**The Cigar Lounge rules** Please Read before posting.

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Shawn Michaels ❤
Welcome to the Chit Chat section at Wrestlezone forums! This is the place to come if you have something interesting to say about what's going on in the world, something we can all debate about and have fun. This is the forum to come to if your topic doesn't fit into any of the other Non-wrestling categories.

Here are some of the rules:

1.This is NOT a spam forum. We welcome good debates here. That means we want reasons for your opinions.

2. When posting new topics please check to make sure that the topic has not been posted before. You can easily search for this using the link provided, and if you are unsure PM a mod.

3. News stories often play a part in Current Event issues we discuss here. If you post a quote from a website, please give the source, and give your opinion on it. Posting a news article only will result in an infraction.

4. Flaming is strictly disallowed in this forum. Many of our debates get heated, which is good, but infractions will be handed out for anyone who flames another member in the process.

5. Breaking any of these rules, or any rules of the main forum, will result in a warning or infraction, which could lead to a banning.

6. As well as these rules, the rules of the main forum apply, and they can be read here.. They must be read before posting, and apply to all forums on the board. We have the right to change these rules at any time.
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