The Big Show Returns


Last night on SmackDown!, the Big Show made his return to the WWE after a 4 month absence. Show came out to a great pop from an already pretty energetic crowd and I thought he just flat out delivered on the mic. I think it may have been the greatest night of his career when it comes to promo delivery.

I thought Show did a great job of selling the after effects of his attack at the hands of Mark Henry. I thought he also did a good job of selling his emotions. While I don't think he was really THAT emotional, it still looked good and further conveyed how hard his "injury" was on him.

Henry's stuff on the mic continues to be strong and I wasn't at all surprised that we saw Show get the better of him by the time the night was over. The chokeslam through the table looked good and realistic. Henry's a big guy his feet aren't gonna be dangling over Show's head or anything, but the impact of the move looked great. Mark Henry has been plowing through people, even a dominant face like Randy Orton, for months now so having him look vulnerable to someone like Show works. After all, you don't want to make a guy seem too invincible.

Not only did they manage to make Show look like a credible threat to Mark Henry's World Heavyweight Championshp run, but, personally, they managed to create a feud between them that I want to see. Whodathunkit? This could be a feud that should deliver some honestly solid matches with good storytelling. As long as they keep the title on Henry, it should work out just fine. Henry has just been flat out delivering and taking the title off of him right now would be a mistake.
Show's return far exceeded my expectations, last night's promo was without a doubt the best from him that I've seen in years and I'm really happy to see him and Henry starting up a feud. Henry did his part on the mic as well but Show sold that shit so well that he had me almost applauding with tears of joy streaming down my face, he was excellent and I was very happy to see him not only deliver on the mic, but in action. His antics with security and his full on beating of Henry were awesome, especially the chokeslam through the table(I called it Notorious :) ). I was dissappointed that Show didn't jump down and crush Mark's leg in order to get a shot at the title because I doubt he'll win it(if he did I wouldnt be pissed tho) and having him hit WSM with the chair just wasn't as gratifying. Oh well, this has the potential of being a great giant fued and I can't wait to see what's next.
i do agree the big show made a solid return last night. great promos from both mark henry and big show. this will be a good feud as long as the wwe doesnt mess it up. wow i would almost like to say that i hope the big show wins the title off mark henry so that he could have one last title run then hand it down to someone younger. but taking the title off henry at this point in time is a terrible idea. cant wait to see how things unfold between these 2 i think it looks very promising.
He was very impressive. He judged the tone of his promo perfectly and spoke about the right stuff. When he was tearing up, I felt that. It made me forget that he wasn't actually injured. But that's always been one of Show's attributes. He's a good actor and promo guy. And the fact that the crowd were really into it was a great thing too.

The only problem I actually had with his return is his beat down of Mark Henry. Whoever thought it should go down that way greatly misjudged it. Henry is still supposed to look dominant. Even Randy Orton looked like he was dominated by Henry. Big Show should be no exception.

So yeah, a very good return, but the way the beat down was booked was awful.
About two weeks ago i was wondering what would they would do with Big Show when he returned. Safe to say im happy with how things went this week on Smackdown. A faultless promo from Show has me interested into seeing how far this feud can go. The problem with two big guys like Show and Henry are that it's harder for the smaller guys to work with them. There really isn't much more you can get out of Orton/Henry after their last two matches so it makes sense to pair two big guys like Henry and Show who im sure are going to have a good match as their can both use their power to pull off some big spots.

I expect Henry to win to keep this massive monster heel run going. If he lost to Big Show it would kill most of the momentum they spent so long building. Anyway Show is at the stage in his career where he should be putting talent over. He doesn't need the title and im sure he knows that.
I'm glad to see Big Show back. He did a great job with his return promo where he basically demanded a title shot from Henry. I doubt he will win the title but it will be good because it gives Henry something to do and Show gets immediately put back into the world title seen upon his return. It would be nice to see him get another run. Hey, if Mark Henry of all people gets a world title run then there is no reason why Big Show shouldn't get one too. I can see the two of them possibly main eventing the next PPV.
Big Show is an excellent addition to Smackdown. For one thing, it gives them someone to have Henry feud with. I enjoyed the Randy Orton/Mark Henry feud, but what we're going to have develop between Henry and Show has the potential to be really good. Show's going to come out and look for revenge and if they put Henry over it'll make him look even stronger, making whoever can eventually take him down look like a viable champion and a viable threat.

Some people are complaining about the beat down, but you have to look at the big picture. I've already mentioned it, but when Henry eventually wins the blow off match (which I'm assuming he will, as it won't make much sense to give Big Show the belt) he'll look like an even bigger monster, because he just overcame the biggest threat he'd faced yet. Personally, I think it would make for a great way to have Daniel Bryan cash in. A brutal match between the giants, only to have Bryan come out and cash in after finally snapping (which seems to be where they're heading).
I like Big Show's return, but IMO WWE shouldn't have announced it on RAW before SD. It totally killed any surprize element they had of keeping Show's return a secret. Which is precisely why SD should be a live show, b/c a moment like this didn't deserve to be ruined. I did enjoy seeing him return, but it could've been alot bigger if WWE did purposely ruin it.
Really enjoyed the promo; just another proof that Big Show is actually one of the better guys there are on the mic. He may not be on a Chris Jericho/CM Punk/Triple H level, but he's definitely in the upper tier of promo guys. It's actually a bit unfortunate - cause a guy like Big Show doesn't even need those promo skills; based on his size & looks alone, you can always just book him as a monster and it will work without him even having to say a word; whereas A LOT of other guys on the roster could use an ounce or two of Big Show's mic talents.

But in any case, it's good to have the big man back, he's really somewhat grown on me... Probably the best all-around big man ever, if you do not count the Undertaker, who can't be touched as an overall package when speaking of big man wrestlers.
show is a guy i wished retired but have grown to just ignore during tv mainly due to he has been on smackdown for a while, but i really do hope henry beats him and continues on forward, show is one of those people now who did dosent hurt him if he loses or if he wins, i think it be better for the company if he started to put over some of the younger people.. i was one of i hope to be many people who didnt even think of the bigshow while he was gone and i thought it was a very lack luster return.. it feels like its been done before.. and by the way he got ran over by a car [thanks del rio] but a chair to the foot took him out 4 mths?...

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