The Era's?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok through out time the WWE has had a certain amount of guys who have made an impact in that Era and was important to that Era which made it Sucessful but always in each Era theres always a Leader who is the Ultimate Guy in the Company

The Golden Age late 80's to 93 Leader: Hulk Hogan
Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Roddy Pipper, Ted Dibiase,Jake Roberts, Mr Perfect,Bob Backlund,Rockers,Hart Foundation,British Bulldogs,Rick Rude

The New Generation 93-early 97 Leader: Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Undertaker,1,2,3 Kid,Owen Hart,British Bulldogg,Golddust,Lex Luger,Jerry Lawler,Steiner Brothers

The Attitude Era started in the May/June time in the WWE through the Hart Foundation Hating America and the Rise of DX Which Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels Respectively Led their Faction's

The Attitude Era 98 - 2001 Leader: Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock, HHH, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, The New Age Outlaws, Kane, X-Pac, Big Show,Chris Jericho, Hardys,E&C,Dudleys,

During this period at the end of 2001 it was the end of the attitude as we knew it with new stars rising and veterans leaving for example The Rock left in 2002 to return 2003, Steve Austin left in 2002 to return in 2002

The New Millenium 2002-2005 Leader: HHH/Brock Lesner
Booker T, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, RVD,HBK,Chris Jericho,Chris Benoit,Eddie Guererro,Edge,Christan,Hardy Boyz,Kane,JBL,Rey Mysterio,Cruiserweight Divison, Big Show

also during this period Goldberg was in the company 2003-2004 but didnt really do anything speaical also Scott Steiner,Kevin Nash returned but didnt make an impact.

The PG Era 2005- Leader: John Cena
Batista, Randy Orton, Edge,CM Punk, Rey Mysterio,Big Show,Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, HHH, JBL,Mark Henry, MVP, Mr Kenndey

so I know what your thinking maybe ive missed peoples name and that and that were still in the PG Era but really if you think about it were in an new Era the Dawn of the Youth Movement , so my question is with this revolution and the superstars we have and the ones on the rise and I know John Cena will still be leading it in 10 years time but who is the real leader of this Youth Movement and what superstars do you think are important to it.
Leader: The Miz
Rhodes,Del Rio,Barret,Sheamus,mcintire,Kofi, Ziggler.
It looks like the youth movement is lacking on faces with Kofi being only one I could come up with. Granted Cena and Orton are both young but don't really think of them as part of youth movement since they are both already multi time world champs.
The Youth Movement 2010- Leader: The Miz (Unfortunately)
John Morrison, Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Wade Barrett, John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Alex Riley, Axel Mulligan (my sleeper pick)

I hate to say it but the Miz is ruling the Youth Movement. Don't believe me? Look at the fact that Miz's title reign is the one of the longest in years while people like Morrison, Barrett, and Del Rio are still waiting to win the big one. Miz has been able to do thrice as much in his one reign than Sheamus could in his two shitty reigns as champ and he's about to headline WrestleMania. Whether we like it or not Miz is here to stay and will likely be a major player in the future.

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