The biggest problem with TNA is... their fans!

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Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
Yes, you read it right.

In my honest opinion the biggest problem with TNA is, in fact, their fans, and of course I will explain my thought.

Too many times, in this forum I read that the biggest problem was the one and only Vince Russo or TNA booking team in general.

Well, it's false. And why it is? Do anybody believes that if a stable like Main-Event Mafia was established on WWE, they would receive a worst reaction? The impact zone was almost bored that Kurt Angle, Sting, Kevin Nash and Booker T were together forming a stable.

Damn, even WWE with someone as stale as Snitsky could make a greater impact with their fans, TNA needs to change the place and the fans that they target on their shows.

It's almost speechless to see no reaction for the fans for huge storylines or angles, they simply don't care, if it was on WWE, at this time, everybody was saying that this was the beggining of a great era for the company.

Any thoughts?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the TNA fans met the Sting promos with complete indifference. Not necessarily Sting's fault, AJ got a Charlie Haas pop too. I'd say it's more with them being unsure who to back rather than them being bored out of their fucking minds. However, Nash was there so you can never be sure.

When the heels and faces became more defined though - like this recent week - they seemed to give more of a shit. Y'see, TNA fans are kinda slow. They're good people though; you just have to give them a few minutes to catch up.
Yeah I just think they may have been confused on who were the true heels and who were the faces. I mean Styles spits in Sting's face while Sting was doing nothing came off as a heelish move. I could see if Sting was beating up one of Styles friends why he would do it, but he wasn't. I am a fan of TNA, and watch it most of the times and I actually enjoy TNA fans for the most part. It maybe because their in a smaller venue with alot less people, but TNA for the most part are usually very in to the matches, cheering and what not which makes the matches seem more exciting. I still say TNA's biggest problem is their creative team.
They speak their mind. They agreed with Sting on his promos, so they cheered him. Their great fans and you can't blame them for TNA's problems. They have been there for the company, and they boo WWE because they love TNA. You can't blame the fans for TNA's problems. It all relys on the owners.
Yeah I noticed the unusual fans the very first time I watched TNA. It's almost as if they are immature and not so smart versions of smarks themselves. Every week that Kurt Angle wrestles, the crowd is always split on whether to cheer him or to boo him, despite him being a heel since debuting. The same goes for Sting. The crowd is never completely on one side unlike the WWE fans. At Turning Point Sting is facing A.J Styles for the TNA Heavyweight Championship, I'm willing to bet the fans will cheer both. Veterans have a very difficult time getting over as a heel in TNA. Except Kevin Nash who seems to have gotten over as a heel fairly quickly and easily.

I also find it annoying when the fans randomly start chanting "TNA, TNA, TNA" when a superstar does something simple such as a suicide dive. They almost never give a great reaction to anyone, because it's mainly the same fans in attendance week in week out. I do like it when they boo the WWE, because it is their opposition after all. When I first started watching TNA at the beginning of the year, it took me over a month to figure out who were the faces and who were the heels, mainly because the fans never give a definitive reaction to any TNA superstar.

I also don't understand when TNA brought in Mick Foley for the first time on iMPACT. The fans loved him and cheered him. It's almost as if they forgot he was working for the opposition company only a few weeks ago. TNA definately doesn't have the smartest fans, but they shouldn't put you off from watching the show as they aren't TNA's biggest problems.
TNA Fans were like that at first cause they were thinking the same thing as me, OMG, NOT ANOTHER NWO REHASH of CRAP! Look who their using to pull it off!?!?! BOOGER T? His credability left when he started talking like a ****** begging for a DOUGHNUT. Old Ass NASH! WOW, Please, say it aint so! Then you got Big Poppa Slump, can't stay healthy enough to get through one storyline. Yup, those guys would have been my first choice too. I would have went with Sting, Angle, Cage, JARRETT, Team 3D & Foley to start. This storyline is going to drag down TNA. I only hope they can pull it off for AJ, Joe, Lethal, Roode, Storm, & a whole host of others sake. Thats TNA's REAL talent. I love watching them in action, always a good time.
Yeah I noticed the unusual fans the very first time I watched TNA. It's almost as if they are immature and not so smart versions of smarks themselves. Every week that Kurt Angle wrestles, the crowd is always split on whether to cheer him or to boo him, despite him being a heel since debuting. The same goes for Sting. The crowd is never completely on one side unlike the WWE fans. At Turning Point Sting is facing A.J Styles for the TNA Heavyweight Championship, I'm willing to bet the fans will cheer both. Veterans have a very difficult time getting over as a heel in TNA. Except Kevin Nash who seems to have gotten over as a heel fairly quickly and easily.

I don't see the problem with them cheering both men, since they're both tremendous entertainers and/or wrestlers. Thats one thing that annoys me about WWE fans and the kids nowadays, they don't appreciate talent and just mindlessly boo EVERYTHING hells do, even when its right. Yes, I know wrestling SHOULD be about a heel and a face fighting against each other and so TNA fans response to some wrestlers does spoil it, but I think it makes it extra special when a guy gets real heel heat, because not only do marks hate him but smarks absolutely despise him aswell (e.g. Jeff Jarett 2006, Kurt Angle 2007).

And to clear something up, Angle was a face for the first 8 months of his TNA career.

I also find it annoying when the fans randomly start chanting "TNA, TNA, TNA" when a superstar does something simple such as a suicide dive. They almost never give a great reaction to anyone, because it's mainly the same fans in attendance week in week out. I do like it when they boo the WWE, because it is their opposition after all.

I do find that annoying, it was good a year or so ago but now its annoying when they whip out the chant at every Impact. Should only be reserved for PPV, and even then only for an extreme high spot. And the second point is the reason why I REALLY want TNA to finally go outside of the Impact Zone and do iMPACT in different locations. Its alright drawing the same 1000 people each week to the arena, but they NEED to expand and seek new fans elsewhere. I mean, the Impact Zone still gets 3 PPV's a year anyways so its not like they'd be getting shut out or anything.

I also don't understand when TNA brought in Mick Foley for the first time on iMPACT. The fans loved him and cheered him. It's almost as if they forgot he was working for the opposition company only a few weeks ago.

I think they were cheering Foley because of HIM and not because of who he worked for. I mean, this guy is a legend of the business and he's now moved to the company/wrestling programme you like to watch, why wouldn't you cheer him? Its a big signing and he'll only improve the show.
I don't see the problem with them cheering both men, since they're both tremendous entertainers and/or wrestlers. Thats one thing that annoys me about WWE fans and the kids nowadays, they don't appreciate talent and just mindlessly boo EVERYTHING hells do, even when its right. Yes, I know wrestling SHOULD be about a heel and a face fighting against each other and so TNA fans response to some wrestlers does spoil it, but I think it makes it extra special when a guy gets real heel heat, because not only do marks hate him but smarks absolutely despise him aswell (e.g. Jeff Jarett 2006, Kurt Angle 2007).

See I disagree here. Good heels are supposed to get booed no matter what the situation is. The fans shouldn't cheer Kurt Angle, because it isn't his job to get respected and cheered for his amazing wrestling skills, it's his job and every other heels' job to get booed by the fans no matter what he does, inside or outside the ring. That's what makes a good heel. That is what the WWE heels do better than the TNA heels today, but that can partly be blamed on the fans themselves. Smarks have always like Kurt Angle since I can remember. The bottom line is that if a heel does his job correctly, most if not all the fans in the arena should boo him. Heels get appreciated by being booed. It's their main purpose of their character.

And to clear something up, Angle was a face for the first 8 months of his TNA career.

Thanks for telling me that because I did not watch TNA back then.

I do find that annoying, it was good a year or so ago but now its annoying when they whip out the chant at every Impact. Should only be reserved for PPV, and even then only for an extreme high spot. And the second point is the reason why I REALLY want TNA to finally go outside of the Impact Zone and do iMPACT in different locations. Its alright drawing the same 1000 people each week to the arena, but they NEED to expand and seek new fans elsewhere. I mean, the Impact Zone still gets 3 PPV's a year anyways so its not like they'd be getting shut out or anything.

It's ridiculous. The chant should only be used when a very high spot has taken place. I don't think the TNA fans have realized that suicide dives really aren't that hard yet. ;) Yes, agreed. They need to go outside of Florida much more often. But I think that will happen eventually, just give them enough time to expand. Hopefully this will eventually solve the problem of the seemingly mindless TNA fans.

I think they were cheering Foley because of HIM and not because of who he worked for. I mean, this guy is a legend of the business and he's now moved to the company/wrestling programme you like to watch, why wouldn't you cheer him? Its a big signing and he'll only improve the show.

Yes I am aware of that. But I was shocked that they treated him with respect as I wasn't sure how they would react towards him. I expected him to receive quite a large amount of boos, since he was fresh from the opposition company, which TNA fans seem to dislike strongly.
See I disagree here. Good heels are supposed to get booed no matter what the situation is. The fans shouldn't cheer Kurt Angle, because it isn't his job to get respected and cheered for his amazing wrestling skills, it's his job and every other heels' job to get booed by the fans no matter what he does, inside or outside the ring. That's what makes a good heel. That is what the WWE heels do better than the TNA heels today, but that can partly be blamed on the fans themselves. Smarks have always like Kurt Angle since I can remember. The bottom line is that if a heel does his job correctly, most if not all the fans in the arena should boo him. Heels get appreciated by being booed. It's their main purpose of their character.

Those views heavily contradict those of Slyfox!

Yes I am aware of that. But I was shocked that they treated him with respect as I wasn't sure how they would react towards him. I expected him to receive quite a large amount of boos, since he was fresh from the opposition company, which TNA fans seem to dislike strongly.

Really? I remember saying that Foley could come out and take a shit in the middle of the ring and still get a standing ovation. TNA fans have never been known to boo ex-WWE talent right after jumping. And why should they? They should show appreciation that mildly big stars (and Sting, Foley and Angle) have shown any sort of interest in their company whatsoever. I assure you, you're likely alone on this.
Those views heavily contradict those of Slyfox!

Lol I thought nobody would notice I posted a point in Slyfox fashion. But I do agree with what he taught me.

Really? I remember saying that Foley could come out and take a shit in the middle of the ring and still get a standing ovation. TNA fans have never been known to boo ex-WWE talent right after jumping. And why should they? They should show appreciation that mildly big stars (and Sting, Foley and Angle) have shown any sort of interest in their company whatsoever. I assure you, you're likely alone on this.

I am aware of that, but since TNA fans seem to be rather different from the WWE fans, I didn't expect Foley to receive such a great reaction as what he did. Thats a credit to the TNA fans, I guess. It is good that they show appreciation towards the stars. But just imagine if Vince McMahon suddenly appeared on TNA. I would expect the fans to boo him, since he was representing the WWE for many years. Keep in mind though Sam, that Mick Foley's arrival to TNA is the first major ex WWE star debut on TNA that I've personally seen as I haven't been a TNA fan for very long.
See I disagree here. Good heels are supposed to get booed no matter what the situation is. The fans shouldn't cheer Kurt Angle, because it isn't his job to get respected and cheered for his amazing wrestling skills, it's his job and every other heels' job to get booed by the fans no matter what he does, inside or outside the ring. That's what makes a good heel. That is what the WWE heels do better than the TNA heels today, but that can partly be blamed on the fans themselves. Smarks have always like Kurt Angle since I can remember. The bottom line is that if a heel does his job correctly, most if not all the fans in the arena should boo him. Heels get appreciated by being booed. It's their main purpose of their character..

This isn't the only topic about blaming us the fans for issues in wrestling, so, here is a piece I wrote in response to Sly's post:

While there was plenty of people booing the Faces and Cheering the Heels for a LONG TIME, The WWF(E) & WCW is the people you can turn your blame towards. Even though there were the idiots that cheered the heels and booed the faces just to be pricks, they were not numbering the size to affect a show.

The Austin Era is where it all began in my opinion. Fans lost touch with whether or not to cheer or boo him confusing all the blind fans. The "Blind" fans as I refer to them are the people that refuse to believe that wrestling is scripted and to this day will argue with you until you finally say, "Yes! Its real! NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!". Those are the fans that no matter what LOVE the Face, And HATE the Heel. They will cheer the FACE and Boo the HEEL. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. They still by FAR out number the Smarks or the people you blame for ruining wrestling.

All the federations ruined wrestling by turning it TOO MUCH into a soap opera. Remember back when WWF Challenge was on tv? All the talking segments pretty much came while watching a match! Ahhhhhh, the days of old! Don't get me wrong, they still had interviews, but the were TONS more action compared to today. Wrestling sucks today merely because you get more drama than wrestling. I am guilty of the DVR. I can no longer watch a show as it airs because I have fell in love with the FF button. Not only do I not have to watch the same commercial during every commercial break, but I can FF through Booger T's DUMB AS FUCK accent and stupidity. I can also FF through some really bad Diva's action. WWE is definatly losing the battle with the woman.

I don't watch wrestling to see who people cheer and as far as I am concerned, I could give to shits of who people is cheering. Personally myself, I really can't see the connection of how the Fans are the reason wrestling sucks. They didn't write the garbage we watch from BOTH TNA & WWE. Wrestling always comes full circle (Meaning it always rebounds when they finally find what will work) and I have faith that some day it will happen again.

It's ridiculous. The chant should only be used when a very high spot has taken place. I don't think the TNA fans have realized that suicide dives really aren't that hard yet. ;) Yes, agreed. They need to go outside of Florida much more often. But I think that will happen eventually, just give them enough time to expand. Hopefully this will eventually solve the problem of the seemingly mindless TNA fans.

The "Chant" is brought on by TNA themselves. They, like the WWE, put people in the crowd that will try to start chants. They are trying to get a casual fan that stumbles accross a show to see it and say "WOW! TNA seems like an AWESOME show because listen to that chant and how loud they are!" Just like the cuts coming in TNA (Agents and soon wrestlers), this is what TNA is shooting for. Moving out of Florida and around the country to see how they do. You need MONEY to do so and cutting the fat is usually a good sign they are planning on going mobile. 60 wrestlers on the roster is pretty HEFTY considering the same 15-20 are on TV every week. Why pay the rest to do, well, NOTHING?

Yes I am aware of that. But I was shocked that they treated him with respect as I wasn't sure how they would react towards him. I expected him to receive quite a large amount of boos, since he was fresh from the opposition company, which TNA fans seem to dislike strongly

Like the other person said, HUH? Are you kidding me? Mick Foley, a true innovator of wrestling. He is the HARDCORE ICON. PERIOD. His wrestling style and ability to take leaps off a 20 foot high steel cage onto a cardboard table changed wrestling as it is known today. ECW single handedly changed wrestling and pushed it into an Era of HARDCORE. Which ALL wrestling feds from WWE to the ICW changed their style to. Mick Foley not getting cheered would have been a CRIME for all he put his body through to get the RESPECT he rightfully deserved. Mick Foley in the eyes of a true wrestling fan is, A wrestler, not a former WWE Superstar, a WRESTLING STAR!
Im not sure I think fans outside of Orlando are ok, I mean on PPVS usually they is a great reaction, nothing like WWE but thats because its WWE and the place is always sold out, but when it comes to the iMPACT zone crowd they are simply terrible, maybe its becasue the sound is rubbish or the post iMPACT editing is bad but every week wrestlers like AJ and Joe get little to no pop at all, and then fans cheer when they should boo and boo when they should cheer its like what is wrong with you? They remind me early WCW fans! I think TNA should probs move the place its being filmed obviosuly I dont think this will happen anytime soon but im sure they can get better reactions out of 5 people in a barn somewhere then they could in the iMPACT zone!
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