The Dumbest Smarks on Our Wrestling Forum


Gone but never forgotten.
Some smarks are... well... smart marks. Some are just dumb asses.

Bitch about them in here. Who knows, maybe it'll start a flame war.
Yeah, I second Afro American Spawn. He gives afros a bad name. The guy sucks more than Jenna Jameson in a second rate porn film.
Internet sarcasm and I aren't friends anymore. He fucked my ex-girlfriend while we were still together, I knocked two of his teeth out and we haven't spoken since.
Yeah, I second Afro American Spawn. He gives afros a bad name. The guy sucks more than Jenna Jameson in a second rate porn film.

He's quite the dipshit. I love melodramatics as much as the next guy, but he goes a long ways out of his way to make a burn, and it's never a very good burn; it just leaves him there looking like an idiot. I wonder what it's like to be an angry and dismissive turd all the time?
He's actually more negative than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. That guy is actually enjoying the Danielson/Cole storyline and is happy with some of the moves WWE is making. Spawn is just a negative grumpypants.

Also, The Repo-Man/King of Yugioh. Anyone who makes a topic asking whether Yang can "survive" in TNA without the Flying ELVISES is an idiot. He also said that Danielson was getting buried right after the very first episode of know, the one where he had a match with Chris Jericho and was the focus of the show.
Wasn't Spawn hot shit back in the day? I guess it just proves that everyone's day is up eventually.

I'm looking at you Armbar.

Yeah, that's not me, I plan on retiring rather early with Batista style, going out in a blaze of glory as I get thrown through the ramp by the actual star of this forum.

Therefore my days has never ended, and I still retire, and I win.

That's how it works, right?
Spawn and GameRage should get together and have some steroids.

STEROIDS!!! HGH!!!! man, its been too long since I've watched the "My new haircut" video.

And good posters don't retire. They pull a Jericho. Try to move on to other entertainment forums, realize that they have no interest in what is going on and come back two years later better then they were before...

Just, try not to come back with the Backstreet Boys hairdo.

I love the noises he makes when he's lifting in the gym...

Hahaha, I know tools that actually do that. Kinda funny to watch them make a spectacle out of pressing about 120. Thank god for f'n skanks.

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