The Canadian Bulldog

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Apparently this is D.H. Smith's new moniker. I wonder why that is? Possibly something to do with the fact his dad was The British Bulldog, or possibly because he was in a tag team called The British Bulldogs.

It's a strange name to give him. I'm sure they have Bulldogs in Canada. But I doubt they are as popular as here in Britain. Ugly things imo. They look like that because they've evolved from inbreading. FACT.

Terrible name. He really needs to step away from his dad. He wasn't great. Dave Smith was the Batista of his day.

How long before him & Birchill are put together? That would be better. Unless they're called The New Bulldogs or some shit.
your post strikes me as ammusing, while insulting the british bulldog, i keep seeing your avatar of him...

so that guy that sucked must have made a good impression on you at some point to use it to represent yourself

but enough of that, on to the post. while i personally like the name, its a good throw back to his father. kind of a memory keep sake you could call it. it could be better to have a different name to carve out your own history in the sport instead of trying to live up to what his dad was, they should try to let him be who he is.
Well, let's be honest here. Would Smith ever be on the roster this early if he wasn't Davey's son? He needs to reference his family because that's what is getting him notoriety. He's certainly not skilled enough in the ring or on the mic yet to earn it himself.

The Canadian not bad, its not good.....I'm more concerned with how he can start making himself look like a legit wrestler instead of a jobber. The guy's been on Raw what, 3 times, won 2 matches, got his ass kicked in the other by Cena/Orton, and he's been on Heat (or suspended) in between and since. Right now, he's more like the Canadian Poodle.
Canadian Bulldog... it's pretty sweet i guess...

I understand why they're doing this... When a second generation wrestler strikes his own identity from his father you get Goldust... or even worse Black Reign
the canadian bulldog isnt a bad name imo, its actually pretty simple because they are playing off of his father the british bulldog but instead hes just switching british with canadian because he was raised in calgary. DH Smith needs to be pushed better because hes got the skills of the harts and the looks of his father, hes a 3rd generation superstar so if they want to build him up for the future then they should keep him away from umaga.
It's a preety lame gimmick, like something from the 90s. WWE haven't declared war on Canada on years. But it will get him at noticed at least, he wasn't going anywhere as a face so give him a heel character (it did some good for the Major Brothers, we'll see how it turns out for Smith. He'll likely remain on Heat for now but inevitably gain a reaction from the crowd if he waves a Canadian flag and gets into a silly feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan)
lol, silly feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan...

Anyways I always hated the DH Smith name, to me that sounded as a last minute name that WWE could make up for him so if he took off, they could own the name he used to get famous with.

Me, I woul'dve probably named him Harry Hart-Smith, 3 names like his dad, Davey Boy Smith. Or play on the bulldog name, use something never used in WWE TV, calling someone the "son of." They do this stuff all the time mexico, El Hido Del Santo, El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo, etc... "The Son of The Bulldog" Harry Hart-Smith. I know it sounds to wordy but it's still miles ahead from DH. Plus they should have this era, the sons of legends era, I mean how weird would it be to see him Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Ted and Mike Dibiase, and eventually Reid Flair, all main-eventing years from know with such great resemblence to 80's wrestling.

It would be a sweet throwback.
I agree that the DH name is for the E to own his character if he threatens to leave for more money at WCW ... I mean TNA, he was fine when he was harry smith the son of the british bulldog. Now hes DICK HEAD SMITH ... so lame
I actually like the name The Canadian Bulldog. Given the right amount of time and hard work he could be huge. He could even eclipse his father because as jake said Davey Boy WAS the Batista of his era, he wasnt bad, but he wasnt good. Harry Smith is a young talent with unlimited potential IMO, so even if it doesnt catch on he has enough time left to figure out something else.

I actually like the idea of him teaming up with Birchall but not as the New Bulldogs or something like that. They would make a Killer heel tag team. Maybe turn Cade And Murdoch face. Those 4 guys would put on some good matches. If they did team them up it could possibly rejuvenate the tag team division along with Londrick, Cade and Murdoch, and Cryme Tyme.
I think it sounds decent. And I think if they really want him to be over as a heel, the anti Duggan/america is pretty much always gold. Put him with mcyntire, Burchill, Lea, And have them do the anti american thing, with GM Regal giving them unfair advantages. That storyline never fails to gain heat. I like the name, it seems serious, to be taken seriously. Jake, I think your dreaming if you think WWE is gonna seperate him from his father. I cant think of ANY instances were they resisted the urge to totally play off of someones lineage. I mean the Rock debuted as "Rocky Maivia", and Orton was highly touted as Bob's son when he first came around. Stupid, but thats WWE for ya.
Well, let's be honest here. Would Smith ever be on the roster this early if he wasn't Davey's son? He needs to reference his family because that's what is getting him notoriety. He's certainly not skilled enough in the ring or on the mic yet to earn it himself.

The Canadian not bad, its not good.....I'm more concerned with how he can start making himself look like a legit wrestler instead of a jobber. The guy's been on Raw what, 3 times, won 2 matches, got his ass kicked in the other by Cena/Orton, and he's been on Heat (or suspended) in between and since. Right now, he's more like the Canadian Poodle.

he hasn't got over yet but have you seen him on heat? or in the indys, I think he is one of the most talented technical wrestlers since Benoit. The excitement I felt when i knew he was coming to WWE was immeasurable but for some reason or another he is being held down. He needs some exposure he is easily as talented as Burchill and Cody Rhodes.

If the Canadian Bulldog name is what it takes to get him enough exposure to be put pack on RAW then so be it, it's a fine name, they should just have the name and then not have to constantly reference his past and his father. Then he can move on in his own way up the division, he has the potential to be a future champion if used correctly, from the Canadian Bulldog he can move up to the Canadian.... somthing or other. And then we finnaly can see Harry Smith in all his awesomeness.
poor guy ever since getting suspended by the wwe for 30 days he has just been going downhill there like basically burrying the guy i mean he was getting a somewhat push before being suspended but now he looks in trouble i mean he is getting by on his fathers name no offense but changing his name is the worst thing you can do next step they will prolly release him you know they have no problem relaeasing people who have potential (ahem teddy hart) haha peace
I think they need him in a tag team with some other non-americans. this way it would put some major heat on him and it would build him up as a pretty big heel and maybe further his career by winning a few tag team titles and then eventually some singles titles. He has the potential to be a star, lets hope he can make it to that status.
I think they need him in a tag team with some other non-americans. this way it would put some major heat on him and it would build him up as a pretty big heel and maybe further his career by winning a few tag team titles and then eventually some singles titles. He has the potential to be a star, lets hope he can make it to that status.

You mean like the... Un-Americans? Hmm... we havent seen that before.

Hoever having said that the original plan for "the Canadian Bulldog" was in the Hart Foundation Mark 2, and had Teddy Hart not got suspended that would have seriously put DH SMITH alot more over. With so many second or third generation superstars, there might as well be a stable of them... there gimmick could be "We are wrestling purists, you're nothing compared to us, we are born into this buisness, what gives you the right to be here."

I am scared of what is going to happen to DH SMITH, to HARRY SMITH. people say the WGTT was/ are wasted talent, but I just think WWE are seriously letting this man go to waste. Put him on the main show over hardcore holly for example, even over London and Kendrick...

Smith is such a great technical wrestler, he has a style that would suit so many on RAW, and he is currently in a feud with... HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN...

Get him in a tag team with Burchill or something, get him anything, ANYTHING to give him a chance...
Hardcore Holly really needs to go back to being used as a jobber, he suits the role so well.

he has gone back to being a jobber, he jobbed out to Khali in the build up to mania, i cant remember the last time he won a match, the powers that be should have remembered to have had him drop the tag titles first though.

I bet the meeting was: "right vince, we need someone to job to the Great Khali...""

"Ah, Hardcore Holly, he still around?"

"yeah but he is a tag team champion"

"A what now? oh a champion, oh dont worry the fans wont remember."

Here's me hoping for a Canadian Bulldog and Paul Burchill heel tag team, Davey boy Smith was always a great tag wrestler, lets see if Davey boys boy is as well!
great name its like Mr Perfect kid using the same ring atire as his father...let them exentuate the fact he is the brittish bulldogs son it will gain him some more early notority in his young career and you can use that to push him

id do the same for Ted Dibiasi's (sp?) son aswell why not push that past greats children are following the footsteps of there family
Him and Burchill may make a decent tag team as they are both powerhouses. but check out some video from when him and T.J. Wilson were teaming together and you can see a great tag team in the making.they should call Wilson up to the main roster and have them work the Tag Division for a while if you want Burchill involved then make a stable out of them
Goldust was a brilliant idea for a gimmick. I highly enjoyed his promos and matches in WWE. I'm talking about the heel Goldust though. Harry Smith should just come in as the new Bulldog. There's nothing wrong with rehashing old gimmicks. I think WWE should do it alot more with their wrestlers.
due to drug issues i think the wwe is making him pay his dues and dont want to allow him to get the push that he recieved prior to being suspended, he was getting a good program with carlito off the ground, he was even being considered for a title chase and the problem with drugs and especially with his father taking soo much they put the company in the media spotlight and gives them bad press so now they need to show everyone that they are doing there job, they will not push this kid for awhile unless he proves that he can go clean, lets hope he stays that way
I've said it before and i'll say it again. WWE should suspend 99% of the roster if drugs are the issue. They would cover it up if the person was John Cena or Triple H. It's obvious WWE plays favorites with their employees.
Those are the only two i see wwe covering up for look at Jeff he was due for a push and sold merch. and would of made the money in the bank amazing yet they still suspended him if john didn't kiss up to vince he would not be were he is now and the only reason HHH gets push after push.
I've said it before and i'll say it again. WWE should suspend 99% of the roster if drugs are the issue. They would cover it up if the person was John Cena or Triple H. It's obvious WWE plays favorites with their employees.

Absolutely agreed.

I can't help but believe that they suspended Hardy only to give more credibility to the wellness program. Suspending a high profile wrestler like him would give it a bit more credibility.
Burchill and Smith would go together well.

This is how book it anyway have Burchill and Katie cut a promo on Raw with Katie saying she wants Paul to become a tag champion. Then for the next few weeks show Paul at ringside at matchs scouting someone to be his new tag partner then finally decide on Harry Smith.

Then during the tag title reign have them start an angle were after they beat all the current WWE tagteams they start calling out tag teams from the past like Too Cool, US Express, The Nasty Boys, Headcheese etc and beat them all in one off appearences. This can lead to them both cutting a promo claiming to be the worlds greatest tag team before been interrupted by the Dudleys music leading into a feud with them. (And im sure they will return soon)

Plus it could lead into a feud later on with say Katie pretending to start going out with Harry Smith in order to piss Burchill up making him more aggresive and leading to a Smith vs Burchill feud and aIntercontinental title push for the two of them :)

Sadly the WWE will probebly just string them together as a random team and give them no mic time or personality like they did with Rhodes and Holly.
I think that DH Smith doesn’t have a chance in hell of staying in the WWE as he was screwed from the start of his WWE career when Teddy Hart went all “Teddy Hart” on the WWE before his call up. Smith has been on Heat since the beginning of his career and I doubt the WWE has any serious plans for him, so I’m thinking he will be release from the WWE in about three months.
I wouldn't mind seeing Burchill & Katie + Smith & Neidhart as a sort of mini-stable, gunning for the tag team titles. Neither guy is competing for a midcard belt, so why not just have them help out the tag team division? They wouldn't be so bad.

Of course, I'd prefer a new Hart Foundation, but you sort of can't do that know....the Hart family lol. Teddy and T.J. would've fit nicely, outside of Teddy's horrible behavior problems.

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