The Bound for Glory Predictions Thread

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
In anticipation of what will surely be the best night for wrestling of 2009, this is the thread for making your predictions ahead of Bound For Glory V. S0, here we go...

Pre-Show Match: The Motor City Machine Guns vs Lethal Consequences

Probably the most predictable match of the night, and it's not even on the show. TNA seem to e starting something right, and that's pushing the guns. They're a great tag team, and deserve to be in at least some sort of programme, never mind the titles. I like Lethal, but he isn't enough for me to think they'll win tonight.

Choice: The Guns.

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: The Beautiful People vs Taylor Wilde and Sarita

Maybe if Angelina was involved, I might think The Beautiful people could win. But with just Velvet and Madison, they really don't have much of a chance. Especially not against an in form and on the rise tag team champions. Sarita and Taylor Wilde are exciting, fun and great workers. They are the best choice for tag champions, at least for the moment.

Choice: Wilde and Sarita.

TNA Legends Championship Match: Eric Young vs Hernandez vs Kevin Nash:
Now, getting into the first match involving the MEM. I fully expect, and hope, that this is the night where the mafia crumbles and the young guns come out on top, starting with the legends title. But who will win, I hope to god Hernandez wins, but I'm leaning towards Eric Young stealing it, just so a heel will win. But I'm going to go with Hernandez.

Choice: Hernandez.

FULL METAL MAYHEM FOR THE TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. champions Scott Steiner & Booker T:
Steiner and Book are apparently leaving TNA soon, so TNA aren't going to let them keep the title. I like the Brits, but they aren't getting the title. So it's between Beer money and Team 3D. I have a feeling there will be a heel turn, and I just think that Beer Money are coming out on top, or Team 3D will Turn and steal the title.

Choice: Team 3D.

ULTIMATE X MATCH FOR AN X DIVISION TITLE SHOT: Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide:
This is match I'm really looking forward to, and I wouldn't mind if any of the wrestlers here win. Homicide is probably the least likely, and then suicide. So that leaves Daniels and Dinero. Unless Daniels turns and adopts his "Holier than thou" attitude, I don't think he'll win. I think TNA, like me, are very impressed by D'Angelo, and they think the pope is the way to go.

Choice: The Pope really is pimping.

MONSTER'S BALL: Mick Foley vs. "The Monster" Abyss:
This is going to be one hell of a hardcore match. Everyone knows that these 2 men will put anything on the line for the sake of entertainment. So we'll see some monster bumps. Like Abyss through the flaming table last year. Stevie Richards really has nothing to offer, so I don't know what part he'll play. But after an epic (hopefully), Abyss is walking out, covered in his own, and foleys, blood. And he'll get his first victory in the match named after him.

Choice: Abyss

MMA VS. TNA: SUBMISSION MATCH: "The Boss" Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe:
This is the match I'm having the most trouble with. On one hand, you have the momentum of Lashley coming into this match where you would assume he would go over. On the other hand, you have Samoa Joe, a full time wrestler, who will hopefully not lose to someone who has announced that TNA is not their first priority. And Joe's no push over either. I also wonder how they'll do the match. Hopefully it's just a normal submission match, because if I wanted MMA, i'd watch, guess what? Yes, MMA. So as for who is going to win, I'm going to go with Joseph. Although it could go either way.

Choice: Samoa Joe.

WRESTLING'S BEST VS. WRESTLING'S FUTURE: Main Event Mafia leader Kurt Angle vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan:
The only thing I have to say here is that this is the only match where I think the older wrestler will win. I don't relly like Morgan at all, and Angle is still a great wrestler. When it comes down to it, Angle can still wrestle. I predict the feud to continue, and eventually Morgan goes over. But as for now, to stop a card made up of really only face victories, Angle steals a victory.

Choice: Angle.

The Main Event: World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs Sting:
This might be Sting's final match, but I doubt it. Even so, Styles has to win. He can't just lose the title a month after getting it. They're trying to build him, not bury him. Especially not to a legend who is leaving soon. What good would that do to anyone? Not Styles. Not TNA. And certainly not us. Styles is going to do his best to put on one hell of a show, and really give us a match to remember. Or Sting can just stink up the place. But Styles will win. He better.

Choice: Styles will retain.

What do you guys think?
MCMG over LEthal Consequences

KO Tag: Wilde & Sarita retain.

LEgends title: Nash retains, which factors into the MEM implosion. Why IS the only MEM titleholder taking orders from Angle?

TNA & IWGP Tag titles. British Invasion takes the TNA titles, 3D takes the IWGP titles.

Ultimate X: I think that TNA have some kind of plan for Red, so he makes history by being the first X Champion to retain at Ultimate X.

Abyss will be the only one to walk out of Monster's Ball without 2 or 3 people supporting him. Foley will do the job and pass the torch.

MMA vs TNA: Joe over Lashley. (You can't bill a match as "Our company vs. A Competitor" and not have your company win in a worked sport.) Lashley then talks on Impact about how TNA is a different world physically from WWE and he underestimated Joe, but he won't make that mistake again.

Angle puts over Morgan, in a long match.
EDIT: How can Wrestling's Best Lose to Wrestling's Future?
Angle wins.

STyles retains against Stings
I predict only three title changes tonight and two of them are on TNA's knock-out division. Awesome Kong needs to win back the belt from ODB maybe even pinning Tara, to further their feud.

The Beautiful People also need the push that the titles bring, I hope they won this one, maybe with outside interference from Von Erich.

I hope that the Legends Championship doesn't change hands, seriously neither Young or Hernandez are near the prestige that this title should have, Nash is fine with it, maybe Nash vs. Lashley would funny to watch in the future.

I think that Lashley vs. Joe is kind of difficult to predict, I just hope that Lashley doesn't squash Joe because all the work that TNA had to push Joe as serious threat being beaten easily by Lashley won't be good at all, and also, what does this mean for Wrestling in general if Lashley beats Joe? Does this match screams "MMA > Wrestling" or I'm mistaken?

I predict the TNA World Tag Team Championship to change hands, I can't predict who will win it, maybe Beer Money Inc, I'm pretty much sure that IWGP Tag Team Championships will be defended sucessfully, why? Because if you have the chance to choose between both belts when you climb a ladder why would you choose the IWGP titles? It doesn't make any sense, so I guess that British Invasion will keep the titles, being the first team to climb the ladder.

About the whole "new school" vs. "old school" I think that Abyss, Morgan and AJ will win their matches and TNA will take a step by pushing this three men as the "next big things" in wrestling. Amazing Red will for sure keep his title, I seriously hope they don't make him lose just yet, he is trully amazing.
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