The Calgary Kid!


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Well he is back and i am hopefull he will be used correctly this time. The Miz was canned a few weeks on Raw and ill be honest i thought along side most of you he was headed to Smackdown but i personally think he is better off on Raw anyways and i am glad he didnt make the jump. I was shocked to see him defeat Eugene. I hate the Eugene character but i was sure as heck he was going to win bc i had no idea who this Calgary Kid was and i knew WWE had just resigned Eugene.

Anyways he is back and with new ring attire (you all happy you whiners! lol) and somewhat of a new attitude. I am glad the guy is going for the U.S title but not rushing into it. he made it clear that was his goal.

So my Question(s) are...

1) how successfull do you think Miz will be now that he is back on Raw?

2) who will he feud with going forward until he gets his title shot?

3) is the Miz going to be the one eventualy to beat Kofi for the belt?

4) when do you see it happening?

my answers....

1) yes bc he isnt being rushed into main event status...he could have done more in the feud with Cena but everybody knew he wasnt going to be going over on Cena and althought i was for it bc i thought he would be booked properly still losing but pushing Cena to the limit (much like Swagger/Cena on Raw) it didnt happen...he was squashed thus making Miz look like a Punk

2) i see Miz feuding with Carlito, maybe even short program with Primo, and Evan Bourne

3) Yes i believe the WWE is doing the right thing with keeping the belt on Kofi. He is truly amazing in the ring HOWEVER he needs a damn mic and some air time now! But keeping the belt on him and having Miz state he is coming after his belt really makes the US title seem prestigious and it was like the intercontinental title in dire need of that!

4) Royal Rumble 2010 - which gives Miz the next 4-5 months to gain momentum and he can then carry the belt into WM26

thoughts please and PS if there is another thread similar to this i appologise i couldnt find 1 plus im sure some of my questions were different (i hope)
Well he is back and i am hopefull he will be used correctly this time. The Miz was canned a few weeks on Raw and ill be honest i thought along side most of you he was headed to Smackdown but i personally think he is better off on Raw anyways and i am glad he didnt make the jump. I was shocked to see him defeat Eugene. I hate the Eugene character but i was sure as heck he was going to win bc i had no idea who this Calgary Kid was and i knew WWE had just resigned Eugene.

Anyways he is back and with new ring attire (you all happy you whiners! lol) and somewhat of a new attitude. I am glad the guy is going for the U.S title but not rushing into it. he made it clear that was his goal.

So my Question(s) are...

1) how successfull do you think Miz will be now that he is back on Raw?

2) who will he feud with going forward until he gets his title shot?

3) is the Miz going to be the one eventualy to beat Kofi for the belt?

4) when do you see it happening?

my answers....

1) yes bc he isnt being rushed into main event status...he could have done more in the feud with Cena but everybody knew he wasnt going to be going over on Cena and althought i was for it bc i thought he would be booked properly still losing but pushing Cena to the limit (much like Swagger/Cena on Raw) it didnt happen...he was squashed thus making Miz look like a Punk

2) i see Miz feuding with Carlito, maybe even short program with Primo, and Evan Bourne

3) Yes i believe the WWE is doing the right thing with keeping the belt on Kofi. He is truly amazing in the ring HOWEVER he needs a damn mic and some air time now! But keeping the belt on him and having Miz state he is coming after his belt really makes the US title seem prestigious and it was like the intercontinental title in dire need of that!

4) Royal Rumble 2010 - which gives Miz the next 4-5 months to gain momentum and he can then carry the belt into WM26

thoughts please and PS if there is another thread similar to this i appologise i couldnt find 1 plus im sure some of my questions were different (i hope)

I must say, I agree with your assessment on the Miz. I would have rather seen the Miz play the role of the Calgary Kid for a little bit though. In the following months, he could have started showing signs that he was in fact the Miz, but never revealing it till he won the US Title. That would have been AWESOME!! He could have even cut a promo without disguising his voice, a la Mr. America. That would have made for some interesting segments.
Personally I thought the calgary kid was Lance Storm. I know Storm recently did a show in Canada under a mask as the SWA (his wrestling school) kid and I knew Lance was backstage so I thought that was him and was shocked to find out it's Miz.

On to your Miz questions, Yes I feel he will be successful. The feud with Cena was good and bad for Miz. Good in that it gave him a rub, but bad in that it showed Miz is not yet ready for the main event. They have been doing a good job of keeping the US title away from the WWE title in terms of storylines and as long as they continue to do that and continue to keep Miz in the US title scene and not the WWE title scene he will be good.

I don't see the US title feud lasting as long as you do. I predict it will end at either breaking point or hell in a cell. Yes I believe he will win the title and I actually agree with you that he will carry it into Wrestlemania. Then again I'm a fan of the heel bringing in the gold to Wrestlemania for any gold.

I don't feel him and Carlito would be a good feud or a plausible feud since both are heels. Aside from Kofi, I think Miz's best opponent would be MVP.
Well he is back and i am hopefull he will be used correctly this time.

How was he used incorrectly last time? :shrug:

The Miz was canned a few weeks on Raw and ill be honest i thought along side most of you he was headed to Smackdown but i personally think he is better off on Raw anyways and i am glad he didnt make the jump.

Most people made the assumption that The Miz would jump, because SmackDown lost Edge, leaving them litterally heelless. Outside of Ziggler, and until the CM Punk full fledge heel turn.

I was shocked to see him defeat Eugene.I hate the Eugene character but i was sure as heck he was going to win bc i had no idea who this Calgary Kid was and i knew WWE had just resigned Eugene.

As soon as he tried to outsmart Eugene, it was clear this wasn't just some "hometown hero." Now, I didn't guess it was Miz by any means, but I thought it was obvious he was smarter than the average bear, meaning he would have to be a wrestler.

Anyways he is back and with new ring attire and somewhat of a new attitude. I am glad the guy is going for the U.S title but not rushing into it. he made it clear that was his goal.

Meh, he could win it. I don't see it happening, honestly.

1) how successfull do you think Miz will be now that he is back on Raw?

If booked propperly, the guy could legitimately become a great US champion, and in a couple years, if booked strong enough, he could become the World Champion. I think before he can be World Champion he needs more muscle though.

2) who will he feud with going forward until he gets his title shot?

Kofi or Bourne. Kofi isn't doing anything right now, and neither is Bourne. Miz allready defeated Bourne cleanly last night, in a not so great match. So I'd honestly say he goes for Bourne, directly.

3) is the Miz going to be the one eventualy to beat Kofi for the belt?

I'm not an omniciant being, sorry.

4) when do you see it happening?

Fuck if I know, next week, 2 weeks, next month, 6 months, 5 years....He'll win it one day.

4) Royal Rumble 2010 - which gives Miz the next 4-5 months to gain momentum and he can then carry the belt into WM26

Look, I was joking above, if The Miz wins it, it will be fairly soon. Kofi has just became stale, and his matches over the US title without 5 other people involved, have officially become boring.
A slow push of Miz to becoming US champ will be awesome! Have him go over Primo and Bourne a few times, and maybe a huge win over someone like MVP. Miz should be the 1 to beat Kofi for the belt, at the Hell in the Cell PPV.
1) how successfull do you think Miz will be now that he is back on Raw?

I actully think it was a good idea to ban Miz and bring him back, as it gave him a secound chance to restart his career on raw. So yea hopefully now he can be more succesfull and get into an actuall feud with someone that wont put him down.

2) who will he feud with going forward until he gets his title shot?

I actuall agree I can also see Miz feuding with Carlito, Primo, and more likely Evan Bourne. Unless The WWE creative team to just rush him into it and give him his title shot soon.

3) is the Miz going to be the one eventualy to beat Kofi for the belt?

I think he should be the one to eventually beat Kofi and be able to get his first title belt. Miz is good on the mic, has a lot of air time and deserves to be champion. Hopefully Miz may be able to make the US championship more known.

4) when do you see it happening?

I can see it happening at Unforgiven... Breaking point whatever its called.

And yes I am happy Miz is back :D
i think he could win it sunday. kofi has had the title for a while, and has had a few title retains, so maybe his time with the belt is up. i think him winning his contact back is a good way to restart. i hated what they did with the cena stuff.

he's great on the mic, and a great wrestler. i know it's a smallthing but i also think him changing to wrestling trunks makes me and others take him more seriously as a wrestler
I must say, I agree with your assessment on the Miz. I would have rather seen the Miz play the role of the Calgary Kid for a little bit though. In the following months, he could have started showing signs that he was in fact the Miz, but never revealing it till he won the US Title. That would have been AWESOME!! He could have even cut a promo without disguising his voice, a la Mr. America. That would have made for some interesting segments.

I love this idea Patrick, that would have been a great storyline. If Miz revealed himself after finally winning the championship.

Anyways onto the topic.

Yes he will win the US Title soon. Either on RAW or at the Hell in a Cell PPV. Kofi's "feuds" for the title have been pretty piss poor and I think a new champion is around the corner and Miz is perfect for it.

He will be a successful mid carder on RAW but I don't see him going any higher, at least not for a good year or 2.
Yes. He could have started using some of Calgary’s Legends’ catchphrases like, “If I could be serious for a moment ... Will you SHUT THE HELL UP!? Now, with this Canadian Heavyweight Title, I am not just the Best there is, the Best there was, and the Best there ever will be, I AM AWESOME!!” or something to that effect. #@#@!!
i agree that the miz back on raw is very good to be honest when he grabbed the superstar contract knew it was him right away. But anyways i think that the miz will go on to win the US Title from kofi. They'll make a great fued and give the us title prestige as well because of the statement that miz made last week on raw about how he wanted the us title. There defiedently pushing miz in the right direction

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