The Blue Brand Stretching To 3 Hours?


There's a story on the main page, originally reported at, that there's talk backstage of SmackDown! going to 3 hours. WWE's current deal with Syfy expires at the end of next month, though a new deal is expected to be signed as SmackDown! is easily the highest rated show on the network.

One thing that's got buzz going about SD! possibly going to 3 hours is alleged talk of WWE wanting to bring SmackDown! up to par with Raw. The report states that one way of doing that will be having more stories and major happenings take place on SmackDown!. As it stands, and as it has been for most of the blue brand's existence, SmackDown! is the "B Show" and comes across as such because most of the major happenings take place on Raw.

A significant number of fans don't watch SmackDown! for various reasons. Some don't watch it because they'd rather be out & about on Friday nights, some don't watch because it's a taped show rather than a live show and some do see SD! as a "B Show" where nothing major usually takes place. There's quite often quality promo segments and wrestling action, but the show simply doesn't have the same aura of importance about it that WWE gives to Raw. I think if WWE really wants to eliminate the aspect of SD! being the "B Show", then they'll really have to treat it like Raw. To do that, significant happenings will have to take place on SmackDown! like the confrontation between Cena & Bryan and the Punk/Heyman/Lesnar segment. In order to give it the "anything can happen" type of atmosphere of Raw, SD! would need to start airing live as well. After all, without the spoilers to read, more people might tune in to see what takes place, especially IF, and I do mean IF, they take the show to 3 hours.

Personally, one thing I wish WWE would do more often is announce big happenings or matches set for next week or on the next episode ahead of time. For instance, and this is just my opinion, I think the battle royal on Raw would've come off as much more interesting had it been hyped & advertised a week ahead of time. After all, a battle royal to determine the #1contender for the WWE United States Championship should be hyped as a significant happening, especially since such matches don't happen very often.
There needs to be a brand split IMO. Make it a totally different show than Raw! Could you imagine Smackdown airing a special monday night episode versus Raw....WWE is its own competition and I think it would bring a breath of fresh air to the wwe.
Oh please no. I have never been one of the haters of the 3 hour Raws. I don't have a problem with them. The problem is Smackdown is simply Raw Lite. Raw is where you get new, exciting stuff. Smackdown is always just a rehash of Raw. Very often are repeat matches. And the show is always 30% Raw recaps. This would make no sense.

Sure, some people would like to be optimistic and say it gives lower card people a chance to be on TV. That's partially true. But an extra hour of Smackdown will equate, if you're lucky, to one segment devoted to people who normally don't get TV time. The rest will be more Raw stuff, more app stuff, more product placement crap and an extra stupid segment.

The only advantage I truly see coming from this, is that since Smackdown has more and longer matches, we'll get probably one more of those each week.

I already DVR Smackdown so I can fast forward through all the Raw recap stuff. This will just mean more fast forwarding.
I'd much rather see that extra hour given to NXT. It's a much more sensible move in my opinion, at least for WWE. They wouldn't have to change the way they're doing anything, they get their extra hour of airtime and revenue, and they get exposure for NXT and the developmental talent to the massive US television market. SyFy, however, may want another hour of SmackDown simply for the sake of brand familiarity and because of the last NXT's results. Personally, I'd find another hour of SmackDown to be tedious if they didn't fundamentally change the show. Making it look different, giving it more emphasis, and even possibly going live should all be on the table, because as it is, SmackDown simply isn't worth watching for 3 hours most weeks.
I'd much rather see that extra hour given to NXT. It's a much more sensible move in my opinion, at least for WWE. They wouldn't have to change the way they're doing anything, they get their extra hour of airtime and revenue, and they get exposure for NXT and the developmental talent to the massive US television market. SyFy, however, may want another hour of SmackDown simply for the sake of brand familiarity and because of the last NXT's results. Personally, I'd find another hour of SmackDown to be tedious if they didn't fundamentally change the show. Making it look different, giving it more emphasis, and even possibly going live should all be on the table, because as it is, SmackDown simply isn't worth watching for 3 hours most weeks.

This right here is a pretty good idea. NXT has a lot of talent, but some of them don't get a match for weeks at a time. Bo Dallas, Corey Graves and Leo Kruger are the only guys I can think of off the top of my head that appear on at least three quarters of the shows. Other exciting talent like Sami Zayn, Xavier Woods and Kassius Ohno (though he's off TV for a reason right now) don't get seen enough. So another hour for NXT would be great.

Smackdown however, really doesn't need it. It just doesn't have the talent to carry three hours. The extra hour is so more stories can happen, but seriously, just cut out the filler and you'll free up plenty of time for extra promos and angle segments.

The only way Smackdown could pull off three hours is if what's left of the brand split ends entirely and guys like Cena and Punk are willing to appear on SD regularly, like in the late 90's and early 00's. Otherwise, I don't think they can pull it off.
I agree with The Butcher, maybe give an extra hour to NXT. I really don't want to see another hour of Smackdown. No matter how hard they try it IS the "B" show and will be for the foreseeable future. Adding an extra hour won't increase viewership, IMO (it's just an extra few pages of spoilers to read).

If they're insistent on 3 hours, why not use the 3rd hour as a "highlight" hour sort of like sportscenter to show all the highlights from RAW, Smackdown, previous PPV, to hype all the storyline. They used to have that show on Saturday mornings that was kind of a highlight show. Do something like that. Don't give us another hour of Smackdown.
Let me quote Mr. Goat face himself.............NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

This idea is absoluetly moronic. Sure, lets give another show 3 hours where 45 minutes will be actual wrestling, 30 minutes in promos, and the rest is replays and commercials. Real smart Vince! Ideas like this is why the product sucks right now. Too much flawed programing. SUPPLY & DEMAND Vinnie. Remember your business 101 classes?

The only possible way 3 hours works for Smackdown is more wrestling, stop the friggin replays, and for goodness sake.............IT NEEDS TO BE LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it, Smackdown is the best show in wwe at the moment, i'd much rather prefer to watch 3 hours of Smackdown than 3 hours of Raw, I mean who needs to watch Raw these days when Smackdown basically gives you everything you need to know, so I believe Smackdown going to 3 hours is a good thing.

The Brand Split is coming back, I can feel it in my bones
I think WWE needs to give up any and all pretense that the brands are equal and fully embrace SmackDown as the B-show.

I think a restructured brand split should be the way to go. Unify the World/WWE Titles and US/IC Titles and let RAW be the main eventer with big storylines, all the big stars + a few select midcarders and let SmackDown be the midcarder show with simpler angles and with main eventers making advertised "guest appearances" to boost ratings/ticket sales. All the main eventers should work primarily on RAW, while SmackDown should be the platform for midcard talents to get over with mic time, storylines, and decent length matches where they look strong and credible. If a guy proves himself main event worthy, he starts working on RAW on a regular basis.
Rather then smackdown going 3 hours i would like to see NXT added before or after would be great as NXT is good
For the love of all things holy I hope not.

Raw is an exhausting chore to sit through, because of the three hour runtime. And a lot of that has to do with all the filler bullshit. Since the three hour format started, how many times have we seen Raw replay a key segment or promo over and over again throughout the night? Another prime example of filler garbage would be that useless fiasco between Fandango and R-Truth the other night. The three hour shows were okay on a limited basis, when WWE did the draft or some sort of anniversary special, but now? Raw is hard to sit through, because instead of the show flowing naturally, it feels like they're stretching to fill three hours.

Smackdown's over production really hurts the show. The piped in heat and fake pops are so obvious, and it completely kills the "anything can happen" realism side of the show. So I really can't see or understand how an extra hour would help things. And knowing WWE, you can't rule out the possibility of them replaying entire segments or matches from Raw in their entirety. Raw has enough exposure as it is, the show doesn't need anymore.

But IF WWE plans on using the extra hour to help elevate the World Heavyweight Championship, and the champion, then I wouldn't have a big problem with the change, because the WHC is in desperate need of a boost. As it is, the title feels like a mid card strap, and not a world championship, and you can blame that on WWE's piss poor treatment of the title and its champions. Still, I would have a hard time buying into WWE wanting to do some real good for the WHC, because I have this uneasy feeling in my gut about a three hour Smackdown being used to give more time to Raw matches, promos, and segments.
The three hour Raw drags on enough as it is. A 3 hour Smackdown would be awful since they don't have the talent at the moment for two three hour A-Shows.
Here's a thought: instead of adding another hour, stop making the Smackdown guys job to the Raw guys on a weekly basis.

As for adding another hour to NXT, no. The show works because it's show short and doesn't have time to be filled up with nonsense.

Adding another hour to Smackdown is good for WWE but bad for the fans. At the end of the day there's too much WWE television now and adding another hour is just going to make things worse. At that point there would be six hours a week from TWO SHOWS. It's just too much and the shows are watered down enough as it is. People aren't going to watch Smackdown for the reasons given and the extra hour isn't going to solve that.
I wasn't saying extend NXT by an hour, I was saying allot that third hour to NXT. Two hours of SmackDown, one hour of NXT. I thought that was fairly clear, as I said that WWE "wouldn't have to change the way they're doing anything." Expanding NXT would be changing the way they're doing something. All tapings would remain just as they are under my recommendation. Neither show would get longer. SyFy would have a 3 hour wrestling block featuring two shows.

Can never be too clear 'round these parts though. SyFy should acquire NXT as is and air that in conjunction with SmackDown, which would also remain as is. So no, Blade and SDS1582 do not agree with me. They mistook my intent.
I cannot possibly imagine this being a good idea. Granted, I don't even watch the WWE product anymore (never been a big WWF/E fan in general and don't really like a lot of the new talent aside from Daniel Bryan and CM Punk), but I did try to get back into the WWE and 3 hour Raws were KILLING me. I have 4 kids at home. I don't have time to sit there and watch 3 hours of mediocre wrestling, shoddy storytelling, and incessant marketing toward apps and social media that, if you care about the company at all, you are probably already following. No thanks. If I ever do watch Raw or Smackdown, I find it on YouTube or use Hulu, who does a condensed version of Raw. I never watch Impact Wrestling live either. I usually catch it on I have no interest in dedicating 6 hours of my busy life to wrestling and I can't imagine a lot of fans, even die-hard ones, do either. After all, Smackdown rarely does above a 2.0 in ratings. I loved someone's suggestion for an NXT show (which is apparently great wrestling and maybe the best on TV today) or just make the show more memorable or more important by having big names on there. Cena, Bryan, Orton, the McMahons, HHH...these guys don't usually go on Smackdown to continue their feuds. It's usually Raw to Raw. Make fans feel like they'll miss something important if they miss Smackdown. Right now, it's just an excuse to give guys TV time. Or that's the way it seems to me. Last, WWE doesn't have a strong enough roster to fill up 6 hours of TV each week. They really are becoming WCW 2.0. Overexpanding the product and diluting it. It's a recipe for disaster.
I am clearly in the minority here, but I think adding a third hour to Smackdown would be awesome. Given that our fandom of wrestling somehow led the overwhelming majority of us to this forum in the first place, the opportunity to see more wrestling is one I'm surprised most are not responding positively about. I can see why those who posted wanting the additional hour to go to NXT, but it would be more lucrative to add to Smackdown. Most people don't want NXT. Raw is already 3 hours and 4 hours weekly could be too much, so they'd add it to Smackdown. It's the most watched show on SyFy too, so that should be taken into consideration. More time for the most watched show is good for the network, which then in turn is good for the federation.

Sure, Smackdown is the "B" show and has been for most of its existence. However, this gives WWE a chance to showcase more of the wrestlers who might not make it onscreen weekly. I would like to see this extra hour be used for the United States, Intercontinental, Tag Team, and even Divas Championships. Every champion should be featured weekly in some way and they each need to be in some type of angle. Why bother with a bunch of filler when you can make a belt matter again? This also gives WWE more time to ensure that every single match advertised for a PPV sees time to be promoted on television before the big event. The WWE will have even less of an excuse to not make fans care about all of the matches they will be giving us. Even if the extra hour just goes to more filler or more pointless segments, it's still more wrestling and as a fan of 20+ years I won't complain about getting to see more on a weekly basis. I hope it happens.
I am a big hater of RAW being 3 hours, it seems pointless, it is overdoing it and half of what happens brings the overall quality of the product down.

I see no reason that these problems would not transfer if I decided to watch Smackdown! again.

Someone mentioned an extra hour for NXT... hmm not bad... I hate overexposure but at the moment half the roster barely get exposure, and we won't see double ups because NXT has no B show... I like it.

Just My Opinion
I would like to see this extra hour be used for the United States, Intercontinental, Tag Team, and even Divas Championships. Every champion should be featured weekly in some way and they each need to be in some type of angle. Why bother with a bunch of filler when you can make a belt matter again?

I agree with you on this point, however I think that 5 hours of programming should be MORE than enough time to get 6 belts over per week. I mean I dont think each belt literally needs an entire hour of promotion to itself, especially considering that the divas belt is really a waste of time most weeks anyway.

I really do worry about overexposure... If the WWE spent a little less time recapping and plugging social media, they might not need another hour on SD!.

Just My Opinion
3 Hrs. of Raw is hard to sit through, & the last thing I want to do after a week of work a struggle to watch a 3 hr. block of SD!. This might not seem seem as bad if WWE didn't already have 9 hrs. of weekly programming on (if you count Total Divas). If SD! does decent with the extra hr. then what, they give another hr. to ME, Superstars, or NXT? at this rate WWE is just going burn out their fans with too much programming.
I think it's good that they are making Smackdown better, but 6 hours of weekly programming is a lot.

If I had my way.......

I would take the first half an hour off Raw (maybe have that has a YouTube 30 minute build up instead) and then Raw as 2 and a half hours, and do the exact same with Smackdown.

So both Raw and Smackdown would be 2 and a half hours long, which when you factor in commercial breaks makes for about 2 hours each which is perfect.

I would also make Smackdown live and have it on a Thursday. All wrestlers would appear on both shows like they did when Smackdown was first established, I don't want to see the brand split return ever again, there is no need for it.

But anything they do to raise Samckdown's profile is good, I don't watch Smackdown because of the fake audio, the fact nothing happens, the poor lighting (sounds silly but I think it looks poor on telly) and here in the UK at least Smackdown consists of Raw re-caps, a from the vault 80's match and not much storyline progression. Smackdown should be a continuation of Raw, with Cena, Punk, Orton etc all regulars.

If Smackdown went 3 hours too, at least all the main eventers could have time on Raw and Smackdown and then lower wrestlers would have tv time on at least one show a week. 6 hours may be a lot of wrestling, but if the show is good maybe it would work.
Um, I'd say no for right now. I agree with others that Smackdown should be live, and I really like brand split (unlike many)..but only when talent is able to really grow. Smackdown still has it's "roster" in the opening credits and I could see a good show surrounding Dolph, Cody, Damien, Kane, AJ, Big E and more. Add in a new title belt and add some differences than RAW, and it could work. I find that Smackdown right now is what I enjoy more than raw (call me crazy!)
At current, I don't want to see it going to 3 hours. Let's face it, Smackdown is simply Raw but without the main talking points. Saying that, the matches on Smackdown are generally of better quality than those on raw.

The main issue with putting Smackdown to 3 hours is what you're going to do with the spare time. They use a large amount of the roster as it is and the only full time guys that only make rare appearances on SD are CM Punk and Cena, everyone else is used on SD. For 3 hours to work there would need to be a brand split of some kind because people are going to get tired of seeing matches on SD which either A) Mean nothing and/or B) Are repeated matches from raw.

What I'd personally like to see is SD to move up to 2 and a half hours but give it something different, something that would make people watch it for a particular reason, e.g put CM Punk exclusively on there or make the WHC exclusive to Smackdown.
fucking having taped wrestling be 3 hours. hell no.

Raw being 3 hours is cool because of the anything can happen nature..with Smackdown it wont have that and will fail miserably.
I was not a fan of three hour Nitro, I am not a fan of the three hour Raw, and I would not want to see Smackdown go to three hours for any reason. I have been a wrestling fan all of my life, but this would just be too much. There is enough wrestling on tv now, and I think they need to focus more on the time that they have now rather than adding more time.
I think it's a terrible idea. Same with Raw, in my opinion, it's about the quality of the show, not the quantity. I'd much prefer a well booked 2 hour Raw or Smackdown, rather than 3 hours of irrelevant storylines.

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