The Big Summer Angle

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I was just reading some comments on the main page about how WWE never delivered the big summer angle that many were expecting. I've also read that here on the forums. I'm a little confused. The WWE champion turned heel during his title reign and we had the Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar feud. Those things seemed pretty big. I think people are too busy wondering what will happen that they don't even realize what is happening. If you're disappointed there was no big summer angle, what were you expecting?
I think it's the combination of Lesnar/HHH match at SummerSlam not being as good as Cena/Brock plus most of the SummerSlam PPV not being that well received that makes people think this summer was bad. Though comparing this summer to the last two years before this was somewhat of a step down.
Many were expecting something in the vein of Punk's shoot in 2011. It's the way society is, no fault to anybody. You give them Star Wars, they'll eventually want Empire Strikes Back. They'll probably get Return of the Jedi, and it will be decent, passable...but it won't be perfect in their eyes.

I'm not a fan of hyping up these "big moments". There's so little to do in the creative process when you're booking around 2 or 3 big moments a year, and letting everything else coast until you get there. What made CM Punk's huge moment last year such a shocking event was both its simplicity and the feeling of randomness. It seemed uninspired by the current story, so it felt real and everyone flipped their shit. If you're going to throw a surprise party, it's best not to have everyone parked in the driveway, so to speak.

I think WWE has done a fine job in the last year of providing some interesting stories, and I was content with the way this summer panned out. The Lesnar/HHH story wasn't near as good as it should have been - in my opinion anyways - and I still like polarizing, shocking heel turns instead of these wishy-washy slow "let the audience decide" characters, but on the whole I think they're doing a decent job. Raw is in Chicago tomorrow; should be a great show.
I was just reading some comments on the main page about how WWE never delivered the big summer angle that many were expecting. I've also read that here on the forums. I'm a little confused. The WWE champion turned heel during his title reign and we had the Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar feud. Those things seemed pretty big. I think people are too busy wondering what will happen that they don't even realize what is happening. If you're disappointed there was no big summer angle, what were you expecting?

Lesnar/HHH was weak. The match was fine, but the feud was barely existent. Neither man spent much time on television.

Punk turned heel late in the summer, and fucking Big Show was involved.

Weak summer, and I can easily see why some were underwhelmed. I know I was.
It's big stuff, but not really on par with Nexus or Summer of Punk 2.0 as far as landscape changing stuff goes.
Not a mod Nick has time to speak the truth. I can dig that. Lol at anyone calling whatever CM Punk is doing right now big. And yes I have no clue what he is doing and that is the point.
Not a mod Nick has time to speak the truth. I can dig that. Lol at anyone calling whatever CM Punk is doing right now big. And yes I have no clue what he is doing and that is the point.

I think it's big, but it wasn't "the big summer angle." Big Show turning heel was supposed to be a big deal. Obviously it wasn't, but good luck explaining that to Vince a month prior to the turn.
It's just made up crap by the dirtsheet guys.

I would agree with this. It's not like WWE themselves have said a big angle was coming.

When someone says "big angle" I'd think along the lines of an angle where lots of people are involved. Nexus, or Aces & Eights,not saying these are good angles btw just that they are "grander in scale" with several main event players involved. Maybe that's what people are complaining about?
I guess they planned to do something with Punk turning heel but that didn't really work. So I think they abandoned it.

He was booed when he took out The Rock, but cheered a week later. They can try as hard as they want but he'll still get cheered.

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