the count out and other ideas/rules used poorly

whoopin' ass

Championship Contender
I understand it is the wrestling business and you need to take things with a grain of salt since it is entertainment but things have to make sense in order to keep the audience interested. If you allows just anything to happen, people would tune out because you wouldn`t be able to follow the product. From both RAW and Impact this week, the count out is a great example of this. The count out is simple - you were out of the ring too long so you lost. We have seen a lot of heel champs use this as a way to keep the title. On RAW, we had Del Rio and Big Show in a match. They both end up outside of the ring and the announcers make a point to mention that they don`t want to stay out too long and risk being counted out. I think it was King who also mentioned that Del Rio probably wouldn`t mind that. Yet what happens? Del Rio makes it back to the ring, Show is being counted out yet at 9, Del Rio leaves the ring(stopping the count) to get Show and bring him back in. Why? One more second, he wins and the match is over. Just now on Impact, Storm and Roode are outside of the ring being counted out. Storm gets back in at 8 and while Roode is just on the ring apron, the ref stops the count. Again, why? Roode wasn`t back in the ring therefore the count should continue on him. The count out is one of the most basic rules in wrestling yet here is was obviously misused.

Do you think this is going to come back and bite wwe/tna in a way they don`t see yet? For hockey fans, think if they only called icing every 3rd time it happened. Would people want to keep watching when a rules is used only here and there? What happens the next time a heel champ keeps his belt because of a count out? Eventually fans, even the wwe universe, will start to have an issue with this. What else have you seen that makes no sense (like, oh I don`t know, a match not being thrown out because there is a broken beer bottle all over the ring and ref doesn`t know how it got there...)? Be fair and give both wwe and tna examples.

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