The Biggest Match Still Out There


The Legend
I was wondering: Out of all the potential matches that are possible in wrestling today, what match would make you think, "Wow. I HAVE to buy this PPV so I can see this match!" This isn't for "fantasy matches" where Bret Hart in his prime could face Kurt Angle in his prime. I'm talking guys who are still around or are always talked about coming back (like Goldberg, Flair, but not someone obviously retired like HBK).

I can think of 4:

- Undertaker/Sting: Even well past their primes this would be one of those "must see" matches and would just be surreal to see them squaring off.

- Goldberg/Kurt Angle: To my knowledge, they've never wrestled. If I were TNA, I'd be throwing everything at Goldberg, even for this one match. Goldberg is still a huge name and the casual fan would be drawn in by him.

- Undertaker/Goldberg: Probably wouldn't be as good as it would've been in 2003-2004 when Goldberg was in WWE, but would still have that enormous match feel.

- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs John Cena: This one would probably be the biggest money maker. The Attitude Era's golden boy vs the PG Era's golden boy. I can imagine an enormous build, great mic work, and just an intense brawl. I hope this happens one day. (Note: I'm giving this a nod over Punk/Austin for the obvious reason: Cena is a megastar, Punk isn't. At least not yet)

What are yours?
- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs John Cena: This one would probably be the biggest money maker. The Attitude Era's golden boy vs the PG Era's golden boy. I can imagine an enormous build, great mic work, and just an intense brawl. I hope this happens one day. (Note: I'm giving this a nod over Punk/Austin for the obvious reason: Cena is a megastar, Punk isn't. At least not yet).
Out of all the matches you listed and the possible matches I can think of, this takes the cake easily.

With situations preventing Hogan from battling Cena years ago, it would be wise to go with the next best thing. Like Hogan, Steve Austin was a huge mega star that ushered in an era that helped take WWE to heights unheard of at the time. Hogan and Steve Austin both have always been the most popular superstars to ever step foot in the WWE. The only difference, it isn’t too late for Steve Austin. Judging from Tough Enough a few years back, Steve Austin can still go. While Hogan is busy suing some Spine Institute over causing him to miss a match against Cena, Steve Austin can certainly take the spot there and fill the role to perfection. Neck issues aside, Steve Austin is working with one of the safest and most professional guys on the roster in John Cena; so he won't have to worry about carelessness you might find in some of the younger talent.

If Steve Austin were to come back, John Cena should be his definite pick as a rival. With all the positives of a match with Punk, he’ll never be able to outdo a match with Cena at Wrestlemania. John Cena is certainly where the money is at. Given that Wrestlemania 30 is right around the corner, we need a huge match to top all other matches and this will easily take the cake. A match to rival the greatness of The Rock vs. Hogan - we need another one of those. It may not be the most popular opinion of some of the forum members, but it is by far the smartest.

Book that shit.
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. John Cena for sure is a huge, huge match that is not entirely out of the realm of possibility like the other suggestions are.

Another one is Undertaker vs. John Cena. Sure Taker is old now and can barely move but Cena going after the streak would be a mega hype machine for WWE.
I have two others that come to mind, but these two dream matches are never really discussed, The Rock vs. Sting and John Cena vs. Sting. Personally I'd love to see these two matches more than Undertaker vs. Sting. Both Rock and Cena are much healthier and in better condition than Taker, I could see better matches coming from Rock/Cena and Sting than Taker and Sting. And Rock has competed in pretty much every dream match except with HBK and Sting.
Taker vs. Sting will almost certainly never happen. Sting keeps re-signing with TNA and Undertaker's physical health has deteriorated to such a point that last year's WM might be it for him. If you've seen Sting as of late, it looks like the wear & tear is catching up with him as well.

Angle vs. Goldberg is probably less likely to come about than Taker vs. Sting. I have a feeling that Goldberg would want the moon & stars to compete for TNA for even one match. The WWE has negotiated with Goldberg recently, on more than one occasion, but the negotiations have always fallen through. Goldberg himself has said he'd return to WWE for the right price. That right price is probably somewhere in the ball park of Brock Lesnar and Goldberg isn't worth that. I highly doubt Bill Goldberg would take an offer from TNA, which would probably be dramatically reduced from what WWE could offer. Even if it wasn't, TNA's not going to risk bankruptcy just to pay Bill Goldberg. I doubt there'd be much of a payoff for TNA. They've already spent years stacking their roster with wrestlers that were every bit the star that Goldberg was, some of whom were much bigger, and TNA has generally had little to show for it financially.

As for Taker vs. Goldberg, see everything I already said about Goldberg & Taker and simply apply it here.

Cena vs. Austin is the only one of these matches that I think is the least bit plausible. Again though, there are serious questions regarding Austin's physical health. Sure the guy looks great but that's on the surface. It wasn't that long ago that Austin had another surgical procedure. I think it'd be interesting and would generate a ton of ppv buys. Personally though, it'd feel too much like Cena vs. Rock for my taste. It'd feel more like two guys jousting each other verbally for the sake of their own egos rather than anything else. The fans would cheer for Austin while booing Cena. Austin would insult Cena, Cena would insult Austin while trying to be all cutesy at the same time, etc.
Austin vs. Cena would be great and would bring lots of cash for the WWE, but there would be no difference in the feud. Would simply be a guy from the Attitude Era coming back to laugh at what WWE has turned into and their new Face, only differences is, it would lack any personal animosity, that Rock & Cena had.
I'll also have to go with the matchup between Steve Austin Vs John Cena.

It's easy money if you think about it, all that has to happen is for the two to bump into each other or talk smack about some movies (for lack of a better term) they've been part in and we have a big money Main event.

And it could also work out better than Cena Vs Rock due to the fact that Steve Austin really shouldn't be that busy and could make regular appearances on most shows. But the major problem of this line-up would be Austin's health, he might be still able to cut great promos but his physical involvement in a feud will have to be severely limited in order to prevent him from injuring himself before the actual match.

So it will be more talking and beer trucks and less run-ins and beat downs... as in none.

But would it draw that way ? Of course it would, the "old-school" fans that love Austin and want to see get his behind kicked will be more than into it and so will the kids that want Cena to beat up the nasty geriatric hillbilly.
I agree with Austin/Cena. We never got to see Hogan/Cena so this would be the closest thing. It would have been nice if it would have been able to happen some years ago, but it could still happen and be a draw now. Another that probably won;t happen that would still be cool to see is Undertaker/Sting. The match might not be so great, but the promos could be amazing.
Another that probably won;t happen that would still be cool to see is Undertaker/Sting. The match might not be so great, but the promos could be amazing.

Sting had the chance to partake in a match and he made his decision to stay in TNA. But I will agree that the match-up would absolutely draw, I remember when the rumor was floating around that Sting would jump ship to feud with the taker and face him at WM, the internet was a buzz ! The idea was widely regarded as positive and within hours you could find fan-made PPV posters and trailers everywhere.

However it might only be interesting to more knowledgable and older wrestling fans that actually know that this would be a big deal, so the kids won't be into it as much if at all.

But I will agree that the promos could be great if done correctly, they would have to be heavily scripted and contain a lot of mysic shenanigans in order to get this over as an epic confrontation for all fans.

And both participants would have to be careful and not engage in anything that could hurt them. As we all know the Undertaker is suffering greatly from many injuries and therefore is only able to wrestle once a year (And he always perfoms magnificently).
The biggest matches I can think of include:

1. John Cena VS Undertaker
2. John Cena VS Stone Cold
3. Sting VS Undertaker

The most likely to happen would obviously be Cena VS Taker. Both are still involved with the WWE and Cena is the only person left who would still be believable in ending the streak. If he did it would be the heel turn of a lifetime. The next most likely is Cena VS Stone Cold. Stone Cold facing Cena seems even more intruiging now that Cena has faced The Rock. I doubt it would happen though, as I don't see Stone Cold working that "one last match". Few would deserve to work with him more than Cena though. I am unsure if they would want to hype it for a whole year like they did with Cena VS The Rock, but the build leading up to it would surely be fantastic.

Then there's Undertaker VS Sting. Sting would probably never take up the offer to work a match in WWE though, not even at Wrestlemania. We would have seen it by now. Seeing him face someone like Undertaker would be a huge deal if it ever did happen though. A couple of other matches I'd want to see for the sake of history alone would be Cena VS Hogan or even Stone Cold VS Hogan. The main problem with those is that Hogan can no longer work a decent match and there's no way in hell that it could live up to the hype. Had they been able to do them before Hogan joined TNA and when he was still able to work a match it could have been cool to see. I still consider both among the biggest matches still out there even if the chances of seeing them are next to nothing. The names involved alone would generate interest in purchasing said PPV event.
There is two matches that stand out for me and they be C M punk vs The Undertaker and C M Punk vs Austin. If Undertaker does return, then I expect that this will be his last wrestlemaina and who better to end the streak then C M Punk. it would not only cement his position on the roster for years to come but would also cement his place in WWE history and as far as Austin vs Punk goes, the match would be on a par with Cena vs the rock from last years Wrestlemania and would be one of the biggest draws WWE has had in years.
Viscera vs. King Kong Bundy. Those fuckers are huge.

Oh, wait, you were talking about drawing power?

I don't know that there is any real big matchups left.

Guys like Goldberg and Austin the likelihood of them returning shrinks by the day. Sure, they'll say they intend on coming back and all that jazz, but they only do that to keep their names relevant.

Sting will never wrestle for the WWE. Take him out too.

Matchups that I'd like to see, and that would be "big matchups" to me, at least...

I'd like to see Bobby Roode vs. John Cena. I think that would be a ball of fun.

I'd like to see Abyss vs. Kane. That would also be pretty fun.

That's really kind of it, I think.
The most obvious answer is probably CM Punk vs. Steve Austin, a match I hope we get at WrestleMania 30. Undertaker vs. John Cena is another huge potential WrestleMania match they could cash in on (I can see the billing now, THE CHAMP vs. THE STREAK).

I'd also like to think that Kurt Angle will return for one last run in the WWE, and if he does come back then I'd love to see Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan and Kurt Angle vs. CM Punk. Seeing Angle vs. Lesnar or Angle vs. Rock one more time would be cool too.
How about Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker? A match that actually has the potential to happen at this coming Wrestlemania if booked. Sure, we've seen it before years ago, but both guys were very different back in the early 2000's both in gimmick and in their personal feud. We've technically seen Undertaker vs. Cena back during Cena's early days, so if that can be brought up, this match certainly qualifies as well.

Undertaker vs. Lesnar would be huge. It's widely known that the two have somewhat of a rivalry. If they can agree to work together, they can accentuate this rivalry and make some very compelling segments on the way to a big-draw PPV main event. I'd envision the match would probably be hardcore in some way or another (Cell, No DQ, etc), which would make it that much more interesting to watch. Sure, Undertaker doesn't have much less in the tank, but if he's going to work a few more matches over the course of a few more years, then this would be a big one that I'd be surprised if the WWE doesn't end up cashing in on.
REALLY bordering on the 'possible' element here...

A couple of years ago it seemed like things between TNA and WWE were becoming almost friendly. Acknowedging title reigns, Foley's book advertised on while he was still working for TNA...

It got me thinking, if they could put aside any differences for a month for one EPIC PPV...

Ending in a 6 man ta finale...

Rock, Cena & Taker, Vs Sting, Hogan and Angle.
Besides what has been said, I'd like to add Cena vs Jeff Hardy for the WWE Title.

Unfortunately, Jeff just signed a 2 year deal to TNA, so there goes that. I thought it should've happened at Mania years back when Jeff was hot.
Undertaker vs Lesnar isnt a big deal, even juvenile fans know that a legend like Taker isnt losing to a part-time guy like Lesnar. Older fans Absolutely Know that a living legend like Taker isnt losing to a guy who only works a few shows a year and doesnt have anywhere near the legacy he has. At least year there was a legit chance Taker's streak could end vs HHH, Trips is a legend like Taker, had put him over before, and their was the chance HBK could screw Taker as Guest Ref, either for revenge for ending his career, to help his long time best friend and tag team partner, or both. Worse yet, if WWE actually let a part time non wrestler like Lesnar beat Taker there would be riots. That would have been like having Kenny Dykstra end Flair's career during his Win or Retire Run during a non televised house show in some small mid west town.

Taker vs Cena: The only problem is the likelihood the crowd could turn on Cena which would look bad for WWE TV as he is their biggest fan fav and hero. This would have to be done very carefully to sell the mutual respect between the two to protect Cena post match.

Taker-Punk: With Cena winning The Royal Rumble & Rock winning The World Title it's obvious WWE Nation will focus on their re match and the various side stories. From a storyline aspect the timing for Taker vs Punk couldnt be better. It makes perfect sense Punk would seek out Taker, jealous he is shut out of the main event spotlight despite his 400 plus day title reign, what better way to outshine both Cena, his natural arch rival, and Rock, the prodigal son who stole his title after disappearing in Hollywood for a year while he carried the company on the road and on PPV. Punk maybe the last guy on the roster who fans would believe legitamately might beat Taker at WrestleMania.

Taker vs Sting: There is no indication Sting is leaving TNA, although I imagine if he did he could get a 6 month run for the ages in addition to at least one Best of DVD & a HOF Induction.

Steve Austin & Brett Hart are not coming back as both are way too injured to even try to wrestle a regular match. IWC Fans may like the idea of Austin vs Punk but the money is in Austin vs Cena, biggest star of The Attitude Era vs The Biggest Post Attitude era star, two huge attractions but polar opposites in style and presentation. If Austin came back and faced Taker with The Streak on the line that would be huge. Austin would be a part time attraction but as a long time wrestling star with almost as much time in the ring as Taker, a legit main event superstar, it would be believable he might win.

That said, no one should end The Streak. There is something inherently special about The Streak and it's place in Taker's legacy, plus it's place in elevating his legacy in the annals of wrestling history. The problem is with each passing year it becomes harder to find someone the audience believes can end The Streak. In reality it maybe time for Taker and The Streak to fade into wrestling retirement.
How is Shawn Michaels off the table? How many guys really stay retired? I think he is still relatively healthy. Probably healthier than Austin. Regardless though, the correct answer is Austin vs just about anyone. Austin/Cena is probably number one but I think Austin/Rock or Austin/Lesnar or Austin/Punk or even Austin/Hogan would pull in huge numbers if done correctly.

But I'd also like to see what kind of draw Michaels/Rock or even Michaels/Lesnar could pull.
Since 1996, several wrestling fans have highly anticipated the match consisting of Sting, and The Undertaker. Reason being, is because of how both of their monikers are very similar. Both of them have these dark, daunting characters which make each other largely comparable. It has been 17 years on and this dream match still hasn't transpired, unlike any other dream match fans have sought; not one of them were almost two decades the wait.

As much as I hate to say it, I doubt we will perceive this match at all. Undertaker is 47 and Sting, is 53. Both of these legends passed their primes a long time ago, at such points in their lives, we won’t witness what fans would call: a great match, especially because it has been 17 years in the making. The Undertaker hasn't had one match since last year’s Wrestlemania, and as the result, he suffered rib injuries which have not yet healed. For Sting, it's a parallel case as we haven't seen one decent match from him since last summer, when he faced Bobby Roode at Slammiversary. Now his matches turn out to be "fights". Meaning he hasn't had a straight, one on one match since. And when he is in these matches, the only thing that I witness from him; are a few punches, Clotheslines, and his finisher moves.

The reason this match still hasn't taken place is because of Sting, not signing with the WWE as he is anxious that he wouldn’t be treated as well as he deserves, after his hard work and effort situated in the industry, from 1985 till 2001. To be wrestling for 16 years, I’m 100 percent that he would be respected as much as he deserves. Why would any superstar disrespect him at all, unless they’re jealous? If these people had not seen him before, he could have proven to many, why a number of fans look at him as a great.

Even if Sting does realize that jumping to the WWE would be a tremendous move, for himself and many fans, the match still wouldn’t reach my satisfaction. The chances are slight; it all depends on what Sting does in a few months, as his contract is suspected to end this year. If he extends his contract, then we can forget him ever facing Undertaker, as another WWE superstar is very likely to end the streak, since many want to sight this ultimately. If he goes on to sign with WWE; then the dream match will become a reality. The only problem is, it would delude and frustrate many, especially as fans would have been expecting the fantasy match since the mid-90’s.

So to conclude and to reply to many posters, the greatest match out there is unlikely to be Sting vs Undertaker. If Sting wanted to go to the WWE he would have done it already. And both men are also ageing, so a Wrestlemania match most probably wouldn’t live up to its expectations.
For me, there are no two superstars who now paired together would strike me as the biggest match stil out there, the likes of Hogan v Austin, Goldberg v Austin, Rock v HBK or Undertaker v Sting are not going now due to various reasons.

THe biggest match still to happen for me is a match I hope happnes soon, the WWE Champion v the World Heavyweight champion to unify the two biggest titles in the world of wrestling. As long as the two (or more) competitors are the likes of CM Punk, Randy Orton or John Cena that match would be/will be huge.

However in in terms of a big match with two specific superstars, at this time I can't really think of one.
I think what needed to be said has been said. What I'd like to add as a wild stab in the dark would be John Cena vs Ken Dietrich from UFC. Combining these two might get both fanbases fired-up? Just a thought...
You guys named most of the big matches already so im not going to name them again but I think Kurt Angle vs CM Punk would be money. Also Austin vs Orton used to be a dream match which would be great to see as well
Why is everyone say Sting v. Taker will be a good match? Sting wears a damn t-shirt to the ring and Taker's a deteriorating man. Sure it would be surreal, but would the in-ring match really translate as opposed to just the two different characters?

Regardless, I'd think Punk/Austin or Cena/Austin would be $$$$$. Absolutely. But I doubt an in-ring return from Austin is going to actually ever happen.

Rock v. Brock II at SummerSlam in August would be an absolute magnet for heat. Too bad neither of them are regulars and it would probably suck due to their lack of appearances. But I don't doubt it happening.
Austin vs. Cena would be great and would bring lots of cash for the WWE, but there would be no difference in the feud. Would simply be a guy from the Attitude Era coming back to laugh at what WWE has turned into and their new Face, only differences is, it would lack any personal animosity, that Rock & Cena had.

I agree, it would be tough to beat Rock/Cena and make it different/more interesting.

We've seen that show....and now I'd like to see what Austin/Punk can do. I think their personalities would provide an epic build, and also provide a better match as well.

Sting-Taker?? I was excited 2 years ago....but that excitement has fizzled. I guess it's time to move on.

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