The Decline in the quality of WWE PPV's: 2012


Championship Contender
I am unsure whether this thread should be in "Old school wrestling" because it's ppvs from 2012, or in the WWE ppvs sub-forum itself. Either ways, my apologies if I'm wrong and I leave it at the moderator's discretion to rectify any flaw.

The trend of a considerable decline in the quality/content of WWE ppvs seems to have emerged following Extreme Rules 2012 which saw the return of Brock Lesnar. However, once Cena surmounts the odds and defeats the beast incarnate, there's still the John Cena problem with no worthy and credible opponents to defeat him. Meanwhile, CM Punk was still being CM Punk, or the best in the world and having five star matches on pay-per-views with the likes of Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. Here's some statistic:-

Over the Limit 2012-
1. Christian wins 20 man battle royal.
2. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger
3. Layla (c) defeated Beth Phoenix
4. Sheamus (c) defeated Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)
5. Brodus Clay (with Cameron and Naomi) defeated The Miz
6. Christian defeated Cody Rhodes (c) for the IC title
7. CM Punk (c) defeated Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE title
8. Ryback defeated Camacho (with Hunico)
9. John Laurinaitis defeated John Cena

Thoughts:- In my earnest opinion, the only matches that deserve a ppv spot on this card were Punk and Bryan, and the fatal 4 way for the WHC, and also the Christian battle royal as well as the IC match. But with 2 big brands and a joint pay-per-view, does this ppv really look worth watching in its entirety?

No Way Out 2012.
1. Sheamus (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler (with Vickie Guerrero)
2. Santino Marella defeated Ricardo Rodriguez
3. Christian (c) defeated Cody Rhodes
4. The Prime Time Players (Titus O'Neil and Darren Young) (with A.W.) defeated Primo & Epico (with Rosa Mendes), The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso), and Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel
5. Layla (c) defeated Beth Phoenix
6. Sin Cara defeated Hunico (with Camacho)
7. CM Punk (c) defeated Daniel Bryan and Kane
8. Ryback defeated Dan Delaney and Rob Grymes
9. John Cena (with Vince McMahon) defeated Big Show (with John Laurinaitis) by escaping the cage

Once again, looks like garbage to me. Do we really need to see Ryback beat two jobbers on a ppv? And Santino vs Ricardo? The only matches worth watching or worth a spot on the ppv are Sheamus vs Ziggler(which doesn't even seem big enough), Punk match of course, and Christian vs Cody Rhodes for the IC title.

MITB 2012 was very good obviously because it had 2 MITB matches, Punk vs Bryan, and some filler garbage.

Summerslam 2012 was moderately good, or average but it was HHH vs Brock for the first time ever which sold this ppv and led to "The event received 358,000 buys, up from the 296,000 buys that last year's event received."

Night of Champions 2012 looks good on paper, but really, was Zack Ryder a worthy opponent for Cesaro to defend his US title? The card also had Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the 100th time by that time probably, and they've already wrestled 200 more times until today . But the main-event match with John Cena vs CM Punk was what all expectations relied on, and the result was a Draw. The event managed to gain 189,000 buys. That is up from last year's event, which gained a 169,000 buyrate.

The pay-per-views following NOC '12 were even more disastrous.

HIAC:- With matches like Kofi Kingston vs The Miz, Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel(Gabriel really? for the US title? ) and a very crappy HIAC match between CM Punk and Ryback, I don't see any room for any argument about this ppv being a debacle. Why do we even get to see Ryback, someone who had been an absolute NOBODY before that event, directly enter Satan's structure to contend for the WWE title? Why couldn't it be Sheamus vs Big Show in the Cell?

Survivor Series '12. Everybody knows that besides The Shield's debut, this ppv was below mediocre and pretty much a wreck for a BIG FOUR ppv.

TLC '12.

1.Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow) defeated Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. (TABLES match)

2. Antonio Cesaro (c) defeated R-Truth. Once again, Cesaro continues his trend of facing and beating candidates who're otherwise Jobbers on main event, on every ppv. Zack Ryder, Justin Garbriel, and R-truth. Why even keep the US title only to defend against jobbers on every ppv ?

3. Kofi Kingston (c) defeated Wade Barrett for the IC title.

4. The Shield defeated Team Hell No and Ryback. (Tables, Ladders and Chairs match; decided by either pinfall or submission)

5. Eve Torres (c) defeated Naomi

6. Big Show (c) defeated Sheamus

7. The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and The Brooklyn Brawler defeated 3MB (The Brooklyn Brawler? Seriously?l)

8. Dolph Ziggler defeated John Cena (Ladder match for Ziggler's MITB contract. ) Really? Since when does John Cena need another person's MITB contract? He's already been champion over 10 times and in over 100 main-events.

Once again, it's obvious to discerning eyes how lacklustre and pathetic this card looks for a TLC. No CM Punk. Pointless John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler match.
With Brooklyn Brawler and 3 MB on the card, I can't even determine how crappy this ppv was. Sure, the Shield TLC match was enjoyable. And some of you liked Cena putting over Ziggler in a ladder match, and the Sheamus vs Big Show match. I liked it too.

But, the point is, all this above elaboration is to ask you fellows:-
Based on the above observations and statistics, do you agree that in 2012 the WWE had forgotten how to build monthly ppvs, and the best it can do is bring back Brock Lesnar, thus making only 3-4 ppvs in a year worth watching?

Do you agree that most of the ppvs from 2012 were garbage to totally disastrous?

Do you also agree that besides WM, Elimination Chamber, Extreme Rules, and MITB, the WWE cannot really create/deliver a decent ppv, and the WWE screwed 2012 big time by having John Cena vs John Laurinaitis, Cena vs Big Show be the main event over CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan, and factors like 1/2 of the ppvs containing pointless filler garbage ?

What are your thoughts, feelings, opinions ?
Well, for some reason, WWE really de-valued their top title by not having it on last at just about every PPV. Instead, we get John Cena (yawn) vs. John Laurinaitis (who I'm not really sure people cared too much about). Sure, it was funny, but what purpose did it really serve, outside of Big Show turning heel again, and for some reason joining up with the man who just fired him a few weeks prior. I'm sure I speak for quite a few people who feel that whether Show turns face or heel, whatever the reason, we don't really give a damn. I do agree the PPVs have lost a ton of quality, but when you build your company around maybe 3-4 guys, and not give anyone else a fair shot, or cut their legs out from under them just when they're starting to get over, then of course your PPVs are going to suck. Look at the roster now, who do they really have that is established as a main-eventer/someone who they trust enough to give a push to? Orton, Cena, Batista (maybe). Punk's gone, Daniel Bryan, maybe, but it all depends on what they do with him on April 6th. That's it. They are just now starting to push the younger guys, who apparently have to go through SuperCena in order to establish themselves (look how well that worked for Jason Stat...I mean, Cesaro). They have a huge opportunity to pull the trigger on these younger guys at WrestleMania, so I guess we'll see what happens. Maybe if they get away from the same old formulas of John Cena vs. Randy Orton and give their younger guys a chance to really prove themselves, then hopefully it will bring better PPV quality in the near future. (Case in point: Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn)
I'm a firm believer that the World Championship needs to go on last, period. The only exceptions are if an epic dream match is on the card, or if tradition dictates that a certain match should close that particular show.

Royal Rumble
The Royal Rumble match went on last on its PPV, this is fine. It's bigger than that month's world title defense matches.

Elimination Chamber
John Cena VS Kane in an Ambulance Match closes the show. This is NOT ok. The chamber for one of the world titles should have gone last.

Wrestlemania 28
Cena VS Rock going on last made sense, that was the biggest match in years, and thus was a much bigger deal than Punk VS Jericho for the WWE Championship.

Extreme Rules
Cena VS Lesnar went on last, but it really should have been Punk VS Jericho in their WWE Championship rematch.

Over The Limit
Cena VS John Laurinaitis went on last. Whoever made that decision deserves to be fired if they are still working at WWE. Punk VS Bryan for the WWE Championship should have closed that show.

No Way Out
Cena VS Big Show going on last? That is almost as bad as Cena VS Laurinaitis going last. It must have been the same person who made that decision, if not the people behind both of those decisions should be fired. Punk VS Bryan VS Kane triple threat for the WWE Championship should have closed here.

Money In the Bank
The namesake match of the show closed, this is fine. Money In the Bank is a newer brand unlike the Rumble, but it is becoming a tradition. For instances like this it's fine for the world title to not close. Rather rare, but it happens.

Lesnar VS Trips going last? That made no sense and yet another stupid decision. Punk VS Cena VS Big Show triple threat for the WWE Championship should have gone last.

Night of Champions
They got this one right. Cena VS Punk for the WWE Championship closed it.

Hell In a Cell
Punk VS Ryback for the WWE Championship closed it. Say what you will about Ryback's title shot being too soon or not, but the right match went last.

Survivor Series
CM Punk VS Ryback VS Cena in a triple threat for the WWE Championship closed the show, this was the right call.

Cena VS Ziggler over a Money In the Bank briefcase goes on last? WWE missed a massive opportunity here. This show did not HAVE a WWE Championship match. You'd think they would use that as a chance to make the World Heavyweight Championship match go last right? Nope! Also, why was Ziggler's briefcase defense on TLC instead of Night of Champions? That's when I would have done that type of match.

So there you have it. 50% of the PPV events in 2012 had matches closing the show that had no business closing the show. Unless there is a dream match of epic proportions on the card (Cena VS The Rock is one of these. Triple H VS Lesnar is not.) or if traditional matches for that PPV brand can go on last (Royal Rumble, Money In The Bank) then the World Championship needs to go on last, no questions asked. Flair even said so himself when he had been offered to close Wrestlemania 24 and he said the world title should go last. It makes perfect sense. Punk's WWE Championship reign would have seemed like a bigger deal if he got to close a grand total of SIX shows with a retention that he should have closed, but did not get to. 2012 was not that great of a year PPV-wise.
I've yet to read a bad thing about Cesaro. His consistency reminds me of Bryan's in 2012 until now besides the rumored confrontation he had with HHH backstage last summer for stopping his match against Del Rio.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Cesaro win MITB after him and Swagger are done being The Real Americans

I agree. I like Cesaro and I want to see where they go from here with him. I just wish they knew what they were doing with their talent most of the time. I understand fans eventually get tired of a certain superstar, and I understand some superstars will make more money for the company than others, but when someone's popularity eventually fades, they should have at least 2 or 3 different guys already established and ready to take that spot. If it wasn't for stupid politicking and what-not ("burying people", etc.) we would have a lot more than just 2, maybe 3 guys in the main-event spots, having matches with each other 20,000 times and at every or every other PPV. We'd have something new, fresh, and not just high-priced part-timers coming back for maybe 2-3 matches if we're lucky. Now, it looks like they've finally realized they need to start building new guys, but my question is, is it too late? And why these certain superstars (Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, etc.) instead of guys that have been around a while who've never even really given a chance to prove themselves or had a push coming but never got it(Kofi Kingston, Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder, etc.)? Sure, maybe they got injured at the wrong time, but why not try building them up again when they return? Don't get me wrong, I like The Shield and Bray Wyatt as well, I just wonder why them above everyone else? Why do the Shield have to split at all? They don't ALL need to be WWE champion, but let them get established as legitimate main-event contenders and give us something fresh for RAW and PPV.
Well, considering that was a year where WWE mishandled lots of stuff at PPVs like closing matches in favor of some stars and mishandled lot of wrestlers it wasnt all that bad and it certanly wasnt garbage.

I agree that some matches(for example Cena- Lesnar) were huge and should off gone last but Cena- Laurinaitis, and Cena- Show shouldnt gone last just because its Cenas matches. They were not that high profile that should off gone last and Rumble and WWE Champonship match should off gone last on that occasions.

Also lots of stars where mishandled. Punk after "Summer of Punk" wasnt even maineventing and was "wattered down" and made face and then heel for RAW 1000 and after. They tried to elevate Sheamus and Del Rio again and eventhough they managed in some occasions with Sheamus(that match with Big Show from all people for example) they hugely failed with Del Rio. We saw rise of Ryback but he was mishandled too when Cena got injured and he was thrown to mainevent insteead of maybe building his rise slower.

But we saw good stuff too. Wrestlemania was better them previous year, that was the year Bryan was getting his push after he lost in that 18 seconds match and people get behind him and that was the year when Antonio Cesaro and "The Shield" debuted on main roster.

So all in all wasnt that bad eventhough some of WWE decisions where little off chart...
Well, considering that was a year where WWE mishandled lots of stuff at PPVs like closing matches in favor of some stars and mishandled lot of wrestlers it wasnt all that bad and it certanly wasnt garbage.

I agree that some matches(for example Cena- Lesnar) were huge and should off gone last but Cena- Laurinaitis, and Cena- Show shouldnt gone last just because its Cenas matches. They were not that high profile that should off gone last and Rumble and WWE Champonship match should off gone last on that occasions.

Also lots of stars where mishandled. Punk after "Summer of Punk" wasnt even maineventing and was "wattered down" and made face and then heel for RAW 1000 and after. They tried to elevate Sheamus and Del Rio again and eventhough they managed in some occasions with Sheamus(that match with Big Show from all people for example) they hugely failed with Del Rio. We saw rise of Ryback but he was mishandled too when Cena got injured and he was thrown to mainevent insteead of maybe building his rise slower.

But we saw good stuff too. Wrestlemania was better them previous year, that was the year Bryan was getting his push after he lost in that 18 seconds match and people get behind him and that was the year when Antonio Cesaro and "The Shield" debuted on main roster.

So all in all wasnt that bad eventhough some of WWE decisions where little off chart...

I agree with this except when you say the Royal Rumble match shouldn't have gone on last and that the Rock vs CM Punk should have. I don't believe the Royal Rumble (no matter who wins) should ever NOT go on last. Especially for a match that everyone knew was just a way to sling shot the title onto the Rock. Punk was a footnote in Cena / Rock 2. So how Cena got there is every bit as important as how the Rock got there. And considering the Royal Rumble match itself is the main attraction of the ppv, it made all the more sense to put it last.

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