There is talk in having Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade break up, with Cade turning on Murdoch. That is why Murdoch has lost weight, got a tan and bought some new entrance gear. This isn't set in stone but management told Murdoch to get ready.
The division is worthless. So before people complain, who gives a shit? Really. Is the division better because of them? I kinda doubt that.
I really hope it's Cade who get's the push. Murdock is terrible. Really bad. Cade on the other had I like. I have no reason to like him. He's showed me nothing as of yet. But he certainly has the size and the look. He can talk as well. I was really impressed when they feuded with The Hardyz. Their commentary on the Hardyz matches was really entertaining.
The division is worthless. So before people complain, who gives a shit? Really. Is the division better because of them? I kinda doubt that.
I really hope it's Cade who get's the push. Murdock is terrible. Really bad. Cade on the other had I like. I have no reason to like him. He's showed me nothing as of yet. But he certainly has the size and the look. He can talk as well. I was really impressed when they feuded with The Hardyz. Their commentary on the Hardyz matches was really entertaining.