The End Of An Era

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
There is talk in having Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade break up, with Cade turning on Murdoch. That is why Murdoch has lost weight, got a tan and bought some new entrance gear. This isn't set in stone but management told Murdoch to get ready.

The division is worthless. So before people complain, who gives a shit? Really. Is the division better because of them? I kinda doubt that.

I really hope it's Cade who get's the push. Murdock is terrible. Really bad. Cade on the other had I like. I have no reason to like him. He's showed me nothing as of yet. But he certainly has the size and the look. He can talk as well. I was really impressed when they feuded with The Hardyz. Their commentary on the Hardyz matches was really entertaining.
I questioned for a while why the hell Murdoch has been slowly going out of character with the tan and new ring (entrance) gear. I find it incredibly stupid that they'd split up one of the few legit Tag Teams in the W.W.E. right now.

If they're gonna split up any two, why not split up Carlito and Santino? I mean seriously, what the hell does Santino do for that team? He picked up a win on Raw, which is unofficially been one of his first few victories since being Intercontinental Champion.

Lance Cade has received multiple single's pushes in the passed and it never worked out. No need to suddenly think now that people remember him from a Tag Team that worked, that he'll suddenly get over as a single's star.

More importantly, lets just stop and ask for a second.. if either guy gets a single's push, where are they really gonna go? Intercontinental Champion? Not hardly. Cade might have a remote shot at a decent feud for it, but he'll never win it. And furthermore, if either of these two get pushed over guys like Paul Burchill then I'm truly gonna be upset.
I would love to see a Stable of Wrestlers Managed maybe Trevor Murdoch, Cody Rhodes ( new Texas Outlaws) Ted Dibiase JR, and DH Smith as a faction who said their Dads once ran the Buisness of Wrestling now it's their turn. I know Trevor isn't Dick's son but it could be said.
I know they are planning on splitting them up, but when you look at it, they have done this before and have hinted at it for a while. I imagine they will split them up, then somebody will get drafted to another show, wouldn't be surprised if it was Cade to ECW. Then after they realize it doesn't work for either person, they will again reunite them down the road and hopefully be a dominant legit tag team again. I dont think breaking them up right now is too big of deal, they are getting a little stale, so maybe a couple months apart and then reuniting them will do them good, it worked for them the first time they did it.
I'd be upset if they did. It seemed like they've actually been trying to push the tag division lately, so why would you want to break up one of the few teams that are actually established as former champions? The division is still a joke, but Cade and Murdoch are still a good, well known tag team. They're a solid team, so why break them up?
Personally, I think both are crap. Murdoch doesn't have the look and Cade I can't get into. So why push one as a singles star? Keep them as a tag team and, as klunderbunker has said, push them in the tag-team division. It seems as if RAW's having more tag-team matches, so why not keep them as a team and challenge for the Title? Break up Santino and Carlito and move on.
I dont rate Murdoch but Cade im a fan of. If they split them up id send Cade to Smackdown and keep Murdoch on Raw in a similar role as Hardcore Holly a jobber but a Supercrazy/Val Venis level jobber.

Shame that would leave no heel teams on Raw unless of course they plan on teaming up D.H Smith and Burchill (which im sure is gonna happen)
Cade's ok in my opinion and someone who could be on the lower spectrum of the midcard title chase until he develops a true personality for himself and gets over. Murdoch, I'm just not a fan of him at all.

With some new recruits and a draft coming up, I don't think they should split the tag team up. We'll have plenty of others to fight over the midcard titles. I'd much rather keep them as the "B-level heel tag team" on a brand, behind the likes of the Edgeheads or something, and help out the tag team division rather than just convert them into two singles jobbers in the process...cause we know that neither guy is going to get a huge push once they break up.
You mine as well split them up. I was never big on them in the first place plus the WWE has basically all but forgotten about the tag team division in general. Look at WWE's roster how many tag teams do them have that you can say you love to watch. It certainly isn't what it was a few years ago. when you had the Hardys, Edge and Christian, dudleys, Haas and benjamin i mean there used to be some fun tag teams to watch now there really isn't much.
You mine as well split them up.

I don't think that is neccessary. I mean, if the WWE even wants a tag division, they have to have some teams in there. Plus they have been trying to push the teams lately. Hopefully more in the future.

I was never big on them in the first place plus the WWE has basically all but forgotten about the tag team division in general.

You are right, the WWE has forgotten about the tag teams, but if they want to try and build it up, they should keep the team. Although 'you' aren't big on them, they are a decent tag team.

Look at WWE's roster how many tag teams do them have that you can say you love to watch. It certainly isn't what it was a few years ago.

I love to watch Cryme Tyme, and Londrick. Plus the major brothers aren't that bad either. Although it isn't like it was, it is still ok.

when you had the Hardys, Edge and Christian, dudleys, Haas and benjamin i mean there used to be some fun tag teams to watch now there really isn't much.

That is true, but it also fair enough to say we have some decent tag teams now.
I wouldn’t give a shit if Cade and Murdoch broke up as Raw Tag Teams are never pushed right anyway. The best Tag Team division is on Smackdown. Lance Cade is a hell of a wrestler and I would love to see him by himself as he can go in the ring. He would be great as a heel and could the next Randy Orton in the case that he has the potential to be a perfect heel, but Trevor Murdoch I would love to see him back in a tag team, this time with Cody Rhodes and they could be the New Texas Outlaws in honor of Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch. Trevor to me doesn’t have a gimmick that would be legit for a push to get over to the fans by himself. Though I do think the break up will blow up in the WWE face again as the last time the team broke up, they went no where.
i just don't understand WWE. You have Smackdown vs Raw 2009 coming out with a focus on tag teams. What the Hell is the point in that when on Raw (the flagship show) There's next to no tag teams. Though I think that Cade will make a better singles competetor, Murdoch I doubt we'll see much of. Cade was trained by none other than HBK and wether he was teaming with Mark Jindrack, or Trevor Murdoch, we never really got to see this guys true potential. Problem is though... When WWE has teams split very rarley are they used past the inital feud against each other. The Rednecks were the best heel tag team that WWE has right now. Unless Cryme Tyme or Londrick is going to go heel.... The only heel team that would be left is Carlito and Santino. Cade will hopefully suceed as a singles guy, but Murdoch... I seriously doubt his potential as a singles guy.
Cade is definitely the one slated for a singles push. I really wanna see him work with Shawn Michaels(who trained him) some more. Once he eventually gets some more singles experience and exposure, I wouldn't mind a teacher vs. student angle between the two. After the supposed upcoming breakup of Cade-Murdoch as a team, it is going to take him a while to really find his niche though. He's never really had the chance to develop as a character, and I look for him to flounder for at least a few months, even if they give him a half ass push.

Unlike most everyone else here, I don't hate Murdoch, and in fact really liked him upon first seeing him. His look was something different, and hearkened back to a time when everybody didn't have a cookie cutter OVW look and style. I always like his tag work with Cade and thought they complimented each other nicely. he's a talented guy, and was trained by Harley Race, so I think while his style is different, he can contribute. The problem is going to be reinventing himself post Cade-Murdoch, because even with his slimmer look and new outfit, he doesn't seem to fit anywhere in the current product. I wouldn't mind seeing him do some announcing as anytime he's ever done commentary, I saw glimpses of great heel announcers of the past, and that is something WWE is desperately lacking right now.
Cade will get the push because he's an HBK student plus JR seems really up on him (not that that means much to Vince and the creative team) but this team shouldn't be broken up, we all thought Kendrick/London splitting wud b stupid and thankfully it didn't happen. The Redneck Wrecking Crew is one of the few long term tag teams that the company has that isn't an old team reuniting. Also, why do ppl keep saying Smackdown has a better tag division?

Raw has: Cryme Time, Redneck Wrecking Crew, London/Kendrick, Carlito/Santino and Holly/Rhodes

Smackdown has: Miz/Morrison, D&D, Wang Yang/Moore, Edgeheads, and Jesse/Festus

That's five teams each, however SDs champs rarely ever compete on SD and the Edgeheads are always doing run ins and nothing else so how is Sds tag division better?
There is talk in having Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade break up, with Cade turning on Murdoch. That is why Murdoch has lost weight, got a tan and bought some new entrance gear. This isn't set in stone but management told Murdoch to get ready.

The division is worthless. So before people complain, who gives a shit? Really. Is the division better because of them? I kinda doubt that.

I really hope it's Cade who get's the push. Murdock is terrible. Really bad. Cade on the other had I like. I have no reason to like him. He's showed me nothing as of yet. But he certainly has the size and the look. He can talk as well. I was really impressed when they feuded with The Hardyz. Their commentary on the Hardyz matches was really entertaining.

Permit me to contribute an explanation as to why the team of Murdoch and Cade should be credited. The both of these guys have held up the slumping RAW division from completely falling apart. They were apparently at a time, seemingly the only credible and legitimate team on RAW after the Hardyz had been separated by brands.

I didn't genuinely have fond for these guys but at least they perpetuated the division till nowadays where we have Rhodes and Holly, Carlito and Marella, Londrick and thankfully the return of Cryme Time. However, the tag team division is still lacking in great amounts.

There's no more compelling competition within the division that times prior to 2003 certainly had, where you had the Dudleys, Hardyz, Edge and Christian, RVD and Kane, and the more I name, the more it hurts. What we have today are mostly a bunch of guys that are new to the tag team scene and/or don't have much to offer it.

Cade and Murdoch weren't the best of teams but they were satisfying and kept some interest within. King has always commented greatly on Cade and his abilities but I had never really followed behind him untill now.

He returns and just has this look of stardom. The hair is nice, he looks like he's prepped for a singles career and hopefully when he disbands with Murdoch, his push will not go to waste and will go through successfully.

As for Murdoch, I was feeling him a little in Cade's leave of absence but now, I'm not so interested in him again, I don't hate him though.

But as far as I'm concerned with the upcoming Cade/Murdoch tag team divorce, I think the Tag Division could be in some more deep jeopardy!
the tag team division blows, im a new guy and cant post this thread yet, but i think the tag team divisons would be 100% better if the shows were combined...i have a whole argument to why the shows should be combined and why they have to be....its a good read, but i have to get to that level to be able to post a thread
Cade will move up the ranks slowly if the two were to "break up". Like L4L said, the tag-team division isn't as exciting as it used to be with all the stables like The Hardys, Edge & Christian, etc. And what's with Murdoch's tan?
So it's happened. In one of the greatest angles of all time Cade turned on Murdock. It was like Michales/Marty all over again. Only difference being that The Beefcake wasn't available, The Barbershop was closed for refurbishment, Cade & Murcodk don't have bouffants and nobody gave a shit. Maybe it would have gotten over if there was a tag division, and the split had been coming for a little longer. Oh well, roll on the Cade push. I'm optimistic that he's not horrible.
I think we're just going to see Cade unsuccessfully try out the midcard on Raw and then soon enough, he'll be shipped over to ECW to feud with the likes of Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer.

Cade's much, much better than Murdoch....but hell, that's not saying much. Murdoch will most likely just become a frequent jobber on Raw, filling the beat-down spot on Heat for the likes of Burchill and Killings and such. I doubt either is going far.
Now that Cade & Murdoch are over, I can only hope they push Cade in the right direction. He's got the perfect size, good in-ring ability and oh yeah.. not to mention, he was trained by Shawn Michaels.

Now that Kennedy's getting more of a main-event push than I would have expected, I don't feel theres any need for him to become IC champ, he's clearly over with the fans by judging his match with snitsky last night so I'd rather see Cade with the strap instead.

And yes, Murdoch will probably become a permanent jobber from now on.
So one of the only true tag teams on RAW is now officially split, if only I could give a shit. I do however commend them a bit on how they pulled it off, doing it after they actually won, was a nice touch. I was expecting it after a loss, not a win, and that punch looked sick.

Now what will happen with them, I wonder? They'll push Cade to the stars, only for him to probably fail, maybe a program with his teacher Shawn? But what will Murdoch do? Jobber status? Probably. Guess we'll see.

Cade has the most potential to go anywhere, let's see how he does.
I think that it is sad that they got rid of the tag team because that is one less legitmate tag team when there is only a few thanks to the first Draft. Ending the Murdock/Cade tag team means that there is one less tag team and now how many heel tag teams are there? End of an Era indeed, now will there be another era for either of them?
I think that it is sad that they got rid of the tag team because that is one less legitmate tag team when there is only a few thanks to the first Draft. Ending the Murdock/Cade tag team means that there is one less tag team and now how many heel tag teams are there? End of an Era indeed, now will there be another era for either of them?

No there will be no Era for them and i never think there was an "Era" for them as a tag team, and i will tell you why. NO ONE CARES. Its pretty simple, no one cares about Murdoch or Cade as its pretty sad, because yes they were a tag team, but the most important thing was they were an legitamate tag team. Now we dont see tag teams, we see two wrestlers just randomly put together out of desperation. But still even if they were together, they werent cared enough by the fans to be respectable, they were dieing fast as a duo, and as single competitors i think it could be worse.

Cade could get something out of it, but no Murdoch. Either way, i think both of these guys will go downhill unless Cade can get a pretty damn good push and have a decent fued to be even considered a good mid-card guy and save his career.

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