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Impact Wrestling, Hardys Embroiled in Nasty Legal Battle Over "Broken" Universe

At this point, who cares about the gimmick. We all know that the broken gimmick will be crap in wwe because matt won't get complete control over it and it will look more like a mix between the bray wyatt character and the house of horrors match.

Like a written elsewhere, if fans think that vince mcmahon will gives complete creative control over the gimmick to matt hardy, they are as crazy as broken matt himself.

You don't know that because it hasn't happened yet. Just because one storyline went pear shaped doesn't mean they all do.

And seriously how many times are you going to mention Wyatt and the House of Horror's match? It has been brought up in four posts you've made on this thread, and I've read it all. Why don't you give the WWE some credit considering that they've done great things in the past video and story line wise. Also Matt's wife is NOT the reason that Impact are holding out, it's all about the money. It's always all about the money.

I'll hold judgement on this till I see it happen. But I do agree that Vince will try to take some sort of control, hopefully saner minds will step in and allow that not to happen.
You don't know that because it hasn't happened yet. Just because one storyline went pear shaped doesn't mean they all do.

And seriously how many times are you going to mention Wyatt and the House of Horror's match? It has been brought up in four posts you've made on this thread, and I've read it all. Why don't you give the WWE some credit considering that they've done great things in the past video and story line wise. Also Matt's wife is NOT the reason that Impact are holding out, it's all about the money. It's always all about the money.

I'll hold judgement on this till I see it happen. But I do agree that Vince will try to take some sort of control, hopefully saner minds will step in and allow that not to happen.

Yeah i use the wyatt as an exemple multiple times that simply because if you watch wwe tv over the past year, they we're the wwe version of the broken universe and it was really badly executed. My judgment on this is base on years of watching WWE and them putting they're own spin on stuff they didn't created and making them awful. Vince will never push something they he didn't create on T.V, that's just the reality of the WWE right now. I know that we all want the TNA version of the broken universe on WWE and to be honest i will i was starting to get sick of it in TNA, i'm curious to see it play out in WWE but based on history, we all know that Matt won't have full control over it if he decide to bring in to the WWE. Plus we will have a watered down version of the universe because they will want to make it PG which is why the failed with all those wyatt segments like the house of horrors matchs and the compound stuff with the new day and wyatts last summer or even whatever Bray is doing right now on Raw.

Again i'm judging them on what they did in the past and i use examples from what happens in the past to illustrate my point. Also if you based yourself on some of the reports online, if they bring in the gimmick, it's only going to be for matt because they want Jeff to split from matt and continue his single run because they see money in jeff so again you're not getting the full version of the broken universe if that happened because you get Broken Matt doing his stuff on one show and jeff hardy doing his stuff on the other. So that's why while i'm curious about it bring it to wwe, i more curious about how much of a trainwreck it's going to be instead of how great it will be.
As noted, during today’s GFW media conference call, Jeff Jarrett claimed The Hardys have not acquired the rights to use the “Broken Universe” gimmick, despite The Hardys continuing to tease the use of the gimmick on WWE TV and on social media.

Reby Hardy, Matt Hardy’s wife, spoke out Twitter claiming Jarrett was lying, and that The Hardys reached an agreement last week to use the Broken gimmick.



She went on another Tweet storm claiming Jarrett is lying and threatened to do another run of #FuckThatOwl shirts that she says will be up for sale by tomorrow. She also claimed that as part of the agreement terms that the two sides apparently agreed upon last week, a non-disparagement clause was included that would charge her $5,000 every time she tweeted something about GFW.

In short, coupled with the apparently imminent hint that the Hardy's will be Broken on WWE TV based on the promo Jeff Hardy cut on RAW this past Monday, it looks like whatever progress was made just came to a screeching halt.

For fucks sake...
Anthem is making themselves look worse and worse all the time now. Shouldn't they be trying to get as much good publicity as possible at this point ? People wanna see it and they keep playing games. Just let it go!!
Anthem is making themselves look worse and worse all the time now. Shouldn't they be trying to get as much good publicity as possible at this point ? People wanna see it and they keep playing games. Just let it go!!

So is matt and reby hardy in my opinion. They stared this whole war when they stared blasting anthem about this. That how you get what you want when your dealing with a business man which ed northolm is. The more you provoke somebody like northolm, the more he won't give it up and defend the company. If matt truly want to right to the gimmick, stop blasting them on twitter, stop reby from blasting them and just try to find a way to make a deal with them.

Jeff is the smartest one in the group by not really involving himself in this whole war f word between the 2 groups. I'm not even sure if jeff even cares about getting the right to the broken gimmick or if this is just a matt and reby deal.
What Matt and Reby are doing is attempting to (and succeeding in) winning in the court of public opinion — a court notorious for relying on appeals to emotion and recency bias in favoring victims.

Both sides look petty in this, but I actually think Reby and Matt look worse, because they're the ones throwing insults and making parody shirts, etc. They're acting like children.
What Matt and Reby are doing is attempting to (and succeeding in) winning in the court of public opinion — a court notorious for relying on appeals to emotion and recency bias in favoring victims.

Both sides look petty in this, but I actually think Reby and Matt look worse, because they're the ones throwing insults and making parody shirts, etc. They're acting like children.

But winning in the court of public opinion means nothing in business, it not going to get them the right to the broken universe. Northolm is a business man and knows every trick in the book to get what he wants. He might not be a popular guy with the fans, but they are still getting a good feedback and their not really losing any ratings so this Isn't hurting them financially. He might be losing in the court of public opinion but he's not losing any business so he couldn't care less what fans on social media thinks of him.
What I would love happening with this whole thing is matt getting the right to the broken universe, then have jeff get moved to smackdown so that they don't ruin any money opportunity they have with jeff by putting him in this comedy angle and have matt feud with bray and even maybe join bray after the feud.
The thing is that the parody shirts would be making them some coin so they can keep doing them and make their money that way. However, how much money is there in the broken universe in the wwe? Not as much as people think if you ask me. I think the money is in the indy appearances which is why they arent giving it up
The thing is that the parody shirts would be making them some coin so they can keep doing them and make their money that way. However, how much money is there in the broken universe in the wwe? Not as much as people think if you ask me. I think the money is in the indy appearances which is why they arent giving it up

Completly agree with you on this. The problem with having the broken universe in WWE is that it'S going to be just them without all the supporting characters around them that actually made this think work. WWe won't pay extra to hire Reby on a part time basis and won't paid to get reby's dad either. I doubt the will even understand the whole vanguard 1 stuff, so what you're left with his pretty much matt doing the gestures and the character because if they bring in that universe in WWE, i doubt it will be for both of them.

The money for the universe is if they leave WWE and decide to go in do some indy dates, like you wrote, that'S why Matt is so persistent in trying to get the right to this and that's why Anthem is so persistent in trying to either keep the IP or get a deal that would be to their advantage. Because they know WWE isn't really eager to use the IP on their Show because if Vince truly wanted to use those characters on tv, he would have done everything in his power to help them get the IP. For vince, he see them as nostagia act, like he did the dudley's and veteran act, i'm pretty sure that this whole losing streak thing the hardy's are starting to get is more so that when they do another draft or superstar shakeup, they can send one of them to smackdown.
Mike Johnston just nailed this whole debacle in his column at PWI:


It's long but worth your time. The tl;dr version basically says it's time for both Impact and the Hardy's to simply give up on this endless bickering because the only people who will win out this battle in the end are the lawyers.

I think the real battle here is for possession of the "Broken" trademark for after the Hardys are finished with the WWE again. There's no real reason to believe that the WWE is interested in the Hardys long-term, when they have enough tag team talent in the pipeline that they're breaking apart top teams to play "My Black Son". It seems the Hardys are in the Dudley role from a few years back- work the legends with the new guys and bring them up.

So in that vein, the WWE might not be interested in it, but the Hardys- who won't get the chance to develop new intellectual property while working with the WWE- very much have a vested interest in this litigation. GFGPGFWIAAP has absolutely zero use for the "Broken" gimmick without the Hardys, but at the same time, they're in the position where they'll take any income they can get.
I think the real battle here is for possession of the "Broken" trademark for after the Hardys are finished with the WWE again. There's no real reason to believe that the WWE is interested in the Hardys long-term, when they have enough tag team talent in the pipeline that they're breaking apart top teams to play "My Black Son". It seems the Hardys are in the Dudley role from a few years back- work the legends with the new guys and bring them up.

So in that vein, the WWE might not be interested in it, but the Hardys- who won't get the chance to develop new intellectual property while working with the WWE- very much have a vested interest in this litigation. GFGPGFWIAAP has absolutely zero use for the "Broken" gimmick without the Hardys, but at the same time, they're in the position where they'll take any income they can get.

I think like you said that WWE aren't really interested in the Hardy's long term as a team, but from some of the stuff reported since the hardy's to come back to WWE, they seem likes they might be interested long term in Jeff Hardy because they still see him as a main event draw more then Matt, that's why i think Matt is trying so hard to get the rights the the ''Broken'' Gimmick and Jeff seem to not really care one way or the other about this. Matt knows that if they split them up, he will need something like that to get over as an upper mid card guy in WWE and if for some reason, Jeff decides to stay after they're contract is up and Matt decided to leave like what happened with the dudley's, then Matt got a money making gimmick when he goes back to the indy's.

Personally, i just want this saga to end and both parties gets what they want with this. This as lasted way to long now and it didn't do anything positive for either Matt/Reby or GFW/Anthem. Jeff is the one that is gaining from this whole thing by not speaking out on this at all and letting Matt and Reby fight this. Jeff as always been the star out of the 2 until this gimmick happened and without it, matt continue to be just another midcard stuck in jeff's shadow.
Seems like Jarret is responsible for this shitstorm that was ongoing. Dude, put the bottle down. This makes me wonder if the Hardy's will create the "Woken" gimmick due to this legal battle situation.
i think that until Matt or WWE doesn't actually say the word broken or anything that sound like broken, Matt can do pretty much anything he want. This fell a lot like What happened with Nash and Hall when they left for WCW. To escape a lawsuit, they just had them cut a promo on tv saying they weren't from WWE and weren't diesel and Razor but Hall and Nash. They still use most of what made them popular in the first place but use them under the Hall and Nash character. I think that matt could use the character under the matt hardy name without using the word Broken or the costume. As far as all the craziness at the compound, If WWE really wanted to do that, they could find some sort of gimmick match that would necessitate them using that type of gimmick match like they did for the house of horror.

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