The Compliment Sandwich: Jeff Hardy


Staff member
So, as promised, I have been watching TNA since their move to Challenge in the UK. Needless to say, I have found some good part of the show and some bad parts. That being said, this is not a thread for complaining about TNA.

So, this is the latest in my series of threads that encourage people to really look at a subject matter and get to grips on what they really think about something. The way it works is very simple. You state something that you like about the subject matter. It could be something as simple as how they look or how much they make you enjoy something. After that, you simply state something that you do not like about the subject matter. Again, it could be anything. After that, you, simply round it off with something positive.

Simple as that

So, with that in mind, let's get onto our subject matter, shall we? Today, we are looking at the Enigma Jeff Hardy. The man who turned up at the Impact Zone on January 4th and hasn't looked back since.

Jeff Hardy, as a performer, is very good... There is imply no doubt about that. During his WWE run, there was very few people who had the control of the crowd that Jeff Hardy had. Yes, he may have been a so-called “high-flyer” and therefore not taken as seriously as some other members of the roster because he had made a career of being a gymnast in tights. However, Hardy is a good performer and can still get the crowd behind him in an instant. Of course, this is a lot harder when you are a heel but the fact remains the same, Hardy is a crowd-pleaser. He always has been and he always will be. That is the reason that TNA signed him and the reason that he continues to be the big-name star for them throughout his legal problems....

Which brings me onto his legal problems rather nicely. Jeff Hardy was always going to be a risk for TNA. They knew what sort of character he was from day one and they still invested in him. Obviously, it is all going to blow up on them if Hardy is convicted of the crimes that he has been taken to court for. He is a destructive personality and has been ravaged by the effects of his lifestyle. He seems to have let himself go a little in recent times and that is to be expected. To me, it seems as though he thinks of TNA as a pay-cheque and nothing more. I just don't see the passion in his eye any more and that is not the fault of TNA. It is the fault of Jeff Hardy and his lax attitude to the people who pay him the money to indulge his lifestyle.

That being said, Hardy is the biggest draw for TNA. He has been since he turned up at the Impact Zone and he will be until he calls it quits with TNA. He brings in an army of fans to the show, myself included. People might not care for his lifestyle but Hardy can still go at the highest level. Since going to TNA, he has crafted a new persona for himself and he seems happier doing that. He was a career face in the WWE and going to TNA seems like a fresh challenge for him.

Your turn!
I've been a Fan of Jeff Hardy's since as long as I can Remember. I've also found his style of wrestling to be exciting and made for many matches that I enjoyed. There is just something about Jeff Hardy that fans love and want to cheer for. Hardy during his last WWE was the Second Most Popular wrestler in the world next to John Cena.

The negative with Jeff Hardy is the Drug Problems and his pending trial and whether or not he is going to have to serve jail time.

My other Compliment for Jeff would be his recent Heel Turn which I think he has done a stellar job. After BFG when Jeff turned people were saying he couldn't make a good heel because he does not have the mic skills to pull it off and like many others I was skeptical too but to me he has done a really good job as heel and his Mic skills as a Heel is much then is mic skills were as a Face.
Jeff Hardy has found a niche. While alot of mainstream fans didn't click with him at first, he appealed to the goth kids and all the "social outcasts" and he's found a way to take that niche fanbase at turn it into some real mainstream success.

Like anybody else named Hardy, he VASTLY overestimates his own abilities and gets high on the smell of his own farts (among other things) couple that with his destructive "rock & roll" lifestyle and you have someone completely untrustworthy to put any real faith in as a performer

Jeff Hardy really understands his persona, and even when he was the number one guy on Smackdown, he never betrayed that image. He understands what made him big and he stays true to it.
Jeff Hardy has had a good connection with the crowd, even when he wasn't speaking on the mic much in his early days; his win against Triple H on Smackdown in 2000 for the InterContinental Title was the number 13 moment in SD history on their DVD. His physique and style added to the impact of the win as for most of the match he just takes a beating from Triple H. This underdog persona was again utilised in 2002 (I think) where he had his ladder match with Big Evil and became the starting point of Taker's face turn. So despite many claims that he's just a spot monkey etc, the WWE did use him for big moments that were not based on his in-ring style, but as his role as an outcast/outsider that connected with the crowd.

The drugs. Perhaps it is not so much the drugs themselves, but also the fact that there doesn't seem to be anyone around him who will make him consider stopping. In his last spell in WWE when he was in the Main Events, he was clean and arguably doing some of his best work. Since moving to TNA and not having the same restrictions, his skills have not been as sharp as they were just several months before; he's overshot a lot of Swantons and not looked as safe in the ring. (An argument can be made that the talent he is working with are also not as sharp.)

He is a unique character. He stands out and is recognisable. That is a major factor that cannot be dismissed but the handling of his character does need some work to draw in more viewers. I wouldn't say his promos are the best, but this is a guy we aren't used to hearing talk unlike Anderson, and the only way he can improve is to keep letting him speak. He has been around for a long time, but if he keeps in shape then I believe there are still some good years for him ahead. It's just a matter of handling
jeff hardy is an incredible athlete with the ability to suprise you every chance he gets and the potential to be recongized as one of the greatest in ring performers of all time

his drug problem is his down fall he needs to get his life together

jeff hardy is true to his character and he remembers that even though he is now a huge superstar he remembers that the fans made him and is friendly to his fans outside of the ring
I have nothing against Jeff. Great in ring performer. The thing is he's been given so many chances and he constantly screws up with his drug problem. It's like he doesn't care because he thinks he'll always have a job so he can do whatever he wants. Although that's highly untrue he sure gives off that impression much of the time.

But despite that part of his personal life he is very entertaining to watch and it's great that he's still being given the chance to do what he loves.
Postive: Jeff Hardy (along with others) created the most exciting and innovative era of high flying tag team wrestling with the TLC matches of 2000-01.

Negative: Jeff Hardy is controlled by his personal demons with regards to drug problem which is why he will never be a true #1 guy in any company.

Positive: Jeff Hardy proved that you can get over with only high flying skills and no real mic skills and therefore can be a top guy and an inspiration to others like him... (Looking at you John Morrison)
Jeff Hardy is a great preformer. He has put on amazing high-flying matches and entertains me everytime he comes down to the ring. He has done some crazy things during his career that had everyone on the edge of their seat.

Drugs. Do I really need to explain? His life outside of wrestling is going to affect him in the long run and needs to start taking care of himself.

Hardy can put on a show and is a fantastic wrestler.
There will be a gimmick battle royal at start of show to determine his opponent with Barry Darsow a.k.a. the Repo Man winning and going on to face Undertaker. He has as good a chance as some other jabroni, like Wade Barrett for example.
Jeff Hardy is a major name and proven draw with WWe and (unlike Hogan, Flair and Foley et cetera) is still a young man. The drugs thing will blow over in time, if he stays clean. It was forgiven and forgotten in the E after all. If Jeff is committed to the cause and creative is adequate, he could be the guy to move TNA to new levels.

I'm gonna avoid the obvious drugs weakness (I've kinda covered it in the first positive anyhow). Jeff is to fond of the 'lost smile' academic, he has now done it to the E twice and his first run in TNA was a bust because of his lack of interest. As has already been mentioned he has not looked motivated consistently since his return to TNA.

He really is unique and I think (kudos were they are due) TNA creative have found a way for him to do promo that fits his public persona. Even in the E, he came across as a kinda stoner because he was so laid back. This new Charismatic Enigma Hardy has an edge, good guy Jeff lacked.
One good thing I like about Jeff Hardy is the nostalgia he brings to me to the end of the Attitude Era and the post Attitude Era. To be more specific; the TLC battles he had. Those were some of the most innovative matches back in the day and are still extremely fun to watch even if they are spotty.

His in-ring ability sucks. He isn't technical at all; he's sloppy. His matches haven't been slightly entertaining to me since... I don't even remember when. The last match I saw him in was in the Tokyo Dome defending the TNA title and it was simply the worst match on the card (although I thought RVD's match was brutal too). He can't talk for shit and relies on high spots and shopping at Hot Topic to get over. In other words; he's a spot monkey/poser.

Jeff, deep down, cares about his fans. Sure, he may not care about you if you're not his fan, but I know the Hardyz care about their fans in some contorted way and see them as family. So... yeah.
Man, I wish this was a criticism sandwich, but I could do compliment as well.

He's exciting to watch in the ring. The swanton bomb is an impressive move, he can do some incredible spots, and it seems like there are few things that he's not willing to do. Whether it's going through tables, ladders, or off of 20 foot drops, he seems willing to do it.

He's selfish and doesn't care about the people that rely on him. Whether they be Vince McMahon, Dixie Carter, Matt, his family, his fans, or the other wrestlers that rely on him to help them look good, he puts himself first. He's passed up all sorts of opportunities to get clean, and he's gotten into tons of trouble for it. His selfishness doesn't just hurt his supporters, it hurts himself too.

Despite being pretty poor on the mic, he's got some odd charisma. I don't know why I liked Jeff Hardy when he first game onto the professional wrestling scene, I just did. I don't know if it's because of his style or his ring attire or his music or a combination of the three, I just liked him. The more you learn about him the harder he is to like, but he will always have this odd air of charisma around him.
Jeff Hardy is one of the bravest performers to have stepped into the ring. Whether you like him or not he is an indelible part of pro wrestling history. In the ring he is exciting to watch and is someone who the fans like to see in action.

Jeff Hardy is delusional though I guess that kind of runs in the family. Drug abuse does not help his case either. He is a good wrestler with a definite fan following but that does not imply that he is god's gift to pro wrestling. Despite being entertaining he still botches moves pretty often and is more than happy to just be a spot monkey than improve his overall wrestling skills. He also cannot handle his drug problem. If he had done so he would have been a much bigger name today.

Whether you like him or not you cannot deny that Jeff Hardy works. He was the best option for the heel turn that happened at Bound For Glory 2010. He is charismatic despite lacking the mic skills which is the most important criterion for judging charisma. His mic skills are improving slowly as well. Jeff Hardy will never lose his appeal to wrestling fans unless he does something drastic.

Jeff Hardy will always put his body on the line to create an exciting moment for the fans. I first became a Hardy's fan after seeing Jeff's risk taking. He is not one of these wrestlers who will do the bare minimum, refuse to take bumps and just cash a paycheck, Jeff will do something spectacular to make a moment or match memorable to somebody. He does seem to genuinely care about his fans, and try to put on a show for them every time he comes out.


The drug problems. End of. Not much needs to be said here, except Jeff Hardy had all the potential in the world to become a superstar. He IS a big name, but he has held himself back with his substance abuse, which cost him big time in suspensions, success and respect in the eyes of his fans


The Hardy Boyz will always remain one of my favourite tag teams. They provided so many great moments for me as a young wrestling fan, they were my idols when I was about 12 and some of their matches with the likes of Edge and Christian and the Dudley Boyz will always be some of my all-time greatest wrestling memories. Charismatic, exciting and totally different from any other team, The Hardys should be remembered as a top quality tag team.
Firstly, Jeff has always been a crowd pleaser and has always done the things that the crowd has wanted him to do and has always risked his body and his well being just to please the fans and give them something special

Obviously Jeff's personal lifestyle is a problem but when it doesn't affect his TV time and his wrestling abilities etc. I don't think it should be discussed by us because none of us really know him personally or any other wrestler for that matter, who knows what any of them do in their personal lives but you've got to believe that the reason Jeff's personal is so out there is due to the fact that the fans love him and want to know everything about him- personal life included, although that doesn't excuse Jeff doing the things he does because drugs are illegal whether your famous or not.

On a lasting note I think that Jeff has finally found his place in the wrestling business as the face of TNA, I'm not liking his heel persona too much but he seems comfortable and the fans are always going to want him and love him regardless of what he says or does.

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