The big show?


Dark Match Jobber
Last night on Smackdown, as i am sure everyone saw, The Big Show decimated the Undertaker to say the least. I understand that they are going to try to make Show look badass before he goes over to RAW, but why The Undertaker?

I think they should have done it to someone else. The Undertaker is to respected to be humiliated like that. I dont see why they couldnt have done it with someone else, that would still have the same effect on. Maybe Mark Henry, or another high mid carder, low main eventer.

On a different note, with the recent Main event status on The Big Show, what direction do you think his character is going? Perhaps a dominant monster Heel? Do you think that the Vickie Angle is over?

And with the Undertaker, does anyone see a future feud with him? Another run with the title maybe?

You dont have to reply to everything, just give your opinions on what you want
Well it gave Big Show a push going into RAw to make him look like a stronger heel. hes been on a roll recently and i would imagine he may fued for the title as some point during this year. i just hope he cuts out all the vicky guerro crap.

as for humiliating the undertaker. hes been a main eventer for 17 years, he is undefeated at WM, has held numerous titles, and rarely loses. The loss on smackdown will not harm his credibility in the slightest, especially considering taker beat Show in a fued at the end of last year.
It's not like that was the first time Big Show has beaten Taker in that fashion. Didn't he do the same thing at No Mercy last year?

Certainly Taker can handle the loss. He rarely takes such a clean defeat, so such a thing was refreshing to see.

Hopefully this goes somewhere for Show.
Getting a win over Undertaker is a plus for everyone. The fact that Big Show decimated Undertaker on Smackdown showed his dominance and allowed him to officially go on Raw with a bang. I'm not sure if I really liked WWE's decision to make Undertaker get beaten like that, but what can I do? As for Big Show, ever since Wrestlemania, when he lost, he's been going through everyone in his way. So, I think that he will definitely be in the World Championship scene later this year. I don't know if he'll win it, but if his Vickie storyline continues, then he will.
Big Show and Taker feuded last year, and it was a big dud. They tried to have a lot of feuds with Big Show vs. (Insert Big Man here) and all of them blew. They're not going to try to have another Taker-Show feud, especially because basically every match they have now starts out as a boxing match between these two giants, which nobody wants to see.

I don't know who to give credit to for this idea, but it's not mine, and it's probably right. Big Show is going to have to step up and be the number two heel on RAW after Orton. Who he is going to feud with is still a mystery to me. Maybe he'll continue a program with Cena, which I think would be boring, or possibly Kofi. I think most likely, in the spirit of keeping things fresh, they'll have him feud over the US title with MVP.
The Big Show has spent the past year doing whatever the WWE brass has wanted him to to prove that he is a company guy, I believe that this way is a great way to do it, he needs to make a big splash and beating taker is a good way of doing so, the Undertaker needs time off to heal from nagging injuries and Big Show needs this big push so eitherway he needs to become something more then just a fat ass comedy character with big man boobs, so this is the best way to give him a monster push without him being the ECW champion again and plowing through the entire roster with hardcore matches!
Big Show is going to have to step up and be the number two heel on RAW after Orton. Who he is going to feud with is still a mystery to me. Maybe he'll continue a program with Cena, which I think would be boring, or possibly Kofi. I think most likely, in the spirit of keeping things fresh, they'll have him feud over the US title with MVP.

We've never had a feud between Show and Shawn Michaels or a memorable singles feud with Show and Batista, and you want to pass a hot prospect like Show off to Kofi and MVP? That makes no sense at all when Kofi is a green spot-machine and MVP is overrated and jobbing clean to Dolph Ziggler. Neither of those two deserve to lace Show's boots.
i just posted this in a similar big show post a little earlier...ive always been a fan of the big show & thought he wasn't given a fair chance in his 2 runs as wwe champion.i am sick to death of the same people in the world title picture, triple h, orton, batista blah blah blah.let the big show be the unstoppable monster he really should be, instead of scrubs like rey mysterio & jeff hardy pinning him all the time... HE'S A BEAST!!! look at his cobra clutch throw.but im tired of him trying 2 act like a knockout artist ever since he got knocked out by mayweather.well either way i think he should be the next ic champ or at least have a nice 5 or 6 month world title run as an unstoppable monster kinda like the extreme giant thing they did in ecw a few years back
it's been a while since i really cared at all about the big show. but recently, since he's been starting to dominate and looks like he should, i've been taking him a lot more seriously. i actually like his knock out punch. think about it. i guy his size punching you in the face, that would really suck. ha. show should get a good push on raw.
i forgot the taker ever lost a match to be honest. i dont even remember ever seeing him really lose any in the matches ive seen over the years. its hard to really pick who beats him. big shows a believable pick since size-wise he's much bigger and i would think impossible to tombstone but im sure he's done it somehow

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