The Biggest Problem TNA Has Overall?

What Or Who Is TNA's Biggest Problem?

  • Dixie Carter

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Vince Russo

  • Overall TNA Product

  • Lack of Product Marketing

  • The X Division

  • The Knockout Division

  • Tag Team Division

  • Presence of Former WCW and WWE Stars

  • Huge Roster

Results are only viewable after voting.


This year I've noticed that complaints in the TNA section have risen dramatically. While there are always going to be complaints regarding something, neither TNA or WWE can ever be regarded as "perfect". After all, each company has done, currently is or will do something that some of us don't like or approve of. Some of the complaints are steered at certain angles or storylines, some are geared towards TNA Creative, some towards management and some towards members of the TNA roster itself.

Of all the complaints and problems that have been levied against TNA, which do you think is the overall greatest?
The biggest problem that TNA has is having too much on the show at one time.

Think about it. How many times have you seen every guy get on back to back shows? So many times you see various guys be on the show one week and off the show the next. It's hard to keep track of what's going on with just two hours a week. With so many guys on the roster, some cuts are needed. Either that or another show. Everything is so crunched together that it's nearly impossible to keep track of things.

To tie into this, there is too much emphasis on Hogan vs. Flair. Flair, to the best of my knowledge, has one major victory over Hogan which was at Uncensored 99 in a match I'm sure most of you don't remember at all. Nearly 1/4 or more of every show is about these two and their arguments over a ring or whatever. If TNA just has to do those two, fine, but don't make them a quarter or more of the show. It's ridiculous and total overkill.
I voted for the product because, as the poster above said, there's too much going on at once too often for any of it to sink in. It kinda feels like they're throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks and are doing it far too often for any of it to mean anything.
The biggest problem that TNA has is having too much on the show at one time.

Think about it. How many times have you seen every guy get on back to back shows? So many times you see various guys be on the show one week and off the show the next. It's hard to keep track of what's going on with just two hours a week. With so many guys on the roster, some cuts are needed. Either that or another show. Everything is so crunched together that it's nearly impossible to keep track of things.

To tie into this, there is too much emphasis on Hogan vs. Flair. Flair, to the best of my knowledge, has one major victory over Hogan which was at Uncensored 99 in a match I'm sure most of you don't remember at all. Nearly 1/4 or more of every show is about these two and their arguments over a ring or whatever. If TNA just has to do those two, fine, but don't make them a quarter or more of the show. It's ridiculous and total overkill.

I knew that I'd wind up forgetting one, I just knew it. This is only the second poll I've ever done and I'm not at all surprised that I forgot about TNA's huge roster.

He's head booker and I really don't think Hogan is booking as much as people think he is. I think he's in the room... but I think he knows he's not a booker and is just sort of filtering ideas.

Russo has even admitted hes burnt out and needs a break... but as many speculate (no1 wants to take his job because than the finger gets pointed at them)

Go buy Jim Cornette's YouShoot at and he dedicates a good half hour of the four hour vid on his hate for Vince Russo.

Also like KB mentioned.. Too much going on for as little time they have..

They have 75 signed talents for a 2 hour long show and yet there opening up shows with a 6-10 man 30 min brawl.
I always said that the biggest problem that TNA has was the lack of marketing. When you look at the WWE, you know exactly what WWE ever since Vince bought the WWE from is dad, he did everything in is power to market to product. He brought in all the big name stars, spend a lot of money to make what the WWE is today.

TNA on the other hand has been around for almost 8 years now and still if you ask the average fan out there, they won't know what TNA is? If you ask the average fan who Hulk Hogan or Kurt Angle is, they probably going to answer you that they are either WWE Wrestlers or former WWE wrestlers.

TNA never found the time to just sit down, look at the product they wanted to give to the fans and promote the living hell out of it. They are all about the word of month and nine time out of ten, that technique doesn'T work.

Just look at the recent debacle of the monday night wars. 2 things is pretty obvious when you look at the whole situation, first they didn't take advantage of the momemtum they had from the january 4th show. The buzz TNA had after that show was enormous but instead of build a marketing campaign and push on that buzz they had, they didn't do nothing for 10 days and continue like the january 4th show didn'T happened.

Secondly, they waited 2 month before going back to mondays and did promote anything outside of hogan'S return to the ring and that was mostly because of Hogan who was the only one that had the common sense to promote the show.

TNA need to stop spending their money on big name stars and start putting money in the marketing department because if the casual fans don'T know what your product is all about, you can put all the big names you want in it, they still won't tune in to watch.
TNA does have allot of problems to work on. All of the above mentioned in the survey, are all probably an issue that TNA needs to cover. Its nothing personal against the company, but if they want to move forward and be the biggest name in pro wrestling then grow some balls or something.

I said a couple of months ago, when Hogan/Bishoff came in, that TNA is starting to see the light. They know that in order to stay afloat they needed to bring in some big guns, who know the business VERY well. Now, I may not be a big Hogan fan, but at least he brings some credibility to the show. Angle is really the only other TNA figure that I have felt...prior to Flair and Hogan....that has ANY creadibility from outside the company coming in.

TNA still has a golden chance to actually be something more then what it is now. They have hit the mark so many times its not even funny. But something happens to derail it. Do I think moving back to Thursdays was a good idea? No, not really. What they should have done is move to Fridays. IMPACT vs Smackdown. Impact stays live...what are you going to watch? A live show, or the pre-recorded one that you can get the results for Tuesday nights? I think that is a no brainer.

For now though, Thursdays is where it is on TV again. I am fine with that. TNA can stay put for awhile, and work out all the little kinks in the chain, and move to whatever day they want. Once they do that, stay put and see what happens.

By the way, I voted for Vince Russo. Not because I don't like the guy, but I couldn't really justify any other reason. Bubba The Food Spunge was not on the list....damnit.
One more thing that is wrong with TNA. They should do more touring, in the United States. When they go over to Europe, they seem to get over HUGE! I was at a house show here in So-Cal a few months ago, and it was GREAT! The crowd was all in it, actually better then the last RAW show I was at. If they spend more time on the road, oh yes TNA will have more momentum that way too.
I believe that TNA's biggest problem is Hulk Hogan as the "on-air" match maker (although I'm sure he's the backstage match maker as well). I was watching TNA last night and happened to notice that Hogan was making all these matches to keep his "team" looking good while somewhat making Flair and his "team" look somewhat weak. I don't believe that TNA (nor the WWE for that matter) should have any type of wrestling personality, present or past, as an on-air match maker. It makes it seem like something isn't balanced. I loved the Jim Crockett promotions (Mid-Atlantic, namely) because no one really knew that Ole, Dusty & a few others were pulling the strings. They would have never outright indicated such on TV.

Also, the whole "wrestler or former wrestler in power" gig has been done I dunno how many times. It's old, stale, borning and predictable. Flair, for all he's done to better the industry, should really understand this more than anyone else and pull rank. I guess money speaks volmues with his silence on this matter. TNA will NEVER excel to the heights it should be and could be with Hogan pulling the strings (again, back stage and on camera).
I voted for the overall product, because I couldn't pick ONE problem without feeling like I was ignoring ten others. Basically, it would be "all of the above".

From the Impact Zone itself to the large roster, from Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and the other old timers to Vince Russo and Dixie Carter, no matter what you choose, it isn't a wrong answer. A good argument can be made for one or multiple choices.

I understand TNA fans look at their product through rose colored glasses, and will probably assume anything critical of TNA is attack from a WWE loyalist, but they need to get past it and look at their product objectively.
I think the answer isn't on the list.

I believe it is the fan base in wrestling honestly. There are a little over 4 million people who watch wrestling compared to the 10 million from the mid 90's. Out of that 4 million TNA has about 1 million give or take and not all of them are just TNA fans. That is why when they switched to Monday they lost viewers because Raw was on. It is not because of Hogan or Russo or Storyline or anything else on that list. They advertised Flair in a main event and they even advertised RVD vs Jeff Hardy during the 9pm slot for a title shot later in the show and still nothing. Wrestling is dieing. Fans allowed WWE to create a monopoly and sorry to say it, but there is no way any other company can over take that. Everyone has allowed Vince to run with anyone as champ and any story line he wanted to and people kept watching Raw week after week. There has never been anything on Impact as bad as the Rosie vs Trump match and fans kept tuning in yet people will stop watching TNA because Hogan getting 3 segments on a Impact show.
The biggest problem with TNA right now, is the comparisions people are making. GIVE IT TIME PEOPLE, they are starting to try to build something great, when Bischoff originally took over WCW they didn't all of a sudden become the greatest thing on the face of the earth. They didn't instantly win the ratings war and all of that. Hogan and Bischoff both are two great minds and for the most part I think Hogan should give a little more free rain to Bischoff and let him work some magic. TNA is still new to the average wrestling fan.

I am a big wrestling fan, not just a tna or just a wwe fan but an ROH fan, as well as other independent promotions. TNA will be good for professional wrestling as would ROH if they would be able to strike a national television deal. Give TNA some time and let's see what they can do.

If I did have to pick something for TNA to do, it would be to bring in a mind like Paul Heyman or Tommy Dreamer to the creative aspect, ECW with the Dudley Boys, Dreamer and Paul Heyman on creative really had some original and innovative concepts that drew people to watch the show even for those of us that for a while had to watch it at 1 am on the spanish channel (yes the commentary was in english tho with Joey Styles) so put a little bit more creative genius there.
I think pretty much all of the reasons listed are to blame. The main problems I personally have with TNA is Hogan being on several times every week, and putting himself and team Hogan over. They have a huge roster like other posters said you may see a guy one week then it may be another week or so till they're seen again. Instead of showing team Flair and team Hogan several times give other guys a chance.

If the rumors on what a lot of the original talent are getting paid compared to what former WWE guys being brought in are getting paid are true. That could be a huge problem in the long run. I'm not saying everyone should be paid the same, but a guy like Daniels who busted his ass for them was released cause he was to high payed. I wouldn't be surprised to see other originals get fed up and leave. While guys like Hogan and Flair are getting paid huge money for taken up space.
The main problem with TNA is that they're repeating the exact same thing WCW did right before it collapsed. That is, focusing primarily on people whose prime was back in the 90's; hiring Vince Russo, who hasn't done anything good since 1998; absolutely burying the midcarders to the point where nobody cares anymore; and claiming that they're different than WWE, but, in reality, doing the same thing WWE is doing, minus the PG thing.

If TNA wants to be serious competition with WWE, they need to put almost all of their attention in the up-and-comers (SOME veterans can be kept around to act as mentors) and get the Hell out of the Impact Zone! (WWE did the same thing starting with the New Generation era and their popularity soared). Cutting back on gimmick-heavy PPV's, Impacts and matches wouldn't hurt either (Lockdown was a cool concept for maybe one or two PPV's, but becomes stale very quickly.)
The whole darn thing. Let's break it down.

They don't know who they're writing for.
OK, TNA likes to say it's the Adult program on air. If that's the case, why isn't it giving us many adult storylines? Angle/Anderson was excellent, and the Orlando Jordan storyline could really have gone somewhere, but other than that the stories are written for people of...lesser intelligence. Abyss feuding over a ring that makes him act like Hogan? I'm actually amused by this but when it's wrapped up in a product that likes to shove blood and swearing in places it doesn't belong, it just seems wrong. TNA needs to decide whether they're trying to put on a mature product or a family-friendly one.

The roster is gigantic.
Honestly. There are so many people on the roster, and with one show, there just isn't enough time to showcase everyone. People are getting shafted, or forgotten, and the whole thing is a mess. TNA needs a new show in order to showcase their talent in an organized way. If they don't want or do not have the resources to make a new show, it's time to start trimming the fat.

Hogan and his friends take up too much airtime.
Don't get me wrong, I like Hogan, a lot. I was always a Hulkamaniac. However, Flair and Hogan don't need to take up a quarter of the show. It doesn't leave enough time for the giant roster to develop their storylines and is another reason TNA needs a new show. Things are not getting the time they need, and Hogan is a big reason why.

The Impact Zone
Fuck the Crucial Crew. Fuck the Impact Zone. TNA needs to get out of Orlando and start exposing their product to the world. The Crucial Crew and the rest of the crowd makes episodes of Impact sound depressingly indy, with their ridiculous chants and attempts to get themselves over as opposed to getting the show itself over. Make it stop.

Lack of Marketing
There is a good chunk of people who don't watch TNA because they don't know it exists. TNA needs to really, REALLY start marketing their product. I'm talking the works. Ads, billboards, everything. Spread the word! Get it out!

Vince Russo
He wouldn't know good sense if it hit him over the head with The Blue Blazer's harness.

There are too many things TNA needs to fix. The overall product is just flawed.
I voted for overall product because i believe that their biggest problem is lack of consistency. Every week its like they've just forgotten what they did the week before which is really ridiculous since they have a live show and then tape the next show what the next day, same day? not sure on that one but i know its shortly after the live show.

The throw way too much new stuff at people all the time and then completely forget about it, like with Samoa Joe being captured or this mess with Eric Young, and many others.

Its not just consistency either, they barely promote their storylines at all and theres not even many storylines to begin with. What is the point of Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson, for that matter what was the point of Anderson and Pope. Why should i care about either or those feuds, why should i care about RVD vs. Styles. That one at least has the title involved but even that was just thrown together.

There are so many others, i could go on for hours but im not going to. What TNA needs to do is cut their roster, focus on their storylines and get a second show for the X Division and thats just for starters.
you forgot to put the "Crucial Crew"

anyways, the lack of marketing is one of their lowest points, and the fact that Dixie listens to "the fans" (internet smarks)... as for the divisions, they're all right, i'd maybe revamp the X Division, fire some of the Indie flip monkeys like Kendrick or GenMe, Homicide too, nothing against him, but since LAX split he faded into obscurity and a few to none care about him... then bring in some luchadores from Mexico or Japan Cruisers to make it look les indie and more proffesional, the KOs division is fine, i laugh the fuck out about geeks complaining about "they should sell Wrestling, not sex", lol, it's great to have women that can really Wrestle, but if they're hot too, why souldn't let them show their god's gifts, it's a great plus, they can pull off a great match and then play a striptease or strip poker, they sell BOTH, nothing wrong with that, Wrestling is not a pure sport and never will be, even if Cornette, Meltzer or Sapolsky wants us to believe that, get over it....

TNA is heading on a good direction, i think they should push guys like Rhino or Tomko again, they already are pushing more big guys than before, it's not a bad idea, i think Hogan is trying to do something along the lines of WWF/E Ruthless Agression era, i mean big guys geting pushed (Terry, Joe, Morgan, Hernandez / Lesnar, Goldberg, Nathan Jones...), more participation of hot chicks (Beautiful People / Torrie, Stacy, Sable...), legends keeping it up with the young guns (Angle, RVD, Foley / Austin, Rock... Angle), some good Cruiserweight action (something WWE forgot)... it's not a bad idea
I think the answer isn't on the list.

I believe it is the fan base in wrestling honestly. There are a little over 4 million people who watch wrestling compared to the 10 million from the mid 90's. Out of that 4 million TNA has about 1 million give or take and not all of them are just TNA fans. That is why when they switched to Monday they lost viewers because Raw was on. It is not because of Hogan or Russo or Storyline or anything else on that list. They advertised Flair in a main event and they even advertised RVD vs Jeff Hardy during the 9pm slot for a title shot later in the show and still nothing. Wrestling is dieing. Fans allowed WWE to create a monopoly and sorry to say it, but there is no way any other company can over take that. Everyone has allowed Vince to run with anyone as champ and any story line he wanted to and people kept watching Raw week after week. There has never been anything on Impact as bad as the Rosie vs Trump match and fans kept tuning in yet people will stop watching TNA because Hogan getting 3 segments on a Impact show.

Dude I agree with you whole heartedly.... Its all about fanbases. The WWE has a set fanbase 50 years in the making and TNA is approaching its 8th year.
Ive been telling people for ages that if the WWE was as old as TNA is and they started in 2002 they would
be facing the same struggles.... And maybe even sinking with the product theyre putting out.
Had to vote for Russo, though Hogan is giving him anal he's so close behind.

Storylines need to make sense and be entertaining at the same time. He hasn't done that for me. I'm not a Russo hater, it's just the way I see things.
The close second is that there's just WAY too much Hogan. He's not TNA's saviour, TNA is his. They don't need Hogan. Nobody is watching because of Hogan. Hogan hasn't done anything that amounts to anything thus far in TNA.
TNA needs there OWN thing. there OWN ideas, and there OWN wrestlers.
Back few years ago, tna had a roster of AJ styles, ABYSS, Samoa Joe, Daniels, LowKi, Homicide, Chris Harris, Pete Williams, Cm Punk "briefly with TNA".
Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Amazing Red, Elix Skipper, Team Canada
That was like there own thing. And the six sided ring was great also. TNA a few years ago was truly DIFFERENT, and innovative. Now, with all these old farts, and wwe rejects coming in, It just doesnt seem like TNA to me anymore.
They could at least kept the 6 sided ring. Bring that ring back!. I think the wrestling fan base loves new ideas and outside the box structure. TNA needs to go back to that, and stop worrying about beating wwe in ratings. JUST BE TNA.:shrug:
The whole product.

3-5 minute matches, face - heel turns every other week. Hogan and Bischoff sucking air time from everything. the confusing storylines. just too much.

for example. look at EY before Hogan and Bischoff got there he was in a decent angle with World Elite one of the companys top heels, then what? does show up for weeks, comes back as face with nash to feud with the band, kevin turns on him *SHOCKER* EY feuds with the band for a couple of weeks, loses a match against nash a couple weeks later comes back and turns heel again with nash! WHAT THE HELL? also the Motor city machine guns any time they're #1 contenders TNA always manages to screw them over and either make it a 3 way or 4 way or on impact they lose their chance at the titles, whats the point of having them become #1 contenders if they dont book them in a decent title match.

look at the Knockout's division 8 months ago, look at it today. just horrible, they're willing to go out and sign people who shouldnt be signed and waste their money on, and they take the focus away from the KO's.

back to the useless signings i mean i see why they signed RVD, but why waste money and air time on BTLS, the nasty boys, OJ, hall and waltman, i mean i like nash i wish he could do a backstage position but whatever.

but yeah its the entire product they need to work on.
I think the answer isn't on the list.

I believe it is the fan base in wrestling honestly. There are a little over 4 million people who watch wrestling compared to the 10 million from the mid 90's. Out of that 4 million TNA has about 1 million give or take and not all of them are just TNA fans. That is why when they switched to Monday they lost viewers because Raw was on. It is not because of Hogan or Russo or Storyline or anything else on that list. They advertised Flair in a main event and they even advertised RVD vs Jeff Hardy during the 9pm slot for a title shot later in the show and still nothing. Wrestling is dieing. Fans allowed WWE to create a monopoly and sorry to say it, but there is no way any other company can over take that. Everyone has allowed Vince to run with anyone as champ and any story line he wanted to and people kept watching Raw week after week. There has never been anything on Impact as bad as the Rosie vs Trump match and fans kept tuning in yet people will stop watching TNA because Hogan getting 3 segments on a Impact show.

RIIIGHT the fan base is to blame was they have chosen not to watch a substandard product. :lmao:

To it is Dixie Carter as ultimately the buck stops with her.
I think most of the problem is that the TNA roster is too big to feature enough talent on each weeks show. i mean theres like 70+ talents in TNA and they're trying to cram as much talent as possible into one show short of creating a new second brand which I think they need.

All they need to do with this is to put the Main people in Impact Matches and put smaller people on a small second taping, Kinda Like WWE Superstars
Just a quick one, but I personally believe that TNA's biggest problem is a lack of a 2nd show. I suppose this would come down to their huge roster, but basically, they don't need to trim it down, they need to give them all more exposure, & another 2 hours a week is an ideal way to do this.
I could write a 10 page report on the problems of tna, but I will try and summerize to keep from losing my mind. The biggest problem with tna is Dixie Carter. When you sum it all up, Dixie runs the company, makes the decisions to bring in talent (hogan/bischoff), and there are even rumors that she interferes with the booking of matches. It doesn't matter if you feel hogan, bischoff, russo, overall tna product is the problem, because Dixie is the one in charge so the blame ultimately falls on her.

I want tna to succeed, because i love "wrestling". The only way that's going to happen is for Dixie to decide what type of company is she trying to build, a wrestling company or sports entertainment. I'll be the first to tell you Dixie that you are not going to beat vm at his own game and thats sports entertainment. The more i watch tna, the more it begins to resemble wwe. What happen to the exciting x=division? What the heck is going on with the k.o. division?

I'm sorry to tell you but the less we see hulk hogan as an on air talent, the better the product will be. Hogan should not be beating up young stars like aj, wolffe, beer money. These are the guys the company should be building around as tough heels and faces.

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