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The Build


I've read a lot of complaints regarding the build for this year's show. It doesn't seem like it's as intense or as hot as it was last year. One reason for that has been The Rock's frequent absence from Raw to promote his movie as WWE Champion. It just feels strange not having the reigning WWE Champion not on Raw every week helping to hype the snot out of his match at the biggest show of the year. Also, Taker vs. Punk doesn't seem to have the intensity of Taker vs. Triple H & HBK has. There's still more Raws before the big show, so there's still time to really put a spark back into some of these feuds.

At the same time, let's face it, I think most people have already decided whether or not they're going to watch the show. Here's what I expect most of the final card to look like:

WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show vs. The Shield
Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Based On Cena vs. Rock II, Trips vs. Lesnar II and Taker vs. Punk as the three man matches; WM is going to pull in big buyrate numbers.
The build has been underwhelming, sure, but I'm optimistic about the card.

Mark Henry and Ryback harkens back to the days when guys like Dino Bravo, Hercules, Ultimate Warrior, Magnificent Muraco, and other big, oxen-necked man beasts would shoulder block each other with neither giving an inch. Personally, I expect something to happen during that match that will be amongst the, if not the, most memorable moment(s) of the show.

I hope Jericho vs. Fandango happens. A lot of people can think of over 2,000 things they'd rather see Jericho do, but I can't think of one thing more meaningful he could do save for take on the streak. That's not happening, so instead Y2J can use his considerable talents to help make somebody. Fandango is an entertaining gimmick. He's annoyed the living daylights out of me so far, but that's partly the point; so, should he go over Jericho at 'Mania, he'll have the "go away" heat mixed with legit "I hate this guy" heat. That's like two storm fronts meeting.

Undertaker vs. CM Punk is the first time the streak has legitimately been at risk since like WrestleMania IX. Maybe that's an exaggeration on my part, but to quote Kevin Castle, "21 and 0 means nothing." 20 and 0 was a milestone, and sure, 21 is one better. However, the DVD set has 20-0. The "era" was ended at 20-0. And, most importantly, Taker has to be done at some point. He's old, out of shape, and his body is ravaged by injuries. As an old school guy, it would only be right that he's goes out on his back, putting over the future of the company/industry. Punk is that guy. As a 'Taker mark, I really don't want to see the streak end. As a Punk mark, I want him to be the guy that ends it. Either way the match will likely kick ass, and I'll be satisfied.

Frankly, it's the main event I anticipate least. I don't blame The Rock, either. That's a glib, reactionary take. The real culprits are behind the scenes. No via satellite, no pre-taped segments or messages, no nothing. The Rock did not plan these things. WWE knew his schedule and went ahead with this anyway. Vince is such a ****e for mainstream press that he just assumed putting the title on The Rock would sell this match. And sure, for a lot of folks and young fans, it has. For those of us who want more than just last year's main event with the title on the line this time, it isn't nearly enough. Don't blame Rocky. Rocky kicks all kinds of ass and brings all kinds of business. Blame the ********s who don't know how to utilize The Rock and work around his movie/TV show schedule.

Underwhelming build, sure, but it's WrestleMania. I know that that doesn't guarantee a great show, but it's a best seal of quality a fan can hope for. There's still time for WWE to turn the storytelling up a notch, but even if they don't, I think this show will be a lot of fun.
"Is it just me or is the build to Wrestlemania this year kind of lackluster?"

This statement/question is made every year at this time. Every year people complain the build for Wrestlemania isn't "as good as its been in the past". At this point, I no longer care how the build for Wrestlemania compares to past Wrestlemanias.

What I can say is this year's build has not intrigued me, and quite frankly, has me a little confused on the direction being taken. Cena and Rock have had limited interaction, Ryback was pulled from a previously scheduled match and replaced with Big Show (a heel on a team with two faces) to wrestle against three rookies. Tabbing Swagger to face Del Rio was bewildering from the very beginning, I don't have any idea of the plans for the IC title (or the guys who have been feuding with each other) and I simply have not seen enough of Taker and Punk to know what's going on (no blame on WWE for that).

In other words, quit trying to compare this year with previous years (the majority of which were complained about as well) and just decide if it makes you want to buy the show.
Honestly the only match that has any interest to me is CM Punk vs. The Undertaker, I can pass on every other match on this card easily. I don't think the card or build itself is weaker or anything, I just have a lack of interest in Cena vs. Rock II and HHH vs. Lesnar II, the matches just don't intrigue me although they will certainly intrigue others.

Within the last 12 months I've seen both matches take place and although both were good neither of them were jaw dropping amazing to me either and I don't feel either feud is enough to make them intriguing a second time around. Neither feud was built well as they are basically using the name power to get the buyrates not so much because they are must see matches (especially since we've already seen both matches main event the #1 and #2 PPV of the year). It's not like Rock vs. Austin where they made the match must see at least twice. I dunno but it kind of feels they aren't really trying to sell this card, they just figure it will sell itself. The anticipation isn't really there for either Cena/Rock or HHH/Lesnar.

Outside of maybe Punk vs. Taker I have no interest in seeing any of these matches.
By far the worst build up at Mania I've ever seen. I hate the 3 top matches to begin with as two are rematches with predictable outcomes, but damn at least make it entertaining. When it gives that up, then wtf is the point in watching? As a fan I have to watch, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with the way creative is handling it.

If the Rock vs Austin II build was rated 1-10...it's a 10000...with Rock vs Cena II...it's a .00001 :disappointed:

HHH vs Brock is average, but looks decent compared to Taker vs Punk and Rock vs Cena.
Yea, the build has been very lackluster, but, you know what?

Dpesnt fuckin matter. Awesome matches, in what is going to be THE wildest, possibly most memorable (idiotic?) crowd enviornment maybe EVER. Its an overgrown, oversized MIXTURE of the MSG crowd, the Meadowlands crowd, and the Philly crowd, all rolled into one.

Huge matches, and insanity. Wrestlemania is so huge and glossy now that it doesnt reallly fucking matter how much effort the build gets, itll still make tidal waves of money.
At the moment I'm just not impressed with any of it. I can handle rematches and apparent predictability on almost every level but the major problem I have is the lack of build. Cena & Rock hadn't interacted in a year until a few weeks ago, same with HHH and Brock, Punk Vs Taker is entirely new, The Shield are facing who and why? Where is the long, consistent build in any of this? It all seems to have been thrown together with 8 weeks (or less) to build.
I remember saying the same things last year:

1. I was annoyed that Rock and Cena wouldn't throw a punch and I thought it should have been for the title.

2. Jericho getting the title shot was uneven and his mic time with Punk did not come close to live up to expectations. They had to go to Punk's family history to get some people invested.

3. HHH/Taker was a rerun was also uneven and took HBK to get involved to get somewhat emotional.

While it's not hard, I am enjoying this year more than last. Heyman's promo and the HHH/Heyman pen stab was terrific. I'd like to see Punk get face to face with UT but I like his dickish behavior. This past Raw wasn't the greatest but I am more invested this year than in the last 12ish years.
I think the Build has been fine but people make too much about it. I think Wrestlemania will come off as an enjoyable Show again this year.

The Rock not being there I don't have an issue with because Ive been glad he's been able to come back and do what he can to help out. Its not his fault GI Joe 2 was pushed back and only can do what his Schedule allows him to do. I think he & Cena will deliver another fine Match.

Undertaker/CM Punk I think it will deliver as well. Taker might be banged up but I have faith in him to pull another off WM bout.

HHH/Brock Lesnar I am looking forward to this. HHH coming back and busting open Lesnar along with Heyman's promo & HHH stabbing him with the pen was excellent stuff.

The rest of the Card will be good. We got some new faces debuting like The Shield & Big E Langston maybe even Fandango (if he gets in the Ring finally). For the people complaining about Jericho facing him just stop. It gets Jericho on WM,isn't that better than him being left off?
The build has definitely been underwhelming. Not just for the event, but the matches themselves.

I'm not that butthurt like most people are that Rock hasn't been on RAW in 2 weeks because the match is pretty much already sold. And having Rock and Cena hurl insults at each other every week would get pretty stale, pretty fast. Hell, it got a little stale during the build last year. What more can they say to each other that wasn't said during their great promo on Old School RAW?

Punk and Undertaker has been a letdown IMO. They look like they're focusing way too much on the death of Paul Bearer to get Punk heat. I know there's still time left, but the promos haven't been that good between Punk and Taker. I'm not convinced Punk is a legitimate threat to the streak. I need to see more from Punk. He needs to get a little more aggressive instead of making funny voices with Paul Bearer's urn.

I lost hope in Del Rio/Swagger until last Monday. The initial build was good, it slowed down and looked like it was getting stale, but their brawl last Monday on RAW was perfect and got me right back into the build.

HHH and Lesnar.....well, I'm looking forward to their match despite how bad that promo was last Monday. Dragged on a little too long for my liking.

I LOVE Ryback vs Mark Henry. I don't know they went with that charade of putting him in the 6 man tag match with The Shield and then removing him to have him face Mark Henry. They should've just done that from the start.

The RAW's haven't been that good either despite it being WrestleMania season.

But let's be real, despite everything we say, it's WrestleMania. We're all gonna watch one way or another.
The build hasn't bothered me at all, and I'm really looking forward to Wrestlemania 29.

I know a lot of people will complain about The Rock's absence, but I'm sure he'll be around for the home stretch to Mania 29, and the final go home show on Raw. Rock VS Cena II sells itself, so constantly hyping (or over-hyping) isn't necessary.

Triple H VS Lesnar is going to be an all-out war. The F5 on Vince was the perfect stepping stone for this feud. It was shocking and unreal to see Lesnar just pop up out of nowhere, and destroy Vince in a matter of seconds. The following brawl was even better. Triple H and Lesnar looked like two guys, who hated each other, and they were doing everything in their power to destroy each other. Plus, Lesnar gushing blood was the icing on the cake.

I'm really looking forward to Punk VS Undertaker, because it's turned into a deep, personal feud, as Punk continues to drag a dead Paul Bearer into the mix. Of course, like every other wrestler, who decides to challenge Taker at Mania, Punk wants to end the streak.

But at the same time, he's going out of his way to humiliate and anger Taker. It's beyond the "I want to be the guy, who ends the streak" stuff now. As usual, Punk is doing a wonderful job, as the jackass, who'll do anything to get under your skin. I want to see Taker beat the living shit out of him at Mania, so he can teach Punk a lesson. I can picture a scenario, where Taker defeats Punk at Mania, regains control of the urn, and he'll FINALLY have a chance to do the proper pose/tribute to Bearer, while holding the urn after the match. The fans will eat it up, there's no doubt about it.

Every Mania is different, so you can expect the same type of build for every Mania. Yes, I know. Last year, and into 2011, WWE spent one whole year hyping up the Once In A Lifetime match for Rock VS Cena. Mania 29 will be the year of redemption matches, but let's not shit on the entire card just yet. We don't know the quality for any of the matches at Mania 29, because we haven't seen them yet. And none of us have a magical crystal ball, so we can't predict the future.
Sorry ts, no way Mania will have 9 matches...unless its a 4 hr show. You have the big 3 that combined will take an hour and a half, including video package and entrances. Id say 7 at the most.

The build was decent with a HUGE drop this past Monday and I think thats when people took notice. Its suppose to heat up more and more as the weeks go on, not the other way around. The dead crowd didnt help at all either.

The next two weeks better make up for it. Theyve had so much time to come up with ideas. They have made Wrestlemania a big deal which is why the fans expect so much.

If they were smart they would have the last Raw in a place like Montreal where the crowd is white hot. It comes out better on tv...and would really boost the matches and storylines heading into Mania.
WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show vs. The Shield
Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
By the things so far this will be the card except they will probably throw US Championship match in there. Card is more then OK, build up is not so strong. First off, lets point the obvious Rock is not there. That is big - in building any kind of match and this is mainevent match at Mania. I got no complainants over Taker/Punk. If Taker is back, Punk is maybe only credible enough to face him at this time and that build up is OK(can somebody tell me that it didnt had reminescence of old times when Punk took the urn :) ), and HHH/Brock looks suprisignly very good. Swagger with the patronage oof Zeb looks good(finally) and has pretty solid buildup. Undercard is thrown togeteher at speed and almost didnt had any build up at all but its undercard and they didint seem to really care this year about that. They have "big 3" and they would sell pretty good based on that even if Rock just shows up on one Raw before Mania. So to me bigger problem is the quality of that buildup, not matches itself allthough Mania should be just fine even with that. Looking forward as any year. :)
Rock vs Cena was better built last year, but the match sells itself.

ADR vs Swagger has been great. So has HHH/Lessie and Punk/Taker. The mid card is there and seems to matter. I'm excited.
I have to admit that this year the build to the big event has been weak. It seems as if the under card has a better build then the main, and most of the matches on the under card were announced on wwe.com. The card has potential, as there are like 3 or 4 of these matches plus the H.O.F that still makes me want to order it (and I will) I don't think I'll feel like I wasted my money like I did for Wrestlemania 27. We might get surprised after all, what with the talent on the card (if booked properly) and also the NY/NJ crowd I think will help make this PPV fun.

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