's your typical 90s song..besides Nirvana and a few other groups/artists/bands, the 90s were shit for music.

Apart from the theme music of the kids tvs shows I watched as a little boy, the first song I can really remember listening to is Another One Bites The Dust by Queen

It was used on the TV show Gladiators, whenever a contestant was knocked off the podium in one of the events where you had to hit each other with Pugil Sticks.

Also, my Mum and Dad has Queen Greatest Hits on tape, and played that alot so I heard it on there as well. Great track
The first song I remember hearing is "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles. I didn't actually hear the Beatles perform it at the time. I heard a Beatles cover band (whose name I do not know) perform it when I was 4 years old in Disney World with my family. Not only is it the first song that I distinctly remember hearing but it's also the first time that I had heard the music of the Beatles, which makes it a particularly great memory.
I remember riding in the back seat of my grandmas car and hearing this song.


I could not have been no more than three years old. I remember my grandma was crying and my aunt saying everything would be okay. I never forgot this moment and this song always brought me back to that day. One day when I was older I brought this up to my dad, he was surprised that I remembered that moment and said that it was the day my grandma found out her brother had passed away.

I can't say this is the first song I remember hearing, but I can say it is the first song I attached an emotional moment to.

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