The End of An Era... Kinda


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Have we seen the last of Miss Wrestlemania, Santina Marella ???

She was apparently fired last night on Raw by Donald Trump and her brother, Santino Marella, apparently sealed her fate.

Seriously though... any chance Santino begins to get away from his comedic routine now and returns to being an actual competitor ??

Or... does Santina return next week to make a plea to Vince to rehire her ??
The Santina angle is hopefully over and will never return. We will look back on this angle and list it in our Top 5 Worst Angles/Gimmicks ever. This was an atrocity, I am pissed off that it lasted THIS long. He should've took the wig off the next night on RAW.
I hope to god that this is the end for Santina. This god awful charade has gone on long enough and now hopefully the WWE have realised that Santina just isnt funny. Next lets hope Santino actually does something more than being a comedy skit and actually gets back in the ring because if he doesn't I can see him being wished well in his future endevours. Yeah its true that i've never been a fan of Santino but it seems the man has enough talent to wrestle a solid match hopefully the WWE utilizes this before Santino becomes so much of a waste that they have to release him.
Truly i hope this is the end of Santina....It was a Dumb stupid retarted gimmick that got old about 10 seconds in I hated it. I hated the fact that the only way they could think of using Santino Marellla Was to make him a girl...I hated it And am about the happiest person in the world that its FINALLY OVER.
I think it's pretty obvious the Santina era is over. Donald Trump fired her, Vickie Guerrero is gone from the WWE, and Santino has separated himself from Beth and Rosa. It would make absolutely NO sense for Vince or any GM to rehire her. Santino even said on Monday Night Raw last night, "Oh well. It was a nice run." IT'S OVER!

As for Santino's future, I think he is VERY over with the fans. Now, I understand a lot of his skits are dumb, but that's the WWE's booking, not Santino's. He does what he is told, and he does it very well. I think the WWE should allow Santino to focus on wrestling and building actual rivalries without making him lose his humor. For example, before the whole Beth Phoenix angle, Santino was very cocky, but still hilarious. I remember Santino calling out Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rowdy Roddy Piper (although he was with Beth Phoenix at this point), The King Jerry Lawler, etc. I think Santino needs to start easy, maybe with a hated William Regal, and go from there. He could build up his popularity even more, work a great program with an experienced wrestler, and then eventually challenge for the U.S. title when a heel takes over the belt. In fact, starting a rivarly with William Regal would be quite simple. It could be an Italian vs. English angle. William Regal has great respect for his county as does Santino. The only difference is that William Regal is all business and Santino is all humor. I could easily see a clash of personalities.

But the bottom line is that Santino Marella is a great entertainer, and I'd like to actually see what he can do in the ring over an extended period of time.
This was definately a write-off to the Santina storyline. There was nothing left to do with the character. There were no more storylines. Beth is off doing her own thing, and Vickie is gone. There was nothing left. So the best thing WWE could do was find a way to get rid of the gimmick...and thats exactly what they did last night with Trump "firing" her. And then Santino coming over and basically shrugging his shoulders and saying "oh well". That was the WWE's way of writing her off.

I'm curious what they will do w/ Santino now. He has no feud right now. The Santina storyline is over. So Santino really has nothing left, he's in limbo.
the sad thing is, Santino Marella has the charisma, and the skill to be a main eventer. But there's no doubt that they screwed him up. I hope Santino is able to pull himself out of this rut, and can be something. BEcause he really has the skill.

Santina, no thank you. Santino is funny by himself, they don't need to ruin him by doing this anymore. It was funny at Wrestlemania, but it should have stopped there. So please WWE, Give Santino a chance.
Santino is great as a comedy act, and he puts on some pretty hilarious matches, but I would rather see real wrestling matches. Although it was funny for a while, I’m glad their dropping the Santina skit.

Too bad they didn’t do it earlier because they ruined Beth Phoenix's credibility; hopefully she will be able to gain it back with a real feud, because she's really the only real credible Diva on the roster
It's the end of Santina. Hopefully now Santino will get to be in a good feud somewhere in the midcard. Hopefully he will still be as funny if he is pushed because he's hilarious.
i know everyone hates Santina so much, but at times it seemed like the quality of the overall show wasnt even up to how funny Santinas little parts were. there were episodes where Santina was the overall highlight and there were no good matches or anything of substance to even hold a candle to this "atrocity" you speak of..

glad its over, but if they're gonna keep going in that same direction with stuff, i'd say bring her back
I am 100% sure that the miss wrestlemania santina marella era is over. So, with a tear in my eye, I would like to wish miss marella the best in her future. Now let's get to Santino. I think santino is talented, he sure as hell is funny. I think santino will probably go on to a feud with someone, and 2 years from now, everybody will forget about santina(hopefully).

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