The Dark Crow in TNA

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

Now i was watching the beatdown of Jeff Jarret last week on TNA, you know when he went up to hunt Sting in the rafters but unfortunately it was a fake Sting and the real Sting was in the ring waiting to kick his ass with that signature baseball bat. Sting being heel no good i beg to differ, but that is a different thread.

I couldn't help but to feel a little nostalgia, for a second i thought i was watching WCW Thunder or Nitro waiting for an army of Stings to go backstage and hunt down Hogan like i saw many years ago, but then i heard Taz commentate and im like oh yeah right wrong show.

So with that said, my point is should TNA bring back the Crow gimmick/character that Sting had in WCW with this heel turn i think it would work so good and be so awesome. Imagine if Sting was coming down from the rafters to that old theme music....i think i just might jizz my pants.....or just mark out.

But with all seriousness it's SHOWTIME er i mean question time;

- Should Sting adopt his old Crow character/gimmick and wreak havoc in TNA?
- Will this new character work?
- Or would you settle for just having the normal Sting?

Please, give reasons for your ansers.

Hey Yo!

Now i was watching the beatdown of Jeff Jarret last week on TNA, you know when he went up to hunt Sting in the rafters but unfortunately it was a fake Sting and the real Sting was in the ring waiting to kick his ass with that signature baseball bat. Sting being heel no good i beg to differ, but that is a different thread.

I couldn't help but to feel a little nostalgia, for a second i thought i was watching WCW Thunder or Nitro waiting for an army of Stings to go backstage and hunt down Hogan like i saw many years ago, but then i heard Taz commentate and im like oh yeah right wrong show.

So with that said, my point is should TNA bring back the Crow gimmick/character that Sting had in WCW with this heel turn i think it would work so good and be so awesome. Imagine if Sting was coming down from the rafters to that old theme music....i think i just might jizz my pants.....or just mark out.
The problem here is that 1) WWE owns the rights to the theme 2) He still comes down from the rafters. Just not as much because its a small arena and because he's a heel. Making the crowd cheer him on is currently a no-no. Best avoid that for now.
But with all seriousness it's SHOWTIME er i mean question time;
Puns don't really look nice when written, bro. I wouldn't do them.

- Should Sting adopt his old Crow character/gimmick and wreak havoc in TNA?
No. I kinda like the Heath Ledger Joker-esque gimmick he has. It's new and it's getting over quite well. I do like the occasional throwback to his older gimmicks but I don't really see then need to change up what was just changed up.
- Will this new character work?
It might, but if I understand correctly, the character you're referring to was a face. Sting is currently a heel looking to expose Hulk as a fraud for TNA, except this time it seems Sting is wrong. Its a very nice spin to an old tale.
- Or would you settle for just having the normal Sting?
I wouldn't exactly call this "normal" Sting, but I like it nonetheless. People don't give this gimmick enough credit and just look down on it because "it doesn't make sense" or "he's not drawing heat".

Your welcome.
I already think they did a watered down version of the crow gimmick late last year when sting disappeared and refused to talk about Hogan's arrival. Sting should NOT be heel. He should be tweener at best. I don't think the crow gimmick would work long term like it did before. If anything I believe sting should have a younger star with him in the rafters to make that angle work. I think sting is a bit too old to be that edgy. Especially with the recent return of Raven to tv, TNA doesn't need another dark character.
Should Sting adopt his old Crow character/gimmick and wreak havoc in TNA?
No, that crow character was then he first went black and white back in the WCW...he managed to get out of that character when he debuted his new kinda felxible character later on...this wouldn't work right now as he always talks, in WCW he only use to terrorize nWo...

Will this new character work?
It could...but in TNA afraid the iMPACT zone has to be the reason, and yes the crowd...the crowd don't know when and how to cheer...You get a random girl screaming through promos and you just want her to Shut the F up...

Or would you settle for just having the normal Sting?
The sting we have right now is good..its just him as heel is like HHH, Taker as heel right now, they would still get good pops from the crowd...
The problem here is that 1) WWE owns the rights to the theme 2) He still comes down from the rafters. Just not as much because its a small arena and because he's a heel. Making the crowd cheer him on is currently a no-no. Best avoid that for now.

I just want to point out that this may not be true, I just have no way to look it up. WWE purchasing WCW does not necessarily mean that they also purchased all of the theme songs, especially seeing how The Band comes out to the old "Wolfpac" Theme. Songs are usually owned by the Musician's that make them, or the Record Label that produced them. For instance, Jim Johntson used to (Still may) make a lot of the theme music for the WWE Superstars, and seeing how he was employed by the WWE, they own the rights to those songs. However, the song "No More Words" by Endeverafter is still owned by whatever Record label they're on despite Jeff Hardy using it as his entrance music. WWE likely had to pay the band or label for using the song. I'm not saying you're wrong, maybe WCW had a similar employee that developed a lot of theme songs during his tenure with the company and said songs were a part of the purchase, I'm just saying that there is a possibility that you're wrong about it. I don't know who the composer of the song is, if you do feel free to let me know.

Anywho, back on topic. I agree with the majority of your post, Riaku. The fact is, Sting was a face in those times. The things he did got a positive reaction from the crowd. For once, I don't think they're doing a complete shit job at making Sting a heel this time around, no need to stray. The biggest beef I have with TNA is their shitty and inconsistent booking, and this would just be yet another fuck up to add to the list. For once, I think they're actually doing ok with this angle, and I would hate to see them fuck up something else.
A big part of what made the Crow gimmick work before was the "betrayal" Sting perceived from WCW. It wouldn't be believable now. Even if Sting wanted to say that Dixie and Jarrett have betrayed TNA by bringing Bischoff and Hogan in, there's just no way his emotions and TNA loyalty could run deep enough to put that angle over.

I think what he's doing right now is working very well. I like that he's his own man and can be a major wild card in whatever develops with Fortune, the ECW invasion, and other storylines. I'd really like to see him take on Jeff Hardy and show him what a true "charismatic enigma" is. Sorry Jeff, but it takes more than the announcers calling you something to make it legit.

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