The Expendables 2 Cast Just Reached Epic Status

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Yeah, that's right, Chuck "My Motherfuckin' Tears Heal Cancer" Norris has officially signed up for the sequel. Yeah, John Travolta and JCVD are nice additions, but they're shit in comparison to the Sidekicks superstar. It's times like these that make me wish Johnathan Brandis hadn't offed himself. The Expendables 2 could have potentially been the greatest movie of all time had the asthmatic Barry Gabrewski overcome adversity to kick Schwarzenegger's ass in tandem with his idol.

What do you think? Has this casting news made The Expendables 2 your must see film of 2012?
Ever since I saw The Expendables in theaters, it became my favorite movie. I had read rumors about casting for the second, and now that there's a semi-official announcement, I'm excited as all hell. JCVD was a notable absence from the first movie, and I'm glad to see him in the second. Travolta is definitely a surprise because I don't think anyone would've expected him. However, Norris really puts this over the edge for me. As you said, it's Chuck-Fucking-Norris -- and that's awesome. I can honestly not wait for this movie to come out now, having read the plot, it'll be interesting to see how everybody fits in. But with that said, I fully expect The Expendables 2 to be miles better than The Expendables 1.

Must see movie of 2012, for damn sure.
I think everything will be around the plot because the hype they already have.
I would like to see Steven Seagel added to the movie, but he probably thinks he
is too good for a secondary role.
Also Vin Diesel and/or The Rock should be added here.

The first movie was very average in terms of story, but pretty good action scenes that entertained the hell out of me.
I sincerely can't wait for the sequel, I hope they just improve the script a little bit.

JCVD and Chuck Norris are probably the best additions they could have added, they have all the talent and all the tools to succeed and to make a whole bunch of money.

My Box Office Prediction is going to be $600.000.000 at least. The cast is just too good.
I haven't seen this movie yet,. But I read the reviews of this movie and the reviews of the movie is just so awesome. I would like to watch this movie.
So are we looking at the same cast as the last one, PLUS Van Damme, Travolta and now Chuck Norris? If so that is fucking incredible!

I loved the 1st movie even though it was really cheesy, it was just pure popcorn entertainment, and PERFECT for what it set out to be, just a fuckin' awesome action film.

Yes I will be seeing this, on the day it comes out thank you very much
I liked the Expendables, I really did but it was just lacking in some departments. It should of been more kick-ass, plain and simple. More action scenes, more fighting scenes and hell, more comedy. I think they took it way too seriously. They should have had fun with it and focused on the awesomeness and not on the storyline. Because, seriously, when do you walk into a Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li action movie thinking about the storyline? You just wanna see some explosions. But, the inclusion of JCVD, Chuck and Travolta can only mean a step in the right direction. They should have cast Jackie Chan in a role too. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the Expendables 2, it will be great regardless.
OK, the first Expendables was amazing with the cast it had, but now my boys JCVD and Walker Texas Ranger FUCKING CHUCK NORRIS?! Dude i'll be there at the midnight show for this one! These guys being added definitely makes me want to see it even more than I already did, Travolta doesn't excite me or upset me, I just don't really care he's involved. I just wish this movie had been made a few years back, because as awesome as the cast is, JCVD,Sly and Norris are going to look old as shit. Imagine this movie with all of these guys in their prime, only difference is Couture would have been too busy as LHW champ to do a movie and Terry Crews would still be Cheeseburger Eddie :p
Still, this movie is going to be epic, and I cannot wait to see it!
I loved the first movie, the story wasn't that good but the cast and action in the movie made up for that. I'm cool with the additions of JCVD and Chuck (my beard is tougher than you) Norris, but John Travolta I could really do without.

I have never bought him as a tough guy/evil genius in any movie he tried to play one, and if he is going to play a tough guy in this movie with this cast it will be comical to watch. At some point in the movie will there be a dance off between him and Stallone, or will he dance one of the lesser characters to death?

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying I dont like Travolta, I just dont like him in these types of movies. I will still be in line to see this movie, but the fact Travolta is in it just takes away some of the must see element out of it for me cause his characters are just so unbelievable in these types of movies.
I really enjoyed the first one. Like Naitch said it was a great action flick and all around fun movie. And now we get the added edition of Chuck Norris, JCVD, and Travolta? Yeah I'll definitely be seeing this bad boy. Even if it is just like the first one, the action should be fucking epic and that alone will make the movie worth seeing. 2012 couldn't come fast enough. This is truly the ultimate dream team for an action flick. Jackie Chan and Steven Seagal are the only names I can think of that are missing. I'm sure there are others, I'm just not thinking straight right now. Either way, should be freaking great.
I absolutely loved the first movie and have watched it I don't know how many times so I am so amped for this movie and adding all these great actions stars will make it so much better!
I have watch The Expendables online at my friends home and from that moment I fell in more for Sylvester and tattoo which he got at his back was awesome.I like the action of Garry also.he is my favorite action star.
I'd cast Travolta as the ruthless boss of the CIA or some shit like that, or just make him play Vincent Vega again. Cool additions, I noticed a lack of Crews, Couture and Lundgren to be returning in the article, hopefully one or more does sign on. Should be entertaining anyway.

There are so many more I'd like to see in this, Jackie Chan, Samuel L. Jackson, The Rock, Carl Weathers, but I think they should just stick to what they've got at the moment, we all know there's going to be an Expendables 3, 4 and probably 5 so we need some of these guys to hang back for the sequels to keep them somewhat appealing to 80's action nerds.
I don't see Travolta playing the main villain, I fully expect the villain to be Bruce Willis as there has been rumor since the first movie was released that he would be coming back in the second as the villain.

Norris is awesome, I cannot wait to see what his character does. I could see him being in a very mentor role like maybe he was Stallone or Statham's combat trainer or something along those lines. In anyway it is Norris on screen with these guys so it is awesome!

JCVD has to be a bad guy here, him and Statham or him and Norris going head to head in a battle of fists and feet but I would LOVE to see JCVD and Jet Li go one on one, that would be awesome!

About Segal I heard that he was offered a part in the first movie but he has a bad relationship with one of the producers. I read that if this certain producer wasn't on the team making the film that he would have jumped in a heartbeat to have been apart of it. Which is sad, seriously having him in one of these movies would make it complete for me he was always a favorite when I was younger and Under Siege is one of my all time fave action movies!

I really wanna see The Rock in this movie or if they make another sequel...

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