The Demon has been awakened...


Dark Match Winner
(The Camera Fades in on The WVWF Arena, Joe’s backyard)

(You can hear Joe’s voice in the background)

Joe: I trained here,

(Shows a clip of him hitting the depths of hell on Kenny)

Joe: I fought, bled, and won here

(Clip of him winning The WVWF Championship for the first time)

Joe: Everyone said I couldn’t do it, that there was no chance, I proved them wrong when I went to AAA

(Shows him defeating X-Pac in AAA)

Joe: I beat the best, teamed with the best, and became the best

(Clips of Joe defeating Kenzo Suzuki for the AAA Title, him and X-Pac winning the tag titles, and Joe standing alone in the AAA 6 sided ring)

Joe: The time has come, I’ve been to TNA

(Clip of him being jobbed out to Bob Backlund)

Joe: I’ve been to the WWE

(Clip of him being jobbed to Carlito)

Joe: I’m sick of it, being a jobber, being in the Indies, broken ropes, getting stiffed on money promoters owe you

(Clip of Joe doing a springboard, the rope snaps and Joe lands sic kingly on his head)

Joe: Then you’ve got WZCW… You’ve got the champ, Rios, Everest, Titus, Sincade, The Elite X Division, Mohammed Hasheem, Big Will, El Guerrero, Gus, you’ve got Steamboat Ricky, Nate Thorpe, Sammy Orwell, Maxx, Disasterpiece, and more…

(The screen turns black as we hear Joe still)

Joe: There’s one difference between me and them,

(The camera fades in, and you can see Joe)

Joe: I’m better than them all

(A determined look and a crooked smirk appear on his face)

Joe: I know it, they know it, the fans know it, start the timer, get your drinks ready, park your ass on the couch, get ready to witness history.

Joe: The timer is on, the timer until I win a title, just wait, you’ll all see

(Joe walks away, the screen fades to black, but he comes back)

Joe: The demon has been awakened…

(Laughs maniacally as the screen fades out to black)​

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