The Biggest Crowd Pop You've Ever Heard


One of the most intriguing and interesting things about the pro wrestling business is the reaction from the live audience. The live audience can make or break a match or even an entire show, so they are most certainly an extremely important factor to any wrestling event.

With all of that in mind...

What is the single BIGGEST/LOUDEST/CRAZIEST pop you have ever heard for any thing that you've ever seen on any pro wrestling television show?

I will post mine here in a little bit, but first I got to go do some research on YouTube to narrow it all down :)
Some of the biggest pops I can remember are.

1. Raw before Invasion 2001 when Austin charged out to the ring to beat down every member of the alliance. That had such a major pop from the crowd as everyone went nuts when he came out.

2. Raw that Mick Foley won the WWF Title the first time. Again, Corporation (like the Alliance) was dominating until Austin came out and beat the crap out of the corporation and helped Foley win.
3. Judgment Day 2000-Undertaker makes his return. When Taker returned, everyone went nuts even though it was the American badass gimmick, people were just so happy to see him.
Triple H's first return from his quad injury at Madison Square Garden.(I believe that's where it was)

I believe JR also said it was the loudest ovation he ever heard.
-How about the pop for Hulk Hogan's return at WrestleMania 21 to beatdown Muhammed Hassan and Daivari. HUGE!!!!!!!!

-Chris Benoit defeating Triple H at Madison Square Garden at WrestleMania 20!

-Goldberg beating Hollywood Hogan on Monday Nitro for the WCW World title. Also if you go back and watch it, listen to the pop Goldberg gets when he lifts Hogan for the JackHammer.

-Ric Flair's return to Monday Nitro and reuniting with the Horsemen in 1998 after being fired.

-On the Raw where Mankind won the WWE Championship, the pop that Steve Austin got when his music hit and he came out and nailed The Rock with the steel chair!!!!!:flair:
Triple H's first return from his quad injury at Madison Square Garden.(I believe that's where it was)

I believe JR also said it was the loudest ovation he ever heard.

Seconded. I've always loved that one. I've heard longer pops, but not louder.

1) When stone cold steve austin's music hit during the mick foley vs. the rock match for the title.
2)Triple H returning to the garden in 2002.
And over the summer on August 13th 2007, i was at the Raw and SNME tapings at madison square garden and the final part of the night was stone cold suprise showing up as vince mcmahons illegitamate son, the crowd went nuts, i dont know how crazy it was on television but being in the crowd was intense. The clip was put on an extra section in the new Austin dvd that just came out, that moment meant something to me seeing as he was my favorite growing up
There are a few I can think of offhand here.

1. Goldberg wins the wCw championship from Hogan on Nitro. That was absolutely nuts as he had been champions seemingly forever and the nWo was still way over so everyone hated him and loved Goldberg. Huge mistake in not doing this match at Starrcade or some other ppv.

2. Mick Foley wins his first WWE title. This was possibly the single biggest underdog champion other than Rey Mysterio. I mean, we all knew where he came from and about his hardcore, take sick bumps style. But to see him win the title? And Austin comes out to hit Rock with a chair, plus DX carrying him around. That was nuts.

3. Here's a new one. RVD beating Cena for the WWE title at ONS. It was in ECW territory and the crowd was incredibly hostile towards Cena. This and for years RVD had been billed as the best superstar never to hold a world title. When Edge came out and he hit the five-star the place came unglued. Then Heyman comes in to make the count..unforgettable moment.

4. Now this might just be one of my favorite segments ever but also had a huge pop. Austin coming out and taking out the Alliance when they had WWE beaten down. I'll never forget J.R. screaming, "The old Stone Cold is back...the rattlesnake is striking anything that bah gawd moves."

5. Triple H coming back was also a huge one, but it's already been mentioned alot so I won't go in much detail. It had just been so long since we'd seen him and were so excited for his return which was incredibly hyped going in.
one of the CRAZIEST pops when Steve Austin involved in the rock's match at Back Lash 2000, man he came with the chair that was crazy he raised hell and after that the rock became the new WWF champion.
I always thought the Pop for when everyone thought Jericho beat HHH for the Title on Raw was huge. At the time HHH was so hated. A pop because of who lost not who won. Always a great moment to me.
I'm not sure about on TV, but I'd probably have to say Austin at Backlash 2000.

Live, its no contest. Psycho Sid in early 97. I've said it in multiple threads, that guy was over in 1996-97, way over. The whole place was chanting Sid, then when his music hit you couldn't hear yourself think. Hate on Sid all you want, but his popularity was undeniable. He wasn't even in the main event, yet he out popped all four guys that were (Bret Hart, Undertaker, Austin, and Vader), HBK, and other big names on the card. People broke down the guardrail tryng to give him "bumps."
Edge cashing in his MITB title shot, NYR in Albany, NY - What made it even more impressive is people were booing the hell out of him in the beginning of the night but treating him as a savior by the end.
this wasn't the biggest pop i have ever heard bu it was one of my favourite
It was when The Rock came to confront Hulk Hogan on raw .Then after the rock chall;enged hogan and he crowd was pretty loud.:hogan:
Wow after reading most of the post I can definally tell the new generation fans from the old attiude era fans.

Theres been a lot great "pops" over the years but one that definally sticks out for me is......

The Rock in 2001 when he returned in July on Monday Night Raw. Nobody didn't know if Rock would stay with the WWF or go with WCW/the alliance.

Last time we saw the rock in 2001 was when he was getting screwed by Vince, getting his ass whiped by HHH and Austin and losing the title in a steel cage match on Raw. So for the Rock to come back to the ring and decide which company to be with was very exciting and memorable. The arena he was at was in Philadelphia and the crowd went crazy when his music hit.
one of the biggest pops i ever heard was the undertaker debuting the american badass gimmick that crowd was insane

and one i always liked was double a spin busting undertaker at wrestlemanis X8 even jr was exicted

and the 1st time sting attacked the nwo that crowd was nuts
Well I am going to take it old school, well not that old school but older then what you guys are talking about.

How about Wrestlemania VIII Hulk Hogan vs Pysco Sid when Ultimate Warrior made his return. That place erupted! For as much as people dislike Warrior now, people went nuts for him back then. Hogan was getting beat pretty bad by Papa Shango and Sid, and then all of a sudden that music hits and out comes Warrior!!! People lost their minds that night
Austin's return and Rock's title win at Backlash 2000 and HHH's return in 02 by miles and miles.

Those were the three I was going to say but since they have been took I'm going to say Jericho's debut he got a really loud pop even though he got owned by the Rock.
Its hard to think of one recently (past year), just because the crowd have been awful lol. (Except MSG and Chicago).

Im probably gonna have to go with the return of HHH from his first injury. Man that was good.

Any Stone Cold appearance was been pretty huge, bar a few.

When Cena was drafted to RAW, also.

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