The Broken Universe finally coming to WWE


Staff member
As seen on Raw last week, it seems like they will finally do something with Matt hardy and the broken universe but the question is, Is it to late?

By the lack of reaction the tease receive last monday i fell that it is. This was one of the most over gimmick in sport entertainment last year. When the hardy'S came back in WWE at Mania everybody was chanting ''Delete,Delete,Delete''. Everybody wanted to see this gimmick in WWE, Yet because of Legal reason, WWe didn't pull the trigger on it, in fact, they didn't lift a finger to help Matt settle this matter with Anthem and Impact wrestling. They just said to him, settle this and when you get the right to the gimmick we might considered using it.

So now it seem like the whole saga between Matt and Anthem is over, Matt can use the gimmick in WWE, but the momentum of this gimmick as died down quite a bit since last april and i'm scared that if this doesn'T work and the momentum doesn'T pick back up, Matt is pretty much going to get stuck in lower midcard comedy hell with this gimmick especially if his first feud with this gimmick is Bray Wyatt.

I know that having a version of the Broken character won't be the same as it was in Impact because they're a difference between Having Borash and Corgan helping you with the character and having whoever is in charge of the Raw creative team helping you out with this.

In the end, i feel like this will fail miserably and that Matt will go from ''Woken'' Matt Hardy or whatever name they give him, to ''Forgotten'' Matt hardy in record time.
With WWE's production values, this could be quite interesting. But the reason it worked so well for TNA is because Matt was allowed to creatively grow the character. Unless the WWE higher ups give Matt and Jeff Hardy some creative freedom (which they don't have a good track record of) I don't see this gimmick becoming anything other than a poorly designed t-shirt.
I agree, at the end of the day the gimmick is Ultimately in the hands of Vince himself. He could turn around and growl that he doesn't like the -Delete- gimmick and wants to turn it into -Backspace- instead.
Matt Hardy has something to do now. Judging the reaction the DELETE chants in casual Hicksville Tennessee. Ha!
Will not work if Vince and WWE creative meddles in any small way with creative/angle/characters. And if Bray Wyatt is involved, this thing is doomed...
Can you just imagine a WWE version of an ironically awful gimmick that was in TNA? It's going to be quite something.
I don't know if I should say this... Since their return, Matt is not the one with problem, Jeff is. Jeff isn't exactly performing well in the ring. Another dilemma is, whenever anyone is put to feud with Bray Wyatt, it's almost always like a no-win situation. Who do you think should win this feud, huh? Either way, I see no easy solution to this.
I don't know if I should say this... Since their return, Matt is not the one with problem, Jeff is. Jeff isn't exactly performing well in the ring. Another dilemma is, whenever anyone is put to feud with Bray Wyatt, it's almost always like a no-win situation. Who do you think should win this feud, huh? Either way, I see no easy solution to this.

I feel like this feud will lead to broken Matt joining bray Wyatt and that they will go for the tag titles and when Jeff comes back, he gets sent to smackdown so that he doesn't lose any of his major star power he still has.
I'm curious to see where they go with it, but I can honestly say I'm not intrigued by it. I credit Matt Hardy for doing something that was outside the box, something really different that finally got him out of the shadow of his more talented brother. But, for me, I just didn't care for the "Broken" gimmick; I'd catch some of it on YouTube and it strikes me as one of those things that you either like or you don't and I just don't.

To be perfectly honest, I never really cared for Matt Hardy; I was never really a massive Jeff Hardy fan but at least he often put on exciting matches with a variety of opponents. Matt was the slower, less athletic brother back in the day and it's only worsened as he's gotten older. There are times in which he moves around the ring and even walking down to the ring where he seems like an old man, he's obviously lost a few steps in the ring as, sometimes, watching him wrestle is so dull because he'll be moving so slowly, like Kane level slowly.

Is it too late for it to happen? It's probably not too late as I'm sure some fans would embrace it. It's simply as some others have already said: it all depends on Vince McMahon and his ever changing opinions, some of which make no sense. Vince may love this sort of "Broken" thing one week and then, for some reason, right out of the blue, he'll growl and grunt backstage about how he doesn't like it two weeks later. I mean, this is the guy who made Jinder Mahal WWE Champion for 5.5 months while saying Cesaro doesn't have the "it factor" and is now alleged to say that Finn Balor isn't over with fans. Then again, it's so strange and quirky that Vince may fall in love with it and decides to push Matt Hardy to be the guy who takes the IC title off Roman Reigns; it's all a complete crapshoot right now.
No way is it too late. The problem is that Vince has shied away from outside the ring production. Most every Broken thing I saw was on location. That's not a big deal when your show is pre-recorded, but it can take away from the live audience experience if you're going to cut to a farm or King Maxel for fifteen minutes. I guess WWE has gotten out of the arenas a bit lately with some of the Wyatt Family stuff (w/New Day, Orton) but not that much and it is hard to say if that little bit was worth it and that WWE wants to spend all that money and time on a veteran like Matt.

My suspicion is that we are going to get a watered down version with shorter but still wacky promos and a lot of emphasis on the catch phrases so that they can sell t-shirts as opposed to building compelling characters and stories.

We still have a few months to go but does anyone think the Broken Universe will get much effort and attention on the road to WM? Forgive my cynicism but my reaction is NO.
So it seem that I was right and his first feud as woken Matt hardy will be against bray Wyatt and from what I saw tonight, I'm not looking forward to this at all. The dueling backstage promos was really horrible. The only thing that save this was the L.A. crowd that reacted big to Matt hardy. In any other market, this would have died.

So the only think that I hope will not happen is that they decided to turn Matt heel during this program and have him join bray because there's potential with this character and it's already on shaky legs because of who his feuding with, having him join bray would be the kiss of death for this character.
The crowd was into it because people have wanted a Woken/Broken Hardy vs. Wyatt feud since the Woken/Broken thing took off.

Do I think it will be a success, not really, because I don't think WWE knows how to handle Wyatt and the Woken/Broken thing really goes off the rails after a few segments, but it is something that people wanted for a while and they are getting it. Simple as that.
I know this is going to be unpopular but this is a not watch feud. I hated Broken Matt in TNA and I know I am in the minority with that opinion. I have no interest in V2.0. Now add the incoherent ramblings of Boring Bray and all I see is a disaster.

I know this is going to be unpopular but this is a not watch feud. I hated Broken Matt in TNA and I know I am in the minority with that opinion. I have no interest in V2.0. Now add the incoherent ramblings of Boring Bray and all I see is a disaster.


I'm completely with you on this, i wasn't a fan of the TNA version of this gimmick but then again like you wrote we'Re in the minority here. I'm not looking foward to this feud at all and what the outcome of it will be. The only thing that i hope is that When Jeff comes back, they send him either him or his brother to smackdown so that Jeff doesn't get mix up in all of this because Jeff doesn't need this gimmick to be over but Matt does.
It was funny. Fans don't see him as the guy that will have multiple World title reigns. He's there to make what has turned into a fairly vanilla program into something a bit more colorful. For me it was needed, because I've barely tuned into WWE lately due to bland characters. Broken Matt is something I'd want to see. Comedy acts are important in wrestling, and that's all that this gimmick ever was. Something akin to anime. Either you get it or you don't, but either way it is a stark contrast to what I've seen lately, and I like that. He's like a living, breathing meme.

He won't win anything big, and I wouldn't want him too. But he's interesting. Far interesting than some that have held gold in recent years. Even if he didn't have full control of his gimmick, so far it's livelier than most on Raw.
If this sells T-shirts, then it will be given attention. That's how WWE works. But it won't be at the main events. It won't be given big stories. It will likely end up at the same level New Day was. Kinda funny, kinda serious, just there to sell. And it definately won't be as big as it seemed to be in TNA. WWE is an ocean and the Broken Gimmick can barely break through the midcard in that ocean.

But it will be fun and Wrestlemania season is the best season and just right on time. The Hardys had gotten stale really fast and without Jeff around, Matt wasn't doing much.
I agree totally. He’ll never hold the universal title through this, or probably not even the I.C. Belt. Just another way for Vince to profit on something he didn’t create.
I don't see this working out for several reasons.

Vince probably won't give control of the gimmick to Matt. There have been several stories over the years of wrestlers going to Vince with ideas and practically getting shut down immediately.

Also we don't really know how the casual fans are going to react to this. IMO it's just not something that has mass appeal, even if I do personally enjoy it.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but I don't see the gimmick working out.
I've had to work the last few Mondays and missed the whole thing, but I've been waiting for awhile for it to happen. Didn't watch it in TNA, just a few Youtube videos after the shows had aired, it did look interesting though, and made Matt Hardy more relevant than he's ever been.

Maybe this will help the both of them. Matt hasn't done anything since Jeff got injured and Bray Wyatt hasn't done anything in forever. Neither one are main event players, so its fun to see someone in the midcard actually being given a storyline for a change. I mean give it a chance it's only been a week for Christ's sake.
Three weeks in and i'm already tired of it mostly because like i predicted they decided to produce a pg version of the broken Matt and it doesn'T work if you have him do the same thing at the exact same place three weeks in a row. The character is over for now, because it's new but this act will become stall quickly if they don't move him out of the 80's style studio they are using to tape all his promo.

What made the whole character work in TNA was the cast of characters that surrounded Him at his compound, it was the over the top nature of his vignettes it was the whole package of the broken universe that got over not the broken matt gimmick.

The thing is, they don'T get it, they think that the character was over by itself and had nothing do to with what TNA was doing with the character. They're not going to go to wild with the gimmick because they are a business and can't take chance anymore that could blow up in their faces and bring them bad publicity so bringing in Reby and company won't be an option. They won't allow Matt to use his kid in a wrestling angle because it will bring them bad publicity. Reby in and of her self is a ticking time bomb that can blow up at any instance since she doesn't know when to shut up.

In the hand this clean cut ''WOKEN'' version of the character doesn't work and will probably become a lower mid card comedy act in a couple of months after the Bray feud is over and i wouldn't even be surprise if Matt return to his old self when Jeff comes back from injury.
I wonder if we will get Brother Nero if and when Jeff Hardy comes back from injury? Will Jeff become "Woken" too and they become "The Woken" Hardys? I mean it is possible
I really hope not, Jeff is still marketable as himself and the last thing he need is to be caught in a low mid card comedy gimmick.
They should bring back Lita and use her as sister abigail.. It would be a new character for her, but imagine she comes down and tries to distract Matt with a knocked out ref and a knocked out Bray and Matt just keeps that funny ass smile on his face and tosses her into the ring and does a delete before kicking her and doing a twist of fate.. Everybody in the whole arena would completely lose their shit..
It's been a month since Matt became "woken" and I already feel like the gimmick is doom to be a low mid card comedy gimmick and might even be something that might get put on wwe main event after this bray Wyatt feud. I get that WWE Won't take chance anymore because of the stock holders and being a publicly traded company but why do the gimmick if you're not going to go full tilt with it.

This feel like if they really didn't want to do this gimmick but just let Matt do it to please him and see him fail with it so that he doesn't bother anybody about doing the gimmick anymore. They half ass the whole tthing since the beginning and for the first time, I feel like it bringing bray Wyatt down instead of the other way around.

At this point I just want them to have their match on the rumble pre show and be done with this feud that has been underwhelming since they started it.

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