The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

Which was the best debate?

  • Battlezone Tournament

  • Movie Tournament

  • Wrestlezone Tournament

  • WZ Election

  • Debater's League

Results are only viewable after voting.

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
This poll will be open until December 31st. If there is a tie, the winner will be decided by written votes.

Battlezone Tournament
Movie Tournament
Wrestlezone Tournament
WZ Election
Debater's League
Battlezone, baby! Fun, produced some great debates, and tightly run if I do say so myself.
I had to go BZT. J and Doc did the heavy lifting, but I helped work on it and it produced some solid, if nerdy discussions. Plus it produced an a couple in jokes between myself and a few other posters.
definitely Battlezone, mainly because I happen to be a major Link & Goku fan so I enjoyed arguing for their side.
I'm voting the DL for a few reasons:

#1 - There's no fucking way it'll win here but I ran it so I'm voting for it.
#2 - In all honestly, if there was a category for most improved tournament, this one should win, hands down.
#3 - This was the first year that it wasn't completely painful to hold this League. That's gotta say something.

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