The Chaperone


Pre-Show Stalwart
Watched it. Wasn't the best. I enjoyed Triple H in it, he had the same type of comedy we've seen in his promo's, but the plot was too off for me. It wasn't really an action, well..I guess it could be considered an action film..but it's nothing like a Die Hard movie. Hell..I wouldn't even compare it to 12 rounds. In fact, I was told it was very similar to 12 rounds in that sort of thing.

I thought it was a kiddy movie at first, but a friend told me otherwise and that it was worth watching. If it wasn't for the violence or suggestive themes, the movie woulda been rated G. I don't think one person died in the whole movie...they just ran around with guns, acting like they were gonna shoot. If I had to compare it to anything, it'd be a mix of the movie Carpool, and that movie with the kids running around the airport.....Unaccompanied Minors. Not really much of the second, but it still had that type of feel.

It's not a movie I would watch twice. If it wasn't for HHH, I wouldn't have even gave it a shot. It wasn't terrible, but out of the WWE movies I've seen...this pretty much might be the worse. I'm glad I didn't actually pay to see this movie, but it wasn't that bad, if you see it on HBO or something you mise well watch it, but it just didn't give off that sort of vibe that you're looking for. weren't sure what audience they were seems like a family film..yet at the same time it's pointed towards adults. Then they make it seem like an action film, and there's barely any action.

Wasn't Batista supposed to be in this film? I don't think Batista would've been good for the part anyways, Triple H barely made it. Like I said, it was very similar to the 1996 movie Carpool.
I've seen it, it's clear the target audience for this movie is tweens, as in the same age group watching shit like Hannah Montanna, or iCarly, it wasn't bad for what it was, a stupid action comedy for kids, very family friendly movie, & I'm pretty sure the reason he did it was so that some day his kids can watch something he's in that isn't vulgar or full of gratuitous violence
I've seen it, it's clear the target audience for this movie is tweens, as in the same age group watching shit like Hannah Montanna, or iCarly, it wasn't bad for what it was, a stupid action comedy for kids, very family friendly movie, & I'm pretty sure the reason he did it was so that some day his kids can watch something he's in that isn't vulgar or full of gratuitous violence

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