The Biggest Losses TNA Has Faced

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Pre-Show Stalwart
On the heels of Bully Ray reportedly being done in TNA, which may be the biggest blow of all recent releases, it made me wonder: what, in your opinion, has been the biggest loss TNA has faced in their history? While I'm mostly referring to wrestlers that have left, this could also include something like 'losing monday nights' or some other loss that you feel hurt the overall quality of the product.

While I think Bully Ray leaving, at this stage, is in the top three losses in TNA history, my number one would have to be Christian Cage. While it took a while for Christian to settle into TNA, when he found his footing he became by far the most entertaining part of the show, especially his heel work which may have been some of the best of his career. His time is TNA showcased for the first time that he could be a credible world heavyweight champion and I have no doubt he was one of their top draws at the time that he left. Even though TNA had a lot of 'big name stars', Christian was one of the only ones putting on quality television for them, and losing a wrestler they had put so much effort into badly hurt their product.

What or who do you think has been the biggest loss for TNA?
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