Lets say.......................?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lets say that Bret Hart, shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin , Andre The Giant , Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bill Goldberg, Lex Luger was in their prime condition and agreed to have one last match at WWE Wrestlemania or at TNA Bound for Glory in any match you want, who would you book in the match with them anyone you want? and Who would win?

for me i would have......

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan: winner Stone Cold
AT Wrestlemania theres no other place where this could happen!
for me this is the dream match of dream matches Hogan/Austin who was the biggest draw who was the biggest icon with out a doubt Austin.

Andre the giant vs The Undertaker Winner: The Undertaker
At Wrestlemania
this would be the undertakers biggest opponent ever it would be a shitty match but the story these guys could tell and watching undertaker struggling to beat him would be epic.

Bret Hart vs kurt Angle Winner: Kurt Angle
At Wrestlemania or even Bound For Glory
i beleive these 2 to be the greatest techical wrestlers in history the match would beat benoit/angle and proberly HBK/Angle just my opinion but id have Kurt Angle win 1) to add drama to the match and it would be nice to say that Angle beat HBK and the hitman

HBK vs Randy Savage Winner:HBK
At Wrestlemania
who is really MR Wrestlemania the build up and pay off would be amazing the style of HBK and the story telling of Randy Savage this match would go down as the greatest ever just my opinion!

Goldberg vs Bobby Lashley Winner:Goldberg
At Bound For Glory
Power vs Power this would be an interesting match to watch.

Lex Luger vs John Cena Winner: John Cena
At Wrestlemania
this would be a good feel good moment MR America Lex Luger vs the MR US Army John Cena great build up to this match and i think the story telling in the match would get the fans bumped.

thats just my thoughts what do you guys think?
this isnt that great of a thread, it will be off soon haha. I really dont care about any of the matches but there was one thing that caught my eye: HBK vs Macho Man for the title of "Mr. WrestleMania", well if that were the stipulation i'd say you would have to add Undertaker to this match or replace him with HBK. Cause I BELIEVE the real Mr. WrestleMania is the man thats 18-0 at WrestleMania. Im not taking anything away from Shawn, he has had some great Mania moments. But come on, he lost a lot more than he won at Mania and the Deadman is 18-0, beating HBK twice in a row might i add
Goldberg vs The Road Warriors Ha no one has ever thought of that, huh? Warriors were pure dominance. So was Goldberg. Kings of the squash. Warriors win after 3 Doomsday Devices.

Ricky Steamboat vs Shawn Michaels Guys with technical skill with a dash of some minor high flying. Could be a masterpiece. Steamboat wins

Ric Flair vs Buddy Rogers vs Gorgeous George battle of the guys with the blonde hair and robes. Flair wins.

Superstar Billy Graham vs Hulk Hogan Both could talk, both had huge arms, but one was the longest reigning heel WWF(E) champion and the other is Hulk Hogan.
Hogan wins

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