The End of Jeff Hardy?


Occasional Pre-Show
It is being widely reported that Jeff Hardy's contract expires in July and that as of now he has not signed a new contract.

Speculation is that he wants time off from wrestlng to persue other things, but as with all things Jeff does only time will tell.

Clearly, with his recent use by WWE, he is making well beyond his minimum downside guarantee which is likely $150,000 or so, and I'd bet that he's generated at leat 5 to 6 times that for the last year alone with PPV pay, etc, so likely he feels financially secure.

The Hardys also release their own videos called THE HARDY SHOW that sell well, and have become a nice little business for Matt, Jeff & Shannon Moore.

With that being said, do you feel this is Hardy's last straw? I don't think they'd take him back next time, if there is a next time. Obviously TNA would take him back, hes a draw. If Jeff leaves, and decides to come back, he's never going to be near the Main Event scene again like he was before.

Do you think Jeff Hardy will go down in the record book as a 1x WWE Champion?
I think he will let his contract expire. The whole storyline is building up to it at the "I Quit" match against Matt. Probably to step out of the spotlight and let Matt get some while he is gone. This could be a good storyline for later in the road if Jeff decides to come back. We could see Matt climb up to main event status and just as he is about to win the title, Jeff returns to screw him out.
It really seems likw he'll go down as a one time champ. But I don't think that that is what it's all about for him. I think what he's always tried to do was have that moment of the night that makes you go online and talk to other people that saw it or it's the only thing you talk about on the ride home from the arena. Whenever you hear/heard that Jeff Hardy ig going to be in a any match at a ppv you want to see what he'll do, what he'll think of next, and if there is some kind os stipulation, especially a ladder forget about it.

The only problem is that the kind of person Jeff Hardy is means that he has many passions. He's the kind of person that can't express himself in just one form. He has his music, art, wrestling, and who knows what else. He seems like his personality is the type that throws his all into something. For example he puts everything into wrestling, then he does what he wanted to do to express himself, then he goes to music to express himself that way and wants to give 100% of himself to what he is currently focused on.

But if he does leave I see one of three things going down. One is that he leaves for alittle while and then comes back and picks up where he left off. Two is that he goes to TNA to get some gold around his waist and then WWE doesn't want to take him back, so he has a good run in TNA and then goes away from the main spotlight. Three is that he just goes away from the main spotlight and sticks to his music, art, and maybe only does indy stuff every once and a while.

I personally really hope he stays, but I wish him luck in whatever he decides to do.
i hope he goes to tna...not because i am a jeff hardy fan but because i know how good it would be for TNA..jeff hardy is ridiculously popular for some reason and it would help tna impact alot
I used to be a huge fan of Jeff but now im not fussed wether he stays or goes, Jeff just doesn't seem to have the passion that he used to, and that's not good for him or WWE. If he's not 100% into it I don't want him around.

No offense to him either but his music is terrible and i'd hate to see him throw away a main event career for what will more than likely be a failed attempt at that.
This news does make sense.I mean look how they've let Matt win almost every match against him.I cant say i see Vince letting him quit to go back to TNA.I think if anything Jeff is taking a break from wrestling for a while.His body has to be one of the most abused in the business today with some of the risk's and spots he takes.

As for him leaving being connected to the "I Quit" match with Matt.If you dont understand what the match is exactly then you should not speak on it.All an I Quit match is is a match where you beat the hell out of the other person until he says I Quit.I has nothing to do with people leaving the company or the brand like a Loser Leaves "Show" match.Its pretty much just a match where you inflict the most punishment on the other until they cant go on anymore..Just because it's an "I Quit" match doesn't mean who ever loses is quitting or leaving.

I seriously think he either has or will resign and that we are just speculating another "rumor" but either way i don't see him quitting to go back to TNA.I doubt he would make what hes made from ppv and main eventing what little time he did this past year in the WWE then TNA in 2 or 3 years no disrespect to TNA.Besides Jeff was already there.If he liked it i'm sure he wouldn't have left.

I can see an injury angle coming up Sunday for him to give him his time off if that is what he is wanting but i don't see him leaving the WWE for another company at least.Music and Art are another story however.He could work some on his art while traveling i guess but if he is in a band or plans on starting one he would no doubt have to give up one for the other.

What ever the situation only time will tell.His contract is said to expire in the next couple month's.If Vince start's leaving him off t.v and pay per views and burying him against other guy's i guess we'll know what's up.Just what i think.Later guys
No offense to him either but his music is terrible and i'd hate to see him throw away a main event career for what will more than likely be a failed attempt at that.

Pursuing other interests never does mean that they are looking for equivalence to what they already have. Jeff may want to spend some time with his Girlfriend, who now lives alone in someone elses home, because Jeff's house legitimately burned down. The wrestling world takes away so much time from family, and maybe jeff just has his priorities straight. Truth be told, people treat wrestling as a lifestyle, when it's a career. Sure, it changes your lifestyle to the extreme while active, but the family you leave behind every time you go on the road for days/weeks at a time have to suffer for it. I personally think Jeff is making a decision that lots of other wrestlers his age should be making, and thats to take some time off, get themselves together, so they don't turn into broken old men. That's My Opinion....
Yeah, with all that's going on with him. He's been through a lot in 2008 and I think it would be a good idea to get some time off. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he left because of anger. Y'know, with WWE always making reference to his house fire and his dead dog, that's just crossing the line in my opinion. And he could be angry because he went through a lot to become champion just to have Edge come in and take if off of him in a month.
As mentioned above, the guy has head a pretty crappy last couple of years. I've heard that he and his girlfriend are planning on getting married, and after losing so much lately I'm sure (or I'd hope) he'd try to make this work. The guy has been doing this gig since he was 16, and he's not burned out by any means, but he needs a life to get together. He can take a 5 year break and still come back as Jeff Hardy.

I agree also with a couple of posts saying that being a multi-time world champ wasn't his goal. Rarely do guys from a big time tag team ever gets a singles push to the main title scene, let alone win it (Jeff, HBK, Bret, Edge, maybe not that rare). Under a list of his greatest moments and accomplishments, that world title will be farther down the list than it would on most.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if he left because of anger.

I always wonder what's going on inside a company. Not just in wrestling, but in all sports. Fans think they know the true motivations of these people, but we really don't and would probably be surprised to hear the real reasons under which things happen.

In Jeff Hardy's case, I can't help wondering:

--Is he leaving because his push was discontinued?....or..

--Was his push discontinued because he's leaving?

I really wonder about the second choice because this guy was given a major push that led to the world title. I thought he was there to stay for a long time, but after he lost to Edge, it's as if his stock went the way of our economy.

Tell us the true story, Jeff!
people that lose an i quit match are usualy back within 4-5 months, its been said that jeffs been through alot this past year both emotionally and physically.

maybe this i quit match is just being used so jeff can take a break and have time for whatever injuries he has. cause he needs a well deserved break to get his life back on track IMO.

the idea of jeff screwing matt out of the title upon his return is a great idea and i dont think vince wants jeff to go since he is no doubt the most over person in the wwe today.
people that lose an i quit match are usualy back within 4-5 months, its been said that jeffs been through alot this past year both emotionally and physically.

maybe this i quit match is just being used so jeff can take a break and have time for whatever injuries he has. cause he needs a well deserved break to get his life back on track IMO.

the idea of jeff screwing matt out of the title upon his return is a great idea and i dont think vince wants jeff to go since he is no doubt the most over person in the wwe today.

just so you know an i quit match is when they can't take anymore and say i quit/ tapout,they don't leave the company, just quit the match, i think hardy will take some time off 6 months max, then return to WWE or TNA, i hope it's TNA as i have been enjoying it more and more lately as it has gotten better.
Jeff Hardy Speaks On His WWE Contract Situation

Jeff Hardy issued the following statement on his Facebook page:

“Jeffrey Itchweed Nero Hardy says that new contract signing are RUMORS, which means it may not be true, I might sign a new contract soon but the contract doesn’t expire till July, so I’ll play it day-by-day.”

Hope that puts an end to this. He plans on signing a new contract, never once did he say that he wasn't. This is just the same set of rumors that starts every time a contract is up soon.

Yeah, with all that's going on with him. He's been through a lot in 2008 and I think it would be a good idea to get some time off. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he left because of anger. Y'know, with WWE always making reference to his house fire and his dead dog, that's just crossing the line in my opinion. And he could be angry because he went through a lot to become champion just to have Edge come in and take if off of him in a month.

If he didn't want parts of his personal life brought up like that all he has to do is say so. When storylines go personal like that Vince always asks the superstar if they have any problem with it. So I doubt he is mad that they mention it, because he gave the ok.

people that lose an i quit match are usualy back within 4-5 months, its been said that jeffs been through alot this past year both emotionally and physically.

maybe this i quit match is just being used so jeff can take a break and have time for whatever injuries he has. cause he needs a well deserved break to get his life back on track IMO.

As it has been said before, an "I Quit" match doesn't mean anyone is leaving for any amount of time unless they specify it as a "Loser leaves" match. It simply means beat your opponent so bad he says "I Quit" because he can't take it anymore. Remember Mick Foley v. The Rock in '99? When The Rock used a recording of Mick Foley to win. No one left. The reason Rey Mysterio left after his "I Quit" match with Chavo is because it was a "Loser Leaves WWE" stipulation.
Did the OP suggest that WWE might not take Hardy back? Wow. This is the biggest face in the company (short of John Cena) that we're talking about here! Clearly he is valued at the moment.

Not only that, but he probably also sells many large shirts to fat chicks. :blush:
Quite possibly the greatest spot monkey off all-time. The day he stops jumping from tall objects for our amusement will be a sad one indeed. He's so good at it that he's managed to become a world champion, despite a drug addiction, being a perennial fuck up, having promos that were usually bad and not being John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton or Edge.

Oh, say it ain't so, Jeff!
Quite possibly the greatest spot monkey off all-time. The day he stops jumping from tall objects for our amusement will be a sad one indeed. He's so good at it that he's managed to become a world champion, despite a drug addiction, being a perennial fuck up, having promos that were usually bad and not being John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton or Edge.

Oh, say it ain't so, Jeff!
Lets be honest, Hardy's ring work has moved past spot-monkey levels. Since his return in late 2006, he's slowly developed a great ability to take a beatdown in a way that gets the crowd to show amazing amounts of sympathy. Simple psychology, but he does it as well as the Mysterios and Cenas of the world. It also helps that psychology when he has a great connection with the audience. He really broke-out for me in his match with Umaga at the Great American Bash in 2007. Not only was the psychology perfect, but the execution of everything was just crisp and spot-on.

Fuck up? Yes. Not worth investing in if he's going to keep getting caught with shit, regularly loses motivation, and in all likelihood is marching towards and early death? Probably. But at least he finally figured the wrestling out.
Jeff Hardy is a phenomenon.
He is over with everyone. Not just kids and women like John Cena.
He could be the most popular Superstar in history if he keeps it up.
The way that he has shown himself to be, getting a push. Becoming
a Main Eventer, now he decides to turn his back on the fans who
have believed in him in the business kayfabe and in his personal struggles.

It's obvious that he is probably one of the most battered guys physically.
Jeff seems to struggle mentally too which is bad for business.
Jeff has had two chances now, has returned after failing drug tests.
WWE wants to keep this guy it is clear.

The fact that Matt has been put over Jeff, was surprising and makes
sense now that this has come to light. Matt is gaining from his brothers
departure. It's like I have said before, It's going to be very difficult for
both Matt and Jeff to be legit main eventer's. Now with Jeff taking a
step back, it allows Matt Hardy to get the push he deserves.

I also agree with the earlier comment that Jeff could have suffer
an 'injury' in his match with Matt this Sunday. Vince will want to
make sure Jeff has throughly thought through his decision.
It will give Jeff time off from after Backlash, so May to
when he has to renew the contract, in July. Two months
to really think over what he wants to do. Perhaps even
do some of those things.

Another thing we are forgetting is that Jeff has been in
the wrestling business professionally for 17 years now.
He is still young but he probably has the body of a
veteran the way he puts himself on the line all the time.

Matt Hardy has passion for the wrestling industry.
Jeff Hardy has passion for wrestling, art and music.
He is very passionate and good at all three.
I think that it's time for Jeff, to get a fix of what
else he loves, including his girlfriend.
Take the time, get married, make some statues,
drop some beats and rest up. While Matt
succeeds at the one thing he has always
wanted to do. Become WWE Champion.

It also makes me wonder, what was the real
reason for Jeff to come back. Did he just
want to become WWE Champion? I don't
think that it would be to far-fetched to
believe that. He could be just another
ego driven guy who wants what he thinks
he deserves. I don't believe this but it is
a possibility and i'm simply suggesting it.

In my eyes. Good for him. He wants time
off. He deserves it.
Not sure everyone here understands the meaning of an "I quit" match. It doesn't mean you quit WWE and leave, it simply means you "quit" the match, and lose. Maybe WWE needs to specify the rules of this match for the younger generation who seem to take things too literally. Regardless, who cares about Jeff Hardy? Matt is the far superior brother who has the greatest chance of breaking out into a huge star. It's taken both brothers this long to even begin to make an impact, and Jeff has had his peak and will never rise above what he's already accomplished. In my opinion, of course.
If Vince seriously lets Jeff go, what's going on in Vince's head? Jeff has ALWAYS been the more entertaining brother of The Hardy Boyz. So what if being a spot-monkey got him that spotlight, he's damn well earned it. Jeff has definitly improved his wrestling technique and isn't JUST a spot-monkey anymore. He has skills. No word of a lie, Jeff's WWE Championship win, was EASILY the most entertaining moment over the past year. I didnt jump out of my seat for anything extravagant while watching WrestleMania, this year or last. The only time i've left my seat was begging, pleading that Jeff hits this Swanton Bomb and wins the Championship. Greatest moment in history for me.
Lets be honest, Hardy's ring work has moved past spot-monkey levels.

Precisely. That's why he's quite possibly the greatest spot monkey of all time. Other candidates include AJ Styles and Mick Foley.

Since his return in late 2006, he's slowly developed a great ability to take a beatdown in a way that gets the crowd to show amazing amounts of sympathy.

The Brian Kendrick has got that down too. When a match ends early - like it did on SmackDown! - he looks like shit.

Fuck up? Yes. Not worth investing in if he's going to keep getting caught with shit, regularly loses motivation, and in all likelihood is marching towards and early death? Probably. But at least he finally figured the wrestling out.

Never a dull moment, man. Never a dull moment. Except his shoot promos.
Once again, I don't consider him a spot monkey. Nor do I consider AJ one. They have the capacity to work smart in this day and age. Throwing in spots doesn't make them spot monkeys. You seem to have them confused with people who throw in spots for no reason or rhyme just to give people "WOW" moments. Rob Van Dam would fall under that billing, thinking the proper way to wrestling is to go to bigger and bigger holy shit moments as time goes by in a match rather than working smart. Heck, Kurt Angle is more of a spot monkey these days than Jeff Hardy.
Hardy is not a major spot monkey like he was back in 2002-03 he just threw his body around. now he can wrestle. people are being to harsh. he wrestles way better then Matt does and can carry a crow the whole match to
Hardy is not a major spot monkey like he was back in 2002-03 he just threw his body around. now he can wrestle. people are being to harsh. he wrestles way better then Matt does and can carry a crow the whole match to

Jeff is a better wrestler than Matt? :blink:

Well sure, if you count flailing your body at people, then yeah. If you are talking about actual wrestling moves, selling, and using ring psych to the fullest then... um... Well, let's just sat that Matt could pat Jeff head on the head and say "there there, let the big boys play for a while", and it would make perfect sense.
If Jeff leaves, I don't think WWE should ever push him as anything higher than high midcard.

Ever since Jeff's return, he has been amazing. He sells great, he interacts with the crowd more, and he's an all around great performer. His mic skills however are the worst i've ever seen in history.. Which is weird because when him, Matt, and Shannon Moore do the Hardy Show, he's actually ok. But in WWE, he's just HORRIBLE.

Matt's heel promo he made on Smackdown a couple of weeks ago about beating Jeff and mania and so forth, REALLY impressed me. He's really stepping up. I think with a whole make over, (he has the gimmick, the tights, now just new music and so forth to fit everything) I can easily see him on higher grounds. But his mic skills are really improving.

Matt will NEVER be as great of a face and Jeff. He just doesn't have that connection like Jeff does. Jeff is different. But Matt can overcome that and take matters in his own hands. I wish him the best.

But as far as Jeff is concerned, he's in the prime of his career and for him to walk away would be stupid. I know he's got a lot to express, but i'm sorry, i'm a huge Jeff mark, but his music SUCKS, his art is great but he can do that while still wrestling, and his Motocross shit could be as well.

It's his decision, but I think as of now, he'd be making a HUGE mistake if he left.
I love Matt, and think he's very underrated as a baby-face in some circles, but Jeff sells better than Matt.

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