The Celebrity Effect...The Best and Worst.


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
So with Charlie Sheen possibly going into a angle with Daniel Bryan heading towards SummerSlam this got me thinking about past celebrity involvement in wrestling over the years so.....

Which celebrity did you enjoy watching the most in wrestling and which did you just flat out hate?

---Oh and try not include lame guest hosts in your answer unless they actually played a significant role in the show---

For me id say my favourite was....Floyd Mayweather Jr.

His angle with Big Show really was exceptional and highly entertaining and probably one of if not the most talked about event in Wrestling that year. Everything Floyd did over the course of that angle was pure gold and he fitted in perfectly.

Worst i would have to say....Donald Trump.

He took his run in WWE far too seriously and for me he never came off as a likeable character even though he was technically the face during his run. I recently read a interview with none other than the boogeyman! who also wasnt too happy with "The Donald" stemming from a segment they did together were trump basically went off script and instead of showing some fear/disgust/confusion to Boogey he basically just ignored him.

now your turn! Go!
My favorite was Mike Tyson's involvement in Mania 14. Mike Tyson was still very much in the spotlight at that time even just coming out of jail. He and Stone Cold in the ring together just had that anything can happen feel to it. Him siding with Stone Cold in the end and knocking out HBK is a moment in the ring I won't ever forget.

My least favorite has to be Lawrence Taylor. I was still even a kid when Mania 11 took place, and even then I felt that LT had no place in the main event of Wrestlemania. Then for him to go and win it. I was so mad as a kid that Big Daddy Cool and HBK didn't main event. I understand now why he won and the need for mainstream attention, but I just didn't like LT's involvement at all.
Favourite: Mike Tyson. He helped kick start a new era in the WWE and brought many exciting (& some funny) moments in the time he was there. It was just a great time to be a fan of both Boxing & Wrestling when Tyson was the man. My other favourites following Tyson are Floyd Mayweather, Hugh Jackman & Cyndi Lauper but Tyson is my top favourite.

Least Favourite: Snooki. Not only do I hate Jersey Shore but the midget troll gets an automatic spot on WM after doing such a lousy job GM'ing Raw just for one night, without any build up and then does only one move (which she stole from Chyna) when it came time for her to wrestle, to finish off the match.
Andy Kaufman was the best. There's a series on Youtube that has the history of his Memphis angle with Lawler. I would suggest it to anyone.

There's been so many bad ones, it's hard to pick the worst. If I have to pick, I guess I'll go with Snooki too... just because I've never understood her appeal in the first place.
My least favorite has to be Lawrence Taylor. I was still even a kid when Mania 11 took place, and even then I felt that LT had no place in the main event of Wrestlemania. Then for him to go and win it. I was so mad as a kid that Big Daddy Cool and HBK didn't main event. I understand now why he won and the need for mainstream attention, but I just didn't like LT's involvement at all.

Your reasoning is understandable, but I loved that match and thought it qualified as the best celebrity involvement I've ever seen in WWE. That the event was held in the first place.....and that the match had a definitive result.....showed that no one does it better than WWE..... and why the company has lasted so long, changing with the times and delivering stuff we never thought we'd see.

On the one hand, WWE decided if they were going to allow one of their own guys to lose to a non-wrestler, it would be an unathletic looking guy like Bam Bam Bigelow, a mid-carder with a marshmallow physique. Okay, that at least saved the company from publicity that indicated anyone could come in and defeat a wrestler; WWE wasn't putting up Shawn Michaels or Diesel (whose match, in my opinion, was the real main event of that WM).

But the LT-Bam Bam match was so much better than I ever expected. Bam Bam coaxed the football player to an effective match, selling like crazy and finally losing. The company was smart enough to recognize that the only offensive moves LT was really capable of delivering were clotheslines, so they stuck to those......and finished with one. I truly never thought the match would have a clean ending, especially with all the lumberjacks outside the ring looking as if they would start a "football player vs wrestler battle royal" before LT and Bam Bam could complete their business. At the end, I loved Ted DiBiase following Bam Bam as he trudged up the aisle from the ring, yelling at him: "A football player!" High drama.:)

Being a WWE fan.....and New York Giant fan.....from as far back as I can remember, that match was my favorite celebrity involvement ever. The only negative I could see was that this contest apparently convinced Steve McMichael to become a pro wrestler.....which the world could have done without.
Andy Kaufman was the best. There's a series on Youtube that has the history of his Memphis angle with Lawler. I would suggest it to anyone.

Yep! Kaufman for me too - i'd also recommend checking out Man on the Moon too (the Jim Carrey portrayal is incredible). I wasnt around when this happened, but catching it all second hand, its clear on his impact on the celebrity-side of pro-wrestling. He NEEDS to be included in the HoF.

As far as the worst, anything which is a publicity stunt that is just a little embarrassing and cringey to watch - Jersey Shore (in both WWE and TNA) plus, obviously David Arquette.

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