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The Consequences are Lethal

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Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
I vaguely remember Jay and Creed saying that once. They may still use it, but honestly, how often do we see them anymore anyway. With all the discussion about The Guns these days, I figured there could be a few Lethal Consequences fans floating about. My take: they are two very talented individuals who have taken the backseat for the "rejects." Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure they deserve better. Lethal is fairly entertaining on the stick, Creed... Not so much. Both of them have some talent in the ring. But seriously, who thinks they really have the potential to be anything special. Maybe you do? Try to convince me.
Why should we try and convince you? They have both proven to be great in the ring. It is unfortunate that TNA has opted to go the entertainment route rather than the wrestling route they were going.
Lethal should shake off that stale gimmick and start over with something fresh. That way at least he could have a chance. He's young, he's all-round talanted and he doesn't deserve, by far, to be only an undercard tag team attraction. Maybe there's something else to the fact that he doesn't get a push, but we can't know at this particular time. Creed is a different story. He's not all that glamorous in the ring, or on the mic, but he's really intense, or his character is, so TNA should capitalize on that fact and use it to cover up his flaws. In conclusion, they should be given a better chance, because a push for them is doable, if not necessary.
i personally like the machismo gimmick. i think jay is solid in the ring and can cut a decent promo. consequences on the other hand, i think gimmick is kinda dumb. hes good in the ring but promos need work. i think tna should find him another gimmick.
I don't think we'll see too much of them before Bound for Glory, but I think what'll end up happening is a US "stable" to counter world elite, predominantly of X-division guys, but you can throw Rhyno in there, maybe give Hernandez the leader position. The World Elite is sort of an X-division level Main Event Mafia, and it's ridiculous to think that Lethal Consequences are going to "take out" Booker and Steiner, but it isn't so crazy to see them against British Invasion. A US stable made up of Hernandez, Beer Money, Lethal Consequnces, Rhyno, and maybe repackage Trevor Murdoch's gimmick and give Deaner something to do, and that would be a great mid-card counter to World Elite. They could attempt building up something toward Bound for Glory and have a huge tag team match (which TNA loves to do) and have Team US vs World Elite.

I think Jay Lethal needs to have a new gimmick also. If this were WWE, I would predict that Lethal and Creed would form a stable with Elijah Burke/Pope, because WWE loves to just pair up as many african-americans as possible. They are very talented guys and when they're on TV they're enjoyed very much. I just hope TNA doesn't blow it on these guys. They messed up the first time with Creed (Truth & Consequences with Ron Killings...then dropped him during the PacMan Jones storyline, can't exactly remember), and hopefully they don't do it again.
Well i no it has been done but last time I checked Ron Simmons was no longer employed by the WWE. I personally think the Nation of Domination was one of the best things the WWE has ever done, but as good as it was I think they messed it up by making it not be a main event type faction then Rock kinda did his thing and kinda destroyed any ability they had to be a main event faction by making it look like he blew them all away which he did but that is beside the point. So what I would like to see TNA do is bring in Simmons to manage and do this group right. I think Elijah Burke would be a perfect leader and lets face it I like the name The Black Pope but the way he was dressed was awful I mean it looked like he had a jock strap on his face when he came out. So go ahead and repackage him, he can keep his name just change his gear. Then put Lethal who I think as far as in ring ability goes is probably in the top 5 in TNA. Add in Creed, you could mix Lashley into this but I doubt he would do it plus I dont like the idea of doing much with him because he isnt going to be full time. Anyway I think those 3 could really get something special going togther. I did love the Black Machismo gimmick but it has went on to long. The only way he should have kept it is if they were going to have the real Macho Man come and work an angle with him. Creed is pretty amazing, he is big enough to be a heavyweight but wrestles like an X divison guy get that stupid gimmick off him and he would be great. Wonder how many people in this day and age even get the Rocky pun. Anyway just my idea something I would personally like to see.
They are entertaining, but don't need to be in the spotlight. If TNA did do an X Division show, maybe they can have more time there to shine. I just think TNA has too much talent to put on only one show. Maybe we will get to see more of them after they make a Knockouts show. I have nothing against Lethal or Creed. They are good tag team, that's about it. Lethal had a pretty big push last year, being X Division champion.

I would like to see that again personally because lethal is always entertaining on the mic and good in the ring. Creed can dance and do fancy moves, but that's it. I personally like to see Lethal get another push for the X Division title. Creed can stay in limbo. Neither are main event material, but they should still be able to flourish in the X Division.
I like them both, I think Lethal has a much better chance of success though. Personally, I'd like to see him go without the machismo gimmick, he's not got too much of a chance of getting past the X division if he keeps it.

Creed's not quite as good as Lethal and not as good on the stick, he does well at what he does though, but I can't see him as much more than a midcarder.

I don't think either will find too much solo success, but I like the pairing as a team. If one finds success, it would most likely be Lethal, as long as he drops the gimmick, he might get taken a bit more seriously. However, I hope their just kept as a tag team for a while, it's a good pairing which the fans like, no need for them to fly solo just yet.
They messed up the first time with Creed (Truth & Consequences with Ron Killings...then dropped him during the PacMan Jones storyline, can't exactly remember), and hopefully they don't do it again.

He was used as Truth's partner in the title defence against Styles and Tomko at Bound for Glory as part of Team pacman, because the Titans wouldn't let Pacman wrestle.

As for Lethal and Creed, I love them both, especially Lethal. I find him the most entetaining on the mic out of anyone in TNA bar James Storm, mainlyy for the random bits of humour he throws in, such as when he asked Chris Sabin why he talks so slow, and when he called Abyss "Andre", These totally irrelevant yet funny remarks leave me in stiches a lot of the time.

His in ring work is also very good. He can do the standard flips for an X division guy, but he adds a little bit more. And he's also quite strong too, easily able to lift the X division athletes. He can hold them in a gorilla press for quite sometime. And the Lethal combination is sick, as is his dragon suplex that was used as his finisher during his tenure in Ring of Honor.

I like Creed aswell, although not as much. His athleticism is what impresses me the most, his flexibility and then his ability to jump so high, and his surprising strength. But he's charismatic, and can wrestle a damn good match, with the spot or two thrown in for good measure.

The thing that hurts them the most is how good they are as a tag team. Their chemistry and team work is top notch, as is the case for most TNA tag teams, namely the guns and Beer Money. But this tag team ability hinders their single prosperity, much like with the guns, who, because of the crowded tag division and mid card, are fading into obscurity, which is a shame for such great talents.

Plus they have awesome hair.
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