The brand extension is a gimmick.

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
Before I start I'd just like to clarify that I don't like the brand extension. I haven't since the day of it's inception and I don't think I ever will for the reason that I feel it limits the amount of potential feuds that can be had. I think it actually makes it harder for a younger guy to succeed because when they make it to the top, they've only risen to the top in one brand. Back in a single brand company an up-and-comer challenging a top guy made a far bigger impact because the top guys couldn't just be the top of one brand, they needed to be the best in the company at that time. So as you can see, I'm not a fan. And with that said.....

The brand extension isn't going anywhere. When the stock of WWE has fallen as low as it has, having two major shows brings in too much revenue for there to be the consideration of unity once again. And I can come to accept this. But only if there being two brands is then used to the fullest of it's capability. For the potential that I think the bi-branded system ought to have, it is not fulfilling that in my estimation.

What is a gimmick? It is a characteristic of a wrestler that sets them apart from the rest of the guys. But when applied to a company as a whole? It is something that no other wrestling company is known for, something unique and something therefore that ought to be capitalised upon. I'll give you another example, the six sided-ring that was indicative of TNA. It was a feature of the company TNA was that you saw nowhere else and it allowed for themed matches, different spots, different kinds of matches, all things had to be considered because it was something about TNA that gave you a unique experience at least as far as matches were concerned. Someone posed the question recently as to whther TNA may have been successful by now had it not gone through the "6-sided ring" stage of it's development. I'm here to tell you that I think it's sad that it's gone. Conformity is a disease. The complaint I hear so often about how all promos sound the same, and so many guys look the same proves my theory. People want people who can interject some of themselves into their characters and not be told what they can do by some corporate stooge with tally charts of week-by-week ratings, wrestlers want the oppertunity to go out and do what they know they are capable of which is use their personality and their experiences to bring life to the guy their playing. Not sayin they should go out and cut a scott steiner promo but it's very tiresome hearing the same old "GET HERE BOY AND I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS" or "IN THREE DAYS YOUR ASS IS MINE". I guarantee none of the very biggest superstars broke through being exactly who they were told to be, improvisation is a life skill.

TNA losing it's hexagonly-squared circle was just another way for people to forget something else about the company, the first big mistake of the Hogan/Bischoff regime. I'm sure many people have asked themselves this question but what was the genesis of attitude, what started the shifting of momentum from WCW to WWF in 1998. Was it indeed as everybody says that WCW shot themselevs in the foot when they made the fingerpoke of doom moment. I don't think so and never have, I think that forced the whole thing along and made it easier for people to switch channels but it wasn't the original reason. Because I think we can all agree whatever that secret was it should be bottled up and be worth it's weight in platinum.

I have a theory. I believe attitude began in the most ironic and innapropriate of circumstances. I believe attitude began with a man who hated the idea of real life stories and shoots and the like being used in wrestling. I believe attitude started....with Bret "The Hitman" Hart!

March 17th, 1997, Monday Night Raw - A segment where Vince McMahon interviews is next up. Vince proceeds to ask Bret a question and all of a sudden eh SNAPS, he pushes Vince over, grabs the mic and begins swearing all over the live show calling out stone cold, calling names and talking about injustice. That day Bret broke character, he went from a hero to a real life villain and set the seeds for the wrestlemania match between himself and stone cold where stone cold would turn face and the would be history. But it took a moment of Bret being Bret and making everything real for just five minutes to change the programme from a wrestling show to a wrestling drama. And god knows drama draws because some drama shows on TV don't get viewers because of the sensational writing...<COUGH> Eatenders, and if you don't know what that is don't worry.

But Bret breaking character was the man not conforming. When most guys in his position would been professional and played into their character (remember this was before wrestling shoot promos came into prominence), because he didn't what he wasn't supposed to he started off a chain reaction that wasn't supposed to happen but was bigger and better than what Vince could otherwise have dreamt up. Ever since, examples where wrestlers break character in a fit of passion have proven to be great drawing moments for wrestling companies. Matt Hardy's verbal attack on Edge and Lita, Stone Cold walking out, whatever the occasion it's more or less proven now. But whatever the case, I believe something was born in the mind of Vince McMahon that day, something he may never have otherwise realised by him. Vince McMahon, a guy who had until that time tried very hard to make sure the average Joe didn't know he was running the company did one of the most important things in the history of the business. For months Vince had this idea in his mind, drama and real life = ratings, it festered and spread until it became something he considered often, but he didn't act upon it because it was such a radical idea that he dared not to unless it turned out to be a gigantic failure.

Eventually he generated the second necessary action that laid the ground-work and it's one that lives in wrestling infamy. When Bret hart was set to leave the company to go to WCW, himself and Vince had disagreements about him losing to michaels in his home town on his last night, he agreed to relinquish the belt but not the match. Vince did something that, had Bret not snapped months earlier and created this idea, he almost certainly would not have done. The old McMahon would have spoken backstage and told Bret that he wanted him to lose and that was final, after all they had a close relationship and ince could have said things to him confidentially, they weren't that far adrift. But Vince still had this idea racing through his mind... DRAMA = RATINGS, DRAMA = RATINGS. Instead of merely telling Bret that he didn't like what he was planning to do, he made everything real, he flooded the arena with drama, he decided to make and example of the guy who said he was almost like a father figure to him. In one swift pre-planned action he came out as the company owner into plain view, openly accepting any heat he got as a result, and created more drama than he could otherwise have imagined. That night nobody was watching WCW because something far too realy and important was going down in WWF. And the rest, as they say, is something everyone should all know...1998.... birth of attitude, birth of stone cold as the global icon, birth of the road to WWF eventually buying out their competition, it all started there.

Now you would have a very good point if you wanted to interject right now and ask me what in the blue hell any of this has got to do with the brand extension in the WWE. One word. CONFORMITY. Right there and then it was proven that if you want people to watch you have to capitilise on your assets, find what you posess that nobody else offers and quite frankly exploit the hell out of it. That's what I don't believe WWE is doing right now. No I already admitted that I don't like the brand extnesion but seen as it's there and it aint going anywhere use it to the fulled of potantial and don't do what TNA did with all their originality and throw it out the window.

So right now there is a show once a year dedictaed to moving guys from brand to brand, and braggin rights a PPV dedicated to one match where two opposing teams face each other for the right of saying they won. I haven't really got the suggestions but I'm interested to hear from you.

If the brand extension is the future then should WWE be doing more to encompass it and harness it's unique drawing power and if so what could they do?
The brand extension isn't a gimmick. The reason it was made was because wit the influx of former WCW and ECW talent, there wasn't room for all of them. By keeping talent on one show, everyone could get exposure every week. But to answer your question, I think they should keep it, since it would be harder to make time for mid carders, divas, etc

I get what your saying. Someone wrote a great articel about the problem with the Bragging Rights PPV. It doesn't mean anything. The seven on seven match would be great if they gave a damn about it. It has a captian and six other midcarders. This is supposed to be one of the biggest events of the year and the top guys are no where near it. Hell, they put Santino on the RAW team as a comedy jobber. Why are we supposed to think this is important? That would be like a team starting a mascott in the Superbowl. Behind SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, and WrestleMania, Bragging Rights should be the fourth biggest show of the year. Here were you teams last year:

Smackdown- Big Show, Rey, Swagger, Reks, Edge, Del Rio, and Kofi
RAW-Miz, Morrison, Truth, Santino, Sheamus, Punk, and Jackson

I'm not saything all those goes don't have a place in the company, but they certainly shouldn't represent their brands in the biggest match of the year. Based on who else was on the card, here is what we should have had:

Smackdown- Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Edge, Swagger, Rey, Dolph Ziggler

RAW- Orton, Cena, Miz, Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan

That would be a match people would dream about! Have it go an hour and keep the fans on the edge of their seats about who will win. Build it up! Have the teams invading and brawling for weeks before the event. Make us care! And by the way, make it the main event! The PPV is called BRAGGING RIGHTS! We can go one night without having a title match. Put aside the brand feuds. The wrestlers should be willing to make the sacrifice for the BRAGGING RIGHTS!
Well I totally agree they should keep it, I said that several times. My question is are they doing enough to harness the unique factor is has in the drawing power of the show.

My apologizes. Hell no they aren't. For some reason the WWE is treating Raw like the A show and Smackdown like the B show. They have enough talent to move across the brands to make Smackdown as good as Raw.
I liked the brand extension the most back when they had Raw or Smackdown PPVs.

You never had guys from Raw on Smackdown, or guys from Smackdown on Raw....the way they are doing it now, with Del Rio and some other guys showing up on Raw, and then, Raw guys showing up on Smackdown, is just killing it even more than, it already has been.

I realize the roster is too small to do the brand PPVs, but, that is when i like the brand extension the could also build new people up easier that way too.

Smackdown- Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Edge, Swagger, Rey, Dolph Ziggler

RAW- Orton, Cena, Miz, Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan

That would be a match people would dream about! Have it go an hour and keep the fans on the edge of their seats about who will win. Build it up! Have the teams invading and brawling for weeks before the event. Make us care! And by the way, make it the main event! The PPV is called BRAGGING RIGHTS! We can go one night without having a title match. Put aside the brand feuds. The wrestlers should be willing to make the sacrifice for the BRAGGING RIGHTS!

Now this, this last bit is genius. It draws more attention for the brand differences and at the same time there doesn't have to be a title match. I wholeheartedly agree. The match can be used to further the feud between those who will be clashing for the title at the PPV subsequent to this one. That's what I was looking for.

Ok I can see a lot of people like this Chauncey Talon guy beneath me are readin the first paragraph and then writing. May I implore you to at least read the bottom paragraph if your not going to read the whole thing?
I love the brand extensions. It help other wrestler gain exposure. Also, it makes the mid card have more talent. Wrestlers like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, and Cody Rhodes would never be on television. Remember when there were no brand extension? Everybody had the RVD treatment. They are so damn good, but would never make the Main Event status. Now with the brand extension is help the wrestlers out.

Wrestlers on both shows is only for the Road to Wrestlemania. It that time of the year again. You will see this happening next year, and so on. It to make new feuds and help establish matches at Wrestlemania.
That day Bret broke character, he went from a hero to a real life villain and set the seeds for the wrestlemania match between himself and stone cold where stone cold would turn face and the would be history. But it took a moment of Bret being Bret and making everything real for just five minutes to change the programme from a wrestling show to a wrestling drama.[/B]

I don't think Bret actually broke character here, i believe it was part of a storyline of bret being screwed match after match and this is where he snapped. I could be wrong here so correct me if i'm talking BS.

But your point about the Brand Extention is spot on, and to be fair you could still have an unofficial split between the rosters with the mid card talent only tending to appear on one show or the other but with top tier wrestlers and the champions always appearing on both.
I don't think Bret actually broke character here, i believe it was part of a storyline of bret being screwed match after match and this is where he snapped. I could be wrong here so correct me if i'm talking BS.

Well it is generally believed he did seen as he was swearing all over the show which the commentary team subsequently apologised for. I'm glad you agree about the rest though, I think I've got a point nestled in there somewhere. I do think WWE would benefit from investing in some new ideas themed around the brands, it can't do any harm can it?
The brand extension isn't a gimmick. The reason it was made was because wit the influx of former WCW and ECW talent, there wasn't room for all of them. By keeping talent on one show, everyone could get exposure every week. But to answer your question, I think they should keep it, since it would be harder to make time for mid carders, divas, etc

This is an excuse many people use when trying to defend the brand extension. The WWF(E) has always had secondary shows and sometimes even a third. Smackdown was brought in way before the brand extension took place. Shows like Superstars and Sunday Night Heat were also used for the mid to lower card guys. Heat on a PPV night was great because it was like the free preliminaries (that the UFC uses today) to lure people in and hype up the card to order the PPV.

I agree 100% with the TS and much like him, I've hated the idea of splitting the rosters and having 2 world titles. You win a world title, so what? Do people even know what the #1 title is? Because I sure as hell don't.

The day they end this and bring the rosters back together will be the day I might follow wrestling on a consistent basis again. Unify the world titles so we know who the clear cut champion is; unify the secondary titles back into the INTERCONTINENTAL title (because I'm old school) and if they want to have a TV champ that's fine, although I would prefer a cruiserweight title instead; And of course, the tag titles which should never go anywhere. Not to mention all the great feuds and different matches instead of the same thing every week. Push Raw to 2 and a half hours.

But hey...I'm just a fan.
I guarantee you without the brand extension, someone like CM Punk wouldn't have been champion with the influx of Triple H, Cena, Orton, etc. going for the top title.

You can still have feuds with the draft just about every year or someone's "contract" expiring on a show and they pop up on the other.

Plus you wouldn't have enough exposure for every star you want to push.
I guarantee you without the brand extension, someone like CM Punk wouldn't have been champion with the influx of Triple H, Cena, Orton, etc. going for the top title.

You can still have feuds with the draft just about every year or someone's "contract" expiring on a show and they pop up on the other.

Plus you wouldn't have enough exposure for every star you want to push.

...and? Having the WWE title doesn't make you a legend. The likes of Bulldog, Hennig, Roberts etc can be good examples here. What has happened though is that far too many are becoming world champions because there are two of them. The likes of Swagger were never ready for it and should never have been anywhere near the top prize. Having one title for each division, sets out who is the best and a clear message. If that means Punk didn't become world champion, so what? Punk is remembered more for his time when he wasn't champion than he is when he was. Also because of this it has meant the likes of Edge, Cena, Orton have racked up huge amount of title reigns and hardily anyone new has come onto the scene anyways and stayed there.
...and? Having the WWE title doesn't make you a legend. The likes of Bulldog, Hennig, Roberts etc can be good examples here. What has happened though is that far too many are becoming world champions because there are two of them. The likes of Swagger were never ready for it and should never have been anywhere near the top prize. Having one title for each division, sets out who is the best and a clear message. If that means Punk didn't become world champion, so what? Punk is remembered more for his time when he wasn't champion than he is when he was. Also because of this it has meant the likes of Edge, Cena, Orton have racked up huge amount of title reigns and hardily anyone new has come onto the scene anyways and stayed there.

People don't know anything about legends until their careers are near over or are over.

I didn't say anything about being a legend at all as a matter of fact. But having the title makes you the top guy, the focal point during that time.

And all those guys you cited are names people wanted to see be champion, but didn't due to who was on top all the time.

You'd still have the problem of stars not getting enough air time.
In fairness I think you need to look at WWE before they bought WCW and WCW before they closed shop.

Both were kicking out new stars on a rapid basis, problem was when both joined up WWE couldn't bury the WCW guys all to gether, Booker T (being the sole WCW'er) who shined over the rest and WWE tried to get other talent over but in doing so TV time was limited (watch InVasion PPV) how cluster fucked it was, so WWE came up with the brand extention and was done amazing, Flair Vs Vince split WWE in half, the draft was done pretty uniquly and look what happened, Edge sky rocketed in the early brand extension same with Eddie, Benoit, Lesnar, Batista, Cena & Orton had their been NO brand extention Orton, Cena and Batista would never have gotten over as quickly as they did same with Lesnar (thou Lesnar was pushed from the onset) but back then it produced MORE feuds and made for fresh tv.

Nowadays it's boring. Its the same thing week in and week out but since early Nov I've been pretty excited to watch RAW like I was when I was a kid WWE is picking up IMO but the Brand split needs to end, WWE should cut it now unify belts and introduce a couple of new belts (lower weight and a novelty title ex hardcore title) and spread them out have fun with it ending the split will bring some guys together to have feuds we wouldn't normally get.

should it end YES, will it? Not for a while I believe.
I think they should cue the end of the brand extension with the slowing of the influx of youth and rookie contenders, for the sake of making the two relate to eachother. With all the new wrestlers coming up, they are benefitting from the exposure of the 2 brand system, but when WWE has an idea of who they are going to keep, focus on, push, or develop they should start setting the stage for an epic pay per view that will decide the Undisputed Champion (WWE Championship), the Intercontinental Champion, and perhaps hold tournaments for new titles such as the Light Heavyweight or preferrably the Cruiserweight Championship and TV or European Championship. Perhaps this could culminate at Night of Champions, leaving SummerSlam and WrestleMania to their own glory.
As I have mentioned in previous posts in the past, the only time the Brand extension actually worked was when it originally started and they acted like they were two different companies competing with each other. Where the GM"s tried to one up each other or maybe did mini invasions. But for the last 5 years or so the brand extension is just a waste of time. Superstars jump from on show to another with no reason (has it actually been explained why Del Rio was at Raw this week).

So either they need to end the brand extension or put it back the way it used to be
I agree with what you are saying. If a wrestler climbs to the top it is only of the brand. They should have one show a week extra where superstars from both brands will fight each other and it should be called "Brand Wars". I like this idea and it can be a replacement for bragging rights.

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